  public void getRepositoryAndFindAuthors() throws Exception {
    GitScriptService service = this.componentManager.getInstance(ScriptService.class, "git");
    Repository repository =
        service.getRepository(this.testRepository.getAbsolutePath(), TEST_REPO_CLONED);
    Assert.assertEquals(true, new Git(repository).pull().call().isSuccessful());

    CommitFinder finder = new CommitFinder(repository);
    CommitCountFilter count = new CommitCountFilter();

    Assert.assertEquals(1, count.getCount());

    Set<PersonIdent> authors = service.findAuthors(repository);
    Assert.assertEquals(1, authors.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("test author", authors.iterator().next().getName());
예제 #2
  public String getProjectVersion(File repoDir) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
    Git git = Git.open(repoDir);
    Repository repo = git.getRepository();

    // Find base commit between current branch and "master":
    String branch = repo.getBranch();
    RevCommit base = CommitUtils.getBase(repo, "master", branch);
    CommitCountFilter count = new CommitCountFilter();
    CommitFinder finder = new CommitFinder(repo).setFilter(count);
    finder.findBetween(branch, base);
    long commitsSinceBase = count.getCount();

    // Find tags in "master" before base commit:
    RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repo);
    Ref master = repo.getRef("master");
    List<Ref> masterAsList = Arrays.asList(master);
    List<Ref> tags = git.tagList().call();
    Map<RevCommit, Ref> masterTags = new HashMap<RevCommit, Ref>();
    for (Ref tag : tags) {
      tag = repo.peel(tag);
      ObjectId commitID = tag.getPeeledObjectId();
      if (commitID == null) continue;
      RevCommit commit = rw.parseCommit(commitID);
      // Only remember tags reachable from "master":
      if (!RevWalkUtils.findBranchesReachableFrom(commit, rw, masterAsList).isEmpty()) {
        masterTags.put(commit, tag);

    // Find the shortest distance in commits between base tag in "master":
    long commitsBetweenBaseAndTag = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    String tagName = "";
    for (RevCommit tagCommit : masterTags.keySet()) {
      finder.findBetween(base, tagCommit);
      if (count.getCount() < commitsBetweenBaseAndTag) {
        commitsBetweenBaseAndTag = count.getCount();
        tagName = masterTags.get(tagCommit).getName();
    if (commitsBetweenBaseAndTag == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
      // If no tag, get total number of commits:
      commitsBetweenBaseAndTag = repo.getRefDatabase().getRefs("").size();
    long commitsSinceLastMasterTag = commitsSinceBase + commitsBetweenBaseAndTag;

    // Construct version string:
    String version = branch.equals("master") ? "" : (branch + "-");
    if (tagName.startsWith("refs/tags/")) {
      tagName = tagName.substring("refs/tags/".length());
    // v1.1 -> 1.1
    if (tagName.matches("v\\d+.*")) {
      tagName = tagName.substring(1);
    if (tagName.isEmpty()) {
      version = "0";
    version += tagName + ((!tagonly) ? "." + commitsSinceLastMasterTag : "");

    return version;