public void addNodes( String navType, String navOwner, String nodePrefix, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (startIndex < endIndex) { SiteKey key = new SiteKey(navType, navOwner); NavigationContext navCtx = navService.loadNavigation(key); if (navCtx == null) { LOG.error("Navigation type= " + navType + " , owner= " + navOwner + " does not exist"); } else { NavNode rootNode = navService.loadNode(new NavNodeModel(), navCtx, Scope.CHILDREN, null).getNode(); int index = rootNode.getSize(); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { String nodeName = nodePrefix + "_" + i; if (rootNode.getChild(nodeName) != null) { LOG.debug( "Navigation node named " + nodeName + " already exist, will not add it anymore"); } else { rootNode.addChild(index, nodeName); index++; } } navService.saveNode(rootNode.context, null); } } }
public void createNavigation( String type, String owner, String prefix, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (startIndex < endIndex) { SiteKey key = new SiteKey(type, owner); NavigationContext navCtx = navService.loadNavigation(key); if (navCtx != null) { LOG.error("Navigation type= " + type + " , owner= " + owner + " already exists"); } else { try { if (dataStorage.getPortalConfig(type, owner) == null) { dataStorage.create(new PortalConfig(type, owner)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error while load/create site ( type= " + type + " , owner = " + owner, ex); } navService.saveNavigation(new NavigationContext(key, new NavigationState(0))); navCtx = navService.loadNavigation(key); NavNode rootNode = navService.loadNode(new NavNodeModel(), navCtx, Scope.CHILDREN, null).getNode(); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { rootNode.addChild(i, prefix + "_" + i); } navService.saveNode(rootNode.context, null); } } }
/** * The onInit() method is used to prepare the portal to receive requests. * * <p>1) Get the WebAppController component from the container 2) Create a new PortalApplication, * init it with the ServletConfig object (which contains init params) 3) Register that * PortalApplication inside WebAppController 4) Create a new PortalRequestHandler object and * register it in the WebAppController */ private void onInit(ServletConfig sConfig, PortalContainer portalContainer) { // Keep the old ClassLoader final ClassLoader currentClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); boolean hasChanged = false; try { ServletConfig config = new PortalServletConfig(sConfig, portalContainer); WebAppController controller = (WebAppController) portalContainer.getComponentInstanceOfType(WebAppController.class); // Set the full classloader of the portal container Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(portalContainer.getPortalClassLoader()); hasChanged = true; controller.onHandlersInit(config); "The WebAppController has been successfully initialized for the portal '" + portalContainer.getName() + "'"); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error( "The WebAppController could not be initialized for the portal '" + portalContainer.getName() + "'", t); } finally { if (hasChanged) { // Re-set the old classloader Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentClassLoader); } } }
public void createNavigation(String type, String owner, List<String> children) { SiteKey key = new SiteKey(type, owner); NavigationContext navCtx = navService.loadNavigation(key); if (navCtx != null) { LOG.error("Navigation type= " + type + " , owner= " + owner + " already exists"); } else { try { if (dataStorage.getPortalConfig(type, owner) == null) { dataStorage.create(new PortalConfig(type, owner)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error while load/create site ( type= " + type + " , owner = " + owner, ex); } navCtx = new NavigationContext(key, new NavigationState(0)); NavNode rootNode = navService.loadNode(new NavNodeModel(), navCtx, Scope.CHILDREN, null).getNode(); int index = 0; for (String child : children) { rootNode.addChild(index, child); index++; } navService.saveNode(rootNode.context, null); } }
@Override public final void runBare() throws Throwable { // Patch a bug with maven that does not pass properly the system property // with an empty value if ("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver".equals(System.getProperty("gatein.test.datasource.driver"))) { System.setProperty("gatein.test.datasource.password", ""); } //"Running unit test:" + getName()); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : System.getProperties().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() instanceof String) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); log.debug(key + "=" + entry.getValue()); } } // beforeRunBare(); // try { super.runBare();"Unit test " + getName() + " completed"); } catch (Throwable throwable) { log.error("Unit test " + getName() + " did not complete", throwable); // throw throwable; } finally { afterRunBare(); } }
@Managed @ManagedDescription("Delete node specified by path in existing navigation") @Impact(ImpactType.READ) public void deleteNode( @ManagedDescription("Type of target navigation") @ManagedName("navType") String navType, @ManagedDescription("Owner of target navigation") @ManagedName("navOwner") String navOwner, @ManagedDescription("Path from root to target node") @ManagedName("pathFromRoot") String pathFromRoot) { try { startTransaction(); NavigationContext ctx = navService.loadNavigation(new SiteKey(navType, navOwner)); if (ctx == null) { LOG.error("Navigation type= " + navType + " , owner= " + navOwner + " does not exist"); } else { String[] path = pathFromRoot.split("/"); NavNode rootNode = navService .loadNode(new NavNodeModel(), ctx, GenericScope.branchShape(path), null) .getNode(); NavNode targetNode = rootNode.getDescendant(path); if (targetNode != null && targetNode != rootNode) { targetNode.remove(); } } } finally { endTransaction(); } }
public Set<Portlet> getPortlets() throws PortletInvokerException { Set<Portlet> portlets = new HashSet<Portlet>(super.getPortlets()); Registration registration = RegistrationLocal.getRegistration(); if (registration != null) { Set<PortletContext> contexts = registration.getKnownPortletContexts(); for (PortletContext context : contexts) { try { portlets.add(super.getPortlet(context)); } catch (NoSuchPortletException e) { final RegistrationSPI registrationSPI = getRegistrationAsSPI(); try { registrationSPI.removePortletContext(context); log.debug( "Removed '" + context + "' from Registration '" + registration.getRegistrationHandle() + "' because it cannot be resolved anymore."); } catch (RegistrationException e1) { throw new PortletInvokerException(e1); } } } } return portlets; }
@Override public boolean hasNext() { while (next == null && toConsumeEvents.size() > 0) { WindowEvent toConsumeEvent = toConsumeEvents.removeFirst(); String consumedId = toConsumeEvent.getWindowId(); // PortletInfo consumerPortletInfo = context.getPortletInfo(consumedId); if (consumerPortletInfo == null) { log.trace( "Cannot deliver event " + toConsumeEvent + " because the consumer of the event does not have a portlet info"); safeInvoker.eventDiscarded( context.getEventControllerContext(), this, toConsumeEvent, EventControllerContext.EVENT_CONSUMER_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE); continue; } // if (!controller.getDistributeNonConsumableEvents()) { if (!consumerPortletInfo .getEventing() .getConsumedEvents() .containsKey(toConsumeEvent.getName())) { log.trace( "Cannot deliver event " + toConsumeEvent + " because the consumer of the event does not accept the event name"); safeInvoker.eventDiscarded( context.getEventControllerContext(), this, toConsumeEvent, EventControllerContext.PORTLET_DOES_NOT_CONSUME_EVENT); continue; } } // next = toConsumeEvent; } // return next != null; }
/** * Destroy the clones scoped by this Registration. * * @param registration the Registration about to be destroyed * @return */ public Vote destructionScheduledFor(Registration registration) { if (registration != null) { List<PortletContext> portletContexts = new ArrayList<PortletContext>(registration.getKnownPortletContexts()); List<DestroyCloneFailure> failures = Collections.emptyList(); try { failures = super.destroyClones(portletContexts); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Couldn't destroy clones", e); } return Vote.negativeVote("Couldn't destroy clones: " + failures); } } return RegistrationDestructionListener.SUCCESS; }
public void processRender(WebuiRequestContext context) throws Exception { ResourceBundle res = context.getApplicationResourceBundle(); UIForm uiForm = getAncestorOfType(UIForm.class); String formId = null; if (uiForm.getId().equals("UISearchForm")) formId = uiForm.<UIComponent>getParent().getId(); else formId = uiForm.getId(); Writer w = context.getWriter(); w.write("<select class=\"selectbox\" name=\""); w.write(name); w.write("\""); if (onchange_ != null) { w.append(" onchange=\"").append(renderOnChangeEvent(uiForm)).append("\""); } if (isMultiple_) w.write(" multiple=\"true\""); if (size_ > 1) w.write(" size=\"" + size_ + "\""); if (isDisabled()) w.write(" disabled "); renderHTMLAttributes(w); w.write(">\n"); for (SelectItem item : options_) { String label = item.getLabel(); if (item instanceof SelectOption) { try { label = res.getString(formId + ".label.option." + ((SelectOption) item).getValue()); } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { } w.write(renderOption(((SelectOption) item), label)); } else if (item instanceof SelectOptionGroup) { label = item.getLabel(); try { label = res.getString(getFrom().getId() + ".optionGroup.label." + label); } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { log.debug("Could not find: " + getFrom().getId() + ".optionGroup.label." + label); } w.write("<optgroup label=\""); w.write(label); w.write("\">\n"); for (SelectOption opt : ((SelectOptionGroup) item).getOptions()) { label = opt.getLabel(); try { label = res.getString(formId + ".label.option." + opt.getValue()); } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { } w.write(renderOption(opt, label)); } w.write("</optgroup>\n"); } } w.write("</select>\n"); if (this.isMandatory()) w.write(" *"); }
/** * Called on web application add event if the application contains {@value * #GATEIN_CONFIG_RESOURCE} file. * * @param webApp * @param url */ protected void add(final WebApp webApp, final URL url) { ServletContext scontext = webApp.getServletContext(); try { /* Validate straight away here before creating the PortalContainerPostInitTask */ final Document document = GateInResourcesSchemaValidator.validate(url); /* Also parse both js and skin resources before creating the PortalContainerPostInitTask */ final ScriptResources scriptResources = new JavascriptConfigParser(scontext, document).parse(); final List<SkinConfigTask> skinTasks = SkinConfigParser.parse(document); /* No exceptions at this point */ final PortalContainerPostInitTask task = new PortalContainerPostInitTask() { public void execute(ServletContext scontext, PortalContainer portalContainer) { try { if (!scriptResources.isEmpty()) { javascriptConfigService.add(scriptResources); scontext.setAttribute(SCRIPT_RESOURCES_ATTR, scriptResources.toImmutable()); } javascriptConfigService.registerContext(webApp); if (skinTasks != null && !skinTasks.isEmpty()) { skinService.addSkins(skinTasks, scontext); } skinService.registerContext(webApp); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Could not register script and skin resources from the context '" + (scontext == null ? "unknown" : scontext.getServletContextName()) + "'", e); /* try to cleanup if anything went wrong */ try { remove(webApp); } catch (Exception e1) { log.error( "Could not cleanup script and skin resources from the context '" + (scontext == null ? "unknown" : scontext.getServletContextName()) + "' after a registration failure", e); } } } }; PortalContainer.addInitTask(scontext, task, portalContainerName); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error( "Could not parse or validate gatein-resources.xml in context '" + (scontext == null ? "unknown" : scontext.getServletContextName()) + "'", ex); } }
public void validateTicket(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String ticket) throws Exception { Cas20ProxyTicketValidator ticketValidator = new Cas20ProxyTicketValidator(casServerUrl); ticketValidator.setRenew(this.renewTicket); // String serviceUrl = "http://"+ httpRequest.getServerName() +":" + httpRequest.getServerPort() // + // httpRequest.getContextPath() +"/private/classic"; Assertion assertion = ticketValidator.validate(ticket, this.casServiceUrl); log.debug( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); log.debug("Service: " + this.casServiceUrl); log.debug("Principal: " + assertion.getPrincipal().getName()); log.debug( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); String principal = assertion.getPrincipal().getName(); this.saveSSOCredentials(principal, httpRequest); }
/** * @param navType * @param navOwner * @param absolutePath path from root to targeted node * @param nodePrefix * @param startIndex * @param endIndex */ public void addNodes( String navType, String navOwner, String absolutePath, String nodePrefix, int startIndex, int endIndex) { SiteKey key = new SiteKey(navType, navOwner); NavigationContext navCtx = navService.loadNavigation(key); if (navCtx == null) { LOG.error("Navigation type= " + navType + " , owner= " + navOwner + " does not exist"); } else { String[] path = absolutePath.split("/"); NavNode rootNode = navService .loadNode(new NavNodeModel(), navCtx, GenericScope.branchShape(path), null) .getNode(); NavNode targetNode = rootNode.getDescendant(path); if (targetNode == null) { LOG.error( "Could not find node specified by path " + absolutePath + " under navigation type= " + navType + " , owner= " + navOwner); } else { int index = targetNode.getSize(); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { String nodeName = nodePrefix + "_" + i; if (targetNode.getChild(nodeName) == null) { targetNode.addChild(index, nodeName); index++; } } navService.saveNode(targetNode.context, null); } } }
public void addPlugin(ComponentPlugin plugin) { if (plugin instanceof SSOFilterIntegratorPlugin) { SSOFilterIntegratorPlugin ssoPlugin = (SSOFilterIntegratorPlugin) plugin; if (!ssoPlugin.isEnabled()) { return; } SSOInterceptor ssoInterceptor = ssoPlugin.getFilter(); this.ssoInterceptors.put(ssoInterceptor, ssoPlugin.getFilterMapping()); log.debug("Added new SSOInterceptor " + ssoInterceptor); } }
static { // Detecting version from maven properties // empty value is ok String version = ""; URL url = ResourceRequestHandler.class.getClassLoader().getResource(PATH); if (url != null) { log.debug("Loading resource serving version from " + url); InputStream in = null; try { in = url.openStream(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(in); version = props.getProperty("version"); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not read properties from " + url, e); } finally { IOTools.safeClose(in); } } //"Use version \"" + version + "\" for resource serving"); VERSION = version; }
/** * Called on web application remove event if the application contains {@value * #GATEIN_CONFIG_RESOURCE} file. * * @param webApp */ protected void remove(WebApp webApp) { String contextPath = webApp.getServletContext().getContextPath(); javascriptConfigService.unregisterServletContext(webApp); try { javascriptConfigService.remove(contextPath); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error( "An error occurred while removing script resources for the context '" + webApp.getServletContext().getServletContextName() + "'", ex); } try { skinService.removeSkins(SkinDependentManager.getPortalSkins(contextPath)); skinService.removeSkins(SkinDependentManager.getPortletSkins(contextPath)); /* * Remove skinName defined by the webApp, if no other webApps supports the skinName */ Set<String> supportedSkins = SkinDependentManager.getSkinNames(contextPath); if (supportedSkins != null) { for (String skin : supportedSkins) { if (SkinDependentManager.skinNameIsRemovable(skin, contextPath)) { skinService.removeSupportedSkin(skin); } } } // Update the 'skinDependentManager' SkinDependentManager.clearAssociatedSkins(contextPath); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } skinService.unregisterServletContext(webApp); }
@Managed @ManagedDescription("Add nodes into root node of existing navigation") @Impact(ImpactType.READ) public void insertNodes( @ManagedDescription("Type of target navigation") @ManagedName("navType") String navType, @ManagedDescription("Owner of target navigation") @ManagedName("navOwner") String navOwner, @ManagedDescription("Prefix of new node names") @ManagedName("prefix") String nodePrefix, @ManagedDescription("Starting index") @ManagedName("startIndex") String startIndex, @ManagedDescription("Ending index") @ManagedName("endIndex") String endIndex) { int _startIndex = Integer.parseInt(startIndex); int _endIndex = Integer.parseInt(endIndex); // Invoke from JMX bean will not go through GateIn's servlet filter. Therefore, we need to // open/close transaction try { startTransaction(); addNodes(navType, navOwner, nodePrefix, _startIndex, _endIndex); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to insert new nodes", ex); } finally { endTransaction(); } }
@Managed @ManagedDescription("Create new navigation") @Impact(ImpactType.READ) public void createNavs( @ManagedDescription("Type of new navigation") @ManagedName("navType") String type, @ManagedDescription("Owner of new navigation") @ManagedName("navOwner") String owner, @ManagedDescription("Prefix of new node names") @ManagedName("prefix") String prefix, @ManagedDescription("Starting index") @ManagedName("startIndex") String startIndex, @ManagedDescription("Ending index") @ManagedName("endIndex") String endIndex) { int _startIndex = Integer.parseInt(startIndex); int _endIndex = Integer.parseInt(endIndex); // Invoke from JMX bean will not go through GateIn's servlet filter. Therefore, we need to // open/close transaction try { startTransaction(); createNavigation(type, owner, prefix, _startIndex, _endIndex); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to create new navigation", ex); } finally { endTransaction(); } }
public void doImport() { if (portalContainer == null) { portalContainer = Utils.getUserInput("Container name (ie portal)", level); } try { client = PortalObjectsMgmtClient.Factory.create( InetAddress.getByName(host), port, username, password, portalContainer); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println("Unknown host name " + host + ". See log for more details."); log.error("Exception retrieving host " + host + " by name.", e); System.exit(1); } if (overwrite == null) { String ow = Utils.getUserInput( "Do you wish to fully overwrite all data defined in import file (N) ? Y/N", level); if ("Y".equalsIgnoreCase(ow)) { overwrite = Boolean.TRUE; } else { overwrite = Boolean.FALSE; } } if (overwrite && !force) { System.out.println( "\nOverwrite set to true. This means that all data for a site will be overwritten and any data not defined will be deleted."); String proceed = Utils.getUserInput("Do you wish to proceed (N) ? Y/N", level); if (!"Y".equalsIgnoreCase(proceed)) { System.exit(0); } }"Starting import of file " + importFile + " for portal container " + portalContainer); try { ImportContext context = client.importFromZip(importFile); if (isEmptyContext(context)) { System.out.println( "Nothing to import. " + importFile + " did not contain anything to import."); log.warn("Nothing imported. Zip file did not contain any data for import."); System.exit(0); } if (overwrite) {"Overwrite set to true, overwriting all data."); } context.setOverwrite(overwrite); client.importContext(context);"Import was successful."); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Exception reading zip file. See log for more details."); log.error("IOException reading zip file " + importFile, e); } catch (ClientException e) { System.err.println("Client exception during import. See log for more details."); log.error("ClientException during import.", e); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Unknown exception occurred during import. See log for more details."); log.error("Uknown exception during import.", t); } }
boolean push(WindowEvent consumedEvent, WindowEvent producedEvent) { String producerId = producedEvent.getWindowId(); PortletInfo producerPortletInfo = context.getPortletInfo(producerId); // if (producerPortletInfo == null) { log.trace( "Cannot deliver event " + producedEvent + " because the producer does not have portlet info"); safeInvoker.eventDiscarded( context.getEventControllerContext(), this, producedEvent, EventControllerContext.EVENT_PRODUCER_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE); return true; } else { // if (!controller.getDistributeNonProduceableEvents()) { if (!producerPortletInfo .getEventing() .getProducedEvents() .containsKey(producedEvent.getName())) { log.trace( "Cannot deliver event " + producedEvent + " because the producer of the event does not produce the event name"); safeInvoker.eventDiscarded( context.getEventControllerContext(), this, producedEvent, EventControllerContext.PORTLET_DOES_NOT_CONSUME_EVENT); return true; } } // Apply produced event quota if necessary int producedEventThreshold = controller.getProducedEventThreshold(); if (producedEventThreshold >= 0) { if (producedEventSize + 1 > producedEventThreshold) { log.trace( "Event distribution interrupted because the maximum number of produced event is reached"); safeInvoker.eventDiscarded( context.getEventControllerContext(), this, producedEvent, EventControllerContext.PRODUCED_EVENT_FLOODED); return false; } } // Iterable<WindowEvent> toConsume = safeInvoker.eventProduced( context.getEventControllerContext(), this, consumedEvent, producedEvent); // if (toConsume == null) { return false; } else { producedEventSize++; for (WindowEvent event : toConsume) { toConsumeEvents.add(event); } return true; } } }
@Override public boolean execute(ControllerContext context) throws Exception { String resourceParam = context.getParameter(RESOURCE_QN); String scopeParam = context.getParameter(SCOPE_QN); // if (scopeParam != null && resourceParam != null) { String compressParam = context.getParameter(COMPRESS_QN); String lang = context.getParameter(LANG_QN); String moduleParam = context.getParameter(MODULE_QN); // Locale locale = null; if (lang != null && lang.length() > 0) { locale = I18N.parseTagIdentifier(lang); } // ResourceScope scope; try { scope = ResourceScope.valueOf(ResourceScope.class, scopeParam); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { HttpServletResponse response = context.getResponse(); String msg = "Unrecognized scope " + scopeParam; log.error(msg); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg); return true; } // ResourceId resource = new ResourceId(scope, resourceParam); ScriptKey key = new ScriptKey(resource, moduleParam, "min".equals(compressParam), locale); // ScriptResult result = cache.get(context, key); HttpServletResponse response = context.getResponse(); HttpServletRequest request = context.getRequest(); // if (result instanceof ScriptResult.Resolved) { ScriptResult.Resolved resolved = (ScriptResult.Resolved) result; // Content type + charset response.setContentType("text/javascript"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); // One hour caching // make this configurable later response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age:3600"); response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + 3600 * 1000); // Set content length response.setContentLength(resolved.bytes.length); long ifModifiedSince = request.getDateHeader(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE); if (resolved.isModified(ifModifiedSince)) { response.setDateHeader(ResourceRequestFilter.LAST_MODIFIED, resolved.lastModified); // Send bytes ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); try { out.write(resolved.bytes); } finally { Safe.close(out); } } else { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); } } else if (result instanceof ScriptResult.Error) { ScriptResult.Error error = (ScriptResult.Error) result; log.error("Could not render script " + key + "\n:" + error.message); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } else { String msg = "Resource " + key + " cannot be found"; log.error(msg); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); } } else { HttpServletResponse response = context.getResponse(); String msg = "Missing scope or resource param"; log.error(msg); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg); } // return true; }