예제 #1
 public static int sygvd(
     int itype, char jobz, char uplo, FloatMatrix A, FloatMatrix B, FloatMatrix W) {
   int info =
           itype, jobz, uplo, A.rows, A.data, 0, A.rows, B.data, 0, B.rows, W.data, 0);
   if (info == 0) return 0;
   else {
     if (info < 0) throw new LapackArgumentException("DSYGVD", -info);
     if (info <= A.rows && jobz == 'N')
       throw new LapackConvergenceException(
           "DSYGVD", info + " off-diagonal elements did not converge to 0.");
     if (info <= A.rows && jobz == 'V')
       throw new LapackException(
           "Failed to compute an eigenvalue while working on a sub-matrix  " + info + ".");
       throw new LapackException(
           "The leading minor of order " + (info - A.rows) + " of B is not positive definite.");