private void addRelationship( String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws Exception { assertTrue(apim.addRelationship(subject, predicate, object, isLiteral, datatype)); assertFalse( "Adding duplicate relationship should return false", apim.addRelationship(subject, predicate, object, isLiteral, datatype)); // check resource index String query = ""; if (isLiteral) { if (datatype != null) { query = String.format("* <%s> '%s'^^%s", predicate, object, datatype); } else { query = String.format("* <%s> '%s'", predicate, object); } } else { query = String.format("* <%s> <%s>", predicate, object); } TripleIterator triples = queryRI(query); try { assertTrue("Relationship not found in RI (query = " + query + ")", triples.hasNext()); while (triples.hasNext()) { assertEquals(, subjectAsURI(subject)); } } finally { triples.close(); } }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { apim.purgeObject("demo:777", "", false); apim.purgeObject("demo:888", "", false); apim.purgeObject("demo:777m", "", false); apim.purgeObject("demo:888m", "", false); XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(SimpleNamespaceContext.EMPTY_CONTEXT); }
public static void modifyDatastreamByReference( FedoraAPIMMTOM skeleton, String pid, String dsId, String[] altIDs, String dsLabel, String mimeType, String formatURI, String location, String checksumType, String checksum, String logMessage) { skeleton.modifyDatastreamByReference( pid, dsId, TypeUtility.convertStringtoAOS(altIDs), dsLabel, mimeType, formatURI, location, checksumType, checksum, logMessage, false); }
public static void modifyDatastreamByValue( FedoraAPIMMTOM skeleton, String pid, String dsId, String[] altIDs, String dsLabel, String mimeType, String formatURI, byte[] content, String checksumType, String checksum, String logMessage) { skeleton.modifyDatastreamByValue( pid, dsId, TypeUtility.convertStringtoAOS(altIDs), dsLabel, mimeType, formatURI, TypeUtility.convertBytesToDataHandler(content), checksumType, checksum, logMessage, false); }
@Test public void testBadSubjectURI() { String s, p, o; // subject is a valid info:fedora/ uri for an object, but object does not exist s = "info:fedora/does:notexist"; p = "urn:foo"; o = "urn:bar"; try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, false, null); fail( "Adding relationship with subject as a Fedora DO that does not exist should have failed"); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { } // subject is a valid info:fedora/ uri for a datastream, but object does not exist s = "info:fedora/does:notexist/DS1"; p = "urn:foo"; o = "urn:baz"; try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, false, null); fail( "Adding relationship with subject as a Fedora object datastream where DO does not exist should have failed"); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { } // subject is a valid uri, but not in info:fedora/ scheme s = ""; p = "urn:foo"; o = "urn:quux"; try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, false, null); fail("Adding relationship with subject uri not in the info:fedora scheme should have failed"); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { } // Valid PID & datastream ID, but invalid subject URI // should be: info:fedora/demo:888/DS1 s = "demo:888/DS1"; p = "urn:foo"; o = "urn:quux"; try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, false, null); fail("Adding relationship with invalid short URI should have failed"); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { } }
public static List<String> purgeDatastream( FedoraAPIMMTOM skeleton, String pid, String dsId, String startDT, String endDT, String logMessage) { return skeleton.purgeDatastream(pid, dsId, startDT, endDT, logMessage, false); }
@Test public void testPurgeRelationships() throws Exception { String p, o; int relNum = 0; // used to form unique relationships or objects/object literals... addRelationship needs // unique predicate x object combinations for (String s : subject) { p = "urn:p" + relNum++; o = "urn:o"; purgeRelationship(s, p, o, false, null); p = "urn:title" + relNum; o = "asdf"; // "三国演义"; // test unicode purgeRelationship(s, p, o, true, null); p = "urn:temperature" + relNum; o = "98.6"; purgeRelationship(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.FLOAT.uri); // utf-8 literal with multibyte sequences p = "urn:utf8literal" + relNum; o = MULTIBYTE_UTF8; purgeRelationship(s, p, o, true, null); assertFalse( "Purging non-existant relation should have failed", apim.purgeRelationship(s, "urn:asdf", "867-5309", true, null)); addRelationship(s, p, o, true, null); addRelationship(s, p, "foo", true, null); List<RelationshipTuple> tuples = apim.getRelationships(s, p); assertNotNull(tuples); assertEquals(2, tuples.size()); assertTrue( "Purging relationship with null object should delete all subject/predicate matches", apim.purgeRelationship(s, p, null, true, null)); tuples = apim.getRelationships(s, p); assertNotNull(tuples); assertEquals(0, tuples.size()); } }
@Test public void testValidation() { String p, o; int relNum = 0; // used to form unique relationships or objects/object literals... addRelationship needs // unique predicate x object combinations for (String s : subject) { p = ""; o = "A Dictionary of Maqiao" + relNum++; // DC rels only invalid for RELS-EXT... if (!s.endsWith("DS1") && !s.endsWith("DS2")) { try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, true, null); fail("Adding Dublin Core relationship should have failed - " + s); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { assertTrue(se.getMessage(), se.getMessage().contains("improper relationship assertion")); } } p = "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#foo"; try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, true, null); fail("Adding Fedora Model relationship should have failed - " + s); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { assertTrue(se.getMessage(), se.getMessage().contains("Disallowed predicate")); } p = "urn:bar" + relNum; // invalid dateTime literal o = "2009-10-05T16:02:26+0100"; try { apim.addRelationship(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri); fail("Adding invalid date/time literal in relationship should have failed - " + s); } catch (SOAPFaultException se) { assertTrue(se.getMessage(), se.getMessage().contains("is not a valid 'dateTime' value")); } } }
private void getRelationship( String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws Exception { addRelationship(subject, predicate, object, isLiteral, datatype); List<RelationshipTuple> tuples = apim.getRelationships(subject, predicate); assertNotNull(tuples); assertEquals(1, tuples.size()); assertEquals(subjectAsURI(subject), tuples.get(0).getSubject()); assertEquals(predicate, tuples.get(0).getPredicate()); assertEquals(object, tuples.get(0).getObject()); assertEquals(isLiteral, tuples.get(0).isIsLiteral()); assertEquals(datatype, tuples.get(0).getDatatype()); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { apim = s_client.getAPIMMTOM(); Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); nsMap.put("oai_dc", ""); nsMap.put("dc", ""); nsMap.put("foxml", "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#"); NamespaceContext ctx = new SimpleNamespaceContext(nsMap); XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(ctx); apim.ingest( TypeUtility.convertBytesToDataHandler(DEMO_888_FOXML), FOXML1_1.uri, "ingesting new foxml object"); apim.ingest( TypeUtility.convertBytesToDataHandler(DEMO_777_FOXML), FOXML1_1.uri, "ingesting new foxml object"); // managed content versions of above (reserved datastreams translated from X to M) ManagedContentTranslator.createManagedClone(apim, "demo:888", "demo:888m"); ManagedContentTranslator.createManagedClone(apim, "demo:777", "demo:777m"); }
private void checkExistsViaGetRelationships(String subject, String predicate, String object) throws Exception { boolean found = false; for (RelationshipTuple tuple : apim.getRelationships(subject, predicate)) { if (tuple.getSubject().equals(subjectAsURI(subject)) && tuple.getPredicate().equals(predicate) && tuple.getObject().equals(object)) { found = true; } } assertTrue( "Relationship not found via getRelationships (subject=" + subject + ", predicate=" + predicate + ", object=" + object, found); }
@Test public void testGetAllRelationships() throws Exception { // subject uri and pid List<RelationshipTuple> tuples = apim.getRelationships("demo:777", null); assertEquals(1, tuples.size()); }
public String addPolicy(File policyFile) throws Exception { byte[] policy = DataUtils.loadFile(policyFile.getAbsolutePath()); String policyId = getPolicyId(policy); String policyFileName = "file:///" + policyFile.getAbsolutePath(); // escape any pid namespace character if (policyId.contains(":")) { policyId = policyId.replace(":", "%3A"); } String pid = "demo:" + policyId; StringBuilder foxml = new StringBuilder(); // basic empty object foxml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); foxml.append( "<foxml:digitalObject VERSION=\"1.1\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"); foxml.append(" xmlns:foxml=\"info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#\"\n"); foxml.append( " xsi:schemaLocation=\"" + Constants.FOXML.uri + " " + Constants.FOXML1_1.xsdLocation + "\""); foxml.append("\n PID=\"" + StreamUtility.enc(pid) + "\">\n"); foxml.append(" <foxml:objectProperties>\n"); foxml.append( " <foxml:property NAME=\"info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#state\" VALUE=\"A\"/>\n"); foxml.append( " <foxml:property NAME=\"info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#label\" VALUE=\"" + StreamUtility.enc("test policy object") + "\"/>\n"); foxml.append(" </foxml:objectProperties>\n"); foxml.append( "<foxml:datastream ID=\"" + FedoraPolicyStore.FESL_POLICY_DATASTREAM + "\" CONTROL_GROUP=\"M\">"); foxml.append( "<foxml:datastreamVersion ID=\"POLICY.0\" MIMETYPE=\"text/xml\" LABEL=\"XACML policy datastream\">"); foxml.append(" <foxml:contentLocation REF=\"" + policyFileName + "\" TYPE=\"URL\"/>"); // foxml.append(" <foxml:xmlContent>"); // foxml.append(policy); // foxml.append(" </foxml:xmlContent>"); foxml.append(" </foxml:datastreamVersion>"); foxml.append("</foxml:datastream>"); foxml.append("</foxml:digitalObject>"); apim.ingest( TypeUtility.convertBytesToDataHandler(foxml.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")), FOXML1_1.uri, "ingesting new foxml object"); return policyId; }
public static List<Datastream> getDatastreams( FedoraAPIMMTOM skeleton, String pid, String asOfDateTime, String state) { return skeleton.getDatastreams(pid, asOfDateTime, state); }
public static Datastream getDatastream( FedoraAPIMMTOM skeleton, String pid, String dsId, String asOfDateTime) { return skeleton.getDatastream(pid, dsId, asOfDateTime); }
public static List<Datastream> getDatastreamHistory( FedoraAPIMMTOM skeleton, String pid, String dsId) { return skeleton.getDatastreamHistory(pid, dsId); }
private void purgeRelationship( String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws Exception { addRelationship(subject, predicate, object, isLiteral, datatype); assertTrue(apim.purgeRelationship(subject, predicate, object, isLiteral, datatype)); }
public void delPolicy(String policyId) throws Exception { String pid = "demo:" + policyId; apim.purgeObject(pid, "removing test policy object", false); }