private void goToSelectedNode(int mode) { TreePath path = resultTree.getSelectionPath(); if (path == null) return; DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); Object value = node.getUserObject(); // do nothing if clicked "foo (showing n occurrences in m files)" if (node.getParent() != resultTreeRoot && value instanceof HyperSearchNode) { HyperSearchNode n = (HyperSearchNode) value; Buffer buffer = n.getBuffer(view); if (buffer == null) return; EditPane pane; switch (mode) { case M_OPEN: pane = view.goToBuffer(buffer); break; case M_OPEN_NEW_VIEW: pane = jEdit.newView(view, buffer, false).getEditPane(); break; case M_OPEN_NEW_PLAIN_VIEW: pane = jEdit.newView(view, buffer, true).getEditPane(); break; case M_OPEN_NEW_SPLIT: pane = view.splitHorizontally(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad mode: " + mode); } n.goTo(pane); } } // }}}
public CompleteWordList( View view, String word, Vector completions, Point location, String noWordSep, boolean isGlobalSearch) { super(view); this.isGlobalSearch = isGlobalSearch; this.noWordSep = noWordSep; setContentPane( new JPanel(new BorderLayout()) { /** * Returns if this component can be traversed by pressing the Tab key. This returns false. */ public boolean isManagingFocus() { return false; } /** Makes the tab key work in Java 1.4. */ public boolean getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled() { return false; } }); this.view = view; this.textArea = view.getTextArea(); this.buffer = view.getBuffer(); this.word = word; words = new JList(completions); words.setVisibleRowCount(Math.min(completions.size(), 8)); words.addMouseListener(new MouseHandler()); words.setSelectedIndex(0); words.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); words.setCellRenderer(new Renderer()); // stupid scrollbar policy is an attempt to work around // bugs people have been seeing with IBM's JDK -- 7 Sep 2000 JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane( words, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); getContentPane().add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER); GUIUtilities.requestFocus(this, words); pack(); setLocation(location); show(); KeyHandler keyHandler = new KeyHandler(); addKeyListener(keyHandler); words.addKeyListener(keyHandler); view.setKeyEventInterceptor(keyHandler); }
/** Get local members and Haxe classes. */ protected void getCtagsCompletions(View view, List<CompletionCandidate> candidates) { // Ctags cannot current complete dot completion, save that for the compiler. if (CompletionUtil.isDotCompletion(view)) { return; } List<CompletionCandidate> localCandidates = new ArrayList<CompletionCandidate>(); String prefix = CompletionUtil.getCompletionPrefix(view); prefix = prefix == null ? "" : prefix; // If the prefix is all lower case, ignore case boolean islowercase = prefix.toLowerCase().equals(prefix); // Local members String q = (islowercase ? TagIndex._NAME_LOWERCASE_FLD : TagIndex._NAME_FLD) + ":" + prefix + "*" + " AND " + TagIndex._PATH_FLD + ":" + view.getBuffer().getPath() + " AND (kind:function OR kind:variable)"; Vector<Tag> tags = CtagsInterfacePlugin.runScopedQuery(view, q); for (Tag t : tags) { if (t.getName().length() > 1) { localCandidates.add(new CtagsCompletionCandidate(t)); } } TextArea ta = view.getTextArea(); // If we're not dot-completing, look for classes if (prefix.length() > 0 && !ta.getText(ta.getCaretPosition() - 1 - prefix.length(), 1).equals(".")) { q = (islowercase ? TagIndex._NAME_LOWERCASE_FLD : TagIndex._NAME_FLD) + ":" + prefix + "* AND (kind:class OR kind:enum)" + " AND " + TagIndex._PATH_FLD + ":*.hx"; tags = CtagsInterfacePlugin.runScopedQuery(view, q); Set<String> classes = new HashSet<String>(); for (Tag t : tags) { if (!classes.contains(t.getName()) && !prefix.equals(t.getName())) { localCandidates.add(new CtagsCompletionCandidate(t)); classes.add(t.getName()); } } } Collections.sort(localCandidates); candidates.addAll(localCandidates); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ProjectFile getActiveFile() { View view = jEdit.getActiveView(); if (view != null) { Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); return new JEditProjectFile(this, buffer); } return null; }
public void update() { Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); String wrap = buffer.getStringProperty("wrap"); if (wrap.equals("none")) this.wrap.setText("-"); else if (wrap.equals("hard")) this.wrap.setText("H"); else if (wrap.equals("soft")) this.wrap.setText("S"); }
// {{{ record() method private static void record( View view, String action, boolean replaceAction, boolean recordFileSet) { Macros.Recorder recorder = view.getMacroRecorder(); if (recorder != null) { recorder.record( "SearchAndReplace.setSearchString(\"" + StandardUtilities.charsToEscapes(search) + "\");"); if (replaceAction) { recorder.record( "SearchAndReplace.setReplaceString(\"" + StandardUtilities.charsToEscapes(replace) + "\");"); recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setBeanShellReplace(" + beanshell + ");"); } else { // only record this if doing a find next recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setAutoWrapAround(" + wrap + ");"); recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setReverseSearch(" + reverse + ");"); } recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setWholeWord(" + wholeWord + ");"); recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setIgnoreCase(" + ignoreCase + ");"); recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setRegexp(" + regexp + ");"); if (recordFileSet) { recorder.record("SearchAndReplace.setSearchFileSet(" + fileset.getCode() + ");"); } recorder.record("SearchAndReplace." + action + ';'); } } // }}}
/** * Finds the next instance of the search string in the specified buffer. * * @param view The view * @param buffer The buffer * @param start Location where to start the search * @param firstTime See {@link * SearchMatcher#nextMatch(CharSequence,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean)}. * @since jEdit 4.1pre7 */ public static boolean find( View view, Buffer buffer, int start, boolean firstTime, boolean reverse) throws Exception { EditBus.send(new PositionChanging(view.getEditPane())); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } CharSequence text; boolean startOfLine; boolean endOfLine; if (reverse) { text = new ReverseCharSequence(buffer.getSegment(0, start)); startOfLine = true; endOfLine = (buffer.getLineEndOffset(buffer.getLineOfOffset(start)) - 1 == start); } else { text = buffer.getSegment(start, buffer.getLength() - start); startOfLine = (buffer.getLineStartOffset(buffer.getLineOfOffset(start)) == start); endOfLine = true; } String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); matcher.setNoWordSep(noWordSep); SearchMatcher.Match match = matcher.nextMatch(text, startOfLine, endOfLine, firstTime, reverse); if (match != null) { jEdit.commitTemporary(buffer); view.setBuffer(buffer, true); JEditTextArea textArea = view.getTextArea(); if (reverse) { textArea.setSelection(new Selection.Range(start - match.end, start - match.start)); // make sure end of match is visible textArea.scrollTo(start - match.start, false); textArea.moveCaretPosition(start - match.end); } else { textArea.setSelection(new Selection.Range(start + match.start, start + match.end)); textArea.moveCaretPosition(start + match.end); // make sure start of match is visible textArea.scrollTo(start + match.start, false); } return true; } else return false; } // }}}
/** * insert text. * * <p>/** invokes an Action. * * @param view The view to run the script in. * @param node The node item * @param text The node content to be inserted. */ public static void insertText(View view, String text, XTreeNode node) { CommandQueue queue = new CommandQueue(); ScriptContext context = new ScriptContext(view, node, queue); Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); InsertTextCommand.insertText(text, context); buffer.endCompoundEdit(); }
// {{{ userInput() method protected void userInput(char ch) { lastActionCount = 0; JEditTextArea textArea = view.getTextArea(); /* Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); if(!buffer.insideCompoundEdit()) buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); */ if (repeatCount == 1) textArea.userInput(ch); else { // stop people doing dumb stuff like C+ENTER 100 C+n if (repeatCount > REPEAT_COUNT_THRESHOLD) { Object[] pp = {String.valueOf(ch), repeatCount}; if (GUIUtilities.confirm( view, "large-repeat-count.user-input", pp, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { repeatCount = 1; view.getStatus().setMessage(null); return; } } JEditBuffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); try { if (repeatCount != 1) buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); for (int i = 0; i < repeatCount; i++) textArea.userInput(ch); } finally { if (repeatCount != 1) buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } Macros.Recorder recorder = view.getMacroRecorder(); if (recorder != null) { recorder.recordInput(repeatCount, ch, textArea.isOverwriteEnabled()); } repeatCount = 1; } // }}}
public static Buffer createFeatureBuffer() { View view = jEdit.getActiveView(); String parent = null; if (view != null) { Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); parent = buffer.getDirectory(); } if (parent == null) { parent = System.getProperty("user.home"); } VFS vfs = VFSManager.getVFSForPath(parent); if ((vfs.getCapabilities() & VFS.WRITE_CAP) == 0) { // cannot write on that VFS, creating untitled buffer in home directory parent = System.getProperty("user.home"); } Buffer buffer = jEdit.openTemporary(view, tempPath(), getNextFeatureTemp(), true, null); jEdit.commitTemporary(buffer); return buffer; }
/** * runs an XInsertScript. * * @param view The view to run the script in. * @param script The node content to be run as a script. * @param node The node from where to start searching for variable substitutions */ public static void runXInsertScript(View view, String script, XTreeNode node) { CommandQueue queue = new CommandQueue(); Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); try { char[] chars = script.toCharArray(); int start = 0; for (int i = start; i < chars.length; i++) { switch (chars[i]) { case '{': if (chars[i + 1] == '$' || chars[i + 1] == '@' || chars[i + 1] == '!' || chars[i + 1] == '%' || chars[i + 1] == '#' || chars[i + 1] == '*' || chars[i + 1] == '&') { // Log.log(Log.DEBUG, XScripter.class, "Adding insert text (\"" + text + "\") command // to queue"); // Insert the text between the last command and this one String text = script.substring(start, i); queue.add(new InsertTextCommand(text)); int j; inner: for (j = i; j < chars.length; j++) { if (chars[j] == '}' && chars[j - 1] != '\\') { // If end of command String cmd = script.substring(i + 1, j); cmd = Utilities.replace(cmd, "\\}", "}"); queue.add(getCommand(view, node, cmd)); // Add this command to queue break inner; } } i = j; // set parsing to continue at the end of the command start = j + 1; // set the start position for the next insert text command } break; } } String remainder = script.substring(start, script.length()); queue.add(new InsertTextCommand(remainder)); // Insert the text left over // Run commands in queue ScriptContext context = new ScriptContext(view, node, queue); queue.executeAll(context); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { doError("Unknown", "Missing \"}\""); return; } catch (Exception e) { doError("Unknown", "Syntax error in script - Execution Aborted", e); return; } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } // }}}
// {{{ invokeReadNextChar() method protected void invokeReadNextChar(char ch) { JEditBuffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); /* if(buffer.insideCompoundEdit()) buffer.endCompoundEdit(); */ String charStr = StandardUtilities.charsToEscapes(String.valueOf(ch)); // this might be a bit slow if __char__ occurs a lot int index; while ((index = readNextChar.indexOf("__char__")) != -1) { readNextChar = readNextChar.substring(0, index) + '\'' + charStr + '\'' + readNextChar.substring(index + 8); } Macros.Recorder recorder = view.getMacroRecorder(); if (recorder != null) recorder.record(getRepeatCount(), readNextChar); view.getStatus().setMessage(null); if (getRepeatCount() != 1) { try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); BeanShell.eval( view, BeanShell.getNameSpace(), "for(int i = 1; i < " + getRepeatCount() + "; i++)\n{\n" + readNextChar + "\n}"); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } else BeanShell.eval(view, BeanShell.getNameSpace(), readNextChar); readNextChar = null; } // }}}
private String getPrevOrNextFile(View view, String path, Direction direction) { if (files == null) files = _getFiles(view); if (files == null || files.length == 0) return null; if (path == null) { path = view.getBuffer().getSymlinkPath(); VFS vfs = VFSManager.getVFSForPath(path); boolean ignoreCase = ((vfs.getCapabilities() & VFS.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CAP) != 0); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (StandardUtilities.compareStrings(files[i], path, ignoreCase) == 0) { return path; } } if (direction == Direction.NEXT) { return getFirstFile(view); } else { return getLastFile(view); } } else { // -1 so that the last isn't checked VFS vfs = VFSManager.getVFSForPath(path); boolean ignoreCase = ((vfs.getCapabilities() & VFS.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CAP) != 0); if (direction == Direction.NEXT && StandardUtilities.compareStrings(files[files.length - 1], path, ignoreCase) == 0) { // Going forward and already at the last file return null; } else if (direction == Direction.PREV && StandardUtilities.compareStrings(files[0], path, ignoreCase) == 0) { // Going backward and already at the first file return null; } for (int i = 0; i < files.length - 1; i++) { if (StandardUtilities.compareStrings(files[i], path, ignoreCase) == 0) { if (direction == Direction.NEXT) return files[i + 1]; else { if (i == 0) return files[files.length - 1]; return files[i - 1]; } } } return null; } } // }}}
/** * Performs a HyperSearch. * * @param view The view * @param selection If true, will only search in the current selection. Note that the file set * must be the current buffer file set for this to work. * @since jEdit 4.0pre1 */ public static boolean hyperSearch(View view, boolean selection) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; record(view, "hyperSearch(view," + selection + ')', false, !selection); view.getDockableWindowManager().addDockableWindow(HyperSearchResults.NAME); HyperSearchResults results = (HyperSearchResults) view.getDockableWindowManager().getDockable(HyperSearchResults.NAME); results.searchStarted(); try { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) { view.getToolkit().beep(); results.searchFailed(); return false; } Selection[] s; if (selection) { s = view.getTextArea().getSelection(); if (s == null) { results.searchFailed(); return false; } } else s = null; ThreadUtilities.runInBackground(new HyperSearchRequest(view, matcher, results, s)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { results.searchFailed(); handleError(comp, e); return false; } } // }}}
/** * invokes an Action. * * @param view The view to run the script in. * @param name The name of the node item * @param content The node content to be invoked as an action. */ public static void invokeAction(View view, String name, String content) { // borrowed from jedit/gui/ Log.log(Log.DEBUG, XScripter.class, "Invoking action for item named = " + name); final int repeatCount = 1; // is it worthwhile to make this configurable? final View v = view; final EditAction action = (content == null ? null : jEdit.getAction(content)); if (action == null) { if (content != null) view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("")); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { v.getInputHandler().setRepeatCount(repeatCount); v.getInputHandler().invokeAction(action); } }); } // }}}
/** * Finds the next occurrence of the search string. * * @param view The view * @return True if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ public static boolean find(View view) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null || !comp.isShowing()) comp = view; String path = fileset.getNextFile(view, null); if (path == null) { GUIUtilities.error(comp, "empty-fileset", null); return false; } try { view.showWaitCursor(); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } record(view, "find(view)", false, true); boolean repeat = false; loop: for (; ; ) { while (path != null) { Buffer buffer = jEdit.openTemporary(view, null, path, false); /* this is stupid and misleading. * but 'path' is not used anywhere except * the above line, and if this is done * after the 'continue', then we will * either hang, or be forced to duplicate * it inside the buffer == null, or add * a 'finally' clause. you decide which one's * worse. */ if (reverse) { path = fileset.getPrevFile(view, path); } else { path = fileset.getNextFile(view, path); } if (buffer == null) continue loop; // Wait for the buffer to load if (!buffer.isLoaded()) VFSManager.waitForRequests(); int start; if (view.getBuffer() == buffer && !repeat) { JEditTextArea textArea = view.getTextArea(); Selection s = textArea.getSelectionAtOffset(textArea.getCaretPosition()); if (s == null) start = textArea.getCaretPosition(); else if (reverse) start = s.getStart(); else start = s.getEnd(); } else if (reverse) start = buffer.getLength(); else start = 0; if (find(view, buffer, start, repeat, reverse)) return true; } if (repeat) { if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("")); view.getToolkit().beep(); } return false; } boolean restart; // if auto wrap is on, always restart search. // if auto wrap is off, and we're called from // a macro, stop search. If we're called // interactively, ask the user what to do. if (wrap) { if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("")); // beep if beep property set if (jEdit.getBooleanProperty("search.beepOnSearchAutoWrap")) { view.getToolkit().beep(); } } restart = true; } else if (BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { restart = false; } else { Integer[] args = {Integer.valueOf(reverse ? 1 : 0)}; int result = GUIUtilities.confirm( comp, "keepsearching", args, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); restart = (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } if (restart) { // start search from beginning path = fileset.getFirstFile(view); repeat = true; } else break loop; } } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { view.hideWaitCursor(); } return false; } // }}}
protected void getHaxeCompilerCompletions(View view, List<CompletionCandidate> candidates) { TextArea ta = view.getTextArea(); int dotPosition = ta.getCaretPosition(); if (!ta.getText(dotPosition - 1, 1).equals(".")) { return; } // If the caret is at a ".", use the Haxe compiler to provide completion hints Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); // Save the file if dirty if (buffer.isDirty()) {, null, false, true); // Wait a bit to allow the save notifications to go through and not // bork the reload/popup try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } HaxeCompilerOutput output = HaXeSideKickPlugin.getHaxeBuildOutput(view.getEditPane(), dotPosition, true); trace(output); if (output == null || output.output == null || output.output.errors == null) { trace(" haxe build error, no completion candidates"); return; } String completionXMLString = output.output.errors.trim(); if (completionXMLString == null || completionXMLString.equals("") || !completionXMLString.startsWith("<")) { return; } List<CompletionCandidate> localCandidates = new ArrayList<CompletionCandidate>(); try { // Example see DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(); is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(completionXMLString)); Document doc = db.parse(is); NodeList insertions = doc.getElementsByTagName("i"); // iterate the insertions for (int i = 0; i < insertions.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) insertions.item(i); if (element.getNodeName().equals("i")) { // Insertion String codeName = element.getAttribute("n"); String argString = ((Element) element.getElementsByTagName("t").item(0)).getTextContent(); String[] methodTokens = argString.split("->"); String returns = methodTokens[methodTokens.length - 1]; String docs = ((Element) element.getElementsByTagName("d").item(0)).getTextContent(); if (methodTokens.length == 1) { localCandidates.add(new CodeCompletionField(codeName, returns, docs)); } else { CodeCompletionMethod cc = new CodeCompletionMethod(codeName, returns, docs); if (methodTokens.length > 1 && !methodTokens[0].trim().equals("Void")) { List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(methodTokens.length - 1); List<String> argsTypes = new ArrayList<String>(methodTokens.length - 1); for (int jj = 0; jj < methodTokens.length - 1; ++jj) { String[] argTokens = methodTokens[jj].split(":"); args.add(argTokens[0]); if (argTokens.length > 1) { argsTypes.add(argTokens[1]); } } cc.arguments = args; cc.argumentTypes = argsTypes; } localCandidates.add(cc); } } } trace("Number of code completions=" + localCandidates.size()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Collections.sort(localCandidates); candidates.addAll(localCandidates); }
private void invoke() { String cmd; if (popup != null) cmd = popup.list.getSelectedValue().toString(); else { cmd = action.getText().trim(); int index = cmd.indexOf('='); if (index != -1) { action.addCurrentToHistory(); String propName = cmd.substring(0, index).trim(); String propValue = cmd.substring(index + 1).trim(); String code; if (propName.startsWith("buffer.")) { if (propName.equals("buffer.mode")) { code = "buffer.setMode(\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propValue) + "\");"; } else { code = "buffer.setStringProperty(\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propName.substring("buffer.".length())) + "\",\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propValue) + "\");"; } code += "\nbuffer.propertiesChanged();"; } else if (propName.startsWith("!buffer.")) { code = "jEdit.setProperty(\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propName.substring(1)) + "\",\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propValue) + "\");\n" + "jEdit.propertiesChanged();"; } else { code = "jEdit.setProperty(\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propName) + "\",\"" + MiscUtilities.charsToEscapes(propValue) + "\");\n" + "jEdit.propertiesChanged();"; } Macros.Recorder recorder = view.getMacroRecorder(); if (recorder != null) recorder.record(code); BeanShell.eval(view, namespace, code); cmd = null; } else if (cmd.length() != 0) { String[] completions = getCompletions(cmd); if (completions.length != 0) { cmd = completions[0]; } } else cmd = null; } if (popup != null) { popup.dispose(); popup = null; } final String finalCmd = cmd; final EditAction act = (finalCmd == null ? null : jEdit.getAction(finalCmd)); if (temp) view.removeToolBar(this); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { view.getTextArea().requestFocus(); if (act == null) { if (finalCmd != null) { view.getStatus() .setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("")); } } else { view.getInputHandler().setRepeatCount(repeatCount); view.getInputHandler().invokeAction(act); } } }); }
/** * Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string. * * @param view The view * @param dontOpenChangedFiles Whether to open changed files or to autosave them quietly * @return the number of modified files */ public static boolean replaceAll(View view, boolean dontOpenChangedFiles) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; if (fileset.getFileCount(view) == 0) { GUIUtilities.error(comp, "empty-fileset", null); return false; } record(view, "replaceAll(view)", true, true); view.showWaitCursor(); boolean smartCaseReplace = getSmartCaseReplace(); int fileCount = 0; int occurCount = 0; try { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) return false; initReplace(); String path = fileset.getFirstFile(view); loop: while (path != null) { Buffer buffer = jEdit.openTemporary(view, null, path, false); /* this is stupid and misleading. * but 'path' is not used anywhere except * the above line, and if this is done * after the 'continue', then we will * either hang, or be forced to duplicate * it inside the buffer == null, or add * a 'finally' clause. you decide which one's * worse. */ path = fileset.getNextFile(view, path); if (buffer == null) continue loop; // Wait for buffer to finish loading if (buffer.isPerformingIO()) VFSManager.waitForRequests(); if (!buffer.isEditable()) continue loop; // Leave buffer in a consistent state if // an error occurs int retVal = 0; try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); retVal = _replace(view, buffer, matcher, 0, buffer.getLength(), smartCaseReplace); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } if (retVal != 0) { fileCount++; occurCount += retVal; if (dontOpenChangedFiles) {, null); } else { jEdit.commitTemporary(buffer); jEdit.getBufferSetManager().addBuffer(view, buffer); } } } } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { view.hideWaitCursor(); } /* Don't do this when playing a macro, cos it's annoying */ if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { Object[] args = {Integer.valueOf(occurCount), Integer.valueOf(fileCount)}; view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("view.status.replace-all", args)); if (occurCount == 0) view.getToolkit().beep(); } return (fileCount != 0); } // }}}
/** * Replaces the current selection with the replacement string. * * @param view The view * @return True if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ public static boolean replace(View view) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; JEditTextArea textArea = view.getTextArea(); Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); if (!buffer.isEditable()) return false; boolean smartCaseReplace = getSmartCaseReplace(); Selection[] selection = textArea.getSelection(); if (selection.length == 0) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } record(view, "replace(view)", true, false); // a little hack for reverse replace and find int caret = textArea.getCaretPosition(); Selection s = textArea.getSelectionAtOffset(caret); if (s != null) caret = s.getStart(); try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) return false; initReplace(); int retVal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { s = selection[i]; retVal += replaceInSelection(view, textArea, buffer, matcher, smartCaseReplace, s); } if (reverse) { // so that Replace and Find continues from // the right location textArea.moveCaretPosition(caret); } else { s = textArea.getSelectionAtOffset(textArea.getCaretPosition()); if (s != null) textArea.moveCaretPosition(s.getEnd()); } if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { Object[] args = {Integer.valueOf(retVal), Integer.valueOf(1)}; view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("view.status.replace-all", args)); } if (retVal == 0) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } return false; } // }}}
// {{{ hideDockable() method private void hideDockable() { view.getDockableWindowManager().hideDockableWindow(NAME); } // }}}
/** Constructor. Sets up and shows the GUI */ public TextToolsSortDialog(View view, JEditTextArea textArea) { super(view, jEdit.getProperty("text-tools.sortadvanced.label"), false); this.view = view; this.textArea = textArea; // = data; // this.selection = selection; view.showWaitCursor(); sortTableModel = new SortTableModel(); // preset sortTable if there is a rect selection boolean rectSel = false; int[] selRows = TextToolsSorting.getRectSelectionRows(textArea); if (selRows != null) { // we have rectangular selection: assign values to 1st row of table sortTableModel.setValueAt(new Integer(selRows[0] + 1), 0, 0); sortTableModel.setValueAt(new Integer(selRows[1] + 1), 0, 1); rectSel = true; } sortTable = new JTable(sortTableModel); TableColumnModel cMod = sortTable.getColumnModel(); sortTable.setTableHeader((new SortTableHeader(cMod))); sortTable.setRowHeight(25); sortTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(430, 200)); JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(sortTable); JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); content.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 8, 8, 8)); content.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setContentPane(content); content.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel buttons = new JPanel(); buttons.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(12, 0, 0, 0)); buttons.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttons, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); buttons.add(Box.createGlue()); ok = new JButton(jEdit.getProperty("common.ok")); ok.addActionListener(this); buttons.add(ok); buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(ok); cancel = new JButton(jEdit.getProperty("common.cancel")); cancel.addActionListener(this); buttons.add(cancel); buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); clear = new JButton("Clear"); clear.addActionListener(this); buttons.add(clear); buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); help = new JButton("Help"); help.addActionListener(this); buttons.add(help); buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); buttons.add(Box.createGlue()); content.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); delDupsCheckBox = new JCheckBox(jEdit.getProperty("text-tools.sortadvanced.delete-identic-lines")); onlySelectionCheckBox = new JCheckBox(jEdit.getProperty("text-tools.sortadvanced.sort-only-selection")); /* dontSortCheckBox = new JCheckBox( jEdit.getProperty("text-tools.sortadvanced.dont-sort")); delDupsCheckBox.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dontSortCheckBox.setEnabled(delDupsCheckBox.isSelected()); dontSortCheckBox.setSelected(false); } }); dontSortCheckBox.setEnabled(false); */ JPanel checkBoxes = new JPanel(); if (rectSel) checkBoxes.add(onlySelectionCheckBox); checkBoxes.add(delDupsCheckBox); // checkBoxes.add(dontSortCheckBox); not used, this is an extra action content.add(checkBoxes, BorderLayout.NORTH); view.hideWaitCursor(); pack(); GUIUtilities.loadGeometry(this, "texttools-sort-control"); setLocationRelativeTo(view); setVisible(true); } // }}}
// {{{ update() method public void update(JMenu menu) { final View view = GUIUtilities.getView(menu); String path; if (dir == null) { path = view.getBuffer().getDirectory(); } else path = dir; JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(path + ':'); mi.setActionCommand(path); mi.setIcon(FileCellRenderer.openDirIcon); // {{{ ActionListeners ActionListener fileListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { jEdit.openFile(view, evt.getActionCommand()); } }; ActionListener dirListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { VFSBrowser.browseDirectory(view, evt.getActionCommand()); } }; // }}} mi.addActionListener(dirListener); menu.add(mi); menu.addSeparator(); if (dir == null && !(view.getBuffer().getVFS() instanceof FileVFS)) { mi = new JMenuItem(jEdit.getProperty("directory.not-local")); mi.setEnabled(false); menu.add(mi); return; } File directory = new File(path); JMenu current = menu; // for filtering out backups String backupPrefix = jEdit.getProperty("backup.prefix"); String backupSuffix = jEdit.getProperty("backup.suffix"); File[] list = directory.listFiles(); if (list == null || list.length == 0) { mi = new JMenuItem(jEdit.getProperty("")); mi.setEnabled(false); menu.add(mi); } else { int maxItems = jEdit.getIntegerProperty("menu.spillover", 20); Arrays.sort(list, new StandardUtilities.StringCompare<File>(true)); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { File file = list[i]; String name = file.getName(); // skip marker files if (name.endsWith(".marks")) continue; // skip autosave files if (name.startsWith("#") && name.endsWith("#")) continue; // skip backup files if ((backupPrefix.length() != 0 && name.startsWith(backupPrefix)) || (backupSuffix.length() != 0 && name.endsWith(backupSuffix))) continue; // skip directories // if(file.isDirectory()) // continue; mi = new JMenuItem(name); mi.setActionCommand(file.getPath()); mi.addActionListener(file.isDirectory() ? dirListener : fileListener); mi.setIcon(file.isDirectory() ? FileCellRenderer.dirIcon : FileCellRenderer.fileIcon); if (current.getItemCount() >= maxItems && i != list.length - 1) { // current.addSeparator(); JMenu newCurrent = new JMenu(jEdit.getProperty("common.more")); current.add(newCurrent); current = newCurrent; } current.add(mi); } } } // }}}
public static void setStatusMessage(String msg) { View view = jEdit.getActiveView(); if (view != null) view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(msg); else longToast(msg); }