protected IRegion getRegion(IDocument document, final int offset) { StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); smw.init(document); try { Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return null; Node n = Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); if (n == null || !(n instanceof IDOMElement)) return null; IDOMElement elem = (IDOMElement) n; String tagName = elem.getTagName(); int start = Utils.getValueStart(elem); final int nameStart = start + (elem.isEndTag() ? "</" : "<").length(); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ final int nameEnd = nameStart + tagName.length(); if (nameStart > offset || nameEnd <= offset) return null; return new Region(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart); } finally { smw.dispose(); } }
/** * @param offset * @return */ protected IRegion getRegion(IDocument document, int offset) { StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); try { smw.init(document); Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return null; Node n = Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); if (n == null || !(n instanceof Attr)) return null; int start = Utils.getValueStart(n); int end = Utils.getValueEnd(n); if (start > offset) return null; String attrText = document.get(start, end - start); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(attrText); // find start of css class int bStart = offset - start; while (bStart >= 0) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sb.charAt(bStart)) && sb.charAt(bStart) != '_' && sb.charAt(bStart) != '-' && sb.charAt(bStart) != '.') { bStart++; break; } if (bStart == 0) break; bStart--; } // find end of css class int bEnd = offset - start; while (bEnd < sb.length()) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sb.charAt(bEnd)) && sb.charAt(bEnd) != '_' && sb.charAt(bEnd) != '-' && sb.charAt(bEnd) != '.') break; bEnd++; } final int propStart = bStart + start; final int propLength = bEnd - bStart; if (propStart > offset || propStart + propLength < offset) return null; return new Region(propStart, propLength); } catch (BadLocationException x) { // ignore return null; } finally { smw.dispose(); } }
public static IHyperlinkRegion getRegion(IDocument document, final int offset) { StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); try { smw.init(document); Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return null; Node n = Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); if (n == null || !(n instanceof Attr)) return null; int start = Utils.getValueStart(n); int end = Utils.getValueEnd(n); if (start < 0 || start > offset) return null; String attrText = document.get(start, end - start); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(attrText); // find start of bean property int bStart = offset - start; while (bStart >= 0) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sb.charAt(bStart)) && sb.charAt(bStart) != '.') { bStart++; break; } if (bStart == 0) break; bStart--; } // find end of bean property int bEnd = offset - start; while (bEnd < sb.length()) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sb.charAt(bEnd)) && sb.charAt(bEnd) != '.') break; bEnd++; } int propStart = bStart + start; int propLength = bEnd - bStart; if (propStart > offset || propStart + propLength < offset) return null; IHyperlinkRegion region = new HyperlinkRegion(propStart, propLength, null, null, null); return region; } catch (BadLocationException x) { JSFExtensionsPlugin.log("", x); // $NON-NLS-1$ return null; } finally { smw.dispose(); } }
protected String getAttributeValue(IDocument document, Node node, String attrName) { if (document == null || node == null || attrName == null) return null; try { Attr attr = (Attr) node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attrName); return Utils.getTrimmedValue(document, attr); } catch (BadLocationException x) { StrutsExtensionsPlugin.getPluginLog().logError(x); return null; } }
/** * @see *, * */ public boolean recognize(IDocument document, int offset, IHyperlinkRegion region) { StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); smw.init(document); try { Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return false; Node n = Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); if (!(n instanceof Attr)) return false; IHyperlinkRegion r = getRegion(document, offset); if (r == null) return false; Attr attr = (Attr) n; String attrName = attr.getNodeName(); if (!"var".equals(attrName) && !"basename".equals(attrName)) return false; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ Element lbTag = attr.getOwnerElement(); String name = lbTag.getTagName(); int column = name.indexOf(":"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (column == -1) return false; String usedPrefix = name.substring(0, column); if (usedPrefix == null || usedPrefix.trim().length() == 0) return false; String[] prefixes = getLoadBundleTagPrefixes(document, offset); if (prefixes == null) return true; // xhtml boolean prefixIsAbleToBeUsed = false; for (String prefix : prefixes) { if (usedPrefix.equals(prefix)) { prefixIsAbleToBeUsed = true; break; } } if (!prefixIsAbleToBeUsed) return false; Attr lbTagVar = lbTag.getAttributeNode("var"); // $NON-NLS-1$ Attr lbTagBasename = lbTag.getAttributeNode("basename"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (lbTagVar == null || lbTagVar.getNodeValue() == null || lbTagVar.getNodeValue().trim().length() == 0) return false; if (lbTagBasename == null || lbTagBasename.getNodeValue() == null || lbTagBasename.getNodeValue().trim().length() == 0) return false; return true; } finally { smw.dispose(); } }
/** * @see *, * */ protected IHyperlinkRegion parse(IDocument document, int offset, IHyperlinkRegion superRegion) { StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); smw.init(document); try { Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return null; Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); IRegion r = getRegion(document, offset); if (r == null) return null; String axis = getAxis(document, offset); String contentType = superRegion.getContentType(); String type = JSF_JSP_TAG_NAME_PARTITION; return new HyperlinkRegion(r.getOffset(), r.getLength(), axis, contentType, type); } finally { smw.dispose(); } }
/** * @see *, * */ public boolean recognize(IDocument document, int offset, IHyperlinkRegion region) { if (!super.recognize(document, offset, region)) return false; StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); smw.init(document); try { Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return false; Node n = Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); if (!(n instanceof Attr)) return false; Node parentNode = ((Attr) n).getOwnerElement(); String resourceAttrValue = getAttributeValue(document, parentNode, RESOURCE_ATTRNAME); if (resourceAttrValue != null && FALSE_ATTRVALUE.equals(resourceAttrValue)) return false; return true; } finally { smw.dispose(); } }
/** * @see *, * */ protected IHyperlinkRegion parse(IDocument document, int offset, IHyperlinkRegion superRegion) { StructuredModelWrapper smw = new StructuredModelWrapper(); try { smw.init(document); Document xmlDocument = smw.getDocument(); if (xmlDocument == null) return null; Node n = Utils.findNodeForOffset(xmlDocument, offset); if (n == null || !(n instanceof Attr)) return null; String axis = getAxis(document, offset); String contentType = superRegion.getContentType(); String type = getPartitionType(axis); IRegion r = getRegion(document, offset); if (r == null) return null; return new HyperlinkRegion(r.getOffset(), r.getLength(), axis, contentType, type); } finally { smw.dispose(); } }