private void readProperties(Properties info) { Object[] list = new Object[info.size()]; info.keySet().toArray(list); DbSettings s = null; // 可在info中配三种参数,相关文档见:E:\H2\my-h2\my-h2-docs\999 可配置的参数汇总.java中的1、2、3项 for (Object k : list) { String key = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(k.toString()); if (prop.containsKey(key)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_1, key); } Object value = info.get(k); // 支持org.h2.command.dml.SetTypes中的参数和ConnectionInfo与connectionTime相关的参数 if (isKnownSetting(key)) { prop.put(key, value); } else { if (s == null) { s = getDbSettings(); } // org.h2.constant.DbSettings中的参数 if (s.containsKey(key)) { prop.put(key, value); } } } }
private void readSettingsFromURL() { // 如url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9;optimize_distinct=true;early_filter=true;nested_joins=false DbSettings defaultSettings = DbSettings.getDefaultSettings(); int idx = url.indexOf(';'); // 用";"号来分隔参数,第一个";"号表明url和参数的分界,之后的";"号用来分隔多个参数 if (idx >= 0) { // optimize_distinct=true;early_filter=true;nested_joins=false String settings = url.substring(idx + 1); // jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9 url = url.substring(0, idx); // [optimize_distinct=true, early_filter=true, nested_joins=false] String[] list = StringUtils.arraySplit(settings, ';', false); for (String setting : list) { if (setting.length() == 0) { continue; } int equal = setting.indexOf('='); if (equal < 0) { throw getFormatException(); } String value = setting.substring(equal + 1); String key = setting.substring(0, equal); key = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(key); // info中除了可以配三种参数外(相关文档见:E:\H2\my-h2\my-h2-docs\999 可配置的参数汇总.java中的1、2、3项) // 还可以配其他参数,但是被忽略 // 但是url中只能配三种参数 if (!isKnownSetting(key) && !defaultSettings.containsKey(key)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_SETTING_1, key); } // 不能与info中的参数重复(如果值相同就不会报错) // 例子见my.test.ConnectionInfoTest String old = prop.getProperty(key); if (old != null && !old.equals(value)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_1, key); } prop.setProperty(key, value); } } }
/** * Overwrite the user name. The user name is case-insensitive and stored in uppercase. English * conversion is used. * * @param name the user name */ public void setUserName(String name) { this.user = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name); }