public void testRun() throws Exception { String wsName = "test"; DefaultCacheManager dcm = new DefaultCacheManager(); Cache<String, Metadata> metaCache = dcm.getCache("meta"); Cache<String, byte[]> dataCache = dcm.getCache("data"); GridFilesystem gfs = new GridFilesystem(dataCache, metaCache); BuildContext bcontext = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(metaCache, dataCache, metaCache, wsName); bcontext.chunkSize(1024 * 1024); Directory directory = bcontext.create(); Central central = CentralConfig.oldFromDir(directory).build(); central.newIndexer().index(IndexJobs.create("/bleujin", 10)); central.newSearcher().createRequest("").find().debugPrint(); OutputStream output = gfs.getOutput("/"); IOUtil.copyNClose(new StringInputStream("hello bleujin"), output); Debug.line(IOUtil.toStringWithClose(gfs.getInput("/"))); central.newSearcher().createRequest("").find().debugPrint(); File root = gfs.getFile("/"); viewFile(root); dcm.stop(); }
public void testGetParentFile() throws IOException { File file = fs.getFile("file.txt"); assertNull(file.getParentFile()); file = fs.getFile("/parentdir/file.txt"); File parentDir = file.getParentFile(); assertTrue(parentDir instanceof GridFile); assertEquals(parentDir.getPath(), "/parentdir"); }
public void testEquals() throws Exception { assertFalse(fs.getFile("").equals(null)); assertTrue(fs.getFile("").equals(fs.getFile(""))); assertTrue(fs.getFile("").equals(fs.getFile("/"))); assertTrue(fs.getFile("foo.txt").equals(fs.getFile("foo.txt"))); assertTrue(fs.getFile("foo.txt").equals(fs.getFile("/foo.txt"))); assertFalse(fs.getFile("foo.txt").equals(fs.getFile("FOO.TXT"))); assertFalse(fs.getFile("/foo.txt").equals(new File("/foo.txt"))); }
public void testGetParent() throws IOException { File file = fs.getFile("file.txt"); assertEquals(file.getParent(), null); file = fs.getFile("/parentdir/file.txt"); assertEquals(file.getParent(), "/parentdir"); file = fs.getFile("/parentdir/subdir/file.txt"); assertEquals(file.getParent(), "/parentdir/subdir"); }
public void testMultiClose() throws Exception { String filePath = "test_close.dat"; OutputStream out = fs.getOutput(filePath); try { out.write(1); } finally { out.close(); out.close(); } File f = fs.getFile(filePath); assertEquals(f.length(), 1); }
private void writeToFile(String filePath, String text, boolean append, Integer chunkSize) throws IOException { OutputStream out = chunkSize == null ? fs.getOutput(filePath, append) : fs.getOutput(filePath, append, chunkSize); try { out.write(text.getBytes()); } finally { out.close(); } }
// ISPN-2157 public void testWriteAndReadNegativeByte() throws Exception { String filePath = "negative.dat"; OutputStream out = fs.getOutput(filePath); try { out.write(-1); } finally { out.close(); } InputStream in = fs.getInput(filePath); try { assertEquals(, 255); } finally { in.close(); } }
public void testGetFile() throws Exception { assertEquals(fs.getFile("file.txt").getPath(), "file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/file.txt").getPath(), "/file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("myDir/file.txt").getPath(), "myDir/file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/myDir/file.txt").getPath(), "/myDir/file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("myDir", "file.txt").getPath(), "myDir/file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/myDir", "file.txt").getPath(), "/myDir/file.txt"); File dir = fs.getFile("/myDir"); assertEquals(fs.getFile(dir, "file.txt").getPath(), "/myDir/file.txt"); dir = fs.getFile("myDir"); assertEquals(fs.getFile(dir, "file.txt").getPath(), "myDir/file.txt"); }
public void testSkip() throws Exception { String filePath = "skip.txt"; writeToFile(filePath, "abcde" + "fghij" + "klmno" + "pqrst" + "uvwxy" + "z", 5); InputStream in = fs.getInput(filePath); try { long skipped = in.skip(2); // skip inside current chunk assertEquals(skipped, 2); assertEquals((char), 'c'); skipped = in.skip(2); // skip to end of chunk assertEquals(skipped, 2); assertEquals((char), 'f'); skipped = in.skip(6); // skip into next chunk assertEquals(skipped, 6); assertEquals((char), 'm'); skipped = in.skip(9); // skip _over_ next chunk assertEquals(skipped, 9); assertEquals((char), 'w'); skipped = in.skip(-1); // negative skip assertEquals(skipped, 0); assertEquals((char), 'x'); skipped = in.skip(10); // skip beyond EOF assertEquals(skipped, 2); assertEquals(, -1); } finally { in.close(); } }
public void testReadLoop() throws Exception { WritableGridFileChannel wgfc = fs.getWritableChannel("/readTest.txt", false, 100); try { assertTrue(wgfc.isOpen()); wgfc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("This tests read loop.".getBytes())); } finally { wgfc.close(); } ReadableGridFileChannel rgfc = fs.getReadableChannel("/readTest.txt"); try { assertTrue( "This tests read loop.".equals(new String(toBytes(Channels.newInputStream(rgfc))))); } finally { rgfc.close(); } }
@Override public long getResourceLength(ITransaction transaction, String uri) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.getResourceLength(%s)", uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); return file.length(); }
@Override public String[] getChildrenNames(ITransaction transaction, String uri) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.getChildrenNames(%s)", uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); try { String[] childrenNames = null; if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] children = file.listFiles(); if (children == null) throw new WebdavException("IO error while listing files for " + file); List<String> childList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String name = children[i].getName(); childList.add(name); log.trace("Child " + i + ": " + name); } childrenNames = new String[childList.size()]; childrenNames = childList.toArray(childrenNames); } return childrenNames; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("GridStore.getChildrenNames(" + uri + ") failed", e); throw new WebdavException(e); } }
@Override public InputStream getResourceContent(ITransaction transaction, String uri) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.getResourceContent(%s)", uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); InputStream in; try { // in=new BufferedInputStream(fs.getInput(file)); in = fs.getInput(file); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("GridStore.getResourceContent(" + uri + ") failed"); throw new WebdavException(e); } return in; }
@Override public void removeObject(ITransaction transaction, String uri) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); boolean success = file.delete(); log.tracef("GridStore.removeObject(%s)=%s", uri, success); if (!success) throw new WebdavException("cannot delete object: " + uri); }
@Override public void createFolder(ITransaction transaction, String uri) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.createFolder(%s)", uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); if (!file.mkdir()) { throw new WebdavException("cannot create folder: " + uri); } }
public void testWriteAfterClose() throws Exception { String filePath = "test_write_to_closed.dat"; OutputStream out = fs.getOutput(filePath); try { out.write(1); } finally { out.close(); } IOException e = null; try { out.write(2); } catch (IOException ex) { e = ex; } assertNotNull(e); File f = fs.getFile(filePath); assertEquals(f.length(), 1); }
public void testList() throws Exception { assertNull(fs.getFile("nonExistentDir").list()); assertEquals(createDir("/emptyDir").list().length, 0); File dir = createDirWithFiles(); String[] filenames = dir.list(); assertEquals( asSet(filenames), asSet("foo1.txt", "foo2.txt", "bar1.txt", "bar2.txt", "fooDir", "barDir")); }
public void testGetName() throws IOException { assertEquals(fs.getFile("").getName(), ""); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/").getName(), ""); assertEquals(fs.getFile("file.txt").getName(), "file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/file.txt").getName(), "file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/dir/file.txt").getName(), "file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("/dir/subdir/file.txt").getName(), "file.txt"); assertEquals(fs.getFile("dir/subdir/file.txt").getName(), "file.txt"); }
public void testWritableChannelAppend() throws Exception { writeToFile("/append.txt", "Initial text.", 3); WritableGridFileChannel channel = fs.getWritableChannel("/append.txt", true); try { channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("Appended text.".getBytes())); } finally { channel.close(); } assertEquals(getContents("/append.txt"), "Initial text.Appended text."); }
public void testWritableChannel() throws Exception { WritableGridFileChannel channel = fs.getWritableChannel("/channelTest.txt", false, 10); try { assertTrue(channel.isOpen()); channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("This file spans multiple chunks.".getBytes())); } finally { channel.close(); } assertFalse(channel.isOpen()); assertEquals(getContents("/channelTest.txt"), "This file spans multiple chunks."); }
public void testRootDir() throws Exception { File rootDir = fs.getFile("/"); assertTrue(rootDir.exists()); assertTrue(rootDir.isDirectory()); createFile("/foo.txt"); String[] filenames = rootDir.list(); assertNotNull(filenames); assertEquals(filenames.length, 1); assertEquals(filenames[0], "foo.txt"); }
public void testCanReadClosed() throws Exception { String filePath = "file_read_closed.txt"; OutputStream out = fs.getOutput(filePath); try { out.write(1); out.write(2); out.write(3); } finally { out.close(); } InputStream in = fs.getInput(filePath);; in.close(); IOException e = null; try {; } catch (IOException ex) { e = ex; } assertNotNull(e); }
public void testDeleteRemovesAllChunks() throws Exception { assertEquals(numberOfChunksInCache(), 0); assertEquals(numberOfMetadataEntries(), 0); writeToFile("delete.txt", "delete me", 100); GridFile file = (GridFile) fs.getFile("delete.txt"); boolean deleted = file.delete(); assertTrue(deleted); assertFalse(file.exists()); assertEquals(numberOfChunksInCache(), 0); assertEquals(numberOfMetadataEntries(), 0); }
@Override public long setResourceContent( ITransaction transaction, String uri, InputStream is, String contentType, String characterEncoding) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.setResourceContent(%s)", uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); try { OutputStream os = fs.getOutput((GridFile) file); // OutputStream os=new BufferedOutputStream(fs.getOutput((GridFile)file), BUF_SIZE); try { int read; byte[] copyBuffer = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; while ((read =, 0, copyBuffer.length)) != -1) { os.write(copyBuffer, 0, read); } } finally { Util.close(is); Util.close(os); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("GridStore.setResourceContent(" + uri + ") failed", e); throw new WebdavException(e); } long length = -1; try { length = file.length(); } catch (SecurityException e) { log.error("GridStore.setResourceContent(" + uri + ") failed" + "\nCan't get file.length"); } return length; }
@Override public void createResource(ITransaction transaction, String uri) throws WebdavException { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.createResource(%s)", uri); File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); try { if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new WebdavException("cannot create file: " + uri); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("GridStore.createResource(" + uri + ") failed", e); throw new WebdavException(e); } }
public void testWriteAcrossMultipleChunksWithNonDefaultChunkSizeAfterFileIsExplicitlyCreated() throws Exception { GridFile file = (GridFile) fs.getFile("multipleChunks.txt", 20); // chunkSize = 20 file.createNewFile(); writeToFile( "multipleChunks.txt", "This text spans multiple chunks, because each chunk is only 20 bytes long.", 10); // chunkSize = 10 (but it is ignored, because the file was already created with // chunkSize = 20 String text = getContents("multipleChunks.txt"); assertEquals( text, "This text spans multiple chunks, because each chunk is only 20 bytes long."); }
public void testReadableChannel() throws Exception { String content = "This is the content of channelTest.txt"; writeToFile("/channelTest.txt", content, 10); ReadableGridFileChannel channel = fs.getReadableChannel("/channelTest.txt"); try { assertTrue(channel.isOpen()); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1000);; assertEquals(getStringFrom(buffer), content); } finally { channel.close(); } assertFalse(channel.isOpen()); }
public void testListFiles() throws Exception { assertNull(fs.getFile("nonExistentDir").listFiles()); assertEquals(createDir("/emptyDir").listFiles().length, 0); File dir = createDirWithFiles(); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); assertEquals( asSet(getPaths(files)), asSet( "/myDir/foo1.txt", "/myDir/foo2.txt", "/myDir/fooDir", "/myDir/bar1.txt", "/myDir/bar2.txt", "/myDir/barDir")); }
@Override public StoredObject getStoredObject(ITransaction transaction, String uri) { uri = normalizeURI(uri); log.tracef("GridStore.getStoredObject(%s)", uri); StoredObject so = null; File file = fs.getFile(root, uri); if (file.exists()) { so = new StoredObject(); so.setFolder(file.isDirectory()); so.setLastModified(new Date(file.lastModified())); so.setCreationDate(new Date(file.lastModified())); so.setResourceLength(getResourceLength(transaction, uri)); } return so; }
public GridStore(File root) { data = CacheManagerHolder.cacheContainer.getCache(CacheManagerHolder.dataCacheName); metadata = CacheManagerHolder.cacheContainer.getCache(CacheManagerHolder.metadataCacheName); try { data.start(); metadata.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("creation of cluster failed", e); } fs = new GridFilesystem(data, metadata); this.root = fs.getFile(root.getPath()); if (!this.root.mkdirs()) throw new WebdavException( "root path: " + root.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist and could not be created"); }