@Override public CommandResult execute(ParameterContainer parameters) { boolean force = parameters.containsKey(FORCE_KEY); try { String username = parameters.get(USERNAME_KEY); int inp = 121; if (!force) { getLogger().info("Have you revoked the end entity [y/N]? "); try { inp = System.in.read(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not read console input."); } } if ((inp == 121) || (inp == 89)) { try { EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(EndEntityManagementSessionRemote.class) .deleteUser(getAuthenticationToken(), username); getLogger().info("Deleted end entity with username: "******"ERROR: Not authorized to remove end entity."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (RemoveException e) { getLogger().error("ERROR: User could not be removed. " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } } else { getLogger().info("Deletion aborted!"); getLogger() .info( "Please run '" + new RevokeEndEntityCommand().getMainCommand() + " " + new RevokeEndEntityCommand().getMainCommand() + " " + username + "'."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } } catch (NotFoundException e) { getLogger().error("ERROR: No such end entity."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } }
@Override public CommandResult execute(ParameterContainer parameters) { final String issuerDNStr = parameters.get(DN_KEY); final String issuerDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerDNStr); final String certserno = parameters.get(SERIAL_NUMBER_KEY); final BigInteger serno; try { serno = new BigInteger(certserno, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("ERROR: Invalid hexadecimal certificate serial number string: " + certserno); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } int reason; try { reason = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(REASON_KEY)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("ERROR: " + parameters.get(REASON_KEY) + " was not a number."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } if ((reason == 7) || (reason < 0) || (reason > 10)) { getLogger().error("ERROR: Reason must be an integer between 0 and 10 except 7."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } else { Certificate cert = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateStoreSessionRemote.class) .findCertificateByIssuerAndSerno(issuerDN, serno); if (cert != null) { getLogger().info("Found certificate:"); getLogger().info("Subject DN=" + CertTools.getSubjectDN(cert)); // We need the user this cert is connected with // Revoke or unrevoke, will throw appropriate exceptions if parameters are wrong, such as // trying to unrevoke a certificate // that was permanently revoked try { try { EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(EndEntityManagementSessionRemote.class) .revokeCert(getAuthenticationToken(), serno, issuerDN, reason); } catch (ApprovalException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { log.error("ERROR: CLI user not authorized to revoke certificate."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (FinderException e) { log.error("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (WaitingForApprovalException e) { log.error("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } getLogger() .info( (reason == 8 ? "Unrevoked" : "Revoked") + " certificate with issuerDN '" + issuerDN + "' and serialNumber " + certserno + ". Revocation reason=" + reason); } catch (AlreadyRevokedException e) { if (reason == 8) { getLogger() .info( "Certificate with issuerDN '" + issuerDN + "' and serialNumber " + certserno + " is not revoked, nothing was done."); } else { getLogger() .info( "Certificate with issuerDN '" + issuerDN + "' and serialNumber " + certserno + " is already revoked, nothing was done."); } getLogger().info(e.getMessage()); } } else { getLogger() .info( "No certificate found with issuerDN '" + issuerDN + "' and serialNumber " + certserno); } } return CommandResult.SUCCESS; }
@Override public CommandResult execute(ParameterContainer parameters) { String inpath = parameters.get(DIRECTORY_KEY); Integer caid = null; String caName = parameters.get(CA_NAME_KEY); if (caName != null) { CAInfo ca; try { ca = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CaSessionRemote.class) .getCAInfo(getAuthenticationToken(), caName); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { getLogger().error("CA '" + caName + "' does not exist."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { getLogger().error("CLI user not authorized to CA '" + caName); return CommandResult.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE; } if (ca != null) { caid = ca.getCAId(); } else { getLogger().error("CA '" + caName + "' does not exist."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } } CryptoProviderTools.installBCProvider(); // Mapping used to translate certificate profile ids when importing end entity profiles. Used // when the profile id of a cert profile changes // and we need to change the mapping from the ee profile to cert profiles HashMap<Integer, Integer> certificateProfileIdMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); getLogger().info("Importing certificate and end entity profiles: "); File inFile = new File(inpath); if (!inFile.isDirectory()) { getLogger().error("'" + inpath + "' is not a directory."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } // List all filenames in the given directory, we will try to import them all File[] infiles = inFile.listFiles(); FileTools.sortByName(infiles); try { for (int i = 0; i < infiles.length; i++) { getLogger().info("Filename: " + infiles[i].getName()); if (infiles[i].isFile() && ((infiles[i].getName().indexOf("certprofile_") > -1) || (infiles[i].getName().indexOf("entityprofile_") > -1))) { boolean entityprofile = false; if (infiles[i].getName().indexOf("entityprofile_") > -1) { entityprofile = true; } int index1 = infiles[i].getName().indexOf("_"); int index2 = infiles[i].getName().lastIndexOf("-"); int index3 = infiles[i].getName().lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (index1 < 0 || index2 < 0 || index3 < 0) { getLogger().error("Filename not as expected (cert/entityprofile_<name>-<id>.xml)."); } else { final String filename = infiles[i].getName().substring(index1 + 1, index2); String profilename; try { profilename = URLDecoder.decode(filename, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("UTF-8 was not a known character encoding", e); } int profileid = Integer.parseInt(infiles[i].getName().substring(index2 + 1, index3)); // We don't add the fixed profiles, EJBCA handles those automagically if (!entityprofile && CertificateProfileConstants.isFixedCertificateProfile(profileid)) { getLogger().error("Not adding fixed certificate profile '" + profilename + "'."); } else { if (entityprofile && profileid == SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE) { getLogger().error("Not adding fixed entity profile '" + profilename + "'."); } else { // Check if the profiles already exist, and change the name and id if already taken boolean error = false; // when we need to create a new certprofile id, this will hodl the original value so // we // can insert a mapping in certificateProfileIdMapping when we have created a new id int oldprofileid = -1; if (entityprofile) { if (EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(EndEntityProfileSessionRemote.class) .getEndEntityProfile(profilename) != null) { getLogger() .error("Entity profile '" + profilename + "' already exist in database."); error = true; } else if (EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(EndEntityProfileSessionRemote.class) .getEndEntityProfile(profileid) != null) { int newprofileid = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(EndEntityProfileSessionRemote.class) .findFreeEndEntityProfileId(); getLogger() .warn( "Entity profileid '" + profileid + "' already exist in database. Using " + newprofileid + " instead."); profileid = newprofileid; } } else { if (EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateProfileSessionRemote.class) .getCertificateProfileId(profilename) != CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_NO_PROFILE) { getLogger() .error( "Error: Certificate profile '" + profilename + "' already exist in database."); error = true; } else if (EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateProfileSessionRemote.class) .getCertificateProfile(profileid) != null) { getLogger() .warn( "Certificate profile id '" + profileid + "' already exist in database. Adding with a new profile id instead."); oldprofileid = profileid; profileid = -1; // means we should create a new id when adding the cert profile } } if (!error) { CertificateProfile cprofile = null; EndEntityProfile eprofile = null; FileInputStream is; try { is = new FileInputStream(infiles[i]); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Shouldn't happen, we've already vetted the file directory above throw new IllegalStateException( "An exception was encountered with an already vetted file directory", e); } XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder(is); if (entityprofile) { // Add end entity profile eprofile = new EndEntityProfile(); eprofile.loadData(decoder.readObject()); // Translate cert profile ids that have changed after import String availableCertProfiles = ""; String defaultCertProfile = eprofile.getValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTCERTPROFILE, 0); // getLogger().debug("Debug: Org - AVAILCERTPROFILES " + // eprofile.getValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILCERTPROFILES,0) + " // DEFAULTCERTPROFILE "+defaultCertProfile); for (String currentCertProfile : (Collection<String>) eprofile.getAvailableCertificateProfileIds()) { Integer currentCertProfileId = Integer.parseInt(currentCertProfile); Integer replacementCertProfileId = certificateProfileIdMapping.get(currentCertProfileId); if (replacementCertProfileId != null) { if (!replacementCertProfileId.toString().equals(currentCertProfile)) { getLogger() .warn( "Replacing cert profile with id " + currentCertProfile + " with " + replacementCertProfileId + "."); } availableCertProfiles += (availableCertProfiles.equals("") ? "" : ";") + replacementCertProfileId; if (currentCertProfile.equals(defaultCertProfile)) { defaultCertProfile = "" + replacementCertProfileId; } } else { if (EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateProfileSessionRemote.class) .getCertificateProfile(currentCertProfileId) != null || CertificateProfileConstants.isFixedCertificateProfile( currentCertProfileId)) { availableCertProfiles += (availableCertProfiles.equals("") ? "" : ";") + currentCertProfile; } else { getLogger() .warn( "End Entity Profile '" + profilename + "' references certificate profile " + currentCertProfile + " that does not exist."); if (currentCertProfile.equals(defaultCertProfile)) { defaultCertProfile = ""; } } } } if (availableCertProfiles.equals("")) { getLogger() .warn( "End Entity Profile only references certificate profile(s) that does not exist. Using ENDUSER profile."); availableCertProfiles = "1"; // At least make sure the default profile is available } if (defaultCertProfile.equals("")) { defaultCertProfile = availableCertProfiles .split(";")[ 0]; // Use first available profile from list as default if original // default was missing } eprofile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILCERTPROFILES, 0, availableCertProfiles); eprofile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTCERTPROFILE, 0, defaultCertProfile); // Remove any unknown CA and break if none is left String defaultCA = eprofile.getValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTCA, 0); String availableCAs = eprofile.getValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILCAS, 0); // getOutputStream().println("Debug: Org - AVAILCAS " + availableCAs + " // DEFAULTCA "+defaultCA); List<String> cas = Arrays.asList(availableCAs.split(";")); availableCAs = ""; for (String currentCA : cas) { Integer currentCAInt = Integer.parseInt(currentCA); // The constant ALLCAS will not be searched for among available CAs try { if (currentCAInt.intValue() != SecConst.ALLCAS) { EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CaSessionRemote.class) .getCAInfo(getAuthenticationToken(), currentCAInt); } availableCAs += (availableCAs.equals("") ? "" : ";") + currentCA; // No Exception means CA exists } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { getLogger() .warn( "CA with id " + currentCA + " was not found and will not be used in end entity profile '" + profilename + "'."); if (defaultCA.equals(currentCA)) { defaultCA = ""; } } } if (availableCAs.equals("")) { if (caid == null) { getLogger() .error( "No CAs left in end entity profile '" + profilename + "' and no CA specified on command line. Using ALLCAs."); availableCAs = Integer.toString(SecConst.ALLCAS); } else { availableCAs = Integer.toString(caid); getLogger() .warn( "No CAs left in end entity profile '" + profilename + "'. Using CA supplied on command line with id '" + caid + "'."); } } if (defaultCA.equals("")) { defaultCA = availableCAs.split(";")[0]; // Use first available getLogger() .warn( "Changing default CA in end entity profile '" + profilename + "' to " + defaultCA + "."); } // getLogger().debug("New - AVAILCAS " + availableCAs + " DEFAULTCA // "+defaultCA); eprofile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILCAS, 0, availableCAs); eprofile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTCA, 0, defaultCA); try { EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(EndEntityProfileSessionRemote.class) .addEndEntityProfile( getAuthenticationToken(), profileid, profilename, eprofile); getLogger().info("Added entity profile '" + profilename + "' to database."); } catch (EndEntityProfileExistsException eepee) { getLogger() .error("Error adding entity profile '" + profilename + "' to database."); } } else { // Add certificate profile cprofile = new CertificateProfile(); cprofile.loadData(decoder.readObject()); // Make sure CAs in profile exist List<Integer> cas = cprofile.getAvailableCAs(); ArrayList<Integer> casToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer currentCA : cas) { // If the CA is not ANYCA and the CA does not exist, remove it from the // profile before import if (currentCA != CertificateProfile.ANYCA) { try { EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CaSessionRemote.class) .getCAInfo(getAuthenticationToken(), currentCA); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { casToRemove.add(currentCA); } } } for (Integer toRemove : casToRemove) { getLogger() .warn( "Warning: CA with id " + toRemove + " was not found and will not be used in certificate profile '" + profilename + "'."); cas.remove(toRemove); } if (cas.size() == 0) { if (caid == null) { getLogger() .error( "Error: No CAs left in certificate profile '" + profilename + "' and no CA specified on command line. Using ANYCA."); cas.add(Integer.valueOf(CertificateProfile.ANYCA)); } else { getLogger() .warn( "Warning: No CAs left in certificate profile '" + profilename + "'. Using CA supplied on command line with id '" + caid + "'."); cas.add(caid); } } cprofile.setAvailableCAs(cas); // Remove and warn about unknown publishers List<Integer> publishers = cprofile.getPublisherList(); ArrayList<Integer> allToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer publisher : publishers) { BasePublisher pub = null; try { pub = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(PublisherSessionRemote.class) .getPublisher(getAuthenticationToken(), publisher); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger() .warn( "Warning: There was an error loading publisher with id " + publisher + ". Use debug logging to see stack trace: " + e.getMessage()); getLogger().debug("Full stack trace: ", e); } if (pub == null) { allToRemove.add(publisher); } } for (Integer toRemove : allToRemove) { getLogger() .warn( "Warning: Publisher with id " + toRemove + " was not found and will not be used in certificate profile '" + profilename + "'."); publishers.remove(toRemove); } cprofile.setPublisherList(publishers); // Add profile try { if (profileid == -1) { // id already existed, we need to create a new one profileid = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateProfileSessionRemote.class) .addCertificateProfile( getAuthenticationToken(), profilename, cprofile); // make a mapping from the old id (that was already in use) to the new one // so we can change end entity profiles certificateProfileIdMapping.put(oldprofileid, profileid); } else { EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateProfileSessionRemote.class) .addCertificateProfile( getAuthenticationToken(), profileid, profilename, cprofile); } // Make a mapping from the new to the new id, so we have a mapping if the // profile id did not change at all certificateProfileIdMapping.put( profileid, EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateProfileSessionRemote.class) .getCertificateProfileId(profilename)); getLogger() .info( "Added certificate profile '" + profilename + "', '" + profileid + "' to database."); } catch (CertificateProfileExistsException cpee) { getLogger() .error( "Error adding certificate profile '" + profilename + "', '" + profileid + "' to database."); } } decoder.close(); try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown IOException was caught when closing stream", e); } } } } } } } } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { log.error("Current CLI user doesn't have sufficient privileges to import profiles."); return CommandResult.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE; } return CommandResult.SUCCESS; }
@Override public CommandResult execute(ParameterContainer parameters) { String username = parameters.get(ENTITY_NAME); String password = parameters.get(ENTITY_PASSWORD); String csr = parameters.get(CSR); String certf = parameters.get(DESTINATION_FILE); byte[] bytes; try { bytes = FileTools.readFiletoBuffer(csr); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("File " + csr + " not found."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } RequestMessage req = RequestMessageUtils.parseRequestMessage(bytes); if (req instanceof PKCS10RequestMessage) { PKCS10RequestMessage p10req = (PKCS10RequestMessage) req; p10req.setUsername(username); p10req.setPassword(password); } else { log.error("Input file '" + csr + "' is not a PKCS#10 request."); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } final SignSessionRemote signSession = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE.getRemoteSession(SignSessionRemote.class); // Call signsession to create a certificate ResponseMessage resp; try { resp = signSession.createCertificate( getAuthenticationToken(), req, X509ResponseMessage.class, null); } catch (EjbcaException e) { log.error("Could not create certificate: " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (CesecoreException e) { log.error("Could not create certificate: " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException ee) { log.error( "CLI user with username " + parameters.get(USERNAME_KEY) + " was not authorized to create a certificate."); return CommandResult.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE; } catch (CertificateExtensionException e) { log.error("CSR specified extensions which were invalid: " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } byte[] pembytes; try { pembytes = CertTools.getPemFromCertificateChain( Arrays.asList(((X509ResponseMessage) resp).getCertificate())); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Newly created certificate could not be parsed. This should not happen.", e); } // Write the resulting cert to file try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(certf); fos.write(pembytes); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not write to certificate file " + certf + ". " + e.getMessage()); return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE; } log.info("PEM certificate written to file '" + certf + "'"); return CommandResult.SUCCESS; }