public Builder(IndexMetaData indexMetaData) { this(indexMetaData.index()); settings(indexMetaData.settings()); mappings.putAll(indexMetaData.mappings); aliases.putAll(indexMetaData.aliases); customs.putAll(indexMetaData.customs); this.state = indexMetaData.state; this.version = indexMetaData.version; }
public static void toXContent( IndexMetaData indexMetaData, XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(indexMetaData.index(), XContentBuilder.FieldCaseConversion.NONE); builder.field("version", indexMetaData.version()); builder.field("state", indexMetaData.state().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); boolean binary = params.paramAsBoolean("binary", false); builder.startObject("settings"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : indexMetaData.settings().getAsMap().entrySet()) { builder.field(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } builder.endObject(); builder.startArray("mappings"); for (Map.Entry<String, MappingMetaData> entry : indexMetaData.mappings().entrySet()) { if (binary) { builder.value(entry.getValue().source().compressed()); } else { byte[] data = entry.getValue().source().uncompressed(); XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(data).createParser(data); Map<String, Object> mapping = parser.mapOrdered(); parser.close();; } } builder.endArray(); for (Map.Entry<String, Custom> entry : indexMetaData.customs().entrySet()) { builder.startObject(entry.getKey(), XContentBuilder.FieldCaseConversion.NONE); lookupFactorySafe(entry.getKey()).toXContent(entry.getValue(), builder, params); builder.endObject(); } builder.startObject("aliases"); for (AliasMetaData alias : indexMetaData.aliases().values()) { AliasMetaData.Builder.toXContent(alias, builder, params); } builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); }
public static void writeTo(IndexMetaData indexMetaData, StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(indexMetaData.index()); out.writeLong(indexMetaData.version()); out.writeByte(indexMetaData.state().id()); writeSettingsToStream(indexMetaData.settings(), out); out.writeVInt(indexMetaData.mappings().size()); for (MappingMetaData mappingMd : indexMetaData.mappings().values()) { MappingMetaData.writeTo(mappingMd, out); } out.writeVInt(indexMetaData.aliases().size()); for (AliasMetaData aliasMd : indexMetaData.aliases().values()) { AliasMetaData.Builder.writeTo(aliasMd, out); } out.writeVInt(indexMetaData.customs().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Custom> entry : indexMetaData.customs().entrySet()) { out.writeUTF(entry.getKey()); lookupFactorySafe(entry.getKey()).writeTo(entry.getValue(), out); } }
/** Can the shard request be cached at all? */ public boolean canCache(ShardSearchRequest request, SearchContext context) { // TODO: for now, template is not supported, though we could use the generated bytes as the key if (hasLength(request.templateSource())) { return false; } // for now, only enable it for requests with no hits if (context.size() != 0) { return false; } // We cannot cache with DFS because results depend not only on the content of the index but also // on the overridden statistics. So if you ran two queries on the same index with different // stats // (because an other shard was updated) you would get wrong results because of the scores // (think about top_hits aggs or scripts using the score) if (!CACHEABLE_SEARCH_TYPES.contains(context.searchType())) { return false; } IndexMetaData index = clusterService.state().getMetaData().index(request.index()); if (index == null) { // in case we didn't yet have the cluster state, or it just got deleted return false; } // if not explicitly set in the request, use the index setting, if not, use the request if (request.requestCache() == null) { if (!isCacheEnabled(index.settings(), Boolean.FALSE)) { return false; } } else if (!request.requestCache()) { return false; } // if the reader is not a directory reader, we can't get the version from it if (!(context.searcher().getIndexReader() instanceof DirectoryReader)) { return false; } // if now in millis is used (or in the future, a more generic "isDeterministic" flag // then we can't cache based on "now" key within the search request, as it is not deterministic if (context.nowInMillisUsed()) { return false; } return true; }
private void applyDeletedIndices(final ClusterChangedEvent event) { final ClusterState previousState = event.previousState(); final String localNodeId = event.state().nodes().localNodeId(); assert localNodeId != null; for (IndexService indexService : indicesService) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = event.state().metaData().index(indexService.index().name()); if (indexMetaData != null) { if (!indexMetaData.isSameUUID(indexService.indexUUID())) { logger.debug( "[{}] mismatch on index UUIDs between cluster state and local state, cleaning the index so it will be recreated", indexMetaData.index()); deleteIndex( indexMetaData.index(), "mismatch on index UUIDs between cluster state and local state, cleaning the index so it will be recreated"); } } } for (String index : event.indicesDeleted()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[{}] cleaning index, no longer part of the metadata", index); } final Settings indexSettings; final IndexService idxService = indicesService.indexService(index); if (idxService != null) { indexSettings = idxService.getIndexSettings(); deleteIndex(index, "index no longer part of the metadata"); } else { final IndexMetaData metaData = previousState.metaData().index(index); assert metaData != null; indexSettings = metaData.settings(); indicesService.deleteClosedIndex( "closed index no longer part of the metadata", metaData, event.state()); } try { nodeIndexDeletedAction.nodeIndexDeleted(event.state(), index, indexSettings, localNodeId); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.debug("failed to send to master index {} deleted event", e, index); } } }
private void applySettings(ClusterChangedEvent event) { if (!event.metaDataChanged()) { return; } for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : event.state().metaData()) { if (!indicesService.hasIndex(indexMetaData.index())) { // we only create / update here continue; } // if the index meta data didn't change, no need check for refreshed settings if (!event.indexMetaDataChanged(indexMetaData)) { continue; } String index = indexMetaData.index(); IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(index); if (indexService == null) { // already deleted on us, ignore it continue; } IndexSettingsService indexSettingsService = indexService.injector().getInstance(IndexSettingsService.class); indexSettingsService.refreshSettings(indexMetaData.settings()); } }
private void applyNewIndices(final ClusterChangedEvent event) { // we only create indices for shards that are allocated RoutingNodes.RoutingNodeIterator routingNode = event.state().readOnlyRoutingNodes().routingNodeIter(event.state().nodes().localNodeId()); if (routingNode == null) { return; } for (ShardRouting shard : routingNode) { if (!indicesService.hasIndex(shard.index())) { final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = event.state().metaData().index(shard.index()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[{}] creating index", indexMetaData.index()); } try { indicesService.createIndex( indexMetaData.index(), indexMetaData.settings(), event.state().nodes().localNode().id()); } catch (Throwable e) { sendFailShard(shard, indexMetaData.getIndexUUID(), "failed to create index", e); } } } }
public boolean allocateUnassigned(RoutingAllocation allocation) { boolean changed = false; DiscoveryNodes nodes = allocation.nodes(); RoutingNodes routingNodes = allocation.routingNodes(); // First, handle primaries, they must find a place to be allocated on here final MetaData metaData = routingNodes.metaData(); RoutingNodes.UnassignedShards unassigned = routingNodes.unassigned(); unassigned.sort( new PriorityComparator() { @Override protected Settings getIndexSettings(String index) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(index); return indexMetaData.getSettings(); } }); // sort for priority ordering Iterator<ShardRouting> unassignedIterator = unassigned.iterator(); while (unassignedIterator.hasNext()) { ShardRouting shard =; if (!shard.primary()) { continue; } // this is an API allocation, ignore since we know there is no data... if (!routingNodes .routingTable() .index(shard.index()) .shard( .primaryAllocatedPostApi()) { continue; } AsyncShardFetch<TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards.NodeGatewayStartedShards> fetch = asyncFetchStarted.get(shard.shardId()); if (fetch == null) { fetch = new InternalAsyncFetch<>(logger, "shard_started", shard.shardId(), startedAction); asyncFetchStarted.put(shard.shardId(), fetch); } AsyncShardFetch.FetchResult<TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards.NodeGatewayStartedShards> shardState = fetch.fetchData(nodes, metaData, allocation.getIgnoreNodes(shard.shardId())); if (shardState.hasData() == false) { logger.trace("{}: ignoring allocation, still fetching shard started state", shard); unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); continue; } shardState.processAllocation(allocation); IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(shard.getIndex()); /** * Build a map of DiscoveryNodes to shard state number for the given shard. A state of -1 * means the shard does not exist on the node, where any shard state >= 0 is the state version * of the shard on that node's disk. * * <p>A shard on shared storage will return at least shard state 0 for all nodes, indicating * that the shard can be allocated to any node. */ ObjectLongHashMap<DiscoveryNode> nodesState = new ObjectLongHashMap<>(); for (TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards.NodeGatewayStartedShards nodeShardState : shardState.getData().values()) { long version = nodeShardState.version(); // -1 version means it does not exists, which is what the API returns, and what we expect to logger.trace( "[{}] on node [{}] has version [{}] of shard", shard, nodeShardState.getNode(), version); nodesState.put(nodeShardState.getNode(), version); } int numberOfAllocationsFound = 0; long highestVersion = -1; final Map<DiscoveryNode, Long> nodesWithVersion = Maps.newHashMap(); assert !nodesState.containsKey(null); final Object[] keys = nodesState.keys; final long[] values = nodesState.values; Settings idxSettings = indexMetaData.settings(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (keys[i] == null) { continue; } DiscoveryNode node = (DiscoveryNode) keys[i]; long version = values[i]; // since we don't check in NO allocation, we need to double check here if (allocation.shouldIgnoreShardForNode(shard.shardId(), { continue; } if (recoverOnAnyNode(idxSettings)) { numberOfAllocationsFound++; if (version > highestVersion) { highestVersion = version; } // We always put the node without clearing the map nodesWithVersion.put(node, version); } else if (version != -1) { numberOfAllocationsFound++; // If we've found a new "best" candidate, clear the // current candidates and add it if (version > highestVersion) { highestVersion = version; nodesWithVersion.clear(); nodesWithVersion.put(node, version); } else if (version == highestVersion) { // If the candidate is the same, add it to the // list, but keep the current candidate nodesWithVersion.put(node, version); } } } // Now that we have a map of nodes to versions along with the // number of allocations found (and not ignored), we need to sort // it so the node with the highest version is at the beginning List<DiscoveryNode> nodesWithHighestVersion = Lists.newArrayList(); nodesWithHighestVersion.addAll(nodesWithVersion.keySet()); CollectionUtil.timSort( nodesWithHighestVersion, new Comparator<DiscoveryNode>() { @Override public int compare(DiscoveryNode o1, DiscoveryNode o2) { return, nodesWithVersion.get(o1)); } }); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}] found {} allocations of {}, highest version: [{}]", shard.index(),, numberOfAllocationsFound, shard, highestVersion); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (DiscoveryNode n : nodesWithHighestVersion) { sb.append("["); sb.append(n.getName()); sb.append("]"); sb.append(" -> "); sb.append(nodesWithVersion.get(n)); sb.append(", "); } sb.append("]"); logger.trace("{} candidates for allocation: {}", shard, sb.toString()); } // check if the counts meets the minimum set int requiredAllocation = 1; // if we restore from a repository one copy is more then enough if (shard.restoreSource() == null) { try { String initialShards = indexMetaData .settings() .get( INDEX_RECOVERY_INITIAL_SHARDS, settings.get(INDEX_RECOVERY_INITIAL_SHARDS, this.initialShards)); if ("quorum".equals(initialShards)) { if (indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() > 1) { requiredAllocation = ((1 + indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas()) / 2) + 1; } } else if ("quorum-1".equals(initialShards) || "half".equals(initialShards)) { if (indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() > 2) { requiredAllocation = ((1 + indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas()) / 2); } } else if ("one".equals(initialShards)) { requiredAllocation = 1; } else if ("full".equals(initialShards) || "all".equals(initialShards)) { requiredAllocation = indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() + 1; } else if ("full-1".equals(initialShards) || "all-1".equals(initialShards)) { if (indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() > 1) { requiredAllocation = indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas(); } } else { requiredAllocation = Integer.parseInt(initialShards); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "[{}][{}] failed to derived initial_shards from value {}, ignore allocation for {}", shard.index(),, initialShards, shard); } } // not enough found for this shard, continue... if (numberOfAllocationsFound < requiredAllocation) { // if we are restoring this shard we still can allocate if (shard.restoreSource() == null) { // we can't really allocate, so ignore it and continue unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: not allocating, number_of_allocated_shards_found [{}], required_number [{}]", shard.index(),, numberOfAllocationsFound, requiredAllocation); } } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: missing local data, will restore from [{}]", shard.index(),, shard.restoreSource()); } continue; } Set<DiscoveryNode> throttledNodes = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<DiscoveryNode> noNodes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DiscoveryNode discoNode : nodesWithHighestVersion) { RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (node == null) { continue; } Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.THROTTLE) { throttledNodes.add(discoNode); } else if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.NO) { noNodes.add(discoNode); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", shard.index(),, shard, discoNode); } // we found a match changed = true; // make sure we create one with the version from the recovered state routingNodes.initialize(new ShardRouting(shard, highestVersion), node.nodeId()); unassignedIterator.remove(); // found a node, so no throttling, no "no", and break out of the loop throttledNodes.clear(); noNodes.clear(); break; } } if (throttledNodes.isEmpty()) { // if we have a node that we "can't" allocate to, force allocation, since this is our master // data! if (!noNodes.isEmpty()) { DiscoveryNode discoNode = noNodes.iterator().next(); RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: forcing allocating [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", shard.index(),, shard, discoNode); } // we found a match changed = true; // make sure we create one with the version from the recovered state routingNodes.initialize(new ShardRouting(shard, highestVersion), node.nodeId()); unassignedIterator.remove(); } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", shard.index(),, shard, throttledNodes); } // we are throttling this, but we have enough to allocate to this node, ignore it for now unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); } } if (!routingNodes.hasUnassigned()) { return changed; } // Now, handle replicas, try to assign them to nodes that are similar to the one the primary was // allocated on unassignedIterator = unassigned.iterator(); while (unassignedIterator.hasNext()) { ShardRouting shard =; if (shard.primary()) { continue; } // pre-check if it can be allocated to any node that currently exists, so we won't list the // store for it for nothing boolean canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode = false; for (ObjectCursor<DiscoveryNode> cursor : nodes.dataNodes().values()) { RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (node == null) { continue; } // if we can't allocate it on a node, ignore it, for example, this handles // cases for only allocating a replica after a primary Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.YES) { canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode = true; break; } } if (!canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode) { logger.trace("{}: ignoring allocation, can't be allocated on any node", shard); unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); continue; } AsyncShardFetch<TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.NodeStoreFilesMetaData> fetch = asyncFetchStore.get(shard.shardId()); if (fetch == null) { fetch = new InternalAsyncFetch<>(logger, "shard_store", shard.shardId(), storeAction); asyncFetchStore.put(shard.shardId(), fetch); } AsyncShardFetch.FetchResult<TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.NodeStoreFilesMetaData> shardStores = fetch.fetchData(nodes, metaData, allocation.getIgnoreNodes(shard.shardId())); if (shardStores.hasData() == false) { logger.trace("{}: ignoring allocation, still fetching shard stores", shard); unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); continue; // still fetching } shardStores.processAllocation(allocation); long lastSizeMatched = 0; DiscoveryNode lastDiscoNodeMatched = null; RoutingNode lastNodeMatched = null; boolean hasReplicaData = false; IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(shard.getIndex()); for (Map.Entry<DiscoveryNode, TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.NodeStoreFilesMetaData> nodeStoreEntry : shardStores.getData().entrySet()) { DiscoveryNode discoNode = nodeStoreEntry.getKey(); TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData storeFilesMetaData = nodeStoreEntry.getValue().storeFilesMetaData(); logger.trace("{}: checking node [{}]", shard, discoNode); if (storeFilesMetaData == null) { // already allocated on that node... continue; } RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (node == null) { continue; } // check if we can allocate on that node... // we only check for NO, since if this node is THROTTLING and it has enough "same data" // then we will try and assign it next time Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.NO) { continue; } // if it is already allocated, we can't assign to it... if (storeFilesMetaData.allocated()) { continue; } if (!shard.primary()) { hasReplicaData |= storeFilesMetaData.iterator().hasNext(); ShardRouting primaryShard = routingNodes.activePrimary(shard); if (primaryShard != null) { assert; DiscoveryNode primaryNode = nodes.get(primaryShard.currentNodeId()); if (primaryNode != null) { TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.NodeStoreFilesMetaData primaryNodeFilesStore = shardStores.getData().get(primaryNode); if (primaryNodeFilesStore != null) { TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData primaryNodeStore = primaryNodeFilesStore.storeFilesMetaData(); if (primaryNodeStore != null && primaryNodeStore.allocated()) { long sizeMatched = 0; String primarySyncId = primaryNodeStore.syncId(); String replicaSyncId = storeFilesMetaData.syncId(); // see if we have a sync id we can make use of if (replicaSyncId != null && replicaSyncId.equals(primarySyncId)) { logger.trace( "{}: node [{}] has same sync id {} as primary", shard,, replicaSyncId); lastNodeMatched = node; lastSizeMatched = Long.MAX_VALUE; lastDiscoNodeMatched = discoNode; } else { for (StoreFileMetaData storeFileMetaData : storeFilesMetaData) { String metaDataFileName =; if (primaryNodeStore.fileExists(metaDataFileName) && primaryNodeStore.file(metaDataFileName).isSame(storeFileMetaData)) { sizeMatched += storeFileMetaData.length(); } } logger.trace( "{}: node [{}] has [{}/{}] bytes of re-usable data", shard,, new ByteSizeValue(sizeMatched), sizeMatched); if (sizeMatched > lastSizeMatched) { lastSizeMatched = sizeMatched; lastDiscoNodeMatched = discoNode; lastNodeMatched = node; } } } } } } } } if (lastNodeMatched != null) { // we only check on THROTTLE since we checked before before on NO Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, lastNodeMatched, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.THROTTLE) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] in order to reuse its unallocated persistent store with total_size [{}]", shard.index(),, shard, lastDiscoNodeMatched, new ByteSizeValue(lastSizeMatched)); } // we are throttling this, but we have enough to allocate to this node, ignore it for now unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] in order to reuse its unallocated persistent store with total_size [{}]", shard.index(),, shard, lastDiscoNodeMatched, new ByteSizeValue(lastSizeMatched)); } // we found a match changed = true; routingNodes.initialize(shard, lastNodeMatched.nodeId()); unassignedIterator.remove(); } } else if (hasReplicaData == false) { // if we didn't manage to find *any* data (regardless of matching sizes), check if the // allocation // of the replica shard needs to be delayed, and if so, add it to the ignore unassigned list // note: we only care about replica in delayed allocation, since if we have an unassigned // primary it // will anyhow wait to find an existing copy of the shard to be allocated // note: the other side of the equation is scheduling a reroute in a timely manner, which // happens in the RoutingService long delay = shard .unassignedInfo() .getDelayAllocationExpirationIn(settings, indexMetaData.getSettings()); if (delay > 0) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: delaying allocation of [{}] for [{}]", shard.index(),, shard, TimeValue.timeValueMillis(delay)); /** * mark it as changed, since we want to kick a publishing to schedule future allocation, * see {@link * org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingService#clusterChanged(ClusterChangedEvent)}). */ changed = true; unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); } } } return changed; }
@Override public TerminationHandle warmNewReaders( final IndexShard indexShard, IndexMetaData indexMetaData, final WarmerContext context, ThreadPool threadPool) { final Loading defaultLoading = Loading.parse(indexMetaData.settings().get(NORMS_LOADING_KEY), Loading.LAZY); final MapperService mapperService = indexShard.mapperService(); final ObjectSet<String> warmUp = new ObjectHashSet<>(); for (DocumentMapper docMapper : mapperService.docMappers(false)) { for (FieldMapper fieldMapper : docMapper.mappers()) { final String indexName = fieldMapper.fieldType().names().indexName(); Loading normsLoading = fieldMapper.fieldType().normsLoading(); if (normsLoading == null) { normsLoading = defaultLoading; } if (fieldMapper.fieldType().indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE && !fieldMapper.fieldType().omitNorms() && normsLoading == Loading.EAGER) { warmUp.add(indexName); } } } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); // Norms loading may be I/O intensive but is not CPU intensive, so we execute it in a single // task threadPool .executor(executor()) .execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { for (ObjectCursor<String> stringObjectCursor : warmUp) { final String indexName = stringObjectCursor.value; final long start = System.nanoTime(); for (final LeafReaderContext ctx : context.searcher().reader().leaves()) { final NumericDocValues values = ctx.reader().getNormValues(indexName); if (values != null) { values.get(0); } } if (indexShard.warmerService().logger().isTraceEnabled()) { indexShard .warmerService() .logger() .trace( "warmed norms for [{}], took [{}]", indexName, TimeValue.timeValueNanos(System.nanoTime() - start)); } } } catch (Throwable t) { indexShard.warmerService().logger().warn("failed to warm-up norms", t); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } }); return new TerminationHandle() { @Override public void awaitTermination() throws InterruptedException { latch.await(); } }; }
@Test public void testSimpleJsonFromAndTo() throws IOException { MetaData metaData = newMetaDataBuilder() .maxNumberOfShardsPerNode(2) .put(newIndexMetaDataBuilder("test1").numberOfShards(1).numberOfReplicas(2)) .put( newIndexMetaDataBuilder("test2") .settings(settingsBuilder().put("setting1", "value1").put("setting2", "value2")) .numberOfShards(2) .numberOfReplicas(3)) .put( newIndexMetaDataBuilder("test3") .numberOfShards(1) .numberOfReplicas(2) .putMapping("mapping1", MAPPING_SOURCE1)) .put( newIndexMetaDataBuilder("test4") .settings(settingsBuilder().put("setting1", "value1").put("setting2", "value2")) .numberOfShards(1) .numberOfReplicas(2) .putMapping("mapping1", MAPPING_SOURCE1) .putMapping("mapping2", MAPPING_SOURCE2)) .build(); String metaDataSource = MetaData.Builder.toJson(metaData); System.out.println("ToJson: " + metaDataSource); MetaData parsedMetaData = MetaData.Builder.fromJson( Jackson.defaultJsonFactory().createJsonParser(metaDataSource), null); assertThat(parsedMetaData.maxNumberOfShardsPerNode(), equalTo(2)); IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index("test1"); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfShards(), equalTo(1)); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().getAsMap().size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().size(), equalTo(0)); indexMetaData = metaData.index("test2"); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfShards(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().getAsMap().size(), equalTo(4)); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().get("setting1"), equalTo("value1")); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().get("setting2"), equalTo("value2")); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().size(), equalTo(0)); indexMetaData = metaData.index("test3"); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfShards(), equalTo(1)); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().getAsMap().size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().size(), equalTo(1)); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().get("mapping1"), equalTo(MAPPING_SOURCE1)); indexMetaData = metaData.index("test4"); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfShards(), equalTo(1)); assertThat(indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().getAsMap().size(), equalTo(4)); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().get("setting1"), equalTo("value1")); assertThat(indexMetaData.settings().get("setting2"), equalTo("value2")); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().get("mapping1"), equalTo(MAPPING_SOURCE1)); assertThat(indexMetaData.mappings().get("mapping2"), equalTo(MAPPING_SOURCE2)); }
public boolean allocateUnassigned(RoutingAllocation allocation) { boolean changed = false; DiscoveryNodes nodes = allocation.nodes(); RoutingNodes routingNodes = allocation.routingNodes(); // First, handle primaries, they must find a place to be allocated on here Iterator<MutableShardRouting> unassignedIterator = routingNodes.unassigned().iterator(); while (unassignedIterator.hasNext()) { MutableShardRouting shard =; if (!shard.primary()) { continue; } // this is an API allocation, ignore since we know there is no data... if (!routingNodes .routingTable() .index(shard.index()) .shard( .primaryAllocatedPostApi()) { continue; } ObjectLongOpenHashMap<DiscoveryNode> nodesState = buildShardStates(nodes, shard); int numberOfAllocationsFound = 0; long highestVersion = -1; Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesWithHighestVersion = Sets.newHashSet(); final boolean[] states = nodesState.allocated; final Object[] keys = nodesState.keys; final long[] values = nodesState.values; for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { if (!states[i]) { continue; } DiscoveryNode node = (DiscoveryNode) keys[i]; long version = values[i]; // since we don't check in NO allocation, we need to double check here if (allocation.shouldIgnoreShardForNode(shard.shardId(), { continue; } if (version != -1) { numberOfAllocationsFound++; if (highestVersion == -1) { nodesWithHighestVersion.add(node); highestVersion = version; } else { if (version > highestVersion) { nodesWithHighestVersion.clear(); nodesWithHighestVersion.add(node); highestVersion = version; } else if (version == highestVersion) { nodesWithHighestVersion.add(node); } } } } // check if the counts meets the minimum set int requiredAllocation = 1; // if we restore from a repository one copy is more then enough if (shard.restoreSource() == null) { try { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = routingNodes.metaData().index(shard.index()); String initialShards = indexMetaData .settings() .get( INDEX_RECOVERY_INITIAL_SHARDS, settings.get(INDEX_RECOVERY_INITIAL_SHARDS, this.initialShards)); if ("quorum".equals(initialShards)) { if (indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() > 1) { requiredAllocation = ((1 + indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas()) / 2) + 1; } } else if ("quorum-1".equals(initialShards) || "half".equals(initialShards)) { if (indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() > 2) { requiredAllocation = ((1 + indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas()) / 2); } } else if ("one".equals(initialShards)) { requiredAllocation = 1; } else if ("full".equals(initialShards) || "all".equals(initialShards)) { requiredAllocation = indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() + 1; } else if ("full-1".equals(initialShards) || "all-1".equals(initialShards)) { if (indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas() > 1) { requiredAllocation = indexMetaData.numberOfReplicas(); } } else { requiredAllocation = Integer.parseInt(initialShards); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "[{}][{}] failed to derived initial_shards from value {}, ignore allocation for {}", shard.index(),, initialShards, shard); } } // not enough found for this shard, continue... if (numberOfAllocationsFound < requiredAllocation) { // if we are restoring this shard we still can allocate if (shard.restoreSource() == null) { // we can't really allocate, so ignore it and continue unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: not allocating, number_of_allocated_shards_found [{}], required_number [{}]", shard.index(),, numberOfAllocationsFound, requiredAllocation); } } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: missing local data, will restore from [{}]", shard.index(),, shard.restoreSource()); } continue; } Set<DiscoveryNode> throttledNodes = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<DiscoveryNode> noNodes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DiscoveryNode discoNode : nodesWithHighestVersion) { RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (node == null) { continue; } Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.THROTTLE) { throttledNodes.add(discoNode); } else if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.NO) { noNodes.add(discoNode); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", shard.index(),, shard, discoNode); } // we found a match changed = true; // make sure we create one with the version from the recovered state allocation .routingNodes() .assign(new MutableShardRouting(shard, highestVersion), node.nodeId()); unassignedIterator.remove(); // found a node, so no throttling, no "no", and break out of the loop throttledNodes.clear(); noNodes.clear(); break; } } if (throttledNodes.isEmpty()) { // if we have a node that we "can't" allocate to, force allocation, since this is our master // data! if (!noNodes.isEmpty()) { DiscoveryNode discoNode = noNodes.iterator().next(); RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: forcing allocating [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", shard.index(),, shard, discoNode); } // we found a match changed = true; // make sure we create one with the version from the recovered state allocation .routingNodes() .assign(new MutableShardRouting(shard, highestVersion), node.nodeId()); unassignedIterator.remove(); } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", shard.index(),, shard, throttledNodes); } // we are throttling this, but we have enough to allocate to this node, ignore it for now unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); } } if (!routingNodes.hasUnassigned()) { return changed; } // Now, handle replicas, try to assign them to nodes that are similar to the one the primary was // allocated on unassignedIterator = routingNodes.unassigned().iterator(); while (unassignedIterator.hasNext()) { MutableShardRouting shard =; // pre-check if it can be allocated to any node that currently exists, so we won't list the // store for it for nothing boolean canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode = false; for (ObjectCursor<DiscoveryNode> cursor : nodes.dataNodes().values()) { RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (node == null) { continue; } // if we can't allocate it on a node, ignore it, for example, this handles // cases for only allocating a replica after a primary Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.YES) { canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode = true; break; } } if (!canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode) { continue; } Map<DiscoveryNode, TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData> shardStores = buildShardStores(nodes, shard); long lastSizeMatched = 0; DiscoveryNode lastDiscoNodeMatched = null; RoutingNode lastNodeMatched = null; for (Map.Entry<DiscoveryNode, TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData> nodeStoreEntry : shardStores.entrySet()) { DiscoveryNode discoNode = nodeStoreEntry.getKey(); TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData storeFilesMetaData = nodeStoreEntry.getValue(); logger.trace("{}: checking node [{}]", shard, discoNode); if (storeFilesMetaData == null) { // already allocated on that node... continue; } RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(; if (node == null) { continue; } // check if we can allocate on that node... // we only check for NO, since if this node is THROTTLING and it has enough "same data" // then we will try and assign it next time Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.NO) { continue; } // if it is already allocated, we can't assign to it... if (storeFilesMetaData.allocated()) { continue; } if (!shard.primary()) { MutableShardRouting primaryShard = routingNodes.activePrimary(shard); if (primaryShard != null) { assert; DiscoveryNode primaryNode = nodes.get(primaryShard.currentNodeId()); if (primaryNode != null) { TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData primaryNodeStore = shardStores.get(primaryNode); if (primaryNodeStore != null && primaryNodeStore.allocated()) { long sizeMatched = 0; for (StoreFileMetaData storeFileMetaData : storeFilesMetaData) { if (primaryNodeStore.fileExists( && primaryNodeStore .file( .isSame(storeFileMetaData)) { sizeMatched += storeFileMetaData.length(); } } logger.trace( "{}: node [{}] has [{}/{}] bytes of re-usable data", shard,, new ByteSizeValue(sizeMatched), sizeMatched); if (sizeMatched > lastSizeMatched) { lastSizeMatched = sizeMatched; lastDiscoNodeMatched = discoNode; lastNodeMatched = node; } } } } } } if (lastNodeMatched != null) { // we only check on THROTTLE since we checked before before on NO Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, lastNodeMatched, allocation); if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.THROTTLE) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] in order to reuse its unallocated persistent store with total_size [{}]", shard.index(),, shard, lastDiscoNodeMatched, new ByteSizeValue(lastSizeMatched)); } // we are throttling this, but we have enough to allocate to this node, ignore it for now unassignedIterator.remove(); routingNodes.ignoredUnassigned().add(shard); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] in order to reuse its unallocated persistent store with total_size [{}]", shard.index(),, shard, lastDiscoNodeMatched, new ByteSizeValue(lastSizeMatched)); } // we found a match changed = true; allocation.routingNodes().assign(shard, lastNodeMatched.nodeId()); unassignedIterator.remove(); } } } return changed; }
private void pre019Upgrade() throws Exception { long index = -1; File metaDataFile = null; MetaData metaData = null; long version = -1; for (File dataLocation : nodeEnv.nodeDataLocations()) { File stateLocation = new File(dataLocation, "_state"); if (!stateLocation.exists()) { continue; } File[] stateFiles = stateLocation.listFiles(); if (stateFiles == null) { continue; } for (File stateFile : stateFiles) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("[upgrade]: processing [" + stateFile.getName() + "]"); } String name = stateFile.getName(); if (!name.startsWith("metadata-")) { continue; } long fileIndex = Long.parseLong(name.substring(name.indexOf('-') + 1)); if (fileIndex >= index) { // try and read the meta data try { byte[] data = Streams.copyToByteArray(new FileInputStream(stateFile)); if (data.length == 0) { continue; } XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(data, 0, data.length); try { String currentFieldName = null; XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken(); if (token != null) { while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("meta-data".equals(currentFieldName)) { metaData = MetaData.Builder.fromXContent(parser); } } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("version".equals(currentFieldName)) { version = parser.longValue(); } } } } } finally { parser.close(); } index = fileIndex; metaDataFile = stateFile; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("failed to read pre 0.19 state from [" + name + "], ignoring...", e); } } } } if (metaData == null) { return; } "found old metadata state, loading metadata from [{}] and converting to new metadata location and strucutre...", metaDataFile.getAbsolutePath()); writeGlobalState( "upgrade", MetaData.builder().metaData(metaData).version(version).build(), null); for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : metaData) { IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.newIndexMetaDataBuilder(indexMetaData).version(version); // set the created version to 0.18 indexMetaDataBuilder.settings( ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(indexMetaData.settings()) .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, Version.V_0_18_0)); writeIndex("upgrade",, null); } // rename shards state to backup state File backupFile = new File(metaDataFile.getParentFile(), "backup-" + metaDataFile.getName()); if (!metaDataFile.renameTo(backupFile)) { throw new IOException( "failed to rename old state to backup state [" + metaDataFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); } // delete all other shards state files for (File dataLocation : nodeEnv.nodeDataLocations()) { File stateLocation = new File(dataLocation, "_state"); if (!stateLocation.exists()) { continue; } File[] stateFiles = stateLocation.listFiles(); if (stateFiles == null) { continue; } for (File stateFile : stateFiles) { String name = stateFile.getName(); if (!name.startsWith("metadata-")) { continue; } stateFile.delete(); } } "conversion to new metadata location and format done, backup create at [{}]", backupFile.getAbsolutePath()); }