/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setName(String name) { if (copy != null) { copy.setName(name); } super.setName(name); }
/** * Copies non-distributed test suite into distributed one. * * @param suite Test suite to copy. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(TestSuite suite) { super(suite.getName()); if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(suite.getName()); } for (int i = 0; i < suite.testCount(); i++) { addTest(suite.testAt(i)); } }
/** * Handles test fail. * * @param result Test result. * @param origTest Original JUnit test. * @param e Exception thrown from grid. */ private void handleFail(TestResult result, GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest, Throwable e) { // Simulate that all tests were run. origTest.getTest().run(result); // For the tests suite we assume that all tests failed because // entire test suite execution failed and there is no way to get // broken tests. if (origTest.getTest() instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) { TestSuite suite = (((TestSuite) origTest.getTest())); for (int j = 0; j < suite.testCount(); j++) { result.addError(suite.testAt(j), e); } } else if (origTest.getTest() instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) { result.addError(origTest.getTest(), e); } }
/** * Adds a test to be executed on the grid. In case of test suite, all tests inside of test suite * will be executed sequentially on some remote node. * * @param test Test to add. */ @Override public void addTest(Test test) { if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(getName()); } // Add test to the list of local ones. if (test instanceof GridJunit3LocalTestSuite) { String testName = ((TestSuite) test).getName(); if (!locTests.contains(testName)) { locTests.add(testName); } } if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuite) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy); super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy, factory)); } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) test).getOriginal()); super.addTest(test); } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) test).getGridGainJunit3OriginalTestCase()); super.addTest(test); } else if (test instanceof TestSuite) { copy.addTest(test); super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy((TestSuite) test, factory)); } else { assert test instanceof TestCase : "Test must be either instance of TestSuite or TestCase: " + test; copy.addTest(test); super.addTest(factory.createProxy((TestCase) test)); } }
/** * Runs all tests belonging to this test suite on the grid. * * @param result Test result collector. */ @Override public void run(TestResult result) { if (isDisabled) { copy.run(result); } else { GridTestRouter router = createRouter(); Grid grid = startGrid(); try { List<GridTaskFuture<?>> futs = new ArrayList<GridTaskFuture<?>>(testCount()); List<GridJunit3SerializableTest> tests = new ArrayList<GridJunit3SerializableTest>(testCount()); for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) { Test junit = testAt(i); GridJunit3SerializableTest test; if (junit instanceof TestSuite) { test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestSuite((TestSuite) junit); } else { assert junit instanceof TestCase : "Test must be either TestSuite or TestCase: " + junit; test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestCase((TestCase) junit); } tests.add(test); if (clsLdr == null) { clsLdr = U.detectClassLoader(junit.getClass()); } futs.add( grid.execute( new GridJunit3Task(junit.getClass(), clsLdr), new GridJunit3Argument(router, test, locTests.contains(test.getName())), timeout)); } for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) { GridTaskFuture<?> fut = futs.get(i); GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest = tests.get(i); try { GridJunit3SerializableTest resTest = (GridJunit3SerializableTest) fut.get(); origTest.setResult(resTest); origTest.getTest().run(result); } catch (GridException e) { handleFail(result, origTest, e); } } } finally { stopGrid(); } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Enumeration<Test> tests() { return isDisabled ? copy.tests() : super.tests(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int testCount() { return isDisabled ? copy.testCount() : super.testCount(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Test testAt(int index) { return isDisabled ? copy.testAt(index) : super.testAt(index); }