private ParsedDocument parseFetchedDoc( PercolateContext context, BytesReference fetchedDoc, IndexService documentIndexService, String type) { ParsedDocument doc = null; XContentParser parser = null; try { parser = XContentFactory.xContent(fetchedDoc).createParser(fetchedDoc); MapperService mapperService = documentIndexService.mapperService(); DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapperWithAutoCreate(type); doc = docMapper.parse(source(parser).type(type).flyweight(true)); if (context.highlight() != null) { doc.setSource(fetchedDoc); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse request", e); } finally { if (parser != null) { parser.close(); } } if (doc == null) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("No doc to percolate in the request"); } return doc; }
private void parseSort(XContentParser parser, PercolateContext context) throws Exception { sortParseElement.parse(parser, context); // null, means default sorting by relevancy if (context.sort() == null) { context.doSort = true; } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("Only _score desc is supported"); } }
@Override public PercolateShardResponse doPercolate( PercolateShardRequest request, PercolateContext context) { long count = 0; Engine.Searcher percolatorSearcher = context.indexShard().acquireSearcher("percolate"); try { Count countCollector = count(logger, context); queryBasedPercolating(percolatorSearcher, context, countCollector); count = countCollector.counter(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("failed to execute", e); } finally { percolatorSearcher.close(); } return new PercolateShardResponse(count, context, request.index(), request.shardId()); }
@Override public PercolateShardResponse doPercolate( PercolateShardRequest request, PercolateContext context) { long count = 0; Lucene.ExistsCollector collector = new Lucene.ExistsCollector(); for (Map.Entry<HashedBytesRef, Query> entry : context.percolateQueries().entrySet()) { collector.reset(); try { context.docSearcher().search(entry.getValue(), collector); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("[" + entry.getKey() + "] failed to execute query", e); } if (collector.exists()) { count++; } } return new PercolateShardResponse(count, context, request.index(), request.shardId()); }
@Override public PercolateShardResponse doPercolate( PercolateShardRequest request, PercolateContext context) { Engine.Searcher percolatorSearcher = context.indexShard().acquireSearcher("percolate"); try { Match match = match(logger, context, highlightPhase); queryBasedPercolating(percolatorSearcher, context, match); List<BytesRef> matches = match.matches(); List<Map<String, HighlightField>> hls = match.hls(); long count = match.counter(); BytesRef[] finalMatches = matches.toArray(new BytesRef[matches.size()]); return new PercolateShardResponse( finalMatches, hls, count, context, request.index(), request.shardId()); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.debug("failed to execute", e); throw new PercolateException(context.indexShard().shardId(), "failed to execute", e); } finally { percolatorSearcher.release(); } }
private void queryBasedPercolating( Engine.Searcher percolatorSearcher, PercolateContext context, QueryCollector percolateCollector) throws IOException { Filter percolatorTypeFilter = context.indexService().mapperService().documentMapper(TYPE_NAME).typeFilter(); percolatorTypeFilter = context.indexService().cache().filter().cache(percolatorTypeFilter); FilteredQuery query = new FilteredQuery(context.percolateQuery(), percolatorTypeFilter); percolatorSearcher.searcher().search(query, percolateCollector); for (Collector queryCollector : percolateCollector.facetAndAggregatorCollector) { if (queryCollector instanceof XCollector) { ((XCollector) queryCollector).postCollection(); } } if (context.facets() != null) { facetPhase.execute(context); } if (context.aggregations() != null) { aggregationPhase.execute(context); } }
@Override public PercolateShardResponse doPercolate( PercolateShardRequest request, PercolateContext context) { long count = 0; List<BytesRef> matches = new ArrayList<BytesRef>(); List<Map<String, HighlightField>> hls = new ArrayList<Map<String, HighlightField>>(); Lucene.ExistsCollector collector = new Lucene.ExistsCollector(); for (Map.Entry<HashedBytesRef, Query> entry : context.percolateQueries().entrySet()) { collector.reset(); if (context.highlight() != null) { context.parsedQuery( new ParsedQuery(entry.getValue(), ImmutableMap.<String, Filter>of())); context.hitContext().cache().clear(); } try { context.docSearcher().search(entry.getValue(), collector); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("[" + entry.getKey() + "] failed to execute query", e); } if (collector.exists()) { if (!context.limit || count < context.size()) { matches.add(entry.getKey().bytes); if (context.highlight() != null) { highlightPhase.hitExecute(context, context.hitContext()); hls.add(context.hitContext().hit().getHighlightFields()); } } count++; } } BytesRef[] finalMatches = matches.toArray(new BytesRef[matches.size()]); return new PercolateShardResponse( finalMatches, hls, count, context, request.index(), request.shardId()); }
@Override public PercolateShardResponse doPercolate( PercolateShardRequest request, PercolateContext context) { Engine.Searcher percolatorSearcher = context.indexShard().acquireSearcher("percolate"); try { MatchAndSort matchAndSort = QueryCollector.matchAndSort(logger, context); queryBasedPercolating(percolatorSearcher, context, matchAndSort); TopDocs topDocs = matchAndSort.topDocs(); long count = topDocs.totalHits; List<BytesRef> matches = new ArrayList<BytesRef>(topDocs.scoreDocs.length); float[] scores = new float[topDocs.scoreDocs.length]; List<Map<String, HighlightField>> hls = null; if (context.highlight() != null) { hls = new ArrayList<Map<String, HighlightField>>(topDocs.scoreDocs.length); } final FieldMapper<?> idMapper = context.mapperService().smartNameFieldMapper(IdFieldMapper.NAME); final IndexFieldData<?> idFieldData = context.fieldData().getForField(idMapper); int i = 0; final HashedBytesRef spare = new HashedBytesRef(new BytesRef()); for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs) { int segmentIdx = ReaderUtil.subIndex(scoreDoc.doc, percolatorSearcher.reader().leaves()); AtomicReaderContext atomicReaderContext = percolatorSearcher.reader().leaves().get(segmentIdx); BytesValues values = idFieldData.load(atomicReaderContext).getBytesValues(true); final int localDocId = scoreDoc.doc - atomicReaderContext.docBase; final int numValues = values.setDocument(localDocId); assert numValues == 1; spare.bytes = values.nextValue(); spare.hash = values.currentValueHash(); matches.add(values.copyShared()); if (hls != null) { Query query = context.percolateQueries().get(spare); context.parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(query, ImmutableMap.<String, Filter>of())); context.hitContext().cache().clear(); highlightPhase.hitExecute(context, context.hitContext()); hls.add(i, context.hitContext().hit().getHighlightFields()); } scores[i++] = scoreDoc.score; } if (hls != null) { return new PercolateShardResponse( matches.toArray(new BytesRef[matches.size()]), hls, count, scores, context, request.index(), request.shardId()); } else { return new PercolateShardResponse( matches.toArray(new BytesRef[matches.size()]), count, scores, context, request.index(), request.shardId()); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.debug("failed to execute", e); throw new PercolateException(context.indexShard().shardId(), "failed to execute", e); } finally { percolatorSearcher.release(); } }
private ParsedDocument parseRequest( IndexService documentIndexService, PercolateShardRequest request, PercolateContext context) throws ElasticsearchException { BytesReference source = request.source(); if (source == null || source.length() == 0) { return null; } // TODO: combine all feature parse elements into one map Map<String, ? extends SearchParseElement> hlElements = highlightPhase.parseElements(); Map<String, ? extends SearchParseElement> facetElements = facetPhase.parseElements(); Map<String, ? extends SearchParseElement> aggregationElements = aggregationPhase.parseElements(); ParsedDocument doc = null; XContentParser parser = null; // Some queries (function_score query when for decay functions) rely on a SearchContext being // set: // We switch types because this context needs to be in the context of the percolate queries in // the shard and // not the in memory percolate doc String[] previousTypes = context.types(); context.types(new String[] {TYPE_NAME}); SearchContext.setCurrent(context); try { parser = XContentFactory.xContent(source).createParser(source); String currentFieldName = null; XContentParser.Token token; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); // we need to check the "doc" here, so the next token will be START_OBJECT which is // the actual document starting if ("doc".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (doc != null) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("Either specify doc or get, not both"); } MapperService mapperService = documentIndexService.mapperService(); DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapperWithAutoCreate(request.documentType()); doc = docMapper.parse(source(parser).type(request.documentType()).flyweight(true)); // the document parsing exists the "doc" object, so we need to set the new current // field. currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { SearchParseElement element = hlElements.get(currentFieldName); if (element == null) { element = facetElements.get(currentFieldName); if (element == null) { element = aggregationElements.get(currentFieldName); } } if ("query".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (context.percolateQuery() != null) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("Either specify query or filter, not both"); } context.percolateQuery(documentIndexService.queryParserService().parse(parser).query()); } else if ("filter".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (context.percolateQuery() != null) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("Either specify query or filter, not both"); } Filter filter = documentIndexService.queryParserService().parseInnerFilter(parser).filter(); context.percolateQuery(new XConstantScoreQuery(filter)); } else if ("sort".equals(currentFieldName)) { parseSort(parser, context); } else if (element != null) { element.parse(parser, context); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { if ("sort".equals(currentFieldName)) { parseSort(parser, context); } } else if (token == null) { break; } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("size".equals(currentFieldName)) { context.size(parser.intValue()); if (context.size() < 0) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException( "size is set to [" + context.size() + "] and is expected to be higher or equal to 0"); } } else if ("sort".equals(currentFieldName)) { parseSort(parser, context); } else if ("track_scores".equals(currentFieldName) || "trackScores".equals(currentFieldName)) { context.trackScores(parser.booleanValue()); } } } // We need to get the actual source from the request body for highlighting, so parse the // request body again // and only get the doc source. if (context.highlight() != null) { parser.close(); currentFieldName = null; parser = XContentFactory.xContent(source).createParser(source); token = parser.nextToken(); assert token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("doc".equals(currentFieldName)) { BytesStreamOutput bStream = new BytesStreamOutput(); XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(XContentType.SMILE, bStream); builder.copyCurrentStructure(parser); builder.close(); doc.setSource(bStream.bytes()); break; } else { parser.skipChildren(); } } else if (token == null) { break; } } } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse request", e); } finally { context.types(previousTypes); SearchContext.removeCurrent(); if (parser != null) { parser.close(); } } return doc; }
public PercolateShardResponse percolate(PercolateShardRequest request) { IndexService percolateIndexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(request.index()); IndexShard indexShard = percolateIndexService.shardSafe(request.shardId()); ShardPercolateService shardPercolateService = indexShard.shardPercolateService(); shardPercolateService.prePercolate(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); SearchShardTarget searchShardTarget = new SearchShardTarget(clusterService.localNode().id(), request.index(), request.shardId()); final PercolateContext context = new PercolateContext( request, searchShardTarget, indexShard, percolateIndexService, cacheRecycler, pageCacheRecycler, bigArrays, scriptService); try { ParsedDocument parsedDocument = parseRequest(percolateIndexService, request, context); if (context.percolateQueries().isEmpty()) { return new PercolateShardResponse(context, request.index(), request.shardId()); } if (request.docSource() != null && request.docSource().length() != 0) { parsedDocument = parseFetchedDoc( context, request.docSource(), percolateIndexService, request.documentType()); } else if (parsedDocument == null) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Nothing to percolate"); } if (context.percolateQuery() == null && (context.trackScores() || context.doSort || context.facets() != null || context.aggregations() != null)) { context.percolateQuery(new MatchAllDocsQuery()); } if (context.doSort && !context.limit) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Can't sort if size isn't specified"); } if (context.highlight() != null && !context.limit) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Can't highlight if size isn't specified"); } if (context.size() < 0) { context.size(0); } // parse the source either into one MemoryIndex, if it is a single document or index multiple // docs if nested PercolatorIndex percolatorIndex; if (indexShard.mapperService().documentMapper(request.documentType()).hasNestedObjects()) { percolatorIndex = multi; } else { percolatorIndex = single; } PercolatorType action; if (request.onlyCount()) { action = context.percolateQuery() != null ? queryCountPercolator : countPercolator; } else { if (context.doSort) { action = topMatchingPercolator; } else if (context.percolateQuery() != null) { action = context.trackScores() ? scoringPercolator : queryPercolator; } else { action = matchPercolator; } } context.percolatorTypeId =; percolatorIndex.prepare(context, parsedDocument); indexShard.readAllowed(); return action.doPercolate(request, context); } finally { context.release(); shardPercolateService.postPercolate(System.nanoTime() - startTime); } }