/** * @param dl * @since */ public static String getMediaServerContentURL(Download dl) { // TorrentListViewsUtils.debugDCAD("enter - getMediaServerContentURL"); PluginManager pm = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager(); PluginInterface pi = pm.getPluginInterfaceByID("azupnpav", false); if (pi == null) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LogIDs.UI3, "Media server plugin not found")); return null; } if (!pi.getPluginState().isOperational()) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LogIDs.UI3, "Media server plugin not operational")); return null; } try { Program program = Program.findProgram(".qtl"); boolean hasQuickTime = program == null ? false : (program.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf("quicktime") != -1); pi.getIPC().invoke("setQuickTimeAvailable", new Object[] {new Boolean(hasQuickTime)}); Object url = pi.getIPC().invoke("getContentURL", new Object[] {dl}); if (url instanceof String) { return (String) url; } } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.log( new LogEvent(LogIDs.UI3, LogEvent.LT_WARNING, "IPC to media server plugin failed", e)); } return null; }
private IPCInterface getMediaIpc() { if (mediaIpc == null) { final PluginInterface mediaInterface = pluginManager.getPluginInterfaceByID("azupnpav", true); if (mediaInterface == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "couldnot find azupnpav plugin - check it is installed and started up"); } mediaIpc = mediaInterface.getIPC(); } return mediaIpc; }
protected void publish(final boolean force) { long now = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getCurrentSystemTime(); if (now < last_publish && !force) { last_publish = now; } else { if (force || now - last_publish >= REPUBLISH_TIME_MIN) { last_publish = now; plugin_interface .getUtilities() .createThread( "DHTNATPuncher:publisher", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { pub_mon.enter(); if (publish_in_progress) { return; } publish_in_progress = true; } finally { pub_mon.exit(); } try { publishSupport(); } finally { try { pub_mon.enter(); publish_in_progress = false; } finally { pub_mon.exit(); } } } }); } } }
public void initialize(PluginInterface pi) { Properties props = pi.getPluginProperties(); props.setProperty("plugin.mandatory", "true"); if (pi.getPluginVersion() == null) { props.setProperty("plugin.version", "1.0"); } props.setProperty("plugin.id", "azupdater"); }
public DHTNATPuncherImpl(DHTNATPuncherAdapter _adapter, DHT _dht) { adapter = _adapter; dht = _dht; logger = dht.getLogger(); plugin_interface = dht.getLogger().getPluginInterface(); formatters = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters(); pub_mon = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getMonitor(); server_mon = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getMonitor(); punch_mon = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getMonitor(); timer = plugin_interface.getUtilities().createTimer("DHTNATPuncher:refresher", true); }
/** @return */ public static boolean hasFullBurn() { PluginInterface pi = PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getPluginState().isInitialisationComplete() ? AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton() .getPluginManager() .getPluginInterfaceByID("azburn_v") : null; if (pi == null) { // maybe not added yet.. use featman Set<String> featuresInstalled = UtilitiesImpl.getFeaturesInstalled(); return featuresInstalled.contains("dvdburn_trial") && !featuresInstalled.contains("dvdburn"); } return pi.getPluginState().isOperational(); }
public DHTSpeedTesterImpl(DHT _dht) { dht = _dht; plugin_interface = dht.getLogger().getPluginInterface(); UTTimer timer = plugin_interface.getUtilities().createTimer("DHTSpeedTester:finder", true); timer.addPeriodicEvent( 5000, new UTTimerEventPerformer() { public void perform(UTTimerEvent event) { findContacts(); } }); timer.addPeriodicEvent( 1000, new UTTimerEventPerformer() { int tick_count; public void perform(UTTimerEvent event) { try { pingContacts(tick_count); } finally { tick_count++; } } }); }
public Torrent getChannelTorrent(String channelName) { try { Map genericMap = genericTorrent.writeToMap(); Map info = (Map) genericMap.get("info"); info.put("name", channelName.getBytes()); info.put("name.utf8", channelName.getBytes("UTF-8")); genericMap.put("info", info); byte[] channelTorrent = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters().bEncode(genericMap); Torrent result = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().createFromBEncodedData(channelTorrent); result.setAnnounceURL(new URL("dht://chat.dht/announce")); return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
protected void taTest() { try { final TorrentAttribute ta = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().getAttribute(TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY); ta.addTorrentAttributeListener( new TorrentAttributeListener() { public void event(TorrentAttributeEvent ev) { System.out.println("ev: " + ev.getType() + ", " + ev.getData()); if (ev.getType() == TorrentAttributeEvent.ET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ADDED) { if ("plop".equals(ev.getData())) { ta.removeDefinedValue("plop"); } } } }); ta.addDefinedValue("wibble"); plugin_interface .getDownloadManager() .addListener( new DownloadManagerListener() { public void downloadAdded(Download download) { try { download.setAttribute(ta, "wibble"); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void downloadRemoved(Download download) {} }); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void configParameterChanged(ConfigParameter param) { nick = plugin_interface .getPluginconfig() .getPluginStringParameter("nick", "Guest" + (int) (Math.random() * 100000)); if (nick.startsWith("System") || nick.startsWith("system")) { nick = "Guest" + (int) (Math.random() * 100000); } }
protected void logAlert(int type, String resource, String[] params) { String text = plugin_interface .getUtilities() .getLocaleUtilities() .getLocalisedMessageText(resource, params); log.logAlertRepeatable(type, text); }
private static final synchronized boolean loadEmpPluginClass() { if (piEmp != null && piEmp.getPluginState().isUnloaded()) { piEmp = null; triedLoadingEmpPluginClass = false; methodIsExternallyPlayable = null; methodIsExternallyPlayable2 = null; } if (!triedLoadingEmpPluginClass) { triedLoadingEmpPluginClass = true; try { piEmp = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID("azemp"); if (piEmp == null) { return (false); } Class empPluginClass = piEmp.getPlugin().getClass(); methodIsExternallyPlayable = empPluginClass.getMethod("isExternallyPlayable", new Class[] {TOTorrent.class}); try { methodIsExternallyPlayable2 = empPluginClass.getMethod( "isExternallyPlayable", new Class[] {TOTorrent.class, int.class}); } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LogIDs.UI3, "isExternallyPlayable with file_index not found")); } // methodIsExternalPlayerInstalled = empPluginClass.getMethod("isExternalPlayerInstalled", // new Class[] {}); } catch (Exception e1) { return false; } } return true; }
protected void setDeviceStats(String USN, String stat_key, long value) { String key = "upnp.device.stats." + stat_key; PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map counts = pc.getPluginMapParameter(key, new HashMap()); counts.put(USN, new Long(value)); pc.getPluginMapParameter(key, counts); }
public Download addChannel(String channelName) { Torrent torrent = getChannelTorrent(channelName); String savePath = plugin_interface.getPluginDirectoryName(); try { File saveDir = new File(savePath, "channels" + File.separator); saveDir.mkdir(); Download dl = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().addDownload(torrent, null, saveDir); dl.setForceStart(true); File dest = new File(savePath, "channels" + File.separator + channelName); File src = new File(savePath, "channels" + File.separator + "channel"); copyFile(src, dest); controller.addBridge(dl, channelName); return dl; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public void initialize(PluginInterface pi) { plugin_interface = pi; formatters = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters(); genericTorrent = loadTorrent(resTorrent); nick = plugin_interface .getPluginconfig() .getPluginStringParameter("nick", "Guest" + (int) (Math.random() * 100000)); active = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getPluginBooleanParameter("enable", true); if (active) { listeners = new ArrayList(); listenersDownload = new ArrayList(); controller = new PeerControllerImpl(this, nick); controller.addMessageListener(this); controller.initialize(); controller.startPeerProcessing(); } }
protected void updateIgnoreList() { try { String param = ""; if (ignore_bad_devices.getValue()) { PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map ignored = pc.getPluginMapParameter("upnp.device.ignorelist", new HashMap()); Iterator it = ignored.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next(); Map value = (Map) entry.getValue(); param += "\n " + entry.getKey() + ": " + new String((byte[]) value.get("Location")); } if (ignored.size() > 0) { log.log("Devices currently being ignored: " + param); } } String text = plugin_interface .getUtilities() .getLocaleUtilities() .getLocalisedMessageText("upnp.ignorebaddevices.info", new String[] {param}); ignored_devices_list.setLabelText(text); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } }
protected NetworkSearch(AzureusCore core, String searchText, Browser browser) { PluginInterface pi = core.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID("azsearch", false); if (pi == null) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Search plugin not found")); return; } if (!pi.getPluginState().isOperational()) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Search plugin not operational")); return; } Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Search plugin functionality disabled")); /* Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("expression", searchText); params.put("swtbrowser", browser); try { IPCInterface my_ipc = new IPCInterfaceImpl(this); pi.getIPC().invoke("search", new Object[] { my_ipc, params }); } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "IPC to search plugin failed", e)); } */ }
public Download getDownload(String torrentID) { if (torrentID.startsWith(OneSwarmConstants.BITTORRENT_MAGNET_PREFIX)) { torrentID = torrentID.substring(OneSwarmConstants.BITTORRENT_MAGNET_PREFIX.length()); byte[] torrentHash = Base32.decode(torrentID); try { return pluginInterface.getDownloadManager().getDownload(torrentHash); } catch (DownloadException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
protected void ignoreDevice(String USN, URL location) { // only take note of this if enabled to do so if (ignore_bad_devices.getValue()) { try { PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map ignored = pc.getPluginMapParameter("upnp.device.ignorelist", new HashMap()); Map entry = (Map) ignored.get(USN); if (entry == null) { entry = new HashMap(); entry.put("Location", location.toString().getBytes()); ignored.put(USN, entry); pc.setPluginMapParameter("upnp.device.ignorelist", ignored); updateIgnoreList(); String text = plugin_interface .getUtilities() .getLocaleUtilities() .getLocalisedMessageText( "upnp.ignorebaddevices.alert", new String[] {location.toString()}); log.logAlertRepeatable(LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, text); } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } }
private DHT[] getDHTs() { if (dhts == null) { try { PluginManager pm = core.getPluginManager(); if (pm.isInitialized()) { PluginInterface dht_pi = pm.getPluginInterfaceByClass(DHTPlugin.class); if (dht_pi == null) { dhts = new DHT[0]; } else { DHTPlugin plugin = (DHTPlugin) dht_pi.getPlugin(); if (!plugin.isInitialising()) { if (plugin.isEnabled()) { dhts = ((DHTPlugin) dht_pi.getPlugin()).getDHTs(); } else { dhts = new DHT[0]; } } } } } catch (Throwable e) { dhts = new DHT[0]; } } return (dhts); }
private Torrent loadTorrent(String res) { ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream(res); if (is != null) { try { return plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().createFromBEncodedInputStream(is); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info("System: The channel torrent is impossible to create!"); return null; } } Logger.info("System: The channel torrent created is null"); return null; }
public void rootDeviceFound(UPnPRootDevice device) { incrementDeviceStats(device.getUSN(), "found"); checkDeviceStats(device); try { int interesting = processDevice(device.getDevice()); if (interesting > 0) { try { this_mon.enter(); root_info_map.put(device.getLocation(), device.getInfo()); Iterator<String> it = root_info_map.values().iterator(); String all_info = ""; List reported_info = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { String info = (String) it.next(); if (info != null && !reported_info.contains(info)) { reported_info.add(info); all_info += (all_info.length() == 0 ? "" : ",") + info; } } if (all_info.length() > 0) { plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().setPluginParameter("plugin.info", all_info); } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { log.log("Root device processing fails", e); } }
protected long getDeviceStats(String USN, String stat_key) { String key = "upnp.device.stats." + stat_key; PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map counts = pc.getPluginMapParameter(key, new HashMap()); Long count = (Long) counts.get(USN); if (count == null) { return (0); } return (count.longValue()); }
protected void testLinks() { plugin_interface .getDownloadManager() .addListener( new DownloadManagerListener() { public void downloadAdded(Download download) { DiskManagerFileInfo[] info = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) { info[i].setLink(new File("C:\\temp")); } } public void downloadRemoved(Download download) {} }); }
protected void receiveBind(DHTTransportUDPContact originator, Map request, Map response) { trace("received bind request"); boolean ok = true; boolean log = true; try { server_mon.enter(); Object[] entry = (Object[]) rendezvous_bindings.get(originator.getAddress().toString()); if (entry == null) { if (rendezvous_bindings.size() == RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_MAX) { ok = false; } } else { // already present, no need to log again log = false; } if (ok) { long now = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getCurrentSystemTime(); rendezvous_bindings.put( originator.getAddress().toString(), new Object[] {originator, new Long(now)}); response.put("port", new Long(originator.getAddress().getPort())); } } finally { server_mon.exit(); } if (log) { log("Rendezvous request from " + originator.getString() + " " + (ok ? "accepted" : "denied")); } response.put("ok", new Long(ok ? 1 : 0)); }
public void initialize(PluginInterface _pi) { plugin_interface = _pi; singleton = this; init_sem.release(); plugin_interface.addListener( new PluginListener() { public void initializationComplete() { Thread t = new AEThread("test") { public void runSupport() { // testLinks(); testMessaging(); try { // PlatformManagerFactory.getPlatformManager().performRecoverableFileDelete( // "C:\\temp\\recycle.txt" ); // PlatformManagerFactory.getPlatformManager().setTCPTOSEnabled( false ); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } public void closedownInitiated() {} public void closedownComplete() {} }); }
protected void runRendezvous() { try { pub_mon.enter(); if (!rendezvous_thread_running) { rendezvous_thread_running = true; plugin_interface .getUtilities() .createThread( "DHTNatPuncher:rendevzous", new Runnable() { public void run() { runRendezvousSupport(); } }); } } finally { pub_mon.exit(); } }
protected long incrementDeviceStats(String USN, String stat_key) { String key = "upnp.device.stats." + stat_key; PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map counts = pc.getPluginMapParameter(key, new HashMap()); Long count = (Long) counts.get(USN); if (count == null) { count = new Long(1); } else { count = new Long(count.longValue() + 1); } counts.put(USN, count); pc.getPluginMapParameter(key, counts); return (count.longValue()); }
public LocaleUtilities getLocaleUtils() { return plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities(); }
public void setNick(String nick) { this.nick = nick; plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().setPluginParameter("nick", nick); }