public File writeShapefile(FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> src) throws IOException { SimpleFeatureType srcSchema = src.getSchema(); // shapeSchema SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); builder.init(srcSchema); builder.add(ORIG_FID_FIELD, String.class); builder.add(TIMESTAMP_FIELD, String.class); final SimpleFeatureType shapeSchema = builder.buildFeatureType(); // retyped collection final SimpleFeatureBuilder fb = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(shapeSchema); final String timestamp = timestampFormat().format(new Date()); FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> retyped = new RetypingFeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>(src, shapeSchema) { protected SimpleFeature retype(SimpleFeature feature) { for (AttributeDescriptor attrType : shapeSchema.getAttributeDescriptors()) { Object value = feature.getAttribute(attrType.getName()); fb.set(attrType.getName(), value); } fb.set(ORIG_FID_FIELD, feature.getID()); // FIXME this should be the proper global timestamp from FeatureStateTracker; // otherwise each and every re-generate of the shapfile causes (wrong) exceptions // on save; see ShapefileContainer for more info fb.set(TIMESTAMP_FIELD, timestamp); return fb.buildFeature(feature.getID()); } }; ShapefileDataStoreFactory shapeFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory(); Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); params.put("url", newFile.toURI().toURL()); params.put("create spatial index", Boolean.TRUE); ShapefileDataStore shapeDs = (ShapefileDataStore) shapeFactory.createNewDataStore(params); shapeDs.createSchema(shapeSchema); // shapeDs.forceSchemaCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); // shapeDs.setStringCharset( ) // write shapefile // Transaction tx = new DefaultTransaction( "create" ); String typeName = shapeDs.getTypeNames()[0]; FeatureStore<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> shapeFs = (FeatureStore<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>) shapeDs.getFeatureSource(typeName); // doing this without tx saves a LOT of memory; and tx is not // strictly necessary here // shapeFs.setTransaction( tx ); // try { shapeFs.addFeatures(retyped); // tx.commit(); // } // catch (IOException e) { // tx.rollback(); // throw e; // } // finally { // tx.close(); // } return newFile; }
public KPTShapefileWriter(String directory, String fileName) { = directory; this.fileName = fileName; crs = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84; try { TYPE = DataUtilities.createType( "Location", "" // + "cadastral_number:String," // <- a String attribute + "state:String," // a number attribute + "date_created:String," // + "area:String," // + "area_unit:String," // + "name:String," // + "location_in_bounds:String," // + "address_okato:String," // + "address_kladr:String," // + "address_region:String," // + "address_district_name:String," // + "address_district_type:String," // + "address_city_name:String," // + "address_city_type:String," // + "address_locality_name:String," // + "address_locality_type:String," // + "address_street_name:String," // + "address_street_type:String," // + "address_level_1_type:String," // + "address_level_1_value:String," // + "addess_note:String," // + "category:String," // + "utilization:String," // + "utilization_by_doc:String," // + "cadastral_cost:String," // + "cadastral_unit:String," // + "location:Polygon:srid=4326" // <- the geometry attribute: Point type ); } catch (SchemaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } File newFile = new File(directory + "/" + fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".shp"); ShapefileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory(); Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<>(); try { params.put("url", newFile.toURI().toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } params.put("create spatial index", Boolean.TRUE); try { newDataStore = (ShapefileDataStore) dataStoreFactory.createNewDataStore(params); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { newDataStore.createSchema(TYPE); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void dumpBuffer(List<OSMEdge> edges, String filename) throws SchemaException, IOException { final SimpleFeatureType TYPE = DataUtilities.createType( "route", "location:LineString:srid=4326," + // <- the geometry attribute: Polyline type "name:String," + // <- a String attribute "number:Integer" // a number attribute ); // 1. build a feature SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(TYPE); ArrayList<SimpleFeature> features = new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); Iterator<OSMEdge> iter = edges.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OSMEdge o =; SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null); feature.setDefaultGeometry(o.getGeometry()); features.add(feature); } SimpleFeatureCollection collection = new ListFeatureCollection(TYPE, features); // FeatureCollections.newCollection();"Writing to shapefile " + filename); File newFile = new File(filename); // File newFile = getNewShapeFile(file); ShapefileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory(); Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); params.put("url", newFile.toURI().toURL()); params.put("create spatial index", Boolean.TRUE); ShapefileDataStore newDataStore = (ShapefileDataStore) dataStoreFactory.createNewDataStore(params); newDataStore.createSchema(TYPE); // You can comment out this line if you are using the createFeatureType method (at end of // class file) rather than DataUtilities.createType newDataStore.forceSchemaCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("create"); String typeName = newDataStore.getTypeNames()[0]; SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = newDataStore.getFeatureSource(typeName); if (featureSource instanceof SimpleFeatureStore) { SimpleFeatureStore featureStore = (SimpleFeatureStore) featureSource; featureStore.setTransaction(transaction); try { featureStore.addFeatures(collection); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception problem) { problem.printStackTrace(); transaction.rollback(); } finally { transaction.close(); } // System.exit(0); // success! } else { logger.error(typeName + " does not support read/write access"); // System.exit(1); // exit program with status 1 (error) } }