private void renderAppliance( String appRoot, boolean installing, boolean details, IAppliance appliance, PrintWriter pw) { String appliancePid = appliance.getPid(); IApplianceConfiguration config = appliancesProxy.getApplianceConfiguration(appliancePid); IEndPoint[] endPoints = appliance.getEndPoints(); if (endPoints != null && endPoints.length > 1) { String name = null; ICategory category = null; ILocation location = null; if (config != null) { name = config.getName(null); category = appliancesProxy.getCategory(config.getCategoryPid(null)); location = appliancesProxy.getLocation(config.getLocationPid(null)); } boolean isAvailable = appliance.isAvailable(); if (isAvailable) { pw.println("<b>"); } else { pw.println("<b><font color=\"gray\">"); } if (!details) { pw.println((appliance.isDriver() ? "DRIVER APPLIANCE" : "VIRTUAL APPLIANCE")); pw.println( " (<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/" + appliancePid + "\">Details</a>" + (installing ? " <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/install/" + appliance.getPid() + "\">Install</a>" : "") + (appliance.isSingleton() ? ")" : (" <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/confirm/delete/" + appliance.getPid() + "\">Delete</a>)"))); } else { pw.print( "<br/><u>APPLIANCE DETAILS</u>" + " (<a <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/" + appliancePid + "\">Reload page</a> <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "\">Go to installed appliances</a>" + " <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/install\">Go to installing appliances</a>)</br><hr/>"); pw.println((appliance.isDriver() ? "DRIVER APPLIANCE" : "VIRTUAL APPLIANCE")); if (!appliance.isSingleton()) { pw.println( " (<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/config/" + appliancePid + "\">Configuration</a>)"); } } pw.println( "<br/>PID: " + appliance.getPid() + "<br/>TYPE: " + appliance.getDescriptor().getType() + ((name != null) ? "<br/>Name: " + name : "") + ((category != null) ? "<br/>Category: " + category.getName() : "") + ((location != null) ? "<br/>Location: " + location.getName() : "") + "</b><br/><br/>"); if (isAvailable) { pw.println("</b>"); } else { pw.println("</b></font>"); } if (details) renderEndPoints(appRoot, config, endPoints, pw); pw.println("<hr>"); } }
private void renderEndPoints( String appRoot, IApplianceConfiguration config, IEndPoint[] endPoints, PrintWriter pw) { for (int i = 0; i < endPoints.length; i++) { IEndPoint endPoint = endPoints[i]; IAppliance appliance = endPoint.getAppliance(); String appliancePid = appliance.getPid(); Integer endPointId = new Integer(endPoint.getId()); boolean isAvailable = appliance.isAvailable(); if (isAvailable) pw.println("<b>"); else pw.println("<b><font color=\"gray\">"); String name = null; ICategory category = null; ILocation location = null; if (config != null) { name = config.getName(endPointId); category = appliancesProxy.getCategory(config.getCategoryPid(endPointId)); location = appliancesProxy.getLocation(config.getLocationPid(endPointId)); } pw.println(" ENDPOINT"); if (!appliance.isSingleton()) pw.println( " (<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/config/" + appliancePid + "/" + endPointId + "\">Configuration</a>)"); pw.println( "<br/> ID: " + endPoint.getId() + "<br/> TYPE: " + endPoint.getType() + ((name != null) ? "<br/> Name: " + name : "") + ((category != null) ? "<br/> Category: " + category.getName() : "") + ((location != null) ? "<br/> Location: " + location.getName() : "")); if (isAvailable) pw.println( "<br/> " + (endPointId > 0 ? "Clusters:" : "") + "</b><br/>"); else pw.println( "<br/> " + (endPointId > 0 ? "Clusters:" : "") + "</b></font><br/>"); try { IServiceCluster[] clusterArray = endPoint.getServiceClusters(IServiceCluster.SERVER_SIDE); if (clusterArray != null && clusterArray.length > 0) { renderClusterList(appRoot, appliancePid, endPointId, clusterArray, pw); } clusterArray = endPoint.getServiceClusters(IServiceCluster.CLIENT_SIDE); if (clusterArray != null && clusterArray.length > 0) { renderClusterList(appRoot, appliancePid, endPointId, clusterArray, pw); } String[] clusterNames = endPoint.getAdditionalClusterNames(); if (clusterNames != null && clusterNames.length > 0) { renderClusterList(appRoot, appliancePid, endPoint, clusterNames, pw); } pw.println(" <br/>"); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ReflectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
protected void renderContent(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); if (appliancesProxy == null) return; String appRoot = req.getContextPath() + req.getServletPath(); String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(LABEL.length() + 1); StringTokenizer st = null; String appliancePid; try { if (pathInfo.startsWith("/confirm")) { st = new StringTokenizer(pathInfo, "/"); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) st.nextToken(); String confirmParam = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) confirmParam = st.nextToken(); appliancePid = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) appliancePid = st.nextToken(); if (confirmParam.equals("delete")) pw.println( "</br></br><b><font color=\"red\">Are you sure you want to delete appliance " + appliancePid + "? <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/delete/" + appliancePid + "\">yes</a> " + "<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "\">no</a>"); } else if (pathInfo == null || pathInfo.equals("") || pathInfo.equals("/") || pathInfo.startsWith("/install") || pathInfo.startsWith("/delete")) { List v = null; boolean installing = false; boolean deleteStatus = true; boolean closeStatus = true; boolean openStatus = true; boolean installStatus = true; if (pathInfo.startsWith("/delete")) { st = new StringTokenizer(pathInfo, "/"); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) st.nextToken(); appliancePid = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) appliancePid = st.nextToken(); deleteStatus = appliancesProxy.deleteAppliance(appliancePid); } if (pathInfo.startsWith("/install")) { installing = true; String installParam = null; st = new StringTokenizer(pathInfo, "/"); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) installParam = st.nextToken(); if (installParam != null) { if (installParam.equals("open")) openStatus = openZigBeeNetwork(); else if (installParam.equals("close")) closeStatus = closeZigBeeNetwork(); else installStatus = appliancesProxy.installAppliance(installParam); } v = appliancesProxy.getInstallingAppliancePids(); pw.println( "<br/><b><u>INSTALLING APPLIANCES</u> (<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/install\">Reload page</a> <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "\">Go to installed appliances</a>)</b></br>"); pw.println( "<br/><b>[<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/install/open\">Open network</a> <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/install/close\">Close network</a>]</b>"); if (!openStatus) pw.println( "<b><font color=\"red\">Some problem occurred while opening network</font></b>"); if (!closeStatus) pw.println( "<b><font color=\"red\">Some problem occurred while closing network</font></b>"); if (!installStatus) pw.println( "<b><font color=\"red\">Some problem occurred while installing appliance " + installParam + "</font></b>"); pw.println("</br><hr/>"); } else { v = appliancesProxy.getAppliancePids(); v.add(PROXY_APPLIANCE_PID); pw.println( "<br/><b><u>INSTALLED APPLIANCES</u> (<a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "\">Reload page</a> <a href=\"" + appRoot + "/" + LABEL + "/install\">Go to installing appliances</a>)</b></br><hr/>"); } List driverApplianceList = new ArrayList(); List virtualApplianceList = new ArrayList(); List singletonApplianceList = new ArrayList(); if (v != null) { appliancePid = null; IAppliance appliance = null; for (Iterator iterator = v.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { appliancePid = (String); if (installing) appliance = appliancesProxy.getInstallingAppliance(appliancePid); else appliance = appliancesProxy.getAppliance(appliancePid); if (appliance != null) { if (appliance.isSingleton()) singletonApplianceList.add(appliance); else if (appliance.isDriver()) driverApplianceList.add(appliance); else virtualApplianceList.add(appliance); } } for (Iterator iterator = driverApplianceList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { appliance = (IAppliance); renderAppliance(appRoot, installing, false, appliance, pw); } pw.println("<hr/>"); for (Iterator iterator = virtualApplianceList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { appliance = (IAppliance); renderAppliance(appRoot, installing, false, appliance, pw); } pw.println("<hr/>"); for (Iterator iterator = singletonApplianceList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { appliance = (IAppliance); renderAppliance(appRoot, installing, false, appliance, pw); } } } else if (pathInfo.startsWith("/config")) { st = new StringTokenizer(pathInfo, "/"); st.nextToken(); appliancePid = st.nextToken(); Integer endPointId = null; if (st.hasMoreElements()) { endPointId = new Integer(st.nextToken()); } String[] params = req.getParameterValues("param"); IApplianceConfiguration config = appliancesProxy.getApplianceConfiguration(appliancePid); if (config != null && params != null && params.length >= 1) { config.updateName(endPointId, params[0]); config.updateCategoryPid(endPointId, params[1]); config.updateLocationPid(endPointId, params[2]); appliancesProxy.updateApplianceConfiguration(config); } renderApplianceConfiguration( appRoot, appliancesProxy.getApplianceConfiguration(appliancePid), endPointId, pw); } else { st = new StringTokenizer(pathInfo, "/"); int i = 0; appliancePid = null; int endPointId = -1; String clusterName = null; String methodName = null; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { switch (i) { case 0: appliancePid = st.nextToken(); break; case 1: endPointId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); break; case 2: clusterName = st.nextToken(); break; case 3: methodName = st.nextToken(); break; default: break; } i++; } String[] params = req.getParameterValues("param"); IAppliance appliance = appliancesProxy.getAppliance(appliancePid); if (appliance == null) appliance = appliancesProxy.getInstallingAppliance(appliancePid); if (appliance == null) { pw.println( "<br><br>Please wait some seconds and try to reload this web page or click on the AH tab..."); return; } IApplianceConfiguration config = appliancesProxy.getApplianceConfiguration(appliancePid); if (endPointId < 0) { renderAppliance(appRoot, false, true, appliance, pw); } else { renderClusterCommands( appRoot, config, appliance.getEndPoint(endPointId), clusterName, methodName, params, pw); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }