예제 #1
   * Calculates length of a given phrase on the grid.
   * @param phrase Phrase to count the number of letters in.
   * @throws GridException If failed.
  private static void countLettersReducer(String phrase) throws GridException {
    X.println(">>> Starting countLettersReducer() example...");

    Grid grid = G.grid();

    // Logger to use in your closure. Note that even though we assign it
    // to a local variable, GridGain still allows to use it from remotely
    // executed code.
    final GridLogger log = grid.log();

    // Execute Hello World task.
    int letterCnt =
            new GridClosure<String, Integer>() { // Create executable logic.
              public Integer apply(String word) {
                // Print out a given word, just so we can
                // see which node is doing what.
                log.info(">>> Calculating for word: " + word);

                // Return the length of a given word, i.e. number of letters.
                return word.length();
            Arrays.asList(phrase.split(" ")), // Collection of words.
            // Create custom reducer.
            // NOTE: Alternatively, you can use existing reducer: F.sumIntReducer()
            new GridReducer<Integer, Integer>() {
              private int sum;

              public boolean collect(Integer res) {
                sum += res;

                return true; // True means continue collecting until last result.

              public Integer apply() {
                return sum;

    X.println(">>> Finished execution of counting letters with reducer based on GridGain 3.0 API.");
    X.println(">>> Total number of letters in the phrase is '" + letterCnt + "'.");
    X.println(">>> You should see individual words printed out on different nodes.");
    X.println(">>> Check all nodes for output (this node is also part of the grid).");