/** * publish new event activity * * @param newEvent * @param calendarId */ public void updatePublicEvent(CalendarEvent newEvent, String calendarId) { String eventType = newEvent.getEventType().equalsIgnoreCase(CalendarEvent.TYPE_EVENT) ? EVENT_ADDED : TASK_ADDED; // Map<String, String> messagesParams = buildParams(oldEvent, newEvent); // updateToActivity(newEvent, calendarId, eventType, messagesParams); publishActivity(newEvent, calendarId, eventType); }
/** * update existing event activity by creating a new comment in activity * * @param oldEvent * @param newEvent * @param calendarId */ public void updatePublicEvent(CalendarEvent oldEvent, CalendarEvent newEvent, String calendarId) { LOG.info("updatePublicEvent"); String eventType = newEvent.getEventType().equalsIgnoreCase(CalendarEvent.TYPE_EVENT) ? EVENT_ADDED : TASK_ADDED; Map<String, String> messagesParams = buildParams(oldEvent, newEvent); if (messagesParams.size() > 0) { updateToActivity(newEvent, calendarId, eventType, messagesParams); } }
/** used in template */ private String renderEventBoard() throws Exception { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("\n<div class=\"eventBoard\">"); Calendar cl = getBeginDateOfWeek(); int t = 0; int numberOfDays = isShowCustomView_ ? 5 : 7; String styleWidth = isShowCustomView_ ? "width:19.8%;*width:20%;" : "width:13.8%;*width:14%;"; while (t++ < numberOfDays) { int day = cl.get(Calendar.DATE); int month = cl.get(Calendar.MONTH); int year = cl.get(Calendar.YEAR); String key = keyGen(day, month, year); int dayOfWeek = cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); List<CalendarEvent> events = getEventData().get(key); if (events != null) { for (CalendarEvent event : events) { String eventId = event.getId(); String begin = tf.format(event.getFromDateTime()); String begindate = dtf.format(event.getFromDateTime()); String end = tf.format(event.getToDateTime()); Calendar cal = CalendarUtils.getInstanceTempCalendar(); cal.setTime(event.getFromDateTime()); int beginTime = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); cal.setTime(event.getToDateTime()); int endTime = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); String color = getColors().get(event.getCalType() + CalendarUtils.COLON + event.getCalendarId()); String actionLink = event("UpdateEvent", eventId); boolean isOccur = (event.getRepeatType() != null && !CalendarEvent.RP_NOREPEAT.equals(event.getRepeatType()) && (event.getIsExceptionOccurrence() == null || !event.getIsExceptionOccurrence())); String recurId = event.getRecurrenceId(); boolean isEditable; if (!event.getCalType().equals(CalendarUtils.PRIVATE_TYPE)) isEditable = isEventEditable(event); else isEditable = true; stringBuilder .append( "\n<div class=\"eventContainerBorder weekViewEventBoxes " + color + "\" eventindex=\"" + dayOfWeek + "\"") .append( " style=\"position: absolute;display:none\" eventcat=\"" + event.getEventCategoryId() + "\" caltype=\"" + event.getCalType() + "\"") .append( " eventid=\"" + eventId + "\" calid=\"" + event.getCalendarId() + "\" actionlink=\"" + actionLink + "\" unselectable=\"on\"") .append( " startTime=\"" + beginTime + "\" endTime=\"" + endTime + "\" isOccur=\"" + isOccur + "\" recurId=\"" + recurId + "\" isEditable=\"" + isEditable + "\">"); if (!eventList.contains(eventId)) { eventList.add(eventId); stringBuilder .append( "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "calType\" value=\"" + event.getCalType() + "\" />") .append( "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "calendarId\" value=\"" + event.getCalendarId() + "\" />") .append("\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "startTime\" value=\"\" />") .append("\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "finishTime\" value=\"\" />") .append( "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "isOccur\" value=\"" + isOccur + "\" />") .append( "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "recurId\" value=\"" + recurId + "\" />") .append( "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + eventId + "currentDate\" value=\"\" />"); } /** display event duration */ if (event.isEventDurationSmallerThanHalfHour()) { /** short event */ stringBuilder .append("\n<div class=\"clearfix\">") .append( "\n<div unselectable=\"on\" class=\"eventContainerBar eventTitle pull-left\" style=\" display: inline-block; \">"); if (CalendarEvent.TYPE_TASK.equals(event.getEventType())) { stringBuilder.append("\n<i class=\"uiIconCalTaskMini\"></i>"); } else { stringBuilder.append("\n<i class=\"uiIconCalClockMini\"></i>"); // occurring icon if (isOccur) { stringBuilder.append("<i class=\"uiIconCalRecurring\"></i>"); } else if (!isOccur && Boolean.TRUE.equals(event.getIsExceptionOccurrence())) { stringBuilder.append("<i class=\"uiIconCalEditRecurring\"></i>"); } } stringBuilder.append( "\n<i class=\"uiIconCal" + event.getPriority() + "Priority\"></i>" + begin + "</div>"); /** display event summary */ if ((event.getEventType().equals(CalendarEvent.TYPE_TASK)) && (event.getEventState().equals(CalendarEvent.COMPLETED))) { stringBuilder.append( "\n<div unselectable=\"on\" class=\"eventContainer\" style=\"text-decoration:line-through; \">" + event.getSummary() + "</div>"); } else { stringBuilder.append( "\n<div class=\"eventContainer \" >" + event.getSummary() + "</div>"); } stringBuilder.append("</div>"); } else { stringBuilder.append( "\n<div unselectable=\"on\" class=\"eventContainerBar eventTitle\">"); if (CalendarEvent.TYPE_TASK.equals(event.getEventType())) { stringBuilder.append("\n<i class=\"uiIconCalTaskMini\"></i>"); } else { stringBuilder.append("\n<i class=\"uiIconCalClockMini\"></i>"); // occurring icon if (isOccur) { stringBuilder.append("<i class=\"uiIconCalRecurring\"></i>"); } else if (!isOccur && Boolean.TRUE.equals(event.getIsExceptionOccurrence())) { stringBuilder.append("<i class=\"uiIconCalEditRecurring\"></i>"); } } stringBuilder .append("\n<i class=\"uiIconCal" + event.getPriority() + "Priority\"></i>") .append(begin + " - " + end + "</div>"); if ((event.getEventType().equals(CalendarEvent.TYPE_TASK)) && (event.getEventState().equals(CalendarEvent.COMPLETED))) { stringBuilder .append( "\n<div unselectable=\"on\" class=\"eventContainer\" style=\" text-decoration:line-through; \">") .append(event.getSummary() + "</div>"); } else { stringBuilder.append( "\n<div class=\"eventContainer\">" + event.getSummary() + "</div>"); } } stringBuilder .append("\n<div class=\"resizeEventContainer\" unselectable=\"on\">") .append("\n<span></span>\n</div>\n</div>"); } } cl.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } stringBuilder .append("\n</div>") .append( "\n<table style=\"table-layout:fixed;\" class=\"uiGrid table \" id=\"UIWeekViewGrid\" lastupdatedid=\"" + getLastUpdatedEventId() + "\"") .append(" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">") .append("\n<tbody>"); boolean flag = false; String style = isShowWorkingTime() ? "WorkOffTime" : "none"; String styleClass; String tempTimeFormat = CalendarUtils.TIMEFORMATPATTERNS[0]; if (getTimeFormat().startsWith("HH")) tempTimeFormat = CalendarUtils.TIMEFORMATPATTERNS[1]; int counter = 0; String timeName = "Gray"; for (String full : getDisplayTimes(tempTimeFormat, getTimeInterval(), Locale.ENGLISH)) { if ((counter % 4) == 0 || (counter % 4) == 1) { timeName = "OddRow"; } else if ((counter % 4) == 2 || (counter % 4) == 3) { timeName = "EvenRow"; } String time = full.substring(0, full.lastIndexOf("_")); String display = full.substring(full.lastIndexOf("_") + 1); if (isShowWorkingTime()) { if (time.equals(getStartTime())) { style = ""; } if (time.equals(getEndTime())) { style = "WorkOffTime"; } } if (flag) { styleClass = "tdDotLine"; } else { styleClass = "tdLine"; } stringBuilder.append("\n<tr class=\"" + style + " " + timeName + "\">"); if (!flag) { stringBuilder.append("\n<td class=\"tdTime center\" style=\"width: 55px;\">"); } else { stringBuilder.append("\n<td style=\"width: 55px;\">"); } stringBuilder.append("\n<div>"); if (!flag) { stringBuilder.append(display); } else { stringBuilder.append(" "); } stringBuilder.append("\n</div>\n</td>"); cl = getBeginDateOfWeek(); DateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(getDateFormat(), Locale.ENGLISH); DateFormat fullDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(getDateFormat() + " " + CalendarUtils.TIMEFORMAT, Locale.ENGLISH); dayFormat.setCalendar(cl); fullDateFormat.setCalendar(cl); t = 0; String cssClass; while (t++ < numberOfDays) { // df.setCalendar(cl) ; String startTime = dayFormat.format(cl.getTime()) + " " + time; // dtf.setCalendar(cl) ; fullDateFormat.setLenient(false); // add try-catch block to handle Daylight Saving Time problem try { cl.setTime(fullDateFormat.parse(startTime)); } catch (ParseException e) { fullDateFormat.setLenient(true); cl.setTime(fullDateFormat.parse(startTime)); } int dayOfWeek = cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (isCurrentDay(cl.get(Calendar.DATE), cl.get(Calendar.MONTH), cl.get(Calendar.YEAR))) { cssClass = "today"; } else if (dayOfWeek == 1 || dayOfWeek == 7) { cssClass = "Weekend"; } else { cssClass = "Weekday"; } stringBuilder .append( "\n<td startFull=\"" + tempFormat.format(cl.getTime()) + "\" startTime=\"" + cl.getTimeInMillis() + "\"") .append( " eventindex=\"" + dayOfWeek + "\" class=\"" + styleClass + " " + cssClass + " " + style + "\" style=\"" + styleWidth + "\">") .append("\n<span></span>\n</td>"); cl.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } flag = !flag; stringBuilder.append("</tr>"); counter++; } stringBuilder.append("\n</tbody>\n</table>"); return stringBuilder.toString(); }
/** * remove the event activity * * @param event * @param calendarId */ public void deletePublicEvent(CalendarEvent event, String calendarId) { String eventType = event.getEventType().equalsIgnoreCase(CalendarEvent.TYPE_EVENT) ? EVENT_ADDED : TASK_ADDED; deleteActivity(event, calendarId, eventType); }
private Map<String, String> buildParams(CalendarEvent oldEvent, CalendarEvent newEvent) { Map<String, String> messagesParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); try { if (CalendarEvent.TYPE_EVENT.equals(newEvent.getEventType())) { if (!oldEvent.getSummary().equals(newEvent.getSummary())) { messagesParams.put(SUMMARY_UPDATED, newEvent.getSummary()); } /* change description */ if (newEvent.getDescription() != null && !newEvent.getDescription().equals(oldEvent.getDescription())) { messagesParams.put(DESCRIPTION_UPDATED, newEvent.getDescription()); } /* remove description */ else if ((newEvent.getDescription() == null) && (oldEvent.getDescription() != null)) { messagesParams.put(DESCRIPTION_REMOVED, ""); } /* change location */ if (newEvent.getLocation() != null && !newEvent.getLocation().equals(oldEvent.getLocation())) { messagesParams.put(LOCATION_UPDATED, newEvent.getLocation()); } /* remove location */ else if ((newEvent.getLocation() == null) && (oldEvent.getLocation() != null)) { messagesParams.put(LOCATION_REMOVED, ""); } if (newEvent.getPriority() != null && !newEvent.getPriority().equals(oldEvent.getPriority())) { messagesParams.put(PRIORITY_UPDATED, newEvent.getPriority()); } if (newEvent.getAttachment() != null) if (oldEvent.getAttachment() == null) { messagesParams.put(ATTACH_UPDATED, ""); } else if (newEvent.getAttachment().size() != oldEvent.getAttachment().size()) { messagesParams.put(ATTACH_UPDATED, ""); } if (isAllDayEvent(newEvent) && !isAllDayEvent(oldEvent) && CalendarEvent.TYPE_EVENT.equals(oldEvent.getEventType())) { messagesParams.put(ALLDAY_UPDATED, ""); } else if (!isAllDayEvent(newEvent)) { if (newEvent.getFromDateTime().compareTo(oldEvent.getFromDateTime()) != 0) { messagesParams.put(FROM_UPDATED, String.valueOf(newEvent.getFromDateTime().getTime())); } if (newEvent.getToDateTime().compareTo(oldEvent.getToDateTime()) != 0) { messagesParams.put(TO_UPDATED, String.valueOf(newEvent.getToDateTime().getTime())); } } /*=== compare the repeat type ===*/ String repeatSummary = buildRepeatSummary(newEvent); if (!repeatSummary.equals(buildRepeatSummary(oldEvent))) { messagesParams.put(REPEAT_UPDATED, repeatSummary); } /*=== compare the activity id ===*/ // oldEvent -- occurrence or instance of repetitive event -- no activity // newEvent -- repetitiveEvent - with activity if (!newEvent.getActivityId().equals(oldEvent.getActivityId())) { messagesParams.put( REPEAT_EVENT_INSTANCE_REMOVED, getDateFormattedAfterUserSetting(oldEvent.getRecurrenceId())); } } else { if (!oldEvent.getSummary().equals(newEvent.getSummary())) { messagesParams.put(NAME_UPDATED, newEvent.getSummary()); } /* change note */ if (newEvent.getDescription() != null && !newEvent.getDescription().equals(oldEvent.getDescription())) { messagesParams.put(NOTE_UPDATED, newEvent.getDescription()); } /* removed note */ else if ((newEvent.getDescription() == null) && (oldEvent.getDescription() != null)) { messagesParams.put(NOTE_REMOVED, ""); } if (!isAllDayEvent(newEvent)) { if (newEvent.getFromDateTime().compareTo(oldEvent.getFromDateTime()) != 0) { messagesParams.put(FROM_UPDATED, String.valueOf(newEvent.getFromDateTime().getTime())); } if (newEvent.getToDateTime().compareTo(oldEvent.getToDateTime()) != 0) { messagesParams.put(TO_UPDATED, String.valueOf(newEvent.getToDateTime().getTime())); } } if (newEvent.getPriority() != null && !newEvent.getPriority().equals(oldEvent.getPriority())) { messagesParams.put(PRIORITY_UPDATED, newEvent.getPriority()); } if (newEvent.getAttachment() != null) if (oldEvent.getAttachment() == null) { messagesParams.put(TASK_ATTACH_UPDATED, ""); } else if (newEvent.getAttachment().size() != oldEvent.getAttachment().size()) { messagesParams.put(TASK_ATTACH_UPDATED, ""); } if (newEvent.getEventState() != null && !newEvent.getEventState().equals(oldEvent.getEventState())) { if (CalendarEvent.NEEDS_ACTION.equals(newEvent.getEventState())) { messagesParams.put(TASK_NEED_ACTION, newEvent.getEventState()); } else if (CalendarEvent.IN_PROCESS.equals(newEvent.getEventState())) { messagesParams.put(TASK_IN_PROCESS_ACTION, newEvent.getEventState()); } else if (CalendarEvent.COMPLETED.equals(newEvent.getEventState())) { messagesParams.put(TASK_COMPLETED_ACTION, newEvent.getEventState()); } else if (CalendarEvent.CANCELLED.equals(newEvent.getEventState())) { messagesParams.put(TASK_CANCELLED_ACTION, newEvent.getEventState()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.error("Can not build message for space when event updated ", e); } return messagesParams; }