예제 #1
 /** override to add any other implicit feature calls. */
 protected IScope createImplicitFeatureCallScope(
     final EObject call, final IScope parent, IScope localVariableScope) {
   IScope result = parent;
   IEObjectDescription thisVariable = localVariableScope.getSingleElement(THIS);
   if (thisVariable != null) {
     EObject implicitReceiver = thisVariable.getEObjectOrProxy();
     JvmTypeReference implicitReceiverType =
         typeProvider.getTypeForIdentifiable((JvmIdentifiableElement) implicitReceiver);
     if (implicitReceiverType != null && implicitReceiver instanceof JvmIdentifiableElement) {
       XFeatureCall receiver = XbaseFactory.eINSTANCE.createXFeatureCall();
       receiver.setFeature((JvmIdentifiableElement) implicitReceiver);
       result =
               implicitReceiverType, call, getContextType(call), receiver, result);
   IEObjectDescription itVariable = localVariableScope.getSingleElement(IT);
   if (itVariable != null) {
     EObject implicitReceiver = itVariable.getEObjectOrProxy();
     JvmTypeReference implicitReceiverType =
         typeProvider.getTypeForIdentifiable((JvmIdentifiableElement) implicitReceiver);
     if (implicitReceiverType != null && implicitReceiver instanceof JvmIdentifiableElement) {
       XFeatureCall receiver = XbaseFactory.eINSTANCE.createXFeatureCall();
       receiver.setFeature((JvmIdentifiableElement) implicitReceiver);
       result =
               implicitReceiverType, call, getContextType(call), receiver, result);
   return result;
 protected IScope doGetTypeScope(XFeatureCall call, JvmType type) {
   if (call.isPackageFragment()) {
     if (type instanceof JvmDeclaredType) {
       String packageName = ((JvmDeclaredType) type).getPackageName();
       int dot = packageName.indexOf('.');
       if (dot == -1) {
         return new SingletonScope(EObjectDescription.create(packageName, type), IScope.NULLSCOPE);
       } else {
         String firstSegment = packageName.substring(0, dot);
         return new SingletonScope(
             EObjectDescription.create(firstSegment, type), IScope.NULLSCOPE);
     return IScope.NULLSCOPE;
   } else {
     if (type instanceof JvmDeclaredType && ((JvmDeclaredType) type).getDeclaringType() != null) {
       Resource resource = call.eResource();
       if (resource instanceof XtextResource) {
         XImportSection importSection =
             importsConfiguration.getImportSection((XtextResource) resource);
         if (importSection != null) {
           List<XImportDeclaration> importDeclarations = importSection.getImportDeclarations();
           List<IEObjectDescription> descriptions = Lists.newArrayList();
           for (XImportDeclaration importDeclaration : importDeclarations) {
             if (!importDeclaration.isStatic()
                 && !importDeclaration.isWildcard()
                 && !importDeclaration.isExtension()) {
               JvmDeclaredType importedType = importDeclaration.getImportedType();
               if (importedType == type) {
                 String syntax = importsConfiguration.getLegacyImportSyntax(importDeclaration);
                 if (syntax != null /* no node model attached */
                     && syntax.equals(type.getQualifiedName())) {
                   String packageName = importedType.getPackageName();
                           syntax.substring(packageName.length() + 1), type));
               if (EcoreUtil.isAncestor(importedType, type)) {
                 String name = type.getSimpleName();
                 JvmType worker = type;
                 while (worker != importedType) {
                   worker = (JvmType) worker.eContainer();
                   name = worker.getSimpleName() + "$" + name;
                 descriptions.add(EObjectDescription.create(name, type));
           return new SimpleScope(descriptions);
       return new SingletonScope(
           EObjectDescription.create(type.getSimpleName(), type), IScope.NULLSCOPE);
     } else {
       return new SingletonScope(
           EObjectDescription.create(type.getSimpleName(), type), IScope.NULLSCOPE);
예제 #3
  * This method serves as an entry point for the content assist scoping for simple feature calls.
  * @param context the context e.g. a for loop expression, a block or a catch clause
  * @param reference the reference who's value shall be scoped. Not necessarily a feature of the
  *     context.
  * @param includeCurrentBlock <code>false</code> in the context of scoping but content assist will
  *     not have the actual value holder of the reference at hand so it passes its container to
  *     this method and expects the declared variables to be exposed in the scope.
  * @param idx the index in an expression list of a block. Otherwise to be ignored.
 public IScope createSimpleFeatureCallScope(
     final EObject context,
     EReference reference,
     Resource resource,
     boolean includeCurrentBlock,
     int idx) {
   if (context instanceof XFeatureCall) {
     XFeatureCall featureCall = (XFeatureCall) context;
     if (featureCall.getDeclaringType() != null) {
       JvmParameterizedTypeReference typeReference =
       JvmFeatureScope result =
               typeReference, context, getContextType(context), null, IScope.NULLSCOPE);
       return result;
   IScope staticScope = createStaticScope(context, resource, IScope.NULLSCOPE);
   DelegatingScope delegatingStaticScope = new DelegatingScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE);
   DelegatingScope implicitThis = new DelegatingScope(delegatingStaticScope);
   LocalVariableScopeContext scopeContext =
       createLocalVariableScopeContext(context, reference, includeCurrentBlock, idx);
   IScope localVariableScope = createLocalVarScope(implicitThis, scopeContext);
   IScope scopeForImplicitFeatures =
       createImplicitFeatureCallScope(context, IScope.NULLSCOPE, localVariableScope);
   return localVariableScope;
  protected String _case(
      JvmField input,
      XFeatureCall context,
      EReference reference,
      JvmFeatureDescription jvmFeatureDescription) {
    if (context.getDeclaringType() == null) {
      if (input.isStatic()) return INSTANCE_ACCESS_TO_STATIC_MEMBER;
    } else {
      if (!input.isStatic()) return STATIC_ACCESS_TO_INSTANCE_MEMBER;
    if (context.isExplicitOperationCall()) return FIELD_ACCESS_WITH_PARENTHESES;

    return null;
 protected String _case(
     JvmOperation input,
     XFeatureCall context,
     EReference reference,
     JvmFeatureDescription jvmFeatureDescription) {
   if (context.getDeclaringType() != null) {
     if (!input.isStatic()) return STATIC_ACCESS_TO_INSTANCE_MEMBER;
   return checkJvmOperation(
 protected String _case(
     JvmIdentifiableElement input,
     XFeatureCall context,
     EReference ref,
     LocalVarDescription description) {
   if (context.isExplicitOperationCall()) return LOCAL_VAR_ACCESS_WITH_PARENTHESES;
   return null;
 protected IFeatureCallArguments toArguments(
     final String signature, final String invocation, final boolean receiver) {
   try {
     StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
     _builder.append("def void m(");
     _builder.append(signature, "");
     _builder.append(") {");
     _builder.append(invocation, "\t");
     final String functionString = _builder.toString();
     final XtendFunction function = this.function(functionString);
     XExpression _expression = function.getExpression();
     final XBlockExpression body = ((XBlockExpression) _expression);
     EList<XExpression> _expressions = body.getExpressions();
     XExpression _head = IterableExtensions.<XExpression>head(_expressions);
     final XFeatureCall featureCall = ((XFeatureCall) _head);
     final EList<XExpression> arguments = featureCall.getFeatureCallArguments();
     final JvmOperation operation =
     EList<JvmFormalParameter> _parameters = operation.getParameters();
     ITypeReferenceOwner _owner = this.getOwner();
     final IFeatureCallArguments result =
         this.factory.createVarArgArguments(arguments, _parameters, receiver, _owner);
     Class<? extends IFeatureCallArguments> _class = result.getClass();
     boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_class, VarArgFeatureCallArguments.class);
     return result;
   } catch (Throwable _e) {
     throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e);
예제 #8
 private void addTypeCastToImplicitReceiver(
     XFeatureCall featureCall, IModificationContext context, JvmType declaringType)
     throws BadLocationException {
   String receiver;
   if (featureCall.getImplicitReceiver() instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall)
     receiver =
         ((XAbstractFeatureCall) featureCall.getImplicitReceiver()).getFeature().getSimpleName();
   else return;
   List<INode> nodes =
           featureCall, XbasePackage.Literals.XABSTRACT_FEATURE_CALL__FEATURE);
   if (nodes.isEmpty()) return;
   INode firstNode = IterableExtensions.head(nodes);
   int offset = firstNode.getOffset();
   ReplacingAppendable appendable =
           context.getXtextDocument(), (XtextResource) featureCall.eResource(), offset, 0);
   appendable.append(" as ");