private void shutDownGracefully() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debugf( "Wait for on-going transactions to finish for %s.", Util.prettyPrintTime( configuration.transaction().cacheStopTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); long failTime = currentMillisFromNanotime() + configuration.transaction().cacheStopTimeout(); boolean txsOnGoing = areTxsOnGoing(); while (txsOnGoing && currentMillisFromNanotime() < failTime) { try { Thread.sleep(30); txsOnGoing = areTxsOnGoing(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); if (clustered) { log.debugf( "Interrupted waiting for on-going transactions to finish. %s local transactions and %s remote transactions", localTransactions.size(), remoteTransactions.size()); } else { log.debugf( "Interrupted waiting for %s on-going transactions to finish.", localTransactions.size()); } } } if (txsOnGoing) { log.unfinishedTransactionsRemain( localTransactions == null ? 0 : localTransactions.size(), remoteTransactions == null ? 0 : remoteTransactions.size()); } else { log.debug("All transactions terminated"); } }
public synchronized RspList<Object> getResponseList() throws Exception { while (expectedResponses > 0 && retval == null) { try { this.wait(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // reset interruption flag Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); expectedResponses = -1; } } // Now we either have the response we need or aren't expecting any more responses - or have // run out of time. if (retval != null) return retval; else if (exception != null) throw exception; else if (expectedResponses == 0) throw new RpcException( format( "No more valid responses. Received invalid responses from all of %s", futures.values())); else throw new TimeoutException( format( "Timed out waiting for %s for valid responses from any of %s.", Util.prettyPrintTime(timeout), futures.values())); }