private boolean compileJava( final CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, Collection<File> files, Collection<File> classpath, Collection<File> platformCp, Collection<File> sourcePath, DiagnosticOutputConsumer diagnosticSink, final OutputFileConsumer outputSink) throws Exception { final TasksCounter counter = new TasksCounter(); COUNTER_KEY.set(context, counter); final JpsJavaExtensionService javaExt = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance(); final JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = javaExt.getCompilerConfiguration(context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject()); assert compilerConfig != null; final Set<JpsModule> modules = chunk.getModules(); ProcessorConfigProfile profile = null; if (modules.size() == 1) { final JpsModule module = modules.iterator().next(); profile = compilerConfig.getAnnotationProcessingProfile(module); } else { // perform cycle-related validations Pair<String, LanguageLevel> pair = null; for (JpsModule module : modules) { final LanguageLevel moduleLevel = javaExt.getLanguageLevel(module); if (pair == null) { pair = Pair.create(module.getName(), moduleLevel); // first value } else { if (!Comparing.equal(pair.getSecond(), moduleLevel)) { final String message = "Modules " + pair.getFirst() + " and " + module.getName() + " must have the same language level because of cyclic dependencies between them"; PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message)); return true; } } } // check that all chunk modules are excluded from annotation processing for (JpsModule module : modules) { final ProcessorConfigProfile prof = compilerConfig.getAnnotationProcessingProfile(module); if (prof.isEnabled()) { final String message = "Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules from cycle [" + chunk.getName() + "] are excluded from annotation processing"; PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message)); return true; } } } final Map<File, Set<File>> outs = buildOutputDirectoriesMap(context, chunk); final List<String> options = getCompilationOptions(context, chunk, profile); final ClassProcessingConsumer classesConsumer = new ClassProcessingConsumer(context, outputSink); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( "Compiling chunk [" + chunk.getName() + "] with options: \"" + StringUtil.join(options, " ") + "\""); } try { final boolean rc; if (USE_EMBEDDED_JAVAC) { final boolean useEclipse = useEclipseCompiler(context); rc = JavacMain.compile( options, files, classpath, platformCp, sourcePath, outs, diagnosticSink, classesConsumer, context.getCancelStatus(), useEclipse); } else { final JavacServerClient client = ensureJavacServerLaunched(context); final RequestFuture<JavacServerResponseHandler> future = client.sendCompileRequest( options, files, classpath, platformCp, sourcePath, outs, diagnosticSink, classesConsumer); while (!future.waitFor(100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { if (context.getCancelStatus().isCanceled()) { future.cancel(false); } } rc = future.getMessageHandler().isTerminatedSuccessfully(); } return rc; } finally { counter.await(); } }
@Override public ExitCode build( final CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, DirtyFilesHolder<JavaSourceRootDescriptor, ModuleBuildTarget> dirtyFilesHolder, OutputConsumer outputConsumer) throws ProjectBuildException, IOException { if (!useGreclipse(context)) return ModuleLevelBuilder.ExitCode.NOTHING_DONE; try { final List<File> toCompile = GroovyBuilder.collectChangedFiles( context, dirtyFilesHolder, false, true, Ref.create(false)); if (toCompile.isEmpty()) { return ExitCode.NOTHING_DONE; } Map<ModuleBuildTarget, String> outputDirs = GroovyBuilder.getCanonicalModuleOutputs(context, chunk, this); if (outputDirs == null) { return ExitCode.ABORT; } JpsProject project = context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject(); GreclipseSettings greclipseSettings = GreclipseJpsCompilerSettings.getSettings(project); if (greclipseSettings == null) { String message = "Compiler settings component not initialized for " + project; LOG.error(message); context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage(getPresentableName(), BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, message)); return ExitCode.ABORT; } ClassLoader loader = createGreclipseLoader(greclipseSettings.greclipsePath); if (loader == null) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( getPresentableName(), BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "Invalid jar path in the compiler settings: '" + greclipseSettings.greclipsePath + "'")); return ExitCode.ABORT; } final JpsJavaExtensionService javaExt = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance(); final JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = javaExt.getCompilerConfiguration(project); assert compilerConfig != null; final Set<JpsModule> modules = chunk.getModules(); ProcessorConfigProfile profile = null; if (modules.size() == 1) { profile = compilerConfig.getAnnotationProcessingProfile(modules.iterator().next()); } else { String message = JavaBuilder.validateCycle(chunk, javaExt, compilerConfig, modules); if (message != null) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage(getPresentableName(), BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, message)); return ExitCode.ABORT; } } String mainOutputDir = outputDirs.get(chunk.representativeTarget()); final List<String> args = createCommandLine(context, chunk, toCompile, mainOutputDir, profile, greclipseSettings); if (Utils.IS_TEST_MODE || LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Compiling with args: " + args); } Boolean notified = COMPILER_VERSION_INFO.get(context); if (notified != Boolean.TRUE) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( "", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, "Using Groovy-Eclipse to compile Java & Groovy sources")); COMPILER_VERSION_INFO.set(context, Boolean.TRUE); } context.processMessage( new ProgressMessage("Compiling java & groovy [" + chunk.getPresentableShortName() + "]")); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); StringWriter err = new StringWriter(); HashMap<String, List<String>> outputMap = ContainerUtil.newHashMap(); boolean success = performCompilation(args, out, err, outputMap, context, chunk); List<GroovycOutputParser.OutputItem> items = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); for (String src : outputMap.keySet()) { //noinspection ConstantConditions for (String classFile : outputMap.get(src)) { items.add( new GroovycOutputParser.OutputItem( FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(mainOutputDir + classFile), FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(src))); } } Map<ModuleBuildTarget, Collection<GroovycOutputParser.OutputItem>> successfullyCompiled = GroovyBuilder.processCompiledFiles(context, chunk, outputDirs, mainOutputDir, items); EclipseOutputParser parser = new EclipseOutputParser(getPresentableName(), chunk); List<CompilerMessage> messages = ContainerUtil.concat( parser.parseMessages(out.toString()), parser.parseMessages(err.toString())); boolean hasError = false; for (CompilerMessage message : messages) { if (message.getKind() == BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR) { hasError = true; } context.processMessage(message); } if (!success && !hasError) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( getPresentableName(), BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "Compilation failed")); } GroovyBuilder.updateDependencies( context, toCompile, successfullyCompiled, outputConsumer, this); return ExitCode.OK; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectBuildException(e); } }