  public void addAssertions(TestCase test) {
    if (!(test instanceof StructuredTestCase))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expecting StructuredTestCase");

    StructuredTestCase structuredTest = (StructuredTestCase) test;

    Set<String> targetMethods = structuredTest.getTargetMethods();

    List<Mutation> mutants = MutationPool.getMutants();

    ExecutionResult origResult = runTest(test);
    Map<Mutation, ExecutionResult> mutationResults = new HashMap<Mutation, ExecutionResult>();

    // execute on all mutants in the target method that were touched
    for (Mutation mutant : mutants) {
      if (!origResult.getTrace().wasMutationTouched(mutant.getId())) continue;
      if (!targetMethods.contains(mutant.getMethodName())) {

      ExecutionResult mutationResult = runTest(test, mutant);
      mutationResults.put(mutant, mutationResult);

    addAssertions(structuredTest, origResult, mutationResults);
  private Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> getKillMap(
      List<Assertion> assertions, Map<Mutation, ExecutionResult> mutationResults) {
    Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> killMap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>();

    int num = 0;
    for (Assertion assertion : assertions) {
      Set<Integer> killedMutations = new HashSet<Integer>();
      for (Mutation m : mutationResults.keySet()) {

        boolean isKilled = false;
        for (OutputTrace<?> trace : mutationResults.get(m).getTraces()) {
          if (trace.isDetectedBy(assertion)) {
            isKilled = true;
        if (isKilled) {
      killMap.put(num, killedMutations);

    return killMap;