public void testSharedLoader() throws Exception { CacheContainer cm1 = null, cm2 = null; try { sharedCacheLoader.set(true); cm1 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory1); Cache c1 = cm1.getCache(cacheName); verifyNoDataOnLoader(c1); verifyNoData(c1); writeInitialData(c1); // starting the second cache would initialize an in-memory state transfer but not a persistent // one since the loader is shared cm2 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory2); Cache c2 = cm2.getCache(cacheName); TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(60000, c1, c2); verifyInitialDataOnLoader(c1); verifyInitialData(c1); verifyNoDataOnLoader(c2); verifyNoData(c2); } finally { if (cm1 != null) cm1.stop(); if (cm2 != null) cm2.stop(); sharedCacheLoader.set(false); } }
@BeforeClass public void createBeforeClass() { cacheManager = CacheTestSupport.createLocalCacheManager(); metadataCache = cacheManager.getCache("metadata"); chunkCache = cacheManager.getCache("chunks"); lockCache = cacheManager.getCache("locks"); }
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() throws Exception { Configuration c = new Configuration(); c.fluent().transaction().transactionMode(TransactionMode.NON_TRANSACTIONAL); c.setCacheMode(Configuration.CacheMode.LOCAL); c.setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ); cm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(c); cache = cm.getCache(); skipListenerCache = cm.getCache().getAdvancedCache().withFlags(Flag.SKIP_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION); mockNotifier = mock(CacheNotifier.class); origNotifier = TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache, CacheNotifier.class, mockNotifier, true); }
public void testInitialStateTransferInDifferentThread(Method m) throws Exception { testCount++; + " start - " + testCount); CacheContainer cm1 = null, cm2 = null, cm30 = null; try { Cache<Object, Object> cache1 = null, cache2 = null, cache3 = null; cm1 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory1); cache1 = cm1.getCache(cacheName); writeInitialData(cache1); cm2 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory2); cache2 = cm2.getCache(cacheName); cache1.put("delay", new StateTransferFunctionalTest.DelayTransfer()); // Pause to give caches time to see each other TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(60000, cache1, cache2); verifyInitialData(cache2); final CacheContainer cm3 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory3); cm30 = cm3; Future<Void> f1 = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor( new ThreadFactory() { public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { return new Thread(r, "CacheStarter-Cache3"); } }) .submit( new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws Exception { cm3.getCache(cacheName); return null; } }); f1.get(); cache3 = cm3.getCache(cacheName); TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(120000, cache1, cache2, cache3); verifyInitialData(cache3);"testConcurrentStateTransfer end - " + testCount); } finally { if (cm1 != null) cm1.stop(); if (cm2 != null) cm2.stop(); if (cm30 != null) cm30.stop(); } }
public void testValuesAfterExpiryInPut(Method m) throws Exception { Cache<Integer, String> cache = cm.getCache(); // Values come as a Collection, but comparison of HashMap#Values is done // by reference equality, so wrap the collection around to set to make // testing easier, given that we know that there are dup values. Set<String> values; Map dataIn = new HashMap(); dataIn.put(1, v(m, 1)); dataIn.put(2, v(m, 2)); Set valuesIn = new HashSet(dataIn.values()); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long lifespan = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; cache.putAll(dataIn, lifespan, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); values = Collections.emptySet(); while (true) { values = new HashSet(cache.values()); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals(valuesIn, values); Thread.sleep(100); } // Make sure that in the next 20 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { values = new HashSet(cache.values()); if (values.size() == 0) return; } assert values.size() == 0; }
public void testKeySetAfterExpiryInPut(Method m) throws Exception { Cache<Integer, String> cache = cm.getCache(); Set<Integer> keys; Map dataIn = new HashMap(); dataIn.put(1, v(m, 1)); dataIn.put(2, v(m, 2)); Set keysIn = dataIn.keySet(); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long lifespan = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; cache.putAll(dataIn, lifespan, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); keys = Collections.emptySet(); while (true) { keys = cache.keySet(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals(keysIn, keys); Thread.sleep(100); } // Make sure that in the next 20 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { keys = cache.keySet(); if (keys.size() == 0) return; } assert keys.size() == 0; }
private void doTestEntrySetAfterExpiryInPut(Method m, CacheContainer cc) throws Exception { Cache<Integer, String> cache = cc.getCache(); Set<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entries; Map dataIn = new HashMap(); dataIn.put(1, v(m, 1)); dataIn.put(2, v(m, 2)); Set entriesIn = dataIn.entrySet(); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long lifespan = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; cache.putAll(dataIn, lifespan, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); entries = Collections.emptySet(); while (true) { entries = cache.entrySet(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals(entriesIn, entries); Thread.sleep(100); } // Make sure that in the next 20 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { entries = cache.entrySet(); if (entries.size() == 0) return; } assert entries.size() == 0; }
public void multipleFlushTest() throws IOException { final String filename = "longFile.writtenInMultipleFlushes"; final int bufferSize = 300; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); cache.clear(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME) .chunkSize(13) .create(); byte[] manyBytes = fillBytes(bufferSize); IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(filename); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { indexOutput.writeBytes(manyBytes, bufferSize); indexOutput.flush(); } indexOutput.close(); IndexInput input = dir.openInput(filename); final int finalSize = (10 * bufferSize); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(finalSize, input.length()); final byte[] resultingBuffer = new byte[finalSize]; input.readBytes(resultingBuffer, 0, finalSize); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bufferSize; j++) AssertJUnit.assertEquals(resultingBuffer[index++], manyBytes[j]); } }
@BeforeMethod public void setUp() { cm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(false); cache = cm.getCache(); listener = new CacheListener(); cache.addListener(listener); }
@Test public void testReadRandomSampleFile() throws IOException { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); InfinispanDirectory dir = new InfinispanDirectory(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME, BUFFER_SIZE); final int FILE_SIZE = 1000; assert BUFFER_SIZE < FILE_SIZE; createFileWithRepeatableContent(dir, "RandomSampleFile.txt", FILE_SIZE); IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput("RandomSampleFile.txt"); assert indexInput.length() == FILE_SIZE; RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); Random r = new Random(); long seekPoint = 0; // Now it reads some random byte and it compares to the expected byte for (int i = 0; i < FILE_SIZE; i++) { if (seekPoint == i) { byte expectedByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte(); byte actualByte = indexInput.readByte(); assert expectedByte == actualByte; seekPoint = indexInput.getFilePointer() + r.nextInt(10);; } else { bytesGenerator.nextByte(); } } indexInput.close(); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); }
@Test public void testReadWholeFile() throws IOException { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); InfinispanDirectory dir = new InfinispanDirectory(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME, BUFFER_SIZE); verifyOnBuffer("SingleChunk.txt", 61, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 15); final int VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE = 10000; assert BUFFER_SIZE < VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE; verifyOnBuffer("MultipleChunks.txt", VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 33); final int LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE = 256; assert (LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE % BUFFER_SIZE) == 0; verifyOnBuffer( "LastChunkFilled.txt", LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 11); assertHasNChunks(4, cache, INDEXNAME, "LastChunkFilled.txt.bak", BUFFER_SIZE); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); final int LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE = 257; assert (LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE % BUFFER_SIZE) == 1; verifyOnBuffer( "LonelyByteInLastChunk.txt", LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 12); assertHasNChunks(5, cache, INDEXNAME, "LonelyByteInLastChunk.txt.bak", BUFFER_SIZE); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); }
public void testCorrectShutdown() { CacheContainer cc = null; try { ConfigurationBuilder cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cfg.transaction() .transactionMode(TransactionMode.TRANSACTIONAL) .indexing() .index(Index.ALL) .addProperty("default.directory_provider", "ram") .addProperty("lucene_version", "LUCENE_CURRENT"); cc = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(cfg); Cache<?, ?> cache = cc.getCache(); SearchFactoryIntegrator sfi = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, SearchFactoryIntegrator.class); assert !sfi.isStopped(); cc.stop(); assert sfi.isStopped(); } finally { // proper cleanup for exceptional execution TestingUtil.killCacheManagers(cc); } }
@Test public void testChunkBordersOnInfinispan() throws IOException { Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); cache.clear(); InfinispanDirectory dir = new InfinispanDirectory(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME, 13); testChunkBorders(dir, cache); cache.clear(); }
@Test public void testChunkBordersOnInfinispan() throws IOException { Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); cache.clear(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME) .chunkSize(13) .create(); testChunkBorders(dir, cache); cache.clear(); }
@Test(expectedExceptions = CacheConfigurationException.class) public void testSyncAndAsyncElements() throws IOException { String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<infinispan>" + "<global><transport /></global>" + "<default><clustering><sync /><async /></clustering></default></infinispan>"; InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()); CacheContainer cc = TestCacheManagerFactory.fromStream(stream); cc.getCache(); }
public void testIdleExpiryInPutIfAbsent() throws InterruptedException { Cache<String, String> cache = cm.getCache(); long idleTime = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; assert cache.putIfAbsent("k", "v", -1, MILLISECONDS, idleTime, MILLISECONDS) == null; assert cache.get("k").equals("v"); Thread.sleep(idleTime + 100); assert cache.get("k") == null; cache.put("k", "v"); assert cache.putIfAbsent("k", "v", -1, MILLISECONDS, idleTime, MILLISECONDS) != null; }
public <K, V> Cache<K, V> getCityCache() { try { if (container != null) { Cache<K, V> cache = container.getCache("tspoinparamCache"); return cache; } else { logger.error("container null"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Failed to get cache: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** @return gets the registry cache */ private Cache<Object, Object> getCache() { if (cache != null) { return cache; } try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); CacheContainer container = (CacheContainer) ic.lookup(cacheContainer); cache = container.getCache(cacheName); return cache; } catch (NamingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void testInitialStateTransfer() throws Exception { testCount++;"testInitialStateTransfer start - " + testCount); CacheContainer cm1 = null, cm2 = null; try { Cache<Object, Object> cache1, cache2; cm1 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory1); cache1 = cm1.getCache(cacheName); writeInitialData(cache1); cm2 = createCacheManager(tmpDirectory2); cache2 = cm2.getCache(cacheName); // Pause to give caches time to see each other TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(60000, cache1, cache2); verifyInitialData(cache2);"testInitialStateTransfer end - " + testCount); } finally { if (cm1 != null) cm1.stop(); if (cm2 != null) cm2.stop(); } }
public void testIdleExpiryInPutAll() throws InterruptedException { Cache<String, String> cache = cm.getCache(); final long idleTime = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; Map<String, String> m = new HashMap(); m.put("k1", "v"); m.put("k2", "v"); cache.putAll(m, -1, MILLISECONDS, idleTime, MILLISECONDS); assert cache.get("k1").equals("v"); assert cache.get("k2").equals("v"); Thread.sleep(idleTime + 100); assert cache.get("k1") == null; assert cache.get("k2") == null; }
public void testWriteChunks() throws Exception { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME) .chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE) .create(); IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt"); io.writeByte((byte) 66); io.writeByte((byte) 69); io.flush(); io.close(); assert dir.fileExists("MyNewFile.txt"); assert null != cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE)); // test contents by reading: byte[] buf = new byte[9]; IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt"); ii.readBytes(buf, 0, (int) ii.length()); ii.close(); assert new String(new byte[] {66, 69}).equals(new String(buf).trim()); String testText = "This is some rubbish again that will span more than one chunk - one hopes. Who knows, maybe even three or four chunks."; io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt");; io.writeBytes(testText.getBytes(), 0, testText.length()); io.close(); // now compare. byte[] chunk1 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE)); byte[] chunk2 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE)); assert null != chunk1; assert null != chunk2; assert testText.equals(new String(chunk1) + new String(chunk2).trim()); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); }
public void testIdleExpiryInPut() throws InterruptedException { Cache<String, String> cache = cm.getCache(); long idleTime = IDLE_TIMEOUT; cache.put("k", "v", -1, MILLISECONDS, idleTime, MILLISECONDS); DataContainer dc = cache.getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer(); InternalCacheEntry se = dc.get("k", null); assert se.getKey().equals("k"); assert se.getValue().equals("v"); assert se.getLifespan() == -1; assert se.getMaxIdle() == idleTime; assert !se.isExpired(); assert cache.get("k").equals("v"); Thread.sleep(idleTime + 100); assert se.isExpired(); assert cache.get("k") == null; }
private void recreateCacheManager() { ConfigurationBuilder cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cfg.loaders() .preload(true) .passivation(true) .addStore() .cacheStore(new DummyInMemoryCacheStore()) .purgeOnStartup(true) .indexing() .enable() .addProperty("default.directory_provider", "ram") .addProperty("lucene_version", "LUCENE_CURRENT"); cm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(cfg); cache = cm.getCache(); store = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, CacheLoaderManager.class).getCacheStore(); search = Search.getSearchManager(cache); }
@Test public void testRefreshAfterExternalChange() throws Exception { // First session factory uses a cache CacheContainer localManager = ClusterAwareRegionFactory.getCacheManager(DualNodeTest.LOCAL); localCache = localManager.getCache(Account.class.getName()); SessionFactory localFactory = sessionFactory(); // Second session factory doesn't; just needs a transaction manager SessionFactory remoteFactory = secondNodeEnvironment().getSessionFactory(); AccountDAO dao0 = new AccountDAO(useJta, localFactory); AccountDAO dao1 = new AccountDAO(useJta, remoteFactory); Integer id = new Integer(1); dao0.createAccount(dao0.getSmith(), id, new Integer(5), DualNodeTest.LOCAL); // Basic sanity check Account acct1 = dao1.getAccount(id); assertNotNull(acct1); assertEquals(DualNodeTest.LOCAL, acct1.getBranch()); // This dao's session factory isn't caching, so cache won't see this change dao1.updateAccountBranch(id, DualNodeTest.REMOTE); // dao1's session doesn't touch the cache, // so reading from dao0 should show a stale value from the cache // (we check to confirm the cache is used) Account acct0 = dao0.getAccount(id); assertNotNull(acct0); assertEquals(DualNodeTest.LOCAL, acct0.getBranch()); log.debug("Contents when re-reading from local: " + TestingUtil.printCache(localCache)); // Now call session.refresh and confirm we get the correct value acct0 = dao0.getAccountWithRefresh(id); assertNotNull(acct0); assertEquals(DualNodeTest.REMOTE, acct0.getBranch()); log.debug("Contents after refreshing in remote: " + TestingUtil.printCache(localCache)); // Double check with a brand new session, in case the other session // for some reason bypassed the 2nd level cache AccountDAO dao0A = new AccountDAO(useJta, localFactory); Account acct0A = dao0A.getAccount(id); assertNotNull(acct0A); assertEquals(DualNodeTest.REMOTE, acct0A.getBranch()); log.debug("Contents after creating a new session: " + TestingUtil.printCache(localCache)); }
private void setupCacheStructures() { InfinispanCacheListener dialogsCacheListener = new InfinispanCacheListener(stack); dialogs = cm.getCache("cache.dialogs"); appDataMap = cm.getCache("cache.appdata"); serverTransactions = cm.getCache("cache.serverTX"); serverTransactionsApp = cm.getCache("cache.serverTXApp"); clientTransactions = cm.getCache("cache.clientTX"); clientTransactionsApp = cm.getCache("cache.clientTXApp"); dialogs.addListener(dialogsCacheListener); }
private void doValuesAfterExpiryInTransaction(Method m, CacheContainer cc) throws Exception { Cache<Integer, String> cache = cc.getCache(); // Values come as a Collection, but comparison of HashMap#Values is done // by reference equality, so wrap the collection around to set to make // testing easier, given that we know that there are dup values. Set<String> values; Map dataIn = new HashMap(); dataIn.put(1, v(m, 1)); dataIn.put(2, v(m, 2)); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long lifespan = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; cache.putAll(dataIn, lifespan, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); cache.getAdvancedCache().getTransactionManager().begin(); try { Map txDataIn = new HashMap(); txDataIn.put(3, v(m, 3)); Set allValuesIn = new HashSet(dataIn.values()); allValuesIn.addAll(txDataIn.values()); // Add an entry within tx cache.putAll(txDataIn); values = Collections.emptySet(); while (true) { values = new HashSet(cache.values()); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals(allValuesIn, values); Thread.sleep(100); } // Make sure that in the next 20 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { values = new HashSet(cache.values()); if (values.size() == 1) return; } } finally { cache.getAdvancedCache().getTransactionManager().commit(); } assert values.size() == 1; }
public void testLifespanExpiryInReplace() throws InterruptedException { Cache<String, String> cache = cm.getCache(); final long lifespan = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; assert cache.get("k") == null; assert cache.replace("k", "v", lifespan, MILLISECONDS) == null; assert cache.get("k") == null; cache.put("k", "v-old"); assert cache.get("k").equals("v-old"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); assert cache.replace("k", "v", lifespan, MILLISECONDS) != null; assert cache.get("k").equals("v"); while (true) { String v = cache.get("k"); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals("v", v); Thread.sleep(100); } // make sure that in the next 2 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { if (cache.get("k") == null) break; Thread.sleep(100); } assert cache.get("k") == null; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.put("k", "v"); assert cache.replace("k", "v", "v2", lifespan, MILLISECONDS); while (true) { String v = cache.get("k"); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals("v2", v); Thread.sleep(100); } // make sure that in the next 2 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { if (cache.get("k") == null) break; Thread.sleep(50); } assert cache.get("k") == null; }
@Test public void testWriteChunksDefaultChunks() throws Exception { Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).create(); final String testText = "This is some rubbish"; final byte[] testTextAsBytes = testText.getBytes(); IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt"); io.writeByte((byte) 1); io.writeByte((byte) 2); io.writeByte((byte) 3); io.writeBytes(testTextAsBytes, testTextAsBytes.length); io.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); FileCacheKey fileCacheKey = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt"); assert null != cache.get(fileCacheKey); FileMetadata metadata = (FileMetadata) cache.get(fileCacheKey); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(testTextAsBytes.length + 3, metadata.getSize()); assert null != cache.get( new ChunkCacheKey( INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, DirectoryBuilderImpl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)); // test contents by reading: IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt"); assert ii.readByte() == 1; assert ii.readByte() == 2; assert ii.readByte() == 3; byte[] buf = new byte[testTextAsBytes.length]; ii.readBytes(buf, 0, testTextAsBytes.length); ii.close(); assert testText.equals(new String(buf).trim()); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); }
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); Cache cache = cacheContainer.getCache("MyCoolCache"); cache.put("frank", "value"); System.out.println("Put in cache!"); try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()) { /* TODO output your page here. You may use following sample code. */ out.println("<!DOCTYPE html>"); out.println("<html>"); out.println("<head>"); out.println("<title>Servlet PutServlet</title>"); out.println("</head>"); out.println("<body>"); out.println("<h1>Servlet PutServlet at " + request.getContextPath() + "</h1>"); out.println("</body>"); out.println("</html>"); } }
private void doKeySetAfterExpiryInTransaction(Method m, CacheContainer cc) throws Exception { Cache<Integer, String> cache = cc.getCache(); Set<Integer> keys; Map dataIn = new HashMap(); dataIn.put(1, v(m, 1)); dataIn.put(2, v(m, 2)); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long lifespan = EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT; cache.putAll(dataIn, lifespan, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); cache.getAdvancedCache().getTransactionManager().begin(); try { Map txDataIn = new HashMap(); txDataIn.put(3, v(m, 3)); Map allEntriesIn = new HashMap(dataIn); // Update expectations allEntriesIn.putAll(txDataIn); // Add an entry within tx cache.putAll(txDataIn); keys = Collections.emptySet(); while (true) { keys = cache.keySet(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= startTime + lifespan) break; assertEquals(allEntriesIn.keySet(), keys); Thread.sleep(100); } // Make sure that in the next 20 secs data is removed while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + lifespan + EVICTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT) { keys = cache.keySet(); if (keys.size() == 1) return; } } finally { cache.getAdvancedCache().getTransactionManager().commit(); } assert keys.size() == 1; }