/** * Import an XQuery library module from the given document. The namespace and preferred prefix of * the module are extracted from the module itself. The MIME type of the document is set to * "application/xquery" as a side-effect. * * @param module the non-XML document that holds the library module's source * @return this service, to chain calls * @throws DatabaseException if the module is an XML document, or the module declaration cannot be * found at the top of the document */ public QueryService importModule(Document module) { if (module instanceof XMLDocument) throw new DatabaseException("module cannot be an XML document: " + module); Matcher matcher = MODULE_DECLARATION_DQUOTE.matcher(module.contentsAsString()); if (!matcher.find()) { matcher = MODULE_DECLARATION_SQUOTE.matcher(module.contentsAsString()); if (!matcher.find()) throw new DatabaseException("couldn't find a module declaration at the top of " + module); } module.metadata().setMimeType("application/xquery"); String moduleNamespace = matcher.group(1); // TODO: should do URILiteral processing here to replace entity and character references and // normalize // whitespace, but since it seems that eXist doesn't do it either (bug?) there's no reason to // rush. Document prevModule = moduleMap.get(moduleNamespace); if (prevModule != null && !prevModule.equals(module)) throw new DatabaseException( "module " + moduleNamespace + " already bound to " + prevModule + ", can't rebind to " + module); moduleMap.put(moduleNamespace, module); return this; }
private String presub(String query, Object[] params) { if (params == null) return query; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Matcher matcher = PRE_SUB_PATTERN.matcher(query); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement( buf, ((String) params[Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)) - 1]) .replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace("$", "\\$")); } matcher.appendTail(buf); return buf.toString(); }
/** * Provides facilities for performing queries on a database. It cannot be instantiated directly; you * must obtain an instance from a resource or the database. * * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Piotr Kaminski</a> */ public class QueryService implements Cloneable { private static final Pattern PRE_SUB_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$(\\d+)"); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(QueryService.class); private static final Statistics STATS = new Statistics(); /** * Get the process-wide performance statistics gathering facet. * * @return the performance statistics facet */ public static Statistics statistics() { return STATS; } private NamespaceMap namespaceBindings; private Map<String, Document> moduleMap = new TreeMap<String, Document>(); private final Database db; protected DocumentSet docs, overrideDocs; protected Sequence base; protected AnyURIValue baseUri; private Map<QName, Object> bindings = new HashMap<QName, Object>(); private boolean presub; /** * Use this constructor when the docs and base are not constant for the query service and need to * be set just before the query. You must also override the prepareContext method. * * @param origin */ QueryService(Resource origin) { this.namespaceBindings = origin.namespaceBindings().extend(); this.db = origin.database(); } QueryService(Resource origin, DocumentSet docs, Sequence base) { this(origin); this.docs = docs; this.base = base; } private QueryService() { this.namespaceBindings = null; this.db = null; } boolean isFreshFrom(Resource origin) { return !presub && bindings.isEmpty() && moduleMap.isEmpty() && (namespaceBindings == null || namespaceBindings.isFreshFrom(origin.namespaceBindings())); } static final QueryService NULL = new QueryService() { @Override protected ItemList executeQuery( String query, WrapperFactory wrappeFactory, Object[] params) { return ItemList.NULL; } @Override public QueryAnalysis analyze(String query, Object... params) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NULL query service"); } @Override public QueryService let(String var, Object value) { return this; } @Override public QueryService namespace(String key, String uri) { return this; } @Override public NamespaceMap namespaceBindings() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NULL query service"); } @Override public QueryService importModule(Document module) { return this; } @Override public Item single(String query, Object... params) { throw new DatabaseException("expected 1 result item, got 0 (NULL query)"); } }; void prepareContext(DBBroker broker) { // do nothing by default, override this if you need to set docs and base just before // a query is evaluated } /** * Return the database to which the resource that provides the context for this query service * belongs. The returned database will inherit its namespace bindings from this query service. * * @return the database that contains this object */ public Database database() { return new Database(db, namespaceBindings); } /** * Bind a variable to the given value within all query expression evaluated subsequently. * * @param variableName the qualified name of the variable to bind; prefixes are taken from the * namespace mappings of the folder that provided this service; if the name starts with a * <code>$</code>, it will be stripped automatically * @param value the value the variable should take * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService let(String variableName, Object value) { if (variableName == null) throw new NullPointerException("null variable name"); if (variableName.startsWith("$")) variableName = variableName.substring(1); if (variableName.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty variable name"); return let(QName.parse(variableName, namespaceBindings, ""), value); } /** * Bind a variable to the given value within all query expression evaluated subsequently. * * @param variableName the qualified name of the variable to bind * @param value the value the variable should take * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService let(QName variableName, Object value) { bindings.put(variableName, value); return this; } /** * Declare a namespace binding within the scope of this query. * * @param key the key to bind * @param uri the namespace uri * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService namespace(String key, String uri) { namespaceBindings.put(key, uri); return this; } /** * Return this query service's namespace bindings for inspection or modification. * * @return this query service's namespace bindings */ public NamespaceMap namespaceBindings() { return namespaceBindings; } final Pattern MODULE_DECLARATION_DQUOTE = Pattern.compile( "\\A\\s*module\\s+namespace\\s+[\\p{Alpha}_][\\w.-]*\\s*=\\s*\"(([^\"]*(\"\")?)*)\"\\s*;"); final Pattern MODULE_DECLARATION_SQUOTE = Pattern.compile( "\\A\\s*module\\s+namespace\\s+[\\p{Alpha}_][\\w.-]*\\s*=\\s*'(([^']*('')?)*)'\\s*;"); /** * Import an XQuery library module from the given document. The namespace and preferred prefix of * the module are extracted from the module itself. The MIME type of the document is set to * "application/xquery" as a side-effect. * * @param module the non-XML document that holds the library module's source * @return this service, to chain calls * @throws DatabaseException if the module is an XML document, or the module declaration cannot be * found at the top of the document */ public QueryService importModule(Document module) { if (module instanceof XMLDocument) throw new DatabaseException("module cannot be an XML document: " + module); Matcher matcher = MODULE_DECLARATION_DQUOTE.matcher(module.contentsAsString()); if (!matcher.find()) { matcher = MODULE_DECLARATION_SQUOTE.matcher(module.contentsAsString()); if (!matcher.find()) throw new DatabaseException("couldn't find a module declaration at the top of " + module); } module.metadata().setMimeType("application/xquery"); String moduleNamespace = matcher.group(1); // TODO: should do URILiteral processing here to replace entity and character references and // normalize // whitespace, but since it seems that eXist doesn't do it either (bug?) there's no reason to // rush. Document prevModule = moduleMap.get(moduleNamespace); if (prevModule != null && !prevModule.equals(module)) throw new DatabaseException( "module " + moduleNamespace + " already bound to " + prevModule + ", can't rebind to " + module); moduleMap.put(moduleNamespace, module); return this; } /** * Import the same modules into this query service as imported by the given query service. This is * a one-time copy; further imports into either query service won't affect the other one. * * @param that the query service to copy module imports from * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService importSameModulesAs(QueryService that) { moduleMap.putAll(that.moduleMap); return this; } /** * Limit the root documents accessible to the query to the given list, overriding the any set * derived from the query's context. The query will still be able to access other documents * through bound variables or by naming them directly, though. * * @param rootDocs the list of root documents to limit the query to * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService limitRootDocuments(XMLDocument... rootDocs) { return limitRootDocuments(Arrays.asList(rootDocs)); } /** * Limit the root documents accessible to the query to the given list, overriding the any set * derived from the query's context. The query will still be able to access other documents * through bound variables or by naming them directly, though. * * @param rootDocs the list of root documents to limit the query to * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService limitRootDocuments(Collection<XMLDocument> rootDocs) { overrideDocs = new DefaultDocumentSet(); for (XMLDocument doc : rootDocs) ((MutableDocumentSet) overrideDocs).add(doc.doc); return this; } /** * Pre-substitute variables of the form '$n' where n is an integer in all query expressions * evaluated subsequently. The values are taken from the usual postional parameter list. * Parameters that are presubbed are also bound to the usual $_n variables and can be used * normally as such. Pre-subbing is useful for element and attribute names, where XQuery doesn't * allow variables. * * @return this service, to chain calls */ public QueryService presub() { presub = true; return this; } @Override public QueryService clone() { return clone(null, null); } /** * Clone this query service, optionally overriding the clone's namespace and variable bindings. If * the namespace bindings override or variable bindings override is specified, then that object is * cloned and used for its respective purpose. If an override is not specified, the bindings are * cloned from the original query service. * * @param nsBindingsOverride the namespace bindings to clone, or <code>null</code> to clone from * the original * @param varBindingsOverride the variable bindings to clone, or <code>null</code> to clone from * the original * @return a clone of this query service with bindings optionally overridden */ public QueryService clone(NamespaceMap nsBindingsOverride, Map<QName, ?> varBindingsOverride) { try { QueryService that = (QueryService) super.clone(); that.namespaceBindings = nsBindingsOverride != null ? nsBindingsOverride.clone() : that.namespaceBindings.clone(); if (varBindingsOverride == null) { that.bindings = new HashMap<QName, Object>(that.bindings); } else { that.bindings = new HashMap<QName, Object>(); for (Map.Entry<QName, ?> entry : varBindingsOverride.entrySet()) { that.let(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } that.moduleMap = new TreeMap<String, Document>(moduleMap); return that; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("unexpected exception", e); } } /** * Get all items that match the given query in the context of this object. * * @param query the query to match * @param params parameters to the query, will be substituted for $_1, $_2, etc. * @return a collection of all items that match the query */ public ItemList all(String query, Object... params) { return executeQuery(query, null, params); } /** * Run the given query, ignoring the results. Useful for running update "queries" -- see eXist's * <a href="http://exist-db.org/update_ext.html">XQuery Update Extensions</a>. * * @param query the query to run * @param params parameters to the query, will be substituted for $_1, $_2, etc. */ public void run(String query, Object... params) { executeQuery(query, null, params); } private interface WrapperFactory { Function createWrapper(XQueryContext context); } ItemList executeQuery(String query, WrapperFactory wrapperFactory, Object[] params) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(), t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0; if (presub) query = presub(query, params); DBBroker broker = null; try { broker = db.acquireBroker(); prepareContext(broker); if (overrideDocs != null) docs = overrideDocs; final org.exist.source.Source source = buildQuerySource(query, params, "execute"); final XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService(); final XQueryPool pool = xquery.getXQueryPool(); CompiledXQuery compiledQuery = pool.borrowCompiledXQuery(broker, source); MutableDocumentSet docsToLock = new DefaultDocumentSet(); if (docs != null) docsToLock.addAll(docs); if (base != null) docsToLock.addAll(base.getDocumentSet()); try { XQueryContext context; if (compiledQuery == null) { context = xquery.newContext(AccessContext.INTERNAL_PREFIX_LOOKUP); buildXQueryStaticContext(context, true); } else { context = compiledQuery.getContext(); // static context already set } buildXQueryDynamicContext(context, params, docsToLock, true); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (compiledQuery == null) { compiledQuery = xquery.compile(context, source); t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } docsToLock.lock(broker, false, false); try { return new ItemList( xquery.execute(wrap(compiledQuery, wrapperFactory, context), base), namespaceBindings.extend(), db); } finally { docsToLock.unlock(false); t4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } finally { if (compiledQuery != null) pool.returnCompiledXQuery(source, compiledQuery); } } catch (XPathException e) { LOG.debug( "query execution failed -- " + query + " -- " + (params == null ? "" : " with params " + Arrays.asList(params)) + (bindings.isEmpty() ? "" : " and bindings " + bindings)); throw new DatabaseException("failed to execute query", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatabaseException("unexpected exception", e); } catch (LockException e) { throw new DatabaseException("deadlock", e); } catch (PermissionDeniedException e) { throw new DatabaseException("permission denied", e); } finally { db.releaseBroker(broker); STATS.update(query, t1, t2, t3, t4, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } private CompiledXQuery wrap( CompiledXQuery expr, WrapperFactory wrapperFactory, XQueryContext context) throws XPathException { if (wrapperFactory == null) return expr; Function wrapper = wrapperFactory.createWrapper(context); wrapper.setArguments(Collections.singletonList((Expression) expr)); // wrapper.setSource(expr.getSource()); return wrapper; } private org.exist.source.Source buildQuerySource(String query, Object[] params, String cookie) { Map<String, String> combinedMap = namespaceBindings.getCombinedMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Document> entry : moduleMap.entrySet()) { combinedMap.put("<module> " + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().path()); } for (Map.Entry<QName, Object> entry : bindings.entrySet()) { combinedMap.put( "<var> " + entry.getKey(), null); // don't care about values, as long as the same vars are bound } combinedMap.put("<posvars> " + params.length, null); combinedMap.put("<cookie>", cookie); // TODO: should include statically known documents and baseURI too? return new StringSourceWithMapKey(query, combinedMap); } private void buildXQueryDynamicContext( XQueryContext context, Object[] params, MutableDocumentSet docsToLock, boolean bindVariables) throws XPathException { context.setBackwardsCompatibility(false); context.setStaticallyKnownDocuments(docs); context.setBaseURI(baseUri == null ? new AnyURIValue("/db") : baseUri); if (bindVariables) { for (Map.Entry<QName, Object> entry : bindings.entrySet()) { context.declareVariable( new org.exist.dom.QName( entry.getKey().getLocalPart(), entry.getKey().getNamespaceURI(), entry.getKey().getPrefix()), convertValue(entry.getValue())); } if (params != null) for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Object convertedValue = convertValue(params[i]); if (docsToLock != null && convertedValue instanceof Sequence) { docsToLock.addAll(((Sequence) convertedValue).getDocumentSet()); } context.declareVariable("_" + (i + 1), convertedValue); } } } private void buildXQueryStaticContext(XQueryContext context, boolean importModules) throws XPathException { context.declareNamespaces(namespaceBindings.getCombinedMap()); for (Map.Entry<String, Document> entry : moduleMap.entrySet()) { context.importModule(entry.getKey(), null, "xmldb:exist:///db" + entry.getValue().path()); } } /** * Convert the given object into a value appropriate for being defined as the value of a variable * in an XQuery. This will extract a sequence out of all database objects, convert collections and * arrays into sequences recursively, convert <code>null</code> into an empty sequence, and pass * other objects through untouched. Convertible objects that are defined in the JDK will be * automatically converted by eXist. * * @see org.exist.xquery.XPathUtil#javaObjectToXPath(Object, XQueryContext, boolean) * @param o the object to convert to a database value * @return the converted value, ready for assignment to an XQuery variable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object convertValue(Object o) { if (o == null) return Collections.emptyList(); if (o instanceof Resource) { try { return ((Resource) o).convertToSequence(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return o; } } List<Object> list = null; if (o instanceof Collection) list = new ArrayList<Object>((Collection) o); else if (o instanceof Object[]) list = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList((Object[]) o)); if (list != null) { for (ListIterator<Object> it = list.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { it.set(convertValue(it.next())); } return list; } return DataUtils.toXMLObject(o); } private String presub(String query, Object[] params) { if (params == null) return query; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Matcher matcher = PRE_SUB_PATTERN.matcher(query); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement( buf, ((String) params[Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)) - 1]) .replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace("$", "\\$")); } matcher.appendTail(buf); return buf.toString(); } /** * Get all items that match the given query in the context of this object, without regard for the * order of the results. This can sometimes make a query run faster. * * @param query the query to match * @param params * @return a collection of all items that match the query */ public ItemList unordered(String query, Object... params) { // TODO: put expression in unordered context once eXist supports it // TODO: verify that callers to 'all' could not use 'unordered' // return all("declare ordering unordered; " + query, params); return all(query, params); } private static final WrapperFactory EXACTLY_ONE = new WrapperFactory() { public Function createWrapper(XQueryContext context) { return new FunExactlyOne(context); } }; /** * Get the one and only item that matches the given query in the context of this object. * * @param query the query to match * @param params * @return the unique item that matches the query */ public Item single(String query, Object... params) { ItemList result = executeQuery(query, EXACTLY_ONE, params); assert result.size() == 1 : "expected single result, got " + result.size(); return result.get(0); } private static final WrapperFactory ZERO_OR_ONE = new WrapperFactory() { public Function createWrapper(XQueryContext context) { return new FunZeroOrOne(context); } }; /** * Get no more than one item that matches the given query in the context of this object. * * @param query the query to match * @param params * @return the item that matches this query, or <code>Item.NULL</code> if none */ public Item optional(String query, Object... params) { ItemList result = executeQuery(query, ZERO_OR_ONE, params); assert result.size() <= 1 : "expected zero or one results, got " + result.size(); return result.size() == 0 ? Item.NULL : result.get(0); } public boolean flag(String query, boolean defaultValue) { Item item = optional(query); if (item != Item.NULL) { try { return item.booleanValue(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "illegal flag value '" + item + "' found for query " + query + "; using default '" + defaultValue + "'"); } } return defaultValue; } private static final WrapperFactory EXISTS = new WrapperFactory() { public Function createWrapper(XQueryContext context) { return new FunExists(context); } }; /** * Return whether at least one item matches the given query in the context of this object. * * @param query the query to match * @param params * @return <code>true</code> if at least one item matches, <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean exists(String query, Object... params) { return executeQuery(query, EXISTS, params).get(0).booleanValue(); } /** * Statically analyze a query for various properties. * * @param query the query to analyze * @param params parameters for the query; if necessary parameters are left out they will be * listed as required variables in the analysis * @return a query analysis facet */ public QueryAnalysis analyze(String query, Object... params) { if (presub) query = presub(query, params); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(), t2 = 0, t3 = 0; DBBroker broker = null; try { broker = db.acquireBroker(); prepareContext(broker); final org.exist.source.Source source = buildQuerySource(query, params, "analyze"); final XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService(); final XQueryPool pool = xquery.getXQueryPool(); CompiledXQuery compiledQuery = pool.borrowCompiledXQuery(broker, source); try { AnalysisXQueryContext context; if (compiledQuery == null) { context = new AnalysisXQueryContext(broker, AccessContext.INTERNAL_PREFIX_LOOKUP); buildXQueryStaticContext(context, false); buildXQueryDynamicContext(context, params, null, false); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); compiledQuery = xquery.compile(context, source); t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { context = (AnalysisXQueryContext) compiledQuery.getContext(); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return new QueryAnalysis( compiledQuery, Collections.unmodifiableSet(context.requiredVariables), Collections.unmodifiableSet(context.requiredFunctions)); } finally { if (compiledQuery != null) pool.returnCompiledXQuery(source, compiledQuery); } } catch (XPathException e) { LOG.warn( "query compilation failed -- " + query + " -- " + (params == null ? "" : " with params " + Arrays.asList(params)) + (bindings.isEmpty() ? "" : " and bindings " + bindings)); throw new DatabaseException("failed to compile query", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatabaseException("unexpected exception", e); } catch (PermissionDeniedException e) { throw new DatabaseException("permission denied", e); } finally { db.releaseBroker(broker); STATS.update(query, t1, t2, t3, 0, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } private static final class AnalysisXQueryContext extends XQueryContext { final Set<QName> requiredFunctions = new TreeSet<QName>(); final Set<QName> requiredVariables = new TreeSet<QName>(); private AnalysisXQueryContext(DBBroker broker, AccessContext accessCtx) { super(broker.getBrokerPool(), accessCtx); } @Override public Variable resolveVariable(org.exist.dom.QName qname) throws XPathException { Variable var = super.resolveVariable(qname); if (var == null) { requiredVariables.add( new QName(qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getLocalName(), qname.getPrefix())); var = new VariableImpl(qname); } return var; } @Override public UserDefinedFunction resolveFunction(org.exist.dom.QName qname, int argCount) throws XPathException { UserDefinedFunction func = super.resolveFunction(qname, argCount); if (func == null) { requiredFunctions.add( new QName(qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getLocalName(), qname.getPrefix())); func = new UserDefinedFunction( this, new FunctionSignature( qname, null, new SequenceType(Type.ITEM, org.exist.xquery.Cardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE), true)); func.setFunctionBody(new SequenceConstructor(this)); } return func; } } /** An access point for running various analyses on a query. */ public static class QueryAnalysis { private final CompiledXQuery query; private final Set<QName> requiredVariables; private final Set<QName> requiredFunctions; private QueryAnalysis( CompiledXQuery query, Set<QName> requiredVariables, Set<QName> requiredFunctions) { this.query = query; this.requiredVariables = requiredVariables; this.requiredFunctions = requiredFunctions; } /** * Return the name of the statically determined return type of the query expression. The name is * in a standard form, see {@link org.exist.xquery.value.Type} for a list of possible values. If * the return type cannot be statically determined, it defaults to <code>Type.ITEM</code>, the * universal supertype in XQuery. * * @return the name of the return type of the query being analyzed */ public String returnTypeName() { return org.exist.xquery.value.Type.getTypeName( query instanceof Expression ? ((PathExpr) query).returnsType() : org.exist.xquery.value.Type.ITEM); } /** The enumeration of recognized cardinalities for parameter and return types. */ public static enum Cardinality { ZERO, ZERO_OR_ONE, ONE, ZERO_OR_MORE, ONE_OR_MORE } /** * Return the statically determined cardinality of the return type of the query expression. If * the cardinality cannot be statically determined, it defaults to <code>ZERO_OR_MORE</code>, * the least restrictive cardinality. * * @return the cardinality of the return type of the query being analyzed */ public Cardinality cardinality() { if (query instanceof Expression) { int cardinality = ((Expression) query).getCardinality(); switch (cardinality) { case org.exist.xquery.Cardinality.EMPTY: return Cardinality.ZERO; case org.exist.xquery.Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE: return Cardinality.ONE; case org.exist.xquery.Cardinality.ZERO_OR_ONE: return Cardinality.ZERO_OR_ONE; case org.exist.xquery.Cardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE: return Cardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE; case org.exist.xquery.Cardinality.ONE_OR_MORE: return Cardinality.ONE_OR_MORE; default: LOG.error("unexpected eXist cardinality flag " + cardinality); } } return Cardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE; } /** * Return a list of variables that are required to be defined by this query, excluding any * positional variables that were provided to the {@link QueryService#analyze(String, Object[]) * analyze} method. The variable names will not include the leading '$'. * * @return a list of variables required by this query */ public Set<QName> requiredVariables() { return requiredVariables; } /** * Return a list of functions that are required to be defined by this query, beyond the standard * XPath/XQuery ones. * * @return a list of functions required by this query */ public Set<QName> requiredFunctions() { return requiredFunctions; } } public static class Statistics { private static final NumberFormat COUNT_FORMAT = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); private static final MessageFormat FULL_ENTRY_FORMAT = new MessageFormat( "{1} uses in {3,number,0.000}s ({11,number,percent}, {7,number,0.00}ms avg) [" + "{4,number,0.000}s compiling ({8,number,0.00}ms avg, {2,number,percent} cache hits), " + "{5,number,0.000}s preparing ({9,number,0.00}ms avg), {6,number,0.000}s executing ({10,number,0.00}ms avg)" + "]: {0}"); private static final MessageFormat STAND_ALONE_ENTRY_FORMAT = new MessageFormat( "{1,number,integer} uses in {3,number,0.000}s ({7,number,0.00}ms avg) [" + "{4,number,0.000}s compiling ({8,number,0.00}ms avg, {2,number,percent} cache hits), " + "{5,number,0.000}s preparing ({9,number,0.00}ms avg), {6,number,0.000}s executing ({10,number,0.00}ms avg)" + "]: {0}"); private static final Comparator<Entry> TOTAL_TIME_DESCENDING = new Comparator<Entry>() { public int compare(Entry e1, Entry e2) { return e1.queryTime == e2.queryTime ? 0 : (e1.queryTime > e2.queryTime ? -1 : 1); } }; private final Map<String, Entry> entries = new HashMap<String, Entry>(); void update(String query, long t1, long t2, long t3, long t4, long t5) { long tQuery = t5 - t1, tPreparation = t2 > 0 ? t2 - t1 : -1, tCompilation = t3 > 0 ? t3 - t2 : -1, tExecution = t4 > 0 ? t4 - (t3 > 0 ? t3 : t2) : -1; get(null).update(tQuery, tPreparation, tCompilation, tExecution); get(query).update(tQuery, tPreparation, tCompilation, tExecution); } synchronized Entry get(String query) { Entry entry = entries.get(query); if (entry == null) entries.put(query, entry = new Entry(query)); return entry; } /** * Get a list of all statistics entries for which data has been gathered. The list is a copy and * can be further manipulating without affecting the service. * * @return a list of all statistics entries */ public synchronized List<Entry> entries() { return new ArrayList<Entry>(entries.values()); } /** * Get the entry that aggregates statistics over all the queries. * * @return the totals entry */ public Entry totals() { return get(null); } /** Reset all gathered statistics back to zero. */ public synchronized void reset() { entries.clear(); } /** * Return a string that describes the statistics gathered for all the entries. * * @return a string describing the statistics gathered so far */ public synchronized String toString() { return toStringTop(entries.size()); } /** * Return a string that describes the statistics for the top n entries, sorted by descending * order of total time spent dealing with the query. This will always include the totals entry * in the first position. * * @param n the desired number of entries to describe * @return a string describing the statistics for the top n entries */ public synchronized String toStringTop(int n) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); List<Entry> list = entries(); if (list.isEmpty()) return "<no queries executed>"; Collections.sort(list, TOTAL_TIME_DESCENDING); int maxCountLength = COUNT_FORMAT.format(list.get(0).numQueries).length(); double totalDuration = list.get(0).queryTime; for (Entry entry : list.subList(0, Math.min(n, list.size()))) out.append(entry.toString(maxCountLength, totalDuration)).append('\n'); return out.toString(); } /** * Performance counters for a single query. The fields are public for convenience (and to avoid * a forest of accessors) but should be considered as read-only. * * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Piotr Kaminski</a> */ public static class Entry { /** * The query string (after pre-substitution) that this entry is about. If <code>null</code> * then this is the totals entry. */ public final String query; // These are simple counters public long numQueries, queriesPrepared, queriesCompiled, queriesRun; // All times are in seconds. public double queryTime, queryPreparationTime, queryCompilationTime, queryRunTime; Entry(String query) { this.query = query; } synchronized void update(long tQuery, long tPreparation, long tCompilation, long tRun) { numQueries++; queryTime += tQuery / 1000.0; if (tPreparation >= 0) { queriesPrepared++; queryPreparationTime += tPreparation / 1000.0; } if (tCompilation >= 0) { queriesCompiled++; queryCompilationTime += tCompilation / 1000.0; } if (tRun >= 0) { queryRunTime += tRun / 1000.0; queriesRun++; } } public synchronized String toString(int maxCountLength, double totalDuration) { String formattedCount = String.format("%" + maxCountLength + "s", COUNT_FORMAT.format(numQueries)); return FULL_ENTRY_FORMAT.format( new Object[] { query == null ? "TOTALS" : query, formattedCount, (queriesPrepared - queriesCompiled) / (double) queriesPrepared, queryTime, queryCompilationTime, queryPreparationTime, queryRunTime, queryTime * 1000 / numQueries, queriesCompiled == 0 ? 0 : queryCompilationTime * 1000 / queriesCompiled, queriesPrepared == 0 ? 0 : queryPreparationTime * 1000 / queriesPrepared, queriesRun == 0 ? 0 : queryRunTime * 1000 / queriesRun, queryTime / totalDuration }); } @Override public synchronized String toString() { return STAND_ALONE_ENTRY_FORMAT.format( new Object[] { query == null ? "TOTALS" : query, numQueries, (queriesPrepared - queriesCompiled) / (double) queriesPrepared, queryTime, queryCompilationTime, queryPreparationTime, queryRunTime, queryTime * 1000 / numQueries, queriesCompiled == 0 ? 0 : queryCompilationTime * 1000 / queriesCompiled, queriesPrepared == 0 ? 0 : queryPreparationTime * 1000 / queriesPrepared, queriesRun == 0 ? 0 : queryRunTime * 1000 / queriesRun }); } } } }