protected static void generateEvidence(IndentWriter writer) { writer.println(file_map.size() + " FMFile Reservations"); try { writer.indent(); try { file_map_mon.enter(); Iterator it = file_map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); List owners = (List) file_map.get(key); Iterator it2 = owners.iterator(); String str = ""; while (it2.hasNext()) { Object[] entry = (Object[]); FMFileOwner owner = (FMFileOwner) entry[0]; Boolean write = (Boolean) entry[1]; String reason = (String) entry[2]; str += (str.length() == 0 ? "" : ", ") + owner.getName() + "[" + (write.booleanValue() ? "write" : "read") + "/" + reason + "]"; } writer.println(Debug.secretFileName(key) + " -> " + str); } } finally { file_map_mon.exit(); } FMFileManagerImpl.generateEvidence(writer); } finally { writer.exdent(); } }
private void reserveFile() throws FMFileManagerException { if (clone) { return; } try { file_map_mon.enter(); // System.out.println( "FMFile::reserveFile:" + canonical_path + "("+ owner.getName() + ")" + // " - " + Debug.getCompressedStackTrace() ); List owners = (List) file_map.get(canonical_path); if (owners == null) { owners = new ArrayList(); // System.out.println( " creating new owners entr" ); file_map.put(canonical_path, owners); } for (Iterator it = owners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object[] entry = (Object[]); String entry_name = ((FMFileOwner) entry[0]).getName(); // System.out.println( " existing entry: " + entry_name ); if (owner.getName().equals(entry_name)) { // already present, start off read-access Debug.out("reserve file - entry already present"); entry[1] = new Boolean(false); return; } } owners.add(new Object[] {owner, new Boolean(false), "<reservation>"}); } finally { file_map_mon.exit(); } }
protected void deleteDirs() { if (clone) { return; } if (created_dirs_leaf != null) { // delete any dirs we created if the target file doesn't exist if (!created_dirs_leaf.exists()) { Iterator it = created_dirs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { File dir = (File); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { File[] entries = dir.listFiles(); if (entries == null || entries.length == 0) { // System.out.println( "deleted " + dir ); dir.delete(); } else { break; } } else { break; } } } created_dirs_leaf = null; created_dirs = null; } }
private void releaseFile() { if (clone) { return; } try { file_map_mon.enter(); // System.out.println( "FMFile::releaseFile:" + canonical_path + "("+ owner.getName() + ")" + // " - " + Debug.getCompressedStackTrace()); List owners = (List) file_map.get(canonical_path); if (owners != null) { for (Iterator it = owners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object[] entry = (Object[]); if (owner.getName().equals(((FMFileOwner) entry[0]).getName())) { it.remove(); break; } } if (owners.size() == 0) { file_map.remove(canonical_path); } } } finally { file_map_mon.exit(); } }
protected long allocateConnectionId(String client_address) { try { random_mon.enter(); long id = random.nextLong(); Long new_key = new Long(id); connectionData new_data = new connectionData(client_address, id); // check for timeouts if (new_data.getTime() - last_timeout_check > 500) { last_timeout_check = new_data.getTime(); Iterator<Long> it = connection_id_map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Long key =; connectionData data = connection_id_map.get(key); if (new_data.getTime() - data.getTime() > CONNECTION_ID_LIFETIME) { // System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: connection id timeout" ); it.remove(); List<connectionData> cds = connection_ip_map.get(client_address); if (cds != null) { Iterator<connectionData> it2 = cds.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { if ( == key) { it2.remove(); break; } } if (cds.size() == 0) { connection_ip_map.remove(client_address); } } } else { // insertion order into map is time based - LinkedHashMap returns keys in same order break; } } } List<connectionData> cds = connection_ip_map.get(client_address); if (cds == null) { cds = new ArrayList<connectionData>(); connection_ip_map.put(client_address, cds); } cds.add(new_data); if (cds.size() > 512) { connectionData dead = cds.remove(0); connection_id_map.remove(dead.getID()); } connection_id_map.put(new_key, new_data); // System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: allocated:" + id + ", connection id map // size = " + connection_id_map.size()); return (id); } finally { random_mon.exit(); } }
private void reserveAccess(String reason) throws FMFileManagerException { if (clone) { return; } try { file_map_mon.enter(); // System.out.println( "FMFile::reserveAccess:" + canonical_path + "("+ owner.getName() + ")" // + " [" + (access_mode==FM_WRITE?"write":"read") + "]" + " - " + // Debug.getCompressedStackTrace()); List owners = (List) file_map.get(canonical_path); Object[] my_entry = null; if (owners == null) { Debug.out("reserveAccess fail"); throw (new FMFileManagerException( "File '" + canonical_path + "' has not been reserved (no entries), '" + owner.getName() + "'")); } for (Iterator it = owners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object[] entry = (Object[]); String entry_name = ((FMFileOwner) entry[0]).getName(); // System.out.println( " existing entry: " + entry_name ); if (owner.getName().equals(entry_name)) { my_entry = entry; } } if (my_entry == null) { Debug.out("reserveAccess fail"); throw (new FMFileManagerException( "File '" + canonical_path + "' has not been reserved (not found), '" + owner.getName() + "'")); } my_entry[1] = new Boolean(access_mode == FM_WRITE); my_entry[2] = reason; int read_access = 0; int write_access = 0; int write_access_lax = 0; TOTorrentFile my_torrent_file = owner.getTorrentFile(); StringBuilder users_sb = owners.size() == 1 ? null : new StringBuilder(128); for (Iterator it = owners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object[] entry = (Object[]); FMFileOwner this_owner = (FMFileOwner) entry[0]; if (((Boolean) entry[1]).booleanValue()) { write_access++; TOTorrentFile this_tf = this_owner.getTorrentFile(); if (my_torrent_file != null && this_tf != null && my_torrent_file.getLength() == this_tf.getLength()) { write_access_lax++; } if (users_sb != null) { if (users_sb.length() > 0) { users_sb.append(","); } users_sb.append(this_owner.getName()); users_sb.append(" [write]"); } } else { read_access++; if (users_sb != null) { if (users_sb.length() > 0) { users_sb.append(","); } users_sb.append(this_owner.getName()); users_sb.append(" [read]"); } } } if (write_access > 1 || (write_access == 1 && read_access > 0)) { // relax locking if strict is disabled and torrent file is same size if (!COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("File.strict.locking")) { if (write_access_lax == write_access) { return; } } Debug.out("reserveAccess fail"); throw (new FMFileManagerException( "File '" + canonical_path + "' is in use by '" + (users_sb == null ? "eh?" : users_sb.toString()) + "'")); } } finally { file_map_mon.exit(); } }