/** * This method checks the current state and decides the validation to be performed corresponding * to the state. */ public int process(Callback[] callbacks, int state) throws AuthLoginException { try { if (state == 1) sharedState.put("javax.security.auth.login.name", ((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName()); userName = (String) sharedState.get("javax.security.auth.login.name"); HttpServletRequest request = getHttpServletRequest(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { user = CommonUtilities.getUser(userName, request); } else { replaceHeader(MODULE_ENTRY_POINT, getLocalizedString("missingUserAttr.message")); return MODULE_ENTRY_POINT; } String submitedState = getSubmitedState(callbacks); if (state == MODULE_SUCCESS_MSG || (submitedState != null && !String.valueOf(state).equals(submitedState))) { return state; } int returnState = 0; switch (state) { case MODULE_ENTRY_POINT: returnState = setResetQuestions(); break; case MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS: returnState = validateAnswers(callbacks); break; default: throw new AuthLoginException("Invalid state: " + state); } if (state != returnState && returnState == MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS) replaceHeader(returnState, " "); return returnState; } catch (Exception e) { debug.error("Error occured while processing password reset module:", e); throw new AuthLoginException(e); } }
/** * This method is used to validate the security answers and on on successful validation, it resets * the password and sends a mail to the user with the generated password. * * @param callbacks * @return * @throws Exception */ private int validateAnswers(Callback[] callbacks) throws Exception { for (Callback callback_ : callbacks) { if (callback_ instanceof NameCallback) { NameCallback callback = (NameCallback) callback_; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(callback.getName())) { replaceHeader(MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS, getLocalizedString("missingAnswer.message")); return MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS; } } } Map<String, String> qaMap = (Map<String, String>) sharedState.get("QAMap"); for (Callback callback_ : callbacks) { if (callback_ instanceof NameCallback) { NameCallback callback = (NameCallback) callback_; if (!qaMap.get(callback.getPrompt()).equals(callback.getName().trim())) { resetLockout.invalidAnswer(user); debug.error("Invalid password reset answers provided for " + user.getUniversalId()); int warningCount = resetLockout.getWarnUserCount(user.getUniversalId()); if (warningCount < 0) { replaceHeader( MODULE_SUCCESS_MSG, "<font color=\"red\">" + getLocalizedString("lockoutMsg.message") + "</font>"); return MODULE_SUCCESS_MSG; } else if (warningCount > 0) { replaceHeader( MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS, MessageFormat.format( getLocalizedString("lockoutWarning.message"), new Object[] {warningCount})); return MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS; } else { replaceHeader(MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS, getLocalizedString("wrongAnswer.message")); return MODULE_VALIDATE_ANSWERS; } } } } resetLockout.removeUserLockoutEntry(user.getUniversalId()); String resetPassword = new RandomPasswordGenerator().generatePassword(user); // ensure the random generated password meets the password criteria while (!isValidPWD(resetPassword)) resetPassword = new RandomPasswordGenerator().generatePassword(user); Map<String, Set> attrMap = new HashMap<String, Set>(); Set<String> attribVals = new HashSet<String>(); attribVals.add(resetPassword); attrMap.put( CommonUtilities.getProperty(PassphraseConstants.USER_PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTE), attribVals); // Enable the force password reset flag Set<String> passwordResetFlag = new HashSet<String>(); passwordResetFlag.add("true"); attrMap.put( CommonUtilities.getProperty(PassphraseConstants.USER_PASSWORD_RESET_FLAG_ATTRIBUTE), passwordResetFlag); user.setAttributes(attrMap); user.store(); debug.message("Password has been reset for the user: "******"emailNotify.message")); } catch (Exception e) { debug.error("Error sending password reset mail:", e); replaceHeader(MODULE_SUCCESS_MSG, getLocalizedString("sendEmailFailed.message")); } return MODULE_SUCCESS_MSG; }