Set<XBundle> getBundles() { Set<XBundle> result = new HashSet<XBundle>(); XEnvironment env = injectedEnvironment.getValue(); for (Resource aux : env.getResources(XEnvironment.ALL_IDENTITY_TYPES)) { XBundle bundle = ((XBundleRevision) aux).getBundle(); if (bundle.getState() != Bundle.UNINSTALLED) result.add(bundle); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); }
@Override public Set<XBundle> getBundles(Integer states) { Set<XBundle> result = new HashSet<XBundle>(); XEnvironment env = injectedEnvironment.getValue(); for (Resource aux : env.getResources(XEnvironment.ALL_IDENTITY_TYPES)) { XBundle bundle = ((XBundleRevision) aux).getBundle(); if (states == null || (bundle.getState() & states.intValue()) != 0) result.add(bundle); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); }
@Override public XBundle getBundleByLocation(String location) { assert location != null : "Null location"; for (XBundle aux : getBundles()) { String auxLocation = aux.getLocation(); if (location.equals(auxLocation)) { return aux; } } return null; }
@Override public Set<XBundle> getBundles(String symbolicName, String versionRange) { Set<XBundle> resultSet = new HashSet<XBundle>(); for (XBundle aux : getBundles(null)) { if (symbolicName == null || symbolicName.equals(aux.getSymbolicName())) { if (versionRange == null || VersionRange.parse(versionRange).isInRange(aux.getVersion())) { resultSet.add(aux); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(resultSet); }
@Override public XBundle getBundleById(long bundleId) { if (bundleId == 0) { return getFrameworkState().getSystemBundle(); } XEnvironment env = injectedEnvironment.getValue(); Collection<XResource> resources = env.getResources(XEnvironment.ALL_IDENTITY_TYPES); for (Resource aux : resources) { XBundle bundle = ((XBundleRevision) aux).getBundle(); if (bundle.getBundleId() == bundleId) { return bundle; } } return null; }
Class<?> loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (testClasses.contains(className) == false) throw new ClassNotFoundException("Class '" + className + "' not found in: " + testClasses); XBundle bundle = depUnit.getAttachment(OSGiConstants.INSTALLED_BUNDLE_KEY); Module module = depUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE); if (bundle == null && module == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot determine deployment type: " + depUnit); Class<?> testClass; if (bundle != null) { testClass = bundle.loadClass(className); BundleAssociation.setBundle(bundle); } else { testClass = module.getClassLoader().loadClass(className); } return testClass; }
@Test public void testInstallModule() throws Exception { // Try to start the bundle and verify the expected ResolutionException XBundle bundleA = (XBundle) installBundle(getBundleA()); try { bundleA.start();"BundleException expected"); } catch (BundleException ex) { ResolutionException cause = (ResolutionException) ex.getCause(); Collection<Requirement> reqs = cause.getUnresolvedRequirements(); Assert.assertEquals(1, reqs.size()); Requirement req = reqs.iterator().next(); String namespace = req.getNamespace(); Assert.assertEquals(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, namespace); } Module moduleB = loadModule(getModuleB()); XBundleRevision brevB = installResource(moduleB); try { XBundle bundleB = brevB.getBundle(); Assert.assertEquals(bundleA.getBundleId() + 1, bundleB.getBundleId()); bundleA.start(); assertLoadClass(bundleA, ModuleServiceX.class.getName(), bundleB); // verify wiring for A XBundleRevision brevA = bundleA.getBundleRevision(); Assert.assertSame(bundleA, brevA.getBundle()); BundleWiring wiringA = brevA.getWiring(); List<BundleWire> requiredA = wiringA.getRequiredWires(null); Assert.assertEquals(1, requiredA.size()); BundleWire wireA = requiredA.get(0); Assert.assertSame(brevA, wireA.getRequirer()); Assert.assertSame(bundleB, wireA.getProvider().getBundle()); List<BundleWire> providedA = wiringA.getProvidedWires(null); Assert.assertEquals(0, providedA.size()); // verify wiring for B Assert.assertSame(bundleB, brevB.getBundle()); BundleWiring wiringB = brevB.getWiring(); List<BundleWire> requiredB = wiringB.getRequiredWires(null); Assert.assertEquals(0, requiredB.size()); List<BundleWire> providedB = wiringB.getProvidedWires(null); Assert.assertEquals(1, providedB.size()); BundleWire wireB = providedB.get(0); Assert.assertSame(brevA, wireB.getRequirer()); Assert.assertSame(bundleB, wireB.getProvider().getBundle()); } finally { removeModule(moduleB); } }