private static ServiceName installSessionManagerFactory( ServiceTarget target, ServiceName deploymentServiceName, String deploymentName, Module module, JBossWebMetaData metaData) { ServiceName name = deploymentServiceName.append("session"); if (metaData.getDistributable() != null) { DistributableSessionManagerFactoryBuilder sessionManagerFactoryBuilder = new DistributableSessionManagerFactoryBuilderValue().getValue(); if (sessionManagerFactoryBuilder != null) { sessionManagerFactoryBuilder .build( target, name, new SimpleDistributableSessionManagerConfiguration( metaData, deploymentName, module)) .setInitialMode(Mode.ON_DEMAND) .install(); return name; } // Fallback to local session manager if server does not support clustering UndertowLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.clusteringNotSupported(); } Integer maxActiveSessions = metaData.getMaxActiveSessions(); InMemorySessionManagerFactory factory = (maxActiveSessions != null) ? new InMemorySessionManagerFactory(maxActiveSessions.intValue()) : new InMemorySessionManagerFactory(); target .addService(name, new ValueService<>(new ImmediateValue<>(factory))) .setInitialMode(Mode.ON_DEMAND) .install(); return name; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void init(String name, JBossWebMetaData webMetaData) throws ClusteringNotSupportedException { if (webMetaData.getMaxActiveSessions() != null) { maxActiveAllowed_ = webMetaData.getMaxActiveSessions().intValue(); } PassivationConfig pConfig = webMetaData.getPassivationConfig(); if (pConfig != null) { if (pConfig.getUseSessionPassivation() != null) { setUseSessionPassivation(pConfig.getUseSessionPassivation().booleanValue()); if (getUseSessionPassivation()) { Integer min = pConfig.getPassivationMinIdleTime(); if (min != null) setPassivationMinIdleTime(min.intValue()); Integer max = pConfig.getPassivationMaxIdleTime(); if (max != null) setPassivationMaxIdleTime(max.intValue()); } } } log_.debug( "init(): maxActiveSessions allowed is " + maxActiveAllowed_ + " and passivationMode is " + passivationMode_); }
private static StandardContext startWebApp(Host host, WSEndpointDeploymentUnit unit) throws Exception { StandardContext context = new StandardContext(); try { JBossWebMetaData jbwebMD = unit.getAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.JBOSSWEB_METADATA_KEY); context.setPath(jbwebMD.getContextRoot()); context.addLifecycleListener(new ContextConfig()); ServerConfigService config = (ServerConfigService) unit.getServiceRegistry().getService(WSServices.CONFIG_SERVICE).getService(); File docBase = new File(config.getValue().getServerTempDir(), jbwebMD.getContextRoot()); if (!docBase.exists()) { docBase.mkdirs(); } context.setDocBase(docBase.getPath()); final Loader loader = new WebCtxLoader(unit.getAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.CLASSLOADER_KEY)); loader.setContainer(host); context.setLoader(loader); context.setInstanceManager(new LocalInstanceManager()); addServlets(jbwebMD, context); host.addChild(context); context.create(); } catch (Exception e) { throw MESSAGES.createContextPhaseFailed(e); } try { context.start(); } catch (LifecycleException e) { throw MESSAGES.startContextPhaseFailed(e); } return context; }
@Override public void deploy(DeploymentPhaseContext phaseContext) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit(); if (!KeycloakAdapterConfigService.getInstance().isSecureDeployment(deploymentUnit)) { WarMetaData warMetaData = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(WarMetaData.ATTACHMENT_KEY); if (warMetaData == null) { return; } JBossWebMetaData webMetaData = warMetaData.getMergedJBossWebMetaData(); if (webMetaData == null) { return; } LoginConfigMetaData loginConfig = webMetaData.getLoginConfig(); if (loginConfig == null) return; if (loginConfig.getAuthMethod() == null) return; if (!loginConfig.getAuthMethod().equals("KEYCLOAK")) return; } final ModuleSpecification moduleSpecification = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE_SPECIFICATION); final ModuleLoader moduleLoader = Module.getBootModuleLoader(); addCommonModules(moduleSpecification, moduleLoader); addPlatformSpecificModules(moduleSpecification, moduleLoader); }
private static void addServlets(JBossWebMetaData jbwebMD, StandardContext context) { for (JBossServletMetaData smd : jbwebMD.getServlets()) { final String sc = smd.getServletClass(); if (sc.equals(WSFServlet.class.getName())) { final String servletName = smd.getServletName(); List<ParamValueMetaData> params = smd.getInitParam(); List<String> urlPatterns = null; for (ServletMappingMetaData smmd : jbwebMD.getServletMappings()) { if (smmd.getServletName().equals(servletName)) { urlPatterns = smmd.getUrlPatterns(); break; } } WSFServlet wsfs = new WSFServlet(); Wrapper wsfsWrapper = context.createWrapper(); wsfsWrapper.setName(servletName); wsfsWrapper.setServlet(wsfs); wsfsWrapper.setServletClass(WSFServlet.class.getName()); for (ParamValueMetaData param : params) { wsfsWrapper.addInitParameter(param.getParamName(), param.getParamValue()); } context.addChild(wsfsWrapper); for (String urlPattern : urlPatterns) { context.addServletMapping(urlPattern, servletName); } } } }
/** * Test parsing of jboss-web.xml which doesn't have any distinct-name set * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testDistinctNameAbsence() throws Exception { final MetaDataElementParser.DTDInfo resolver = new MetaDataElementParser.DTDInfo(); final JBossWebMetaData jBossWebMetaData = JBossWebMetaDataParser.parse(getReader("no-distinct-name-jboss-web.xml", resolver)); Assert.assertNull("Distinct name was expected to be null", jBossWebMetaData.getDistinctName()); }
protected Class<?> checkDeclaredApplicationClassAsServlet( JBossWebMetaData webData, ClassLoader classLoader) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { if (webData.getServlets() == null) return null; for (ServletMetaData servlet : webData.getServlets()) { String servletClass = servlet.getServletClass(); if (servletClass == null) continue; Class<?> clazz = null; try { clazz = classLoader.loadClass(servletClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException(e); } if (Application.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { servlet.setServletClass(HttpServlet30Dispatcher.class.getName()); servlet.setAsyncSupported(true); ParamValueMetaData param = new ParamValueMetaData(); param.setParamName(""); param.setParamValue(servletClass); List<ParamValueMetaData> params = servlet.getInitParam(); if (params == null) { params = new ArrayList<ParamValueMetaData>(); servlet.setInitParam(params); } params.add(param); return clazz; } } return null; }
public static JBossWebMetaData createWebMetaData( ReplicationGranularity granularity, ReplicationTrigger trigger, int maxSessions, boolean passivation, int maxIdle, int minIdle, boolean batchMode, int maxUnreplicated) { JBossWebMetaData webMetaData = new JBossWebMetaData(); webMetaData.setDistributable(new EmptyMetaData()); webMetaData.setMaxActiveSessions(new Integer(maxSessions)); PassivationConfig pcfg = new PassivationConfig(); pcfg.setUseSessionPassivation(Boolean.valueOf(passivation)); pcfg.setPassivationMaxIdleTime(new Integer(maxIdle)); pcfg.setPassivationMinIdleTime(new Integer(minIdle)); webMetaData.setPassivationConfig(pcfg); ReplicationConfig repCfg = new ReplicationConfig(); repCfg.setReplicationGranularity(granularity); repCfg.setReplicationTrigger(trigger); repCfg.setReplicationFieldBatchMode(Boolean.valueOf(batchMode)); repCfg.setMaxUnreplicatedInterval(Integer.valueOf(maxUnreplicated)); repCfg.setSnapshotMode(SnapshotMode.INSTANT); webMetaData.setReplicationConfig(repCfg); return webMetaData; }
public static String pathNameOfDeployment( final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit, final JBossWebMetaData metaData) { String pathName; if (metaData.getContextRoot() == null) { final EEModuleDescription description = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(; if (description != null) { // if there is a EEModuleDescription we need to take into account that the module name // may have been overridden pathName = "/" + description.getModuleName(); } else { pathName = "/" + deploymentUnit.getName().substring(0, deploymentUnit.getName().length() - 4); } } else { pathName = metaData.getContextRoot(); if ("/".equals(pathName)) { pathName = ""; } else if (pathName.length() > 0 && pathName.charAt(0) != '/') { pathName = "/" + pathName; } } return pathName; }
/** * Test parsing of a simple distinct-name (which doesn't have any reference to system properties) * in jboss-web.xml * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSimpleDistinctName() throws Exception { final MetaDataElementParser.DTDInfo resolver = new MetaDataElementParser.DTDInfo(); final JBossWebMetaData jBossWebMetaData = JBossWebMetaDataParser.parse(getReader("simple-distinct-name-jboss-web.xml", resolver)); Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected distinct name", "simple-foo-bar", jBossWebMetaData.getDistinctName()); }
private static String getDeploymentSecurityDomainName(final Endpoint ep) { JBossWebMetaData metadata = ep.getService().getDeployment().getAttachment(JBossWebMetaData.class); String metaDataSecurityDomain = metadata != null ? metadata.getSecurityDomain() : null; return metaDataSecurityDomain == null ? SecurityConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_POLICY : SecurityUtil.unprefixSecurityDomain(metaDataSecurityDomain.trim()); }
/** * Test parsing of distinct-name which contains reference to a system property * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testDistinctNameWithExpression() throws Exception { // set the system property first System.setProperty("", "bar"); final MetaDataElementParser.DTDInfo resolver = new MetaDataElementParser.DTDInfo(); final JBossWebMetaData jBossWebMetaData = JBossWebMetaDataParser.parse(getReader("expression-distinct-name-jboss-web.xml", resolver)); Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected distinct name", "bar-distinct-name", jBossWebMetaData.getDistinctName()); }
protected boolean doAccepts(DeploymentUnit unit) { // ejbs JBossMetaData jbm = unit.getAttachment(JBossMetaData.class); if (jbm != null && jbm.isMetadataComplete()) return false; // wars JBossWebMetaData jwbm = unit.getAttachment(JBossWebMetaData.class); if (jwbm != null && jwbm.isMetadataComplete()) return false; return true; }
public static void setContextParameter(JBossWebMetaData webdata, String name, String value) { ParamValueMetaData param = new ParamValueMetaData(); param.setParamName(name); param.setParamValue(value); List<ParamValueMetaData> params = webdata.getContextParams(); if (params == null) { params = new ArrayList<ParamValueMetaData>(); webdata.setContextParams(params); } params.add(param); }
private void addValve(JBossWebMetaData webMetaData) { List<ValveMetaData> valves = webMetaData.getValves(); if (valves == null) { valves = new ArrayList<ValveMetaData>(1); webMetaData.setValves(valves); } ValveMetaData valve = new ValveMetaData(); valve.setValveClass(KeycloakAuthenticatorValve.class.getName()); valve.setModule("org.keycloak.keycloak-as7-adapter"); //"******* adding Keycloak valve to: " + deploymentName); valves.add(valve); }
public void deploy(final DeploymentPhaseContext phaseContext) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit(); final WarMetaData warMetaData = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(WarMetaData.ATTACHMENT_KEY); if (warMetaData == null) { return; // Nothing we can do without WarMetaData } final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(; if (deploymentRoot == null) { return; // We don't have a root to work with } final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent(); if (parent == null || !DeploymentTypeMarker.isType(DeploymentType.EAR, parent)) { return; // Only care if this war is nested in an EAR } final EarMetaData earMetaData = parent.getAttachment(Attachments.EAR_METADATA); if (earMetaData == null) { return; // Nothing to see here } final ModulesMetaData modulesMetaData = earMetaData.getModules(); if (modulesMetaData != null) for (ModuleMetaData moduleMetaData : modulesMetaData) { if (Web.equals(moduleMetaData.getType()) && moduleMetaData.getFileName().equals(deploymentRoot.getRootName())) { String contextRoot = WebModuleMetaData.class.cast(moduleMetaData.getValue()).getContextRoot(); if (contextRoot == null && (warMetaData.getJbossWebMetaData() == null || warMetaData.getJbossWebMetaData().getContextRoot() == null)) { contextRoot = "/" + parent.getName().substring(0, parent.getName().length() - 4) + "/" + deploymentUnit.getName().substring(0, deploymentUnit.getName().length() - 4); } if (contextRoot != null) { JBossWebMetaData jBossWebMetaData = warMetaData.getJbossWebMetaData(); if (jBossWebMetaData == null) { jBossWebMetaData = new JBoss70WebMetaData(); warMetaData.setJbossWebMetaData(jBossWebMetaData); } jBossWebMetaData.setContextRoot(contextRoot); } return; } } }
private void verifyDependencies( String cacheName, ServiceName sessionCacheServiceName, ServiceName jvmRouteCacheServiceName) { ReplicationConfig config = new ReplicationConfig(); config.setCacheName(cacheName); JBossWebMetaData metaData = new JBossWebMetaData(); metaData.setReplicationConfig(config); Collection<ServiceName> dependencies = this.factory.getDependencies(metaData); assertEquals(2, dependencies.size()); assertTrue(dependencies.contains(sessionCacheServiceName)); assertTrue(dependencies.contains(jvmRouteCacheServiceName)); }
protected void processEncReferences(WebApplication webApp, Context envCtx) throws ClassNotFoundException, NamingException { DeploymentUnit unit = webApp.getDeploymentUnit(); JBossWebMetaData metaData = webApp.getMetaData(); EnvironmentEntriesMetaData envEntries = metaData.getEnvironmentEntries(); log.debug("addEnvEntries"); addEnvEntries(envEntries, envCtx); ResourceEnvironmentReferencesMetaData resourceEnvRefs = metaData.getResourceEnvironmentReferences(); log.debug("linkResourceEnvRefs"); linkResourceEnvRefs(resourceEnvRefs, envCtx); ResourceReferencesMetaData resourceRefs = metaData.getResourceReferences(); log.debug("linkResourceRefs"); linkResourceRefs(resourceRefs, envCtx); log.debug("linkMessageDestinationRefs"); MessageDestinationReferencesMetaData msgRefs = metaData.getMessageDestinationReferences(); linkMessageDestinationRefs(unit, msgRefs, envCtx); EJBReferencesMetaData ejbRefs = metaData.getEjbReferences(); log.debug("linkEjbRefs"); linkEjbRefs(unit, ejbRefs, envCtx); EJBLocalReferencesMetaData ejbLocalRefs = metaData.getEjbLocalReferences(); log.debug("linkEjbLocalRefs"); linkEjbLocalRefs(unit, ejbLocalRefs, envCtx); log.debug("linkServiceRefs"); ServiceReferencesMetaData serviceRefs = metaData.getServiceReferences(); linkServiceRefs(unit, serviceRefs, envCtx); }
/** * This method is invoked from within subclass performDeploy() method implementations when they * invoke WebDescriptorParser.parseWebAppDescriptors(). * * @param loader the ClassLoader for the web application. May not be null. * @param metaData the WebMetaData from the WebApplication object passed to the performDeploy * method. */ protected void processEnc(ClassLoader loader, WebApplication webApp) throws Exception { if (loader == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classloader passed to process ENC refs is null"); log.debug("AbstractWebContainer.parseWebAppDescriptors, Begin"); InitialContext iniCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = null; Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader currentLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader(); JBossWebMetaData metaData = webApp.getMetaData(); try { // Create a java:comp/env environment unique for the web application log.debug("Creating ENC using ClassLoader: " + loader); ClassLoader parent = loader.getParent(); while (parent != null) { log.debug(".." + parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } // TODO: The enc should be an input? currentThread.setContextClassLoader(loader); // webApp.setENCLoader(loader); envCtx = (Context) iniCtx.lookup("java:comp"); // TODO: inject the ORB ORB orb = null; try { ObjectName ORB_NAME = new ObjectName("jboss:service=CorbaORB"); orb = (ORB) server.getAttribute(ORB_NAME, "ORB"); // Bind the orb if (orb != null) { NonSerializableFactory.rebind(envCtx, "ORB", orb); log.debug("Bound java:comp/ORB"); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.debug("Unable to retrieve orb" + t.toString()); } // TODO: injection, Add a link to the global transaction manager envCtx.bind("UserTransaction", new LinkRef("UserTransaction")); log.debug("Linked java:comp/UserTransaction to JNDI name: UserTransaction"); envCtx = envCtx.createSubcontext("env"); processEncReferences(webApp, envCtx); } finally { currentThread.setContextClassLoader(currentLoader); } String securityDomain = metaData.getSecurityDomain(); log.debug("linkSecurityDomain"); linkSecurityDomain(securityDomain, envCtx); log.debug("AbstractWebContainer.parseWebAppDescriptors, End"); }
/** If any servlet/filter classes are declared, then we probably don't want to scan. */ protected boolean hasBootClasses(JBossWebMetaData webdata) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { if (webdata.getServlets() != null) { for (ServletMetaData servlet : webdata.getServlets()) { String servletClass = servlet.getServletClass(); if (BOOT_CLASSES.contains(servletClass)) return true; } } if (webdata.getFilters() != null) { for (FilterMetaData filter : webdata.getFilters()) { if (BOOT_CLASSES.contains(filter.getFilterClass())) return true; } } return false; }
protected void scanWebDeployment( final DeploymentUnit du, final JBossWebMetaData webdata, final ClassLoader classLoader, final ResteasyDeploymentData resteasyDeploymentData) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { // If there is a resteasy boot class in web.xml, then the default should be to not scan // make sure this call happens before checkDeclaredApplicationClassAsServlet!!! boolean hasBoot = hasBootClasses(webdata); resteasyDeploymentData.setBootClasses(hasBoot); Class<?> declaredApplicationClass = checkDeclaredApplicationClassAsServlet(webdata, classLoader); // Assume that checkDeclaredApplicationClassAsServlet created the dispatcher if (declaredApplicationClass != null) { resteasyDeploymentData.setDispatcherCreated(true); } // set scanning on only if there are no boot classes if (!hasBoot && !webdata.isMetadataComplete()) { resteasyDeploymentData.setScanAll(true); resteasyDeploymentData.setScanProviders(true); resteasyDeploymentData.setScanResources(true); } // check resteasy configuration flags List<ParamValueMetaData> contextParams = webdata.getContextParams(); if (contextParams != null) { for (ParamValueMetaData param : contextParams) { if (param.getParamName().equals(RESTEASY_SCAN)) { resteasyDeploymentData.setScanAll(valueOf(RESTEASY_SCAN, param.getParamValue())); } else if (param.getParamName().equals(ResteasyContextParameters.RESTEASY_SCAN_PROVIDERS)) { resteasyDeploymentData.setScanProviders( valueOf(RESTEASY_SCAN_PROVIDERS, param.getParamValue())); } else if (param.getParamName().equals(RESTEASY_SCAN_RESOURCES)) { resteasyDeploymentData.setScanResources( valueOf(RESTEASY_SCAN_RESOURCES, param.getParamValue())); } else if (param .getParamName() .equals(ResteasyContextParameters.RESTEASY_UNWRAPPED_EXCEPTIONS)) { resteasyDeploymentData.setUnwrappedExceptionsParameterSet(true); } } } }
public WSEndpointDeploymentUnit( ClassLoader loader, String context, Map<String, String> urlPatternToClassName, JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMetaData, WebservicesMetaData metadata, JBossWebservicesMetaData jbwsMetaData) { this.deploymentName = context + ".deployment"; JAXWSDeployment jaxwsDeployment = new JAXWSDeployment(); if (jbossWebMetaData == null) { jbossWebMetaData = new JBossWebMetaData(); } jbossWebMetaData.setContextRoot(context); String endpointName = null; String className = null; for (String urlPattern : urlPatternToClassName.keySet()) { className = urlPatternToClassName.get(urlPattern); endpointName = getShortName(className, urlPattern); addEndpoint(jbossWebMetaData, jaxwsDeployment, endpointName, className, urlPattern); } this.putAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.CLASSLOADER_KEY, loader); this.putAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.JAXWS_ENDPOINTS_KEY, jaxwsDeployment); this.putAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.JBOSSWEB_METADATA_KEY, jbossWebMetaData); if (metadata != null) { this.putAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.WEBSERVICES_METADATA_KEY, metadata); } if (jbwsMetaData != null) { this.putAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.JBOSS_WEBSERVICES_METADATA_KEY, jbwsMetaData); } }
/** * Returns context root associated with webservice deployment. * * <p>If there's application.xml descriptor provided defining nested web module, then context root * defined there will be returned. Otherwise context root defined in jboss-web.xml will be * returned. * * @param dep webservice deployment * @param jbossWebMD jboss web meta data * @return context root */ public static String getContextRoot(final Deployment dep, final JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMD) { final DeploymentUnit unit = WSHelper.getRequiredAttachment(dep, DeploymentUnit.class); final JBossAppMetaData jbossAppMD = unit.getParent() == null ? null : ASHelper.getOptionalAttachment( unit.getParent(), WSAttachmentKeys.JBOSS_APP_METADATA_KEY); String contextRoot = null; // prefer context root defined in application.xml over one defined in jboss-web.xml if (jbossAppMD != null) { final ModuleMetaData moduleMD = jbossAppMD.getModules().get(dep.getSimpleName()); if (moduleMD != null) { final WebModuleMetaData webModuleMD = (WebModuleMetaData) moduleMD.getValue(); contextRoot = webModuleMD.getContextRoot(); } } if (contextRoot == null) { contextRoot = jbossWebMD != null ? jbossWebMD.getContextRoot() : null; } return contextRoot; }
private HashMap<String, JspPropertyGroup> createJspConfig(JBossWebMetaData metaData) { final HashMap<String, JspPropertyGroup> result = new HashMap<>(); // JSP Config JspConfigMetaData config = metaData.getJspConfig(); if (config != null) { // JSP Property groups List<JspPropertyGroupMetaData> groups = config.getPropertyGroups(); if (groups != null) { for (JspPropertyGroupMetaData group : groups) { org.apache.jasper.deploy.JspPropertyGroup jspPropertyGroup = new org.apache.jasper.deploy.JspPropertyGroup(); for (String pattern : group.getUrlPatterns()) { jspPropertyGroup.addUrlPattern(pattern); } jspPropertyGroup.setElIgnored(group.getElIgnored()); jspPropertyGroup.setPageEncoding(group.getPageEncoding()); jspPropertyGroup.setScriptingInvalid(group.getScriptingInvalid()); jspPropertyGroup.setIsXml(group.getIsXml()); if (group.getIncludePreludes() != null) { for (String includePrelude : group.getIncludePreludes()) { jspPropertyGroup.addIncludePrelude(includePrelude); } } if (group.getIncludeCodas() != null) { for (String includeCoda : group.getIncludeCodas()) { jspPropertyGroup.addIncludeCoda(includeCoda); } } jspPropertyGroup.setDeferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral( group.getDeferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral()); jspPropertyGroup.setTrimDirectiveWhitespaces(group.getTrimDirectiveWhitespaces()); jspPropertyGroup.setDefaultContentType(group.getDefaultContentType()); jspPropertyGroup.setBuffer(group.getBuffer()); jspPropertyGroup.setErrorOnUndeclaredNamespace(group.getErrorOnUndeclaredNamespace()); for (String pattern : jspPropertyGroup.getUrlPatterns()) { // Split off the groups to individual mappings result.put(pattern, jspPropertyGroup); } } } } // it looks like jasper needs these in order of least specified to most specific final LinkedHashMap<String, JspPropertyGroup> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final ArrayList<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(result.keySet()); Collections.sort( paths, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(final String o1, final String o2) { return o1.length() - o2.length(); } }); for (String path : paths) { ret.put(path, result.get(path)); } return ret; }
/** * A template pattern implementation of the deploy() method. This method calls the {@link * #performDeploy(WebApplication, String, WebDescriptorParser) performDeploy()} method to perform * the container specific deployment steps and registers the returned WebApplication in the * deployment map. The steps performed are: * * <p>ClassLoader appClassLoader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); URLClassLoader warLoader = * URLClassLoader.newInstance(empty, appClassLoader); thread.setContextClassLoader(warLoader); * WebDescriptorParser webAppParser = ...; WebMetaData metaData = di.metaData; // Create JACC * permissions, contextID, etc. ... WebApplication warInfo = new WebApplication(metaData); * performDeploy(warInfo, warUrl, webAppParser); deploymentMap.put(warUrl, warInfo); * thread.setContextClassLoader(appClassLoader); * * <p>The subclass performDeploy() implementation needs to invoke processEnc(loader, warInfo) to * have the JNDI java:comp/env namespace setup before any web app component can access this * namespace. * * <p>Also, an MBean for each servlet deployed should be created and its JMX ObjectName placed * into the DeploymentInfo.mbeans list so that the JSR77 layer can create the approriate model * view. The servlet MBean needs to provide access to the min, max and total time in milliseconds. * Expose this information via MinServiceTime, MaxServiceTime and TotalServiceTime attributes to * integrate seemlessly with the JSR77 factory layer. * * @param unit The deployment info that contains the context-root element value from the J2EE * application/module/web application.xml descriptor. This may be null if war was is not being * deployed as part of an enterprise application. It also contains the URL of the web * application war. */ public synchronized WebApplication start(DeploymentUnit unit, JBossWebMetaData metaData) throws Exception { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader appClassLoader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); WebApplication webApp = null; try { // Create a classloader for the war to ensure a unique ENC ClassLoader warLoader = unit.getClassLoader(); thread.setContextClassLoader(warLoader); String webContext = metaData.getContextRoot(); // Get the war URL URL warUrl = unit.getAttachment("org.jboss.web.expandedWarURL", URL.class); if (warUrl == null && unit instanceof VFSDeploymentUnit) { VFSDeploymentUnit vdu = VFSDeploymentUnit.class.cast(unit); warUrl = VFSUtils.getRealURL(vdu.getRoot()); } // Dynamic WebMetaData deployments might not provide an URL // We use the DEploymentUnit name as identifier instead. // The JAXWS Endpoint API for example does this. String warURLString = (warUrl != null ? warUrl.toExternalForm() : unit.getName()); // Strip any jar: url syntax. This should be be handled by the vfs if (warURLString.startsWith("jar:")) warURLString = warURLString.substring(4, warURLString.length() - 2); log.debug("webContext: " + webContext); log.debug("warURL: " + warURLString); // Register the permissions with the JACC layer String contextID = metaData.getJaccContextID(); if (contextID == null) contextID = unit.getSimpleName(); metaData.setJaccContextID(contextID); webApp = new WebApplication(metaData); webApp.setClassLoader(warLoader); webApp.setDeploymentUnit(unit); performDeploy(webApp, warURLString); } finally { thread.setContextClassLoader(appClassLoader); } return webApp; }
private void addJSONData(String json, WarMetaData warMetaData) { JBossWebMetaData webMetaData = warMetaData.getMergedJBossWebMetaData(); if (webMetaData == null) { webMetaData = new JBossWebMetaData(); warMetaData.setMergedJBossWebMetaData(webMetaData); } List<ParamValueMetaData> contextParams = webMetaData.getContextParams(); if (contextParams == null) { contextParams = new ArrayList<ParamValueMetaData>(); } ParamValueMetaData param = new ParamValueMetaData(); param.setParamName(KeycloakAdapterConfigDeploymentProcessor.AUTH_DATA_PARAM_NAME); param.setParamValue(json); contextParams.add(param); webMetaData.setContextParams(contextParams); }
/** * Returns servlet meta data for requested servlet name. * * @param jbossWebMD jboss web meta data * @param servletName servlet name * @return servlet meta data */ public static ServletMetaData getServletForName( final JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMD, final String servletName) { for (JBossServletMetaData servlet : jbossWebMD.getServlets()) { if (servlet.getName().equals(servletName)) { return servlet; } } return null; }
/** * Returns servlet meta data for requested servlet name. * * @param jbossWebMD jboss web meta data * @param servletName servlet name * @return servlet meta data */ public static ServletMetaData getServletForName( final JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMD, final String servletName) { for (JBossServletMetaData servlet : jbossWebMD.getServlets()) { if (servlet.getName().equals(servletName)) { return servlet; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find servlet for link: " + servletName); }
public static ParamValueMetaData findContextParam(JBossWebMetaData webdata, String name) { List<ParamValueMetaData> params = webdata.getContextParams(); if (params == null) return null; for (ParamValueMetaData param : params) { if (param.getParamName().equals(name)) { return param; } } return null; }
public static boolean servletMappingsExist(JBossWebMetaData webdata, String servletName) { List<ServletMappingMetaData> mappings = webdata.getServletMappings(); if (mappings == null) return false; for (ServletMappingMetaData mapping : mappings) { if (mapping.getServletName().equals(servletName)) { return true; } } return false; }