/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { boolean done; boolean cancelled; Object res; Throwable err; boolean syncNotify; boolean concurNotify; synchronized (mux) { done = this.done; cancelled = this.cancelled; res = this.res; err = this.err; syncNotify = this.syncNotify; concurNotify = this.concurNotify; } out.writeBoolean(done); out.writeBoolean(syncNotify); out.writeBoolean(concurNotify); // Don't write any further if not done, as deserialized future // will be invalid anyways. if (done) { out.writeBoolean(cancelled); out.writeObject(res); out.writeObject(err); } }
/** * @param out Object output. * @throws IOException If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings("TypeMayBeWeakened") private void writeFieldsCollection(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { assert fields; out.writeInt(data != null ? data.size() : -1); if (data == null) return; for (Object o : data) { List<GridIndexingEntity<?>> list = (List<GridIndexingEntity<?>>) o; out.writeInt(list.size()); for (GridIndexingEntity<?> idxEnt : list) { try { out.writeObject(idxEnt.value()); } catch (GridSpiException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to write indexing entity: " + idxEnt, e); } } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(key); out.writeObject(val); }