private static void tipoFuncionario() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); session.beginTransaction(); TipoFuncionario t1 = new TipoFuncionario(); t1.setNome("Gerente"); session.saveOrUpdate(t1); TipoFuncionario t2 = new TipoFuncionario(); t2.setNome("Mecânico"); t2.setMecanico(true); session.saveOrUpdate(t2); TipoFuncionario t3 = new TipoFuncionario(); t3.setNome("Atendente"); session.saveOrUpdate(t3); TipoFuncionario t4 = new TipoFuncionario(); t4.setNome("Administrador"); session.saveOrUpdate(t4); TipoFuncionario t5 = new TipoFuncionario(); t5.setNome("Almoxarife"); session.saveOrUpdate(t5); session.getTransaction().commit(); System.out.println("Tipos de funcionarios criados!"); }
private void carregaPreuTipusHabitacions() { String[] nomsHotels = { "Palace", "Hilton", "Metropolitan", "Arts", "Catalunya", "Pensión Pepe", "Bonjour", "Oulala" }; String[] nomsTipus = {"Individual", "Doble", "Matrimoni"}; float[] preus = {100, 200, 250}; for (int i = 0; i < nomsHotels.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < nomsTipus.length; ++j) { PreuTipusHabitacio pth = new PreuTipusHabitacio(); pth.setId(new PreuTipusHabitacioId(nomsHotels[i], nomsTipus[j])); pth.setPreu(preus[j]); if (j == 0) { AbsoluteDiscountPreuStrategy adps = new AbsoluteDiscountPreuStrategy(); adps.setId(new PreuTipusHabitacioId(nomsHotels[i], nomsTipus[j])); adps.setDescompte(30); pth.setStrategy(adps); session.saveOrUpdate(pth); session.saveOrUpdate(adps); } else { PercentDiscountPreuStrategy pdps = new PercentDiscountPreuStrategy(); pdps.setId(new PreuTipusHabitacioId(nomsHotels[i], nomsTipus[j])); pdps.setPerc(0.7F); pth.setStrategy(pdps); session.saveOrUpdate(pth); session.saveOrUpdate(pdps); } } } }
/** Save all the VOs related to this core responsibility structure */ public void save() throws ArchEException { Session openSession = ArchECoreDataProvider.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); if (openSession != null && openSession.isConnected() && openSession.isOpen()) { try { // Save or update the raw responsibility structure // openSession.saveOrUpdate(rawRSVO); for (Iterator<ArchEResponsibilityVO> itResps = rawRSVO.getResponsibilities().iterator(); itResps.hasNext(); ) { ArchEResponsibilityVO resp =; String name = resp.getName(); openSession.saveOrUpdate(resp); this.saveParametersForResponsibility(resp, openSession); } // Save or update the translation relations for (Iterator<ArchETranslationRelationVO> it = trVOs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) openSession.saveOrUpdate(; // Save or update the refinement relations for (Iterator<ArchERefinementRelationVO> it = refVOs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) openSession.saveOrUpdate(; // It deletes the list of 'removed' VOs for (Iterator it = removedRelationVOs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) openSession.delete(; } catch (HibernateException ex) { throw new ArchEException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.configure("/Metadata/metadata-hibernate.cfg.xml"); conf.addAnnotatedClass(Child.class); conf.addAnnotatedClass(Parent.class); conf.addAnnotatedClass(ParentPk.class); HibernateUtil.setConfiguration(conf); Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); try { Parent parent = new Parent(); ParentPk pk = new ParentPk(); parent.setFirstName("Class"); parent.setLastName("Foo"); parent.setMale(true); // parent.setId(pk); session.saveOrUpdate(parent); Child child = new Child(); session.saveOrUpdate(child); // parent.getChildren().add(child); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback(); throw e; } finally { session.close(); } }
public StockOpnameHeader save( List<StockOpnameDetail> stockOpnameDetails, Timestamp performedBeginTimestamp, Timestamp performedEndTimestamp, Session session) { StockOpnameHeader stockOpnameHeader = new StockOpnameHeader(); stockOpnameHeader.setPerformedBy(Main.getUserLogin()); stockOpnameHeader.setPerformedBeginTimestamp(performedBeginTimestamp); stockOpnameHeader.setPerformedEndTimestamp(performedEndTimestamp); stockOpnameHeader.setLastUpdatedBy(Main.getUserLogin().getId()); stockOpnameHeader.setLastUpdatedTimestamp(CommonUtils.getCurrentTimestamp()); session.saveOrUpdate(stockOpnameHeader); for (StockOpnameDetail stockOpname : stockOpnameDetails) { Item item = stockOpname.getItem(); List<ItemStock> itemStocks = item.getItemStocks(); for (ItemStock itemStock : itemStocks) { session.saveOrUpdate(itemStock); } session.saveOrUpdate(item); stockOpname.setStockOpnameHeader(stockOpnameHeader); session.saveOrUpdate(stockOpname); } return stockOpnameHeader; }
@Test @Priority(10) public void initData() { Session session = openSession(); // Rev 1 session.getTransaction().begin(); Person p = new Person(); Name n = new Name(); n.setName("name1"); p.getNames().add(n); session.saveOrUpdate(p); session.getTransaction().commit(); // Rev 2 session.getTransaction().begin(); n.setName("Changed name"); session.saveOrUpdate(p); session.getTransaction().commit(); // Rev 3 session.getTransaction().begin(); Name n2 = new Name(); n2.setName("name2"); p.getNames().add(n2); session.getTransaction().commit(); personId = p.getId(); }
/** * Encargado de borrar la informacion de un riego apartir de su identificacion * * @param idIrr: Identificacion del riego * @return Estado del proceso */ public String delete() { if (!usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "crop/delete")) { return BaseAction.NOT_AUTHORIZED; } Integer idIrr = 0; try { idIrr = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequest().getParameter("idIrr")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { idIrr = -1; } if (idIrr == -1) { state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de obtener la informacion a borrar"; return "states"; } SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Irrigation pr = irrDao.objectById(idIrr); pr.setStatus(false); // session.delete(pro); session.saveOrUpdate(pr); LogEntities log = new LogEntities(); log.setIdLogEnt(null); log.setIdEntityLogEnt(idEntSystem); log.setIdObjectLogEnt(pr.getIdIrr()); log.setTableLogEnt("irrigation"); log.setDateLogEnt(new Date()); log.setActionTypeLogEnt("D"); session.saveOrUpdate(log); //; tx.commit(); state = "success"; info = "El riego ha sido borrado con exito"; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de borrar un riego"; } finally { session.close(); } return "states"; // return SUCCESS; }
@GlobalDBOpenCloseAndUserPrivilages public Map saveUserType( Session session, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String LoggedInRegion, String LoggedInUser, String funtype, String usertypeid, String usertype) { Map resultMap = new HashMap(); Transaction transaction = null; try { transaction = session.beginTransaction(); Usertype masterobj = new Usertype(); if (usertypeid.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { masterobj.setId(getSequenceId(session)); } else { masterobj.setId(Integer.parseInt(usertypeid)); } masterobj.setUsertypename(usertype); masterobj.setParentcode(0); session.saveOrUpdate(masterobj); transaction.commit(); resultMap.put("success", "User Type Successfully Saved"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } resultMap.put("ERROR", "User Type Transaction Faild"); } return resultMap; }
@Override public void saveOrUpdate(Session session, T obj) throws DaoException {"BaseDaoAbstract.SaveOrUpdate by object: " + obj != null ? obj : "null"); // Session session = hibernateUtil.getSession(); try { transaction = session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(obj); transaction.commit();"BaseDaoAbstract.saveOrUpdate -> COMMIT: " + obj != null ? obj : "null"); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback();"BaseDaoAbstract.saveOrUpdate -> catch -> ROLLBACK: " + e); } throw new DaoException(e); } /*finally { if(null!=session && session.isOpen()) { try { session.close(); }catch (SessionException e) {"error in session.close(): "+e); } } }*/ }
public User updateExistingUser( String login, String name, String password, List<Role> roles, boolean disabled, boolean deleted, Session session) throws UserException, AppException { User user = getDetail(login, session); user.setName(name); if (password != null && !password.trim().equals("")) { user.setPassword(SecurityUtils.hash(password)); } if (deleted) { if (!disabled) { throw new UserException("Tidak dapat menghapus User yang masih dalam kondisi aktif"); } } user.setDisabled(disabled); user.setDeleted(deleted); user.setLastUpdatedBy(Main.getUserLogin().getId()); user.setLastUpdatedTimestamp(CommonUtils.getCurrentTimestamp()); session.saveOrUpdate(user); updateUserRoleLink(user.getId(), roles, session); return user; }
/** * Update a single <code>Patient</code> record. * * @param patientRecord * @return boolean */ public boolean update(Patient patientRecord) { log.debug("PatientDAO.update() - Begin"); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; boolean result = true; if (patientRecord != null) { try { SessionFactory sessionFactory = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction();"Updating Record..."); session.saveOrUpdate(patientRecord);"Patient Updated seccussfully..."); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } log.error("Exception during update caused by :" + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { // Actual Patient update will happen at this step if (session != null) { session.close(); } } } log.debug("PatientDAO.update() - End"); return result; }
public static Panel savePanel(Panel panel) { SessionFactory sf = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { session = sf.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(panel); tx.commit(); return panel; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } return null; } finally { session.clear(); session.close(); } }
private static void funcionarios() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); session.beginTransaction(); for (String linha : getFuncionariosFromCSV()) { String[] item = linha.split(";"); Funcionario funcionario = new Funcionario(); funcionario.setNome(item[0]); funcionario.setCpf(item[1]); try { funcionario.setNascimento(Formatos.getFormatoDeData().parse(item[2])); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } funcionario.setEndereco(item[3]); funcionario.setEmail(item[4]); funcionario.setTelefone(item[5]); String hql = "from TipoFuncionario m where m.nome = :nome "; Query query = session.createQuery(hql).setString("nome", item[6]); funcionario.setTipoFuncionario((TipoFuncionario) query.uniqueResult()); session.saveOrUpdate(funcionario); } session.getTransaction().commit(); System.out.println("Funcionarios importados!"); }
@Test public void categoryAndEvent() { session.createQuery("delete from Event").executeUpdate(); session.createQuery("delete from Category").executeUpdate(); session.flush(); Category category = new Category("category1"); Event event1 = new Event("event1", new Date()); Event event2 = new Event("event2", new Date()); category.getEvents().add(event1); event1.setCategory(category); category.getEvents().add(event2); event2.setCategory(category); session.saveOrUpdate(category); session.flush(); session.clear(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Category> categories = (List<Category>) session.createCriteria(Category.class).list(); assertEquals(1, categories.size()); assertEquals(2, categories.get(0).getEvents().size()); for (Category c : categories) log.debug("Category=[{}]", c); }
@Test public void stateEntityImplSave() { session.createQuery("delete from StatefulEntityImpl").executeUpdate(); session.flush(); StatefulEntityImpl stateEntity = new StatefulEntityImpl("abc"); session.persist(stateEntity); session.flush(); StatefulEntityImpl stateEntity2 = new StatefulEntityImpl("가나다"); session.persist(stateEntity2); session.flush(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("엔티티를 저장했습니다. entity=" + stateEntity); session.clear(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<StatefulEntityImpl> loaded = (List<StatefulEntityImpl>) session.createQuery("from " + StatefulEntityImpl.class.getName()).list(); assertEquals(2, loaded.size()); StatefulEntityImpl entity = loaded.get(0); assertNotNull(entity); assertEquals("abc", entity.getName()); entity.setName("modified"); session.saveOrUpdate(entity); session.flush(); log.debug("엔티티를 로드했습니다. entity=" + entity); }
public static void updateProduct(Products pro) { Transaction trns = null; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); try { trns = session.beginTransaction(); // Products lolo = new Products(); lolo.setId(pro.getId()); lolo.setName(pro.getName()); lolo.setAvalibleAmmount(pro.getAvalibleAmmount()); lolo.setUnit(pro.getUnit()); lolo.setDescription(pro.getDescription()); // session.saveOrUpdate(lolo); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (trns != null) { trns.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.flush(); session.close(); } }
@Override public boolean saveMaxFileSequenceNo(CampaignProcessModel campaignProcessModel) { "Saving File Sequence no to CampaignProcess started at : " + System.currentTimeMillis()); boolean transactionStatus = true; Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(campaignProcessModel); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { tx.rollback(); transactionStatus = false; LOGGER.error( "HibernateException while saving File Sequence no to CampaignProcess table : " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error( "Saving File Sequence no to CampaignProcess finished with error : " + System.currentTimeMillis()); } finally { session.close(); } "Saving File Sequence no to CampaignProcess is successful" + System.currentTimeMillis()); return transactionStatus; }
public void submitCurrentPurchase(List<SoldItem> goods, SingleSale sale) throws VerificationFailedException { // Let's assume we have checked and found out that the buyer is // underaged and // cannot buy chupa-chups // throw new VerificationFailedException("Underaged!"); // XXX - Save purchase Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();; transaction.commit(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < goods.size(); i++) { session.saveOrUpdate(goods.get(i).getStockItem()); } transaction.commit(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < goods.size(); i++) { goods.get(i).setSaleId(sale);; } transaction.commit(); transaction = session.beginTransaction();; log.debug("Stock updated in db - confirmed sale"); }
/** Save the bowl picks */ public void saveBowlPicks(Integer userId, List<BowlPickBo> bowlPicks) { UserManager userMgr = new UserManager(); User user = userMgr.getUserById(userId); Transaction saveTransaction = session.beginTransaction(); for (BowlPickBo bowlPickBo : bowlPicks) { BowlMatchup matchup = getMatchupById(bowlPickBo.getBowlMatchupId()); if (matchup.getLockFlag() == true) { continue; } BowlPick pick = null; if (bowlPickBo.getBowlPickId() != null) { pick = getBowlPickById(bowlPickBo.getBowlPickId()); } else { pick = new BowlPick(); } pick.setBowlMatchup(getMatchupById(bowlPickBo.getBowlMatchupId())); pick.setSelectedTeam(getCfbTeamById(bowlPickBo.getSelectedTeamId())); pick.setUser(user); pick.setLastEditTimestamp(new Date()); pick.setCreateTimestamp(new Date()); user.getBowlPicks().add(pick); if (pick.getBowlMatchup().getLockFlag() == true) { continue; } session.saveOrUpdate(pick); } saveTransaction.commit(); session.flush(); }
public boolean testCreatTransaction() { // creation of session Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); // creation of transaction org.hibernate.Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); try { // begin the transaction first tx.begin(); // save the information session.saveOrUpdate(testData); // commit the changes tx.commit(); // close session session.close(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { tx.rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); return false; } }
private static void clientes() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); session.beginTransaction(); for (String linha : getClientesFromCSV()) { String[] item = linha.split(";"); Cliente cliente = new Cliente(); cliente.setRazao(item[0]); cliente.setFantasia(item[1]); cliente.setNumeroDocumento(item[2]); try { cliente.setNascimento(Formatos.getFormatoDeData().parse(item[3])); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cliente.setEndereco(item[4]); cliente.setTelefone(item[5]); cliente.setEmail(item[6]); if ("física".equals(item[7])) cliente.setTipoPessoa(TipoPessoa.Fisica); else cliente.setTipoPessoa(TipoPessoa.Juridica); String hql = "from TipoDocumento m where m.nome = :nome "; Query query = session.createQuery(hql).setString("nome", item[8]); cliente.setTipoDocumento((TipoDocumento) query.uniqueResult()); session.saveOrUpdate(cliente); } session.getTransaction().commit(); System.out.println("Funcionarios importados!"); }
public void saveUser(User aUser, ArrayList<Authorization> aAuthorizationList) throws ControllerException { SessionFactory sf = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { session = sf.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(aUser); for (Authorization authorization : aUser.getAuthorizations()) { session.delete(authorization); } Authorization authorization; for (Authorization newAuthorization : aAuthorizationList) {; } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } throw new ControllerException("à¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁ¼Ô´¾ÅÒ´ÃÐËÇèÒ§¡Òúѹ·Ö¡ÃÒ¡ÒüÙéãªé"); } finally { session.clear(); session.close(); // if (session!= null && session.isOpen()) { // session.close(); // } } }
@Override public void saveOrUpdate(BaseForm form) { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.saveOrUpdate(form); session.flush(); session.close(); }
@Override public void saveOrUpdate(T obj) { /** 当不知道对象是不是持久化的对象的时候使用此方法 */ Session sess = this.getSession(); sess.saveOrUpdate(obj); // sess.flush(); }
public boolean crearArticulo(MA_Articulo articulo) throws sgiException { this.abrirSession(); tx = null; try { tx = s.beginTransaction(); s.saveOrUpdate(articulo); tx.commit(); // articulo.trazar(); this.cerrarSession(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback();"**************************************");"El articulo '" + articulo.getNroArt() + "' no se ha podido crear.");"DaoMArticulos.crearArticulo()");"**************************************"); // e.printStackTrace(); this.cerrarSession(); sgiException exc = new sgiException(); exc.setMensaje("El articulo '" + articulo.getNroArt() + "' no se ha podido crear."); exc.setCodigo(1); articulo.trazar(); e.printStackTrace(); throw exc; } }
public void saveOrUpdate(PontoDeInteresse poi) throws HibernateException { Session session = HibernateConnector.getInstance().getSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(poi); t.commit(); session.close(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void put(@Nullable GridCacheTx tx, K key, @Nullable V val) throws GridException { init(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Store put [key=" + key + ", val=" + val + ", tx=" + tx + ']'); if (val == null) { remove(tx, key); return; } Session ses = session(tx); try { GridCacheHibernateBlobStoreEntry entry = new GridCacheHibernateBlobStoreEntry(toBytes(key), toBytes(val)); ses.saveOrUpdate(entry); } catch (HibernateException e) { rollback(ses, tx); throw new GridException( "Failed to put value to cache store [key=" + key + ", val" + val + "]", e); } finally { end(ses, tx); } }
/** * 添加一条日志(测试用) * * @param session * @return */ private Object addStocks(Session session) { List<String> stockList = getAllStockDefList(session); for (String temp : stockCodes) { if (stockList.contains(temp) || stockList.contains(temp.replace("type_0", ""))) { continue; } else { StockDef stock = new StockDef(); if (temp.indexOf("type_0") > -1) { temp = temp.replace("type_0", ""); stock.setType(0); } else { stock.setType(1); } stock.setStockcode(temp); stock.setStockname( ConnectionFactory.getServiceCommon() .getStockNameByCode(temp, ConnectionFactory.newConnectionInstant(temp))); // System.out.println(stock.getStockname()); session.saveOrUpdate(stock); stockList.add(temp);"add stocks successfully!"); } } return Constants.SUCCESS; }
public User addNewUser( String login, String name, String password, List<Role> roles, boolean disabled, boolean deleted, Session session) throws UserException, AppException { if (DBUtils.getInstance().isExists("login", login, User.class, session)) { throw new UserException("User dengan Login ID " + login + " sudah pernah didaftarkan"); } User user = new User(); user.setLogin(login); user.setName(name); user.setPassword(SecurityUtils.hash(password)); user.setDisabled(disabled); user.setDeleted(deleted); user.setLastUpdatedBy(Main.getUserLogin().getId()); user.setLastUpdatedTimestamp(CommonUtils.getCurrentTimestamp()); session.saveOrUpdate(user); updateUserRoleLink(user.getId(), roles, session); return user; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional( propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Throwable.class) private void removeRoles(Flota f) { try { if (f != null && f.getId() != null) { Session currentSession = getSession(); currentSession.clear(); f = this.get(f.getId()); final Set<Rol> roles = Collections.unmodifiableSet(f.getRoles()); if (f != null && roles != null) for (Rol r : roles) { r = (Rol) currentSession.get(Rol.class, r.getId()); if (r != null && r.getFlotas() != null) { final Set<Flota> flotas = Collections.unmodifiableSet(r.getFlotas()); List<Flota> aBorrar = new LinkedList<Flota>(); for (Flota fl : flotas) if (fl.getId().equals(f.getId())) aBorrar.add(fl); for (Flota fl : aBorrar) r.getFlotas().remove(fl); currentSession.saveOrUpdate(r); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } }