예제 #1
  public DoubleMatrix getScoreMatrix(File file) {
    Counter<String> docWords = new Counter<String>();
    try {
      LineIterator iter = FileUtils.lineIterator(file);
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Tokenizer t =
            tokenizerFactory.create((new InputHomogenization(iter.nextLine()).transform()));
        while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
          docWords.incrementCount(t.nextToken(), 1.0);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to read file", e);
    DoubleMatrix ret = new DoubleMatrix(1, currVocab.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < currVocab.size(); i++) {
      if (docWords.getCount(currVocab.get(i).toString()) > 0) {
        ret.put(i, wordScores.getCount(currVocab.get(i).toString()));

    return ret;
 public double mse() {
   DoubleMatrix reconstructed = reconstruct(input);
   DoubleMatrix diff = reconstructed.sub(input);
   double sum = 0.5 * MatrixFunctions.pow(diff, 2).columnSums().sum() / input.rows;
   return sum;
 public NeuralNetwork clone() {
   try {
     Constructor<?> c = Dl4jReflection.getEmptyConstructor(getClass());
     NeuralNetwork ret = (NeuralNetwork) c.newInstance();
     return ret;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
 public DoubleMatrix free_energy(DoubleMatrix v_sample) {
   DoubleMatrix wv_hb =
       weights.mmul(v_sample.transpose()).addi(this.hbias.repmat(v_sample.rows, 1).transpose());
   DoubleMatrix vb = v_sample.mmul(this.vbias.transpose());
   DoubleMatrix hi = MatrixMath.sum(MatrixMath.log(MatrixMath.exp(wv_hb).addi(1.0)), 1);
   return hi.mul(-1.0).subi(vb);
예제 #5
  public static void DFS(
      DoubleMatrix A, DoubleMatrix d, DoubleMatrix g, ArrayList[] V, int vertNum) {
    int krawedzie = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= vertNum; i++) {
      krawedzie += V[i].size();

    krawedzie /= 2;
    // System.out.println("A wymiar: " + A.columns + " rows: "+A.rows);

    int t = 0;

    VertexState state[] = new VertexState[(d.rows - 1) * d.rows / 2]; // tyle stanów

    for (int i = 0; i < d.rows - 1; i++) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < d.columns; j++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < state.length; x++) {
          state[x] = VertexState.White; // na początku białe
        g.put(t, 0, d.get(i, j));
        runDFS(i, j, state, d, V, vertNum);
        for (int ii = 0; ii < krawedzie; ii++) {
          if (state[ii] == VertexState.Black) {
            A.put(t, ii, 1);

    System.out.println("t:" + t);
  public static void main(String argv[]) {
    double width = 1.4;
    int size_cache = 10;

    DoubleMatrix traindata_real = Load.load_numbers("../data/fm_train_real.dat");
    DoubleMatrix testdata_real = Load.load_numbers("../data/fm_test_real.dat");

    RealFeatures feats_train = new RealFeatures(traindata_real);
    RealFeatures feats_test = new RealFeatures(testdata_real);

    NormOne preproc = new NormOne();

    Chi2Kernel kernel = new Chi2Kernel(feats_train, feats_train, width, size_cache);

    DoubleMatrix km_train = kernel.get_kernel_matrix();
    kernel.init(feats_train, feats_test);
    DoubleMatrix km_test = kernel.get_kernel_matrix();

예제 #7
 private static void modi(DoubleMatrix syndrome, int radix) {
   for (int i = 0; i < syndrome.getRows(); i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < syndrome.getColumns(); j++) {
       syndrome.put(i, j, ((int) syndrome.get(i, j)) % radix);
예제 #8
  /** Compute y <- alpha*op(a)*x + beta * y (general matrix vector multiplication) */
  public static DoubleMatrix gemv(
      double alpha, DoubleMatrix a, DoubleMatrix x, double beta, DoubleMatrix y) {
    if (false) {
          'N', a.rows, a.columns, alpha, a.data, 0, a.rows, x.data, 0, 1, beta, y.data, 0, 1);
    } else {
      if (beta == 0.0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) y.data[i] = 0.0;

        for (int j = 0; j < a.columns; j++) {
          double xj = x.get(j);
          if (xj != 0.0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < a.rows; i++) y.data[i] += a.get(i, j) * xj;
      } else {
        for (int j = 0; j < a.columns; j++) {
          double byj = beta * y.data[j];
          double xj = x.get(j);
          for (int i = 0; i < a.rows; i++) y.data[j] = a.get(i, j) * xj + byj;
    return y;
예제 #9
   * 对角线增加值
   * @param matrix
   * @throws Exception
  private void addPositiveValue(DoubleMatrix matrix) {
    int m = matrix.rows;

    if (matrix.columns != m) return;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      matrix.put(i, i, matrix.get(i, i) + Math.random());
  protected void applyDropOutIfNecessary(DoubleMatrix input) {
    if (dropOut > 0) {
      this.doMask = DoubleMatrix.rand(input.rows, input.columns).gt(dropOut);
    } else this.doMask = DoubleMatrix.ones(input.rows, input.columns);

    // actually apply drop out
 // Returns value of approximated function
 public double approximateFunction(double x, final int NUMBER_OF_EQUATIONS) {
   DoubleMatrix X = solveLinearEquation(NUMBER_OF_EQUATIONS);
   double result = 0.0;
   for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_EQUATIONS; i++) {
     result += X.get(i) * Math.pow(x, i);
   return result;
예제 #12
  * 求逆矩阵
  * @param mt
  * @return
 public DoubleMatrix inverse(DoubleMatrix mt) {
   int m = mt.rows;
   DoubleMatrix E = DoubleMatrix.zeros(m, m);
   for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
     E.put(i, i, 1);
   return Solve.solve(mt, E);
예제 #13
 public ClassifierTheta(int FeatureLength, int CatSize) {
   this.FeatureLength = FeatureLength;
   this.CatSize = CatSize;
   W = DoubleMatrix.rand(FeatureLength, CatSize).subi(0.5);
   b = DoubleMatrix.rand(CatSize, 1).subi(0.5);
   Theta = new double[FeatureLength * CatSize + CatSize];
   * Initialize weights. This includes steps for doing a random initialization of W as well as the
   * vbias and hbias
  protected void initWeights() {

    if (this.nVisible < 1)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Number of visible can not be less than 1");
    if (this.nHidden < 1)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Number of hidden can not be less than 1");

    if (this.dist == null)
      dist =
          new NormalDistribution(rng, 0, .01, NormalDistribution.DEFAULT_INVERSE_ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY);
     * Initialize based on the number of visible units..
     * The lower bound is called the fan in
     * The outer bound is called the fan out.
     * Below's advice works for Denoising AutoEncoders and other
     * neural networks you will use due to the same baseline guiding principles for
     * both RBMs and Denoising Autoencoders.
     * Hinton's Guide to practical RBMs:
     * The weights are typically initialized to small random values chosen from a zero-mean Gaussian with
     * a standard deviation of about 0.01. Using larger random values can speed the initial learning, but
     * it may lead to a slightly worse final model. Care should be taken to ensure that the initial weight
     * values do not allow typical visible vectors to drive the hidden unit probabilities very close to 1 or 0
     * as this significantly slows the learning.
    if (this.W == null) {

      this.W = DoubleMatrix.zeros(nVisible, nHidden);

      for (int i = 0; i < this.W.rows; i++)
        this.W.putRow(i, new DoubleMatrix(dist.sample(this.W.columns)));

    this.wAdaGrad = new AdaGrad(this.W.rows, this.W.columns);

    if (this.hBias == null) {
      this.hBias = DoubleMatrix.zeros(nHidden);
       * Encourage sparsity.
       * See Hinton's Practical guide to RBMs
      // this.hBias.subi(4);

    this.hBiasAdaGrad = new AdaGrad(hBias.rows, hBias.columns);

    if (this.vBias == null) {
      if (this.input != null) {

        this.vBias = DoubleMatrix.zeros(nVisible);

      } else this.vBias = DoubleMatrix.zeros(nVisible);

    this.vBiasAdaGrad = new AdaGrad(vBias.rows, vBias.columns);
    public void weight_contribution(
        DoubleMatrix h0, DoubleMatrix v0, DoubleMatrix h1, DoubleMatrix v1) {
          .muli(learningRate / v_data.rows)

      this.vb1.addi(v0.sub(v1).muli(learningRate / v_data.rows).columnMeans());
      this.hb1.addi(h0.sub(h1).muli(learningRate / v_data.rows).columnMeans());
  public double squaredLoss() {
    DoubleMatrix squaredDiff = pow(reconstruct(input).sub(input), 2);
    double loss = squaredDiff.columnSums().sum() / input.rows;
    if (this.useRegularization) {
      loss += 0.5 * l2 * MatrixFunctions.pow(W, 2).sum();

    return loss;
  public static void main(String argv[]) {
    int dim = 7;

    DoubleMatrix data = DoubleMatrix.rand(dim, dim);
    RealFeatures feats = new RealFeatures(data);
    DoubleMatrix data_T = data.transpose();
    DoubleMatrix symdata = data.add(data_T);

    int cols = (1 + dim) * dim / 2;
    DoubleMatrix lowertriangle = DoubleMatrix.zeros(1, cols);
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        if (j <= i) {
          lowertriangle.put(0, count++, symdata.get(i, j));

    CustomKernel kernel = new CustomKernel();
    DoubleMatrix km_triangletriangle = kernel.get_kernel_matrix();

    DoubleMatrix km_fulltriangle = kernel.get_kernel_matrix();

    DoubleMatrix km_fullfull = kernel.get_kernel_matrix();

   * Negative log likelihood of the current input given the corruption level
   * @return the negative log likelihood of the auto encoder given the corruption level
  public double negativeLoglikelihood(DoubleMatrix input) {
    DoubleMatrix z = this.reconstruct(input);
    if (this.useRegularization) {
      double reg = (2 / l2) * MatrixFunctions.pow(this.W, 2).sum();

      return -input.mul(log(z)).add(oneMinus(input).mul(log(oneMinus(z)))).columnSums().mean()
          + reg;

    return -input.mul(log(z)).add(oneMinus(input).mul(log(oneMinus(z)))).columnSums().mean();
  * Transforms the matrix
  * @param text
  * @return
 public DoubleMatrix transform(String text) {
   Tokenizer tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.create(text);
   List<String> tokens = tokenizer.getTokens();
   DoubleMatrix input = new DoubleMatrix(1, vocab.size());
   for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
     int idx = vocab.indexOf(tokens.get(i));
     if (vocab.indexOf(tokens.get(i)) >= 0) input.put(idx, wordCounts.getCount(tokens.get(i)));
   return input;
  public void extractFeature_simpleExpression_correctAnswer() {
    // Arrange
    setCustomFeatureExpression(" 8 + 14 ");
    FormattedSegments segments = getFormattedSegments();

    // Act
    DoubleMatrix features = featureExtractor.extractFeatures(segments);

    // Assert
    assertEquals(22, features.get(0, 0), errorMargin);
예제 #21
  * 求广义逆矩阵,使用正交投影方法
  * @param ht
  * @return
 public DoubleMatrix getMPMatrixByOP(DoubleMatrix H) {
   DoubleMatrix M;
   try {
     M = H.mmul(H.transpose()); // HHt
     return H.transpose().mmul(inverse(M));
   } catch (LapackException e) {
     M = H.transpose().mmul(H); // HtH
     return inverse(M).mmul(H.transpose());
   * Vectorizes the passed in text treating it as one document
   * @param text the text to vectorize
   * @param label the label of the text
   * @return a dataset with a applyTransformToDestination of weights(relative to impl; could be word
   *     counts or tfidf scores)
  public DataSet vectorize(String text, String label) {
    Tokenizer tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.create(text);
    List<String> tokens = tokenizer.getTokens();
    DoubleMatrix input = new DoubleMatrix(1, vocab.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
      int idx = vocab.indexOf(tokens.get(i));
      if (vocab.indexOf(tokens.get(i)) >= 0) input.put(idx, wordCounts.getCount(tokens.get(i)));

    DoubleMatrix labelMatrix = MatrixUtil.toOutcomeVector(labels.indexOf(label), labels.size());
    return new DataSet(input, labelMatrix);
  public void extractFeature_gpsSpeedVariableExpression_correctAnswer() {
    // Arrange
    setCustomFeatureExpression(" 8+ speed1 ");
    double[][] gpsData = new double[][] {{0.5}};
    FormattedSegments segments = getFormattedSegments(gpsData);

    // Act
    DoubleMatrix features = featureExtractor.extractFeatures(segments);

    // Assert
    assertEquals(8.5, features.get(0, 0), errorMargin);
예제 #24
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("matrix_test"))) {
      // read table from file
      List<String[]> rows =
          reader.lines().map(line -> line.split(" ")).collect(Collectors.toList());
      double[][] values = new double[rows.size()][rows.get(0).length];
      for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        String[] row = rows.get(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < values[0].length; j++) {
          values[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(row[j]);

      DoubleMatrix matrix = new DoubleMatrix(values);
      Vector coordVector = new Vector(matrix.getRows()); // 000..00 (n-times)
      while (coordVector.hasNextVector()) {
        coordVector.nextVector(); // get next vector (eg 000..00 -> 000..01)
        DoubleMatrix coord = coordVector.row();
        DoubleMatrix codeWord = coord.mmul(matrix); // m * G
        modi(codeWord, 2);
        String prefix = "0 0 0 0 1 ";
        String word = MatrixUtils.toString(codeWord);
        if (word.startsWith(prefix)) {

      /*// find syndromes
      Syndrome syndrome = new Syndrome(new DoubleMatrix(values));

      // generate xls file with table
      HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
      HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Syndrome table");
      int rowNumber = 0;

      Vector syndromeVector = new Vector(values.length);
      putValue(sheet, rowNumber++, syndromeVector.toString(),
      while (syndromeVector.hasNextVector()) {
          putValue(sheet, rowNumber++, syndromeVector.toString(),

      try (FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("syndrome_table.xls")) {
  public void extractFeature_multipleSegmentsExpression_2ndHasCorrectAnswer() {
    // Arrange
    setCustomFeatureExpression(" 8+ speed1");
    double[][] gpsData = new double[][] {{0.5}, {11.0}};
    double[][] xData = new double[][] {{0}, {0}};
    FormattedSegments segments = getFormattedSegments(xData, xData, xData, gpsData);

    // Act
    DoubleMatrix features = featureExtractor.extractFeatures(segments);

    // Assert
    assertEquals(19, features.get(1, 0), errorMargin);
예제 #26
파일: GRULM.java 프로젝트: chagge/JRNN
  private void train(CharText ctext, double lr) {
    Map<Integer, String> indexChar = ctext.getIndexChar();
    Map<String, DoubleMatrix> charVector = ctext.getCharVector();
    List<String> sequence = ctext.getSequence();
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      double error = 0;
      double num = 0;
      double start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for (int s = 0; s < sequence.size(); s++) {
        String seq = sequence.get(s);
        if (seq.length() < 3) {

        Map<String, DoubleMatrix> acts = new HashMap<>();
        // forward pass
        for (int t = 0; t < seq.length() - 1; t++) {
          DoubleMatrix xt = charVector.get(String.valueOf(seq.charAt(t)));
          acts.put("x" + t, xt);

          gru.active(t, acts);

          DoubleMatrix predcitYt = gru.decode(acts.get("h" + t));
          acts.put("py" + t, predcitYt);
          DoubleMatrix trueYt = charVector.get(String.valueOf(seq.charAt(t + 1)));
          acts.put("y" + t, trueYt);

          error += LossFunction.getMeanCategoricalCrossEntropy(predcitYt, trueYt);


        // bptt
        gru.bptt(acts, seq.length() - 2, lr);

        num += seq.length();
          "Iter = "
              + i
              + ", error = "
              + error / num
              + ", time = "
              + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000
              + "s");
   * Applies sparsity to the passed in hbias gradient
   * @param hBiasGradient the hbias gradient to apply to
   * @param learningRate the learning rate used
  protected void applySparsity(DoubleMatrix hBiasGradient, double learningRate) {

    if (useAdaGrad) {
      DoubleMatrix change =
    } else {
      DoubleMatrix change = hBiasGradient.mul(sparsity).mul(-learningRate * sparsity);
예제 #28
파일: Results.java 프로젝트: utir/square
   * Get Result String
   * @return result string
  public String printComparableResults(boolean newline) {
    if (!(resultVector != null)) log.error("Attempted to access null vector.");
    String outString = "";
    int i = 0;
    for (TypeQ question : sortedQuestions) {
      Double tempResult = resultVector.get(i);
      //			if(tempResult.intValue() == 0)
      //				continue;

      if (groundTruthVector != null) {
        Double evalInd = groundTruthVector.getSecond().get(i);
        if (evalInd.intValue() == 0) {

      if (!newline) outString += "\n";

      outString += question + " " + tempResult.intValue();
      newline = false;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    return outString;
예제 #29
  public ClassifierTheta(double[] t, int FeatureLength, int CatSize) {
    Theta = t.clone();
    this.FeatureLength = FeatureLength;
    this.CatSize = CatSize;
    W = DoubleMatrix.zeros(FeatureLength, CatSize);
    b = DoubleMatrix.zeros(CatSize, 1);

    if (Theta.length != CatSize * (1 + FeatureLength))
          "ClassifierTheta : Size Mismatch : "
              + Theta.length
              + " != "
              + (CatSize * (1 + FeatureLength)));
  public void extractFeatures_3points_correctResult() {
    // Arrange
    DoubleMatrix x, y, z, gpsSpeed;
    x = new DoubleMatrix(new double[][] {{1, 1, 1}});
    y = new DoubleMatrix(new double[][] {{1, 1, 1}});
    z = new DoubleMatrix(new double[][] {{7, 3, 5}});
    gpsSpeed = new DoubleMatrix(x.rows, 1);
    FormattedSegments input = createFormattedSegments(x, y, z, gpsSpeed);

    // Act
    DoubleMatrix features = featureExtractor.extractFeatures(input);

    // Assert
    assertEquals(3, features.get(0, 0), errorMargin);