@Override public void execute(DelegateExecution oExecution) throws Exception { // MultiPartEmail oMultiPartEmail = MultiPartEmail_BaseFromTask(oExecution); Mail oMail = Mail_BaseFromTask(oExecution); // send the email // oMultiPartEmail.send(); oMail.send(); }
@Override public void execute(DelegateExecution oExecution) throws Exception { System.setProperty("mail.mime.address.strict", "false"); // MultiPartEmail oMultiPartEmail = MultiPartEmail_BaseFromTask(oExecution); Mail oMail = Mail_BaseFromTask(oExecution); String sAttachmentsForSend = getStringFromFieldExpression(this.saAttachmentsForSend, oExecution); sAttachmentsForSend = sAttachmentsForSend == null ? "" : sAttachmentsForSend; LOG.info("(sAttachmentsForSend={})", sAttachmentsForSend); List<Attachment> aAttachment = new ArrayList<>(); String[] asID_Attachment = sAttachmentsForSend.split(","); for (String sID_Attachment : asID_Attachment) { // log.info("sID_Attachment=" + sID_Attachment); if (sID_Attachment != null && !"".equals(sID_Attachment.trim()) && !"null".equals(sID_Attachment.trim())) { String sID_AttachmentTrimmed = sID_Attachment.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", ""); LOG.info("(sID_AttachmentTrimmed={})", sID_AttachmentTrimmed); Attachment oAttachment = taskService.getAttachment(sID_AttachmentTrimmed); if (oAttachment != null) { aAttachment.add(oAttachment); } } else { LOG.warn("(sID_Attachment={})", sID_Attachment); } } if (aAttachment != null && !aAttachment.isEmpty()) { InputStream oInputStream_Attachment = null; String sFileName = "document"; String sFileExt = "txt"; String sDescription = ""; for (Attachment oAttachment : aAttachment) { sFileName = oAttachment.getName(); String sExt = ""; int nAt = sFileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (nAt >= 0) { sExt = sFileName.substring(nAt); } sFileName = "Attach_" + oAttachment.getId() + sExt; // sFileExt = oAttachment.getType().split(";")[0]; sDescription = oAttachment.getDescription(); if (sDescription == null || "".equals(sDescription.trim())) { sDescription = "(no description)"; } LOG.info( "(oAttachment.getId()={}, sFileName={}, sFileExt={}, sDescription={})", oAttachment.getId(), sFileName, sFileExt, sDescription); oInputStream_Attachment = oExecution .getEngineServices() .getTaskService() .getAttachmentContent(oAttachment.getId()); if (oInputStream_Attachment == null) { LOG.error( "Attachment with (id={}) doesn't have content associated with it.", oAttachment.getId()); throw new ActivitiObjectNotFoundException( "Attachment with id '" + oAttachment.getId() + "' doesn't have content associated with it.", Attachment.class); } DataSource oDataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(oInputStream_Attachment, sFileExt); if (oDataSource == null) { LOG.error("Attachment: oDataSource == null"); } // oMail._Attach(oDataSource, sFileName + "." + sFileExt, sDescription); oMail._Attach(oDataSource, sFileName, sDescription); LOG.info("oMultiPartEmail.attach: Ok!"); } } else { LOG.error("aAttachment has nothing!"); throw new ActivitiObjectNotFoundException("add the file to send"); } // send the email // oMultiPartEmail.send(); oMail.send(); }