/** Find the next feature */ private void findNext() { if (nextFeature != null) { return; } while (nextFeature == null) { if (nextFC != null) { if (ite.hasNext()) { nextFeature = ite.next(); continue; } else { nextFC = null; ite = null; } } else { if (firstPass) { // first pass iterate on the original FeatureCollection if (originalFI.hasNext()) { nextFC = modify2(originalFI.next(), firstPass, featureList); ite = nextFC.iterator(); } else { firstPass = false; } } else { if (unionFI.hasNext()) { // second pass iterate on the union FeatureCollection nextFC = modify2(unionFI.next(), firstPass, featureList); ite = nextFC.iterator(); } else { break; } } } } }
public void testReadFeatures() throws Exception { FeatureCollection fc = dataStore.createSession(false).getFeatureCollection(QueryBuilder.all(nsname(PERSON))); assertEquals(2, fc.size()); FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> fr = fc.iterator(); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fr.next(); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); }
@Test public void testRead() throws DataStoreException, NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException { final ExtendedDataStore store = new ExtendedDataStore(dataStore); final Name name = DefaultName.valueOf("{http://www.geotoolkit.org/test}extsql"); assertFalse(store.getNames().contains(name)); // add a new query final Query query = QueryBuilder.language( JDBCDataStore.CUSTOM_SQL, "SELECT geometry as geo ,\"intProperty\" as it FROM custom", name); store.addQuery(query); assertTrue(store.getNames().contains(name)); final FeatureType ft = store.getFeatureType(name); final FeatureCollection col = store.createSession(true).getFeatureCollection(QueryBuilder.all(name)); assertEquals(ft, col.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(3, col.size()); final FeatureIterator ite = col.iterator(); try { while (ite.hasNext()) { final Feature f = ite.next(); assertEquals(f.getType(), ft); } } finally { ite.close(); } }
/** * @param featureCollection * @param writer * @param fragment : true if we write in a stream, dont write start and end elements * @throws DataStoreException */ public Element writeFeatureCollection( final FeatureCollection featureCollection, final boolean fragment, final boolean wfs) throws DataStoreException, ParserConfigurationException { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // then we have to create document-loader: factory.setNamespaceAware(false); DocumentBuilder loader = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // creating a new DOM-document... Document document = loader.newDocument(); // the XML header if (!fragment) { document.setXmlVersion("1.0"); // writer.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); } // the root Element final Element rootElement; if (wfs) { rootElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.opengis.net/wfs", "FeatureCollection"); rootElement.setPrefix("wfs"); } else { rootElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.opengis.net/gml", "FeatureCollection"); rootElement.setPrefix("gml"); } document.appendChild(rootElement); String collectionID = ""; if (featureCollection.getID() != null) { collectionID = featureCollection.getID(); } final Attr idAttribute = document.createAttributeNS(Namespaces.GML, "id"); idAttribute.setValue(collectionID); idAttribute.setPrefix("gml"); rootElement.setAttributeNodeNS(idAttribute); if (schemaLocation != null && !schemaLocation.equals("")) { rootElement.setAttributeNS( "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "schemaLocation", schemaLocation); } /*FeatureType type = featureCollection.getFeatureType(); if (type != null && type.getName() != null) { String namespace = type.getName().getNamespaceURI(); if (namespace != null && !namespace.equals(Namespaces.GML)) { Prefix prefix = getPrefix(namespace); writer.writeNamespace(prefix.prefix, namespace); } }*/ /* * The boundedby part */ final Element boundElement = writeBounds(featureCollection.getEnvelope(), document); if (boundElement != null) { rootElement.appendChild(boundElement); } // we write each feature member of the collection FeatureIterator iterator = featureCollection.iterator(); try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Feature f = iterator.next(); final Element memberElement = document.createElementNS(Namespaces.GML, "featureMember"); memberElement.setPrefix("gml"); memberElement.appendChild(writeFeature(f, document, true)); rootElement.appendChild(memberElement); } } finally { // we close the stream iterator.close(); } return rootElement; }