   * Analyze the schema at the given URI, the schema is parsed and stored in
   * XMLObjectInfos.
  private void analyzeXSD(URI uri) {

    uri = uri.normalize();

    // already seen this xsd, skip it
    if (xmlObjectInfos.containsKey(uri.toString())) return;

    XSDSchema xsdSchema = XSDSchemaImpl.getSchemaForSchema(uri.toString());

    String encoding = null;
    // if schema is not cached, parse it
    if (xsdSchema == null) {
      XSDParser p = new XSDParser(null);
      InputStream is = NetUtils.getURLInputStream(uri.toString());

      if (is != null) {
        xsdSchema = p.getSchema();
        encoding = p.getEncoding();
    } else encoding = xsdSchema.getDocument().getXmlEncoding();

    if (xsdSchema != null) {

      if (encoding == null) encoding = "UTF-8";

      XMLObjectInfo info = new XMLObjectInfo(new Path(uri.getPath()), xsdSchema, encoding);
      xmlObjectInfos.put(uri.toString(), info);

      // analyze its imports and includes
      analyzeXSD(uri, xsdSchema);
  private void resetXsdSimpleTypeUuids(final Resource resource) throws Exception {
    if (resource instanceof XSDResourceImpl) {
      final XSDResourceImpl xsdResource = (XSDResourceImpl) resource;
      final XSDSchema schema = xsdResource.getSchema();
      if (schema != null) {
        for (final Iterator iter = schema.getContents().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
          EObject eObj = (EObject) iter.next();

          // Only process global simple type definitions ...
          if (eObj instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
            final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) eObj;

            // Get the application information ...
            final XSDAnnotation annotation = type.getAnnotation();

            // If no annotation exists then no UUID attribute exists to reset ...
            if (annotation == null) {
            for (final Iterator appInfos = annotation.getApplicationInformation().iterator();
                appInfos.hasNext(); ) {
              final Element appInfo = (Element) appInfos.next();
              String uuid = appInfo.getAttribute(UUID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
              if (uuid != null) {
                uuid = IDGenerator.getInstance().create().toString();
                appInfo.setAttribute(UUID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, uuid);
                uuid = appInfo.getAttribute(UUID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
예제 #3
   * Like getPrimitives(), this returns a list of XSDSimpleTypeDefinition. However where
   * getPrimitives() returns the basic set supported by the editor, getAdvancedPrimitives returns
   * every known XSD primitive type.
   * @return list of simple type definitions.
  public static List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> getAdvancedPrimitives() {

    if (advancedPrimitives == null) {

      advancedPrimitives = new ArrayList<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition>();

      // Get the schema for schemas instance to use when resolving primitives
      XSDSchema schemaForSchemas =

      // Start adding the simple types using the supportedPrimitives list
      for (String typeName : supportedPrimitives) {
        XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = schemaForSchemas.resolveSimpleTypeDefinition(typeName);

      // Return primitives in alpha order
          new Comparator<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition>() {
            public int compare(XSDSimpleTypeDefinition o1, XSDSimpleTypeDefinition o2) {
              if (o1 == null || o2 == null || o1.getName() == null) return 0;
              return o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName());
    return advancedPrimitives;
  /** Helper method for identifying if a given type is a built-in type. */
  public static boolean isBuiltInType(XSDTypeDefinition target) {

    XSDSchema schema = (XSDSchema) target.eContainer();
    if (!XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001.equals(schema.getTargetNamespace())) {
      return false;
    return xsdPrimitiveTypesNames.contains(target.getName());
 private void setXsdIncrementalBuild(final Resource resource, final boolean isIncrementalUpdate) {
   if (resource instanceof XSDResourceImpl) {
     final XSDResourceImpl xsdResource = (XSDResourceImpl) resource;
     final XSDSchema schema = xsdResource.getSchema();
     if (schema != null) {
 private boolean getXsdIncrementalBuild(final Resource resource) {
   if (resource instanceof XSDResourceImpl) {
     final XSDResourceImpl xsdResource = (XSDResourceImpl) resource;
     final XSDSchema schema = xsdResource.getSchema();
     if (schema != null) {
       return schema.isIncrementalUpdate();
   return false;
  protected Object[] getXSDSchemaChildren(XSDSchema schema) {
    List<XSDElementDeclaration> declarations = new ArrayList<XSDElementDeclaration>();

    List<Object> attributeDeclarations = new ArrayList<Object>();
    if (null != xsdSchema) {
      for (XSDSchemaContent cnt : xsdSchema.getContents()) {
        if (cnt instanceof XSDInclude) {
          XSDInclude incu = (XSDInclude) cnt;
          String schemaLocation = incu.getSchemaLocation();
          XSDSchema schemaInc = createSchema(schemaLocation);
          addElementDeclarationFromSchema(schemaInc, declarations);
        } else if (cnt instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
          XSDAttributeDeclaration attriDec = (XSDAttributeDeclaration) cnt;
    addElementDeclarationFromSchema(schema, declarations);

    Object[] schemaChildren =
            declarations.toArray(new XSDNamedComponent[declarations.size()]));

    return attributeDeclarations.toArray();
   * Walk through all XSDDirectives for the specified XSDResource and attempt to resolve those that
   * are undefined.
   * @param eResource
   * @param recurse
   * @param visited
   * @since 4.3
  protected void resolveSchemaDirectives(
      final XSDResourceImpl eResource,
      final boolean recurse,
      final Set visited,
      final Set unresolvedResourceURIs) {

    if (eResource != null && !visited.contains(eResource)) {
      // The resource must be loaded to retrieve its contents
      if (!eResource.isLoaded()) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException err) {
          String msg =
                  "DefaultResourceFinder.Error_loading_resource", eResource); // $NON-NLS-1$
          ModelerCore.Util.log(IStatus.ERROR, msg);
      // Add this resource to the list of those visited

      // Check all imports to see if they were resolved
      for (final Iterator i = eResource.getSchema().eContents().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        EObject eObj = (EObject) i.next();
        if (eObj instanceof XSDSchemaDirective) {
          XSDSchema resolvedSchema = resolveSchemaDirective((XSDSchemaDirective) eObj);

          // Log any unresolved schema directives
          if (resolvedSchema == null
              || resolvedSchema.eResource() == null
              || resolvedSchema.eResource().getResourceSet() == null) {
            URI unresolvedURI = URI.createURI(((XSDSchemaDirective) eObj).getSchemaLocation());

          // Follow the chain and resolve all directives for the schema being imported
          if (recurse)
                (XSDResourceImpl) resolvedSchema.eResource(),
 private String getTargetNamespaceForResolve(
     final XSDElementDeclaration sourceComponent,
     final XSDSchema xsdSchema,
     final NamespaceResolverType namespaceResolverType) {
   return (namespaceResolverType == NamespaceResolverType.ELEMENT)
       ? sourceComponent.getResolvedElementDeclaration().getTargetNamespace()
       : xsdSchema.getTargetNamespace();
 protected void addElementDeclarationFromSchema(
     XSDSchema schema, Collection<XSDElementDeclaration> declarations) {
   EList<XSDElementDeclaration> elementDeclarations = schema.getElementDeclarations();
   for (XSDElementDeclaration declaration : elementDeclarations) {
     if (declaration.eContainer().equals(schema)) {
예제 #11
   * Read an XSDSchema instance and create the node hierarchy under the given root node.
   * @param schema the schema object; may not be null
   * @param encoding the encoding for the XSD; may be null if the encoding is not specified
   * @param contentSize the size of the XML Schema Document content; may not be negative
   * @param rootNode the root node that will be populated with the XML Schema Document information
   * @throws Exception if there is a probelm reading the XSD content
  protected void process(XSDSchema schema, String encoding, long contentSize, Node rootNode)
      throws Exception {
    assert schema != null;

    logger.debug("Target namespace: '{0}'", schema.getTargetNamespace());
    rootNode.setProperty(SrampLexicon.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeConstants.APPLICATION_XML);
    if (encoding != null) {
      rootNode.setProperty(SrampLexicon.CONTENT_ENCODING, encoding);
    rootNode.setProperty(SrampLexicon.CONTENT_SIZE, contentSize);

    // Parse the annotations first to aggregate them all into a single 'sramp:description' property
    // ...
    List<XSDAnnotation> annotations = schema.getAnnotations();
    processAnnotations(annotations, rootNode);
    processNonSchemaAttributes(schema, rootNode);

    // Parse the objects ...
    for (EObject obj : schema.eContents()) {
      if (obj instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        processSimpleTypeDefinition((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {
        processComplexTypeDefinition((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
        processElementDeclaration((XSDElementDeclaration) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
        processAttributeDeclaration((XSDAttributeDeclaration) obj, rootNode, false);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDImport) {
        processImport((XSDImport) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDInclude) {
        processInclude((XSDInclude) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDRedefine) {
        processRedefine((XSDRedefine) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
        processAttributeGroupDefinition((XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDAnnotation) {
        // already processed above ...

    // Resolve any outstanding, unresolved references ...
 private void parseNamespaceContainers(XSDSchema schema) {
   Iterator iterator = schema.getContents().iterator();
   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
     Object element = (Object) iterator.next();
     if (element instanceof XSDImport) {
       XSDImport importElement = (XSDImport) element;
   * Resolve the specified XSDSchemaDirective and resolve against resources in the resource set
   * @param eResource
   * @param recurse
   * @param visited
   * @since 4.3
  protected XSDSchema resolveSchemaDirective(final XSDSchemaDirective directive) {
    XSDSchema resolvedSchema = null;
    if (directive != null) {
      resolvedSchema = directive.getResolvedSchema();

      // Import is not yet resolved, attempt to locate the reference ...
      if (resolvedSchema == null && directive instanceof XSDImportImpl) {
        resolvedSchema = ((XSDImportImpl) directive).importSchema();

      // If the resolvedSchema reference exists but is an eProxy then attempt to resolve it
      if (resolvedSchema != null && resolvedSchema.eIsProxy()) {
        resolvedSchema = (XSDSchema) EcoreUtil.resolve(resolvedSchema, getContainer());

      // Directive is not yet resolved, attempt to locate the referenced
      // XSDResource using the schema location information in the directive
      String location = directive.getSchemaLocation();
      XSDResourceImpl eResource = (XSDResourceImpl) directive.eResource();
      if (resolvedSchema == null && eResource != null && !CoreStringUtil.isEmpty(location)) {
        XSDResourceImpl refdResource = null;

        URI schemaLocationUri = UriHelper.makeAbsoluteUri(eResource.getURI(), location);
        // URI schemaLocationUri = getAbsoluteLocation(eResource.getURI(), location);
        refdResource = (XSDResourceImpl) findByURI(schemaLocationUri, false);

        // Update the directive with the resolved schema
        if (refdResource != null) {
          resolvedSchema = refdResource.getSchema();
          if (directive instanceof XSDImport) {
            ((XSDSchemaImpl) resolvedSchema).imported((XSDImport) directive);
          } else if (directive instanceof XSDInclude) {
            ((XSDSchemaImpl) resolvedSchema).included((XSDInclude) directive);
          } else if (directive instanceof XSDRedefine) {
            ((XSDSchemaImpl) resolvedSchema).redefined((XSDRedefine) directive);
    return resolvedSchema;
예제 #14
   * Given a schema, return the list of XSDSimpleTypeDefinitions found within it. Will not return
   * null, but may return an empty list
   * @param schema
   * @return the user defined simple types.
  public static List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> getUserDefinedSimpleTypes(XSDSchema schema) {
    if (schema == null) {
      return Collections.emptyList();

    List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> result = new ArrayList<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition>();
    for (Object next : schema.getContents()) {
      if (next instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) result.add((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) next);
    return result;
   * Add external resources referenced by the specified XSD resource to the resultant list
   * @param eResource the resource to process for references
   * @param recurse if true, the result will include all direct and indirect dependent resources
   *     otherwise only the direct dependencies are returned.
   * @param includeExternal If true, external resource references will be included in the resulant
   *     array, otherwise they will be excluded from the result.
   * @param result the resultant list to add to
  protected void addExternallyReferencedResourcesForXsd(
      final XSDResourceImpl eResource,
      final boolean recurse,
      final boolean includeExternal,
      final List result,
      final Set unresolvedResourceURIs) {
    if (eResource != null) {
      // Resolve all schema directives (import/include/redefine)
      Set visitedXsdResources = new HashSet();
      resolveSchemaDirectives(eResource, recurse, visitedXsdResources, unresolvedResourceURIs);

      // Add the resource referenced through the directive to the overall result
      XSDSchema schema = eResource.getSchema();
      for (final Iterator i = schema.eContents().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        EObject eObj = (EObject) i.next();
        if (eObj instanceof XSDSchemaDirective) {
          XSDSchema resolvedSchema = ((XSDSchemaDirective) eObj).getResolvedSchema();
          Resource rsrc = (resolvedSchema != null ? resolvedSchema.eResource() : null);
          if (rsrc != null && !result.contains(rsrc)) {
            if (!includeExternal && isExternalResource(rsrc)) {
            if (recurse) {
                  rsrc, recurse, includeExternal, result, unresolvedResourceURIs);

      // Ensure that the schema for schema resource (e.g. "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema") is
      // added to the result;
      if (includeExternal) {
        Resource rsrc = schema.getSchemaForSchema().eResource();
        if (rsrc != null && !result.contains(rsrc)) {
예제 #16
 public static List<XSDSchema> allSchemas(XSDSchema s, List<String> includeUri) {
   Set<XSDSchema> result = Sets.newHashSet();
   for (XSDInclude inc : Iterables.filter(s.getContents(), XSDInclude.class)) {
     XSDSchema resolved = inc.getResolvedSchema();
     if (resolved == null) {
       resolved = resolve(inc, includeUri);
     result.addAll(allSchemas(resolved, includeUri));
   return Lists.newArrayList(result);
예제 #17
   * Writes the xsd schema to the file at the given path, relative to the target folder.
  private String writeXMLObj(
      IPath path, XSDSchema xsdSchema, String encoding, IProgressMonitor monitor)
      throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, URIException, IOException,
          CoreException {
    Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
    Document document = xsdSchema.getDocument();
    serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
    serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, encoding);
    serializer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2");

    Element e = xsdSchema.getElement();
    DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(e);

    String[] targetURI = appendPathToURI(targetFolderURI, path);

    OutputStream os = uriFactory.newURI(targetURI[0]).getOutputStream();
    serializer.transform(domSource, new StreamResult(os));

    return targetURI[1];
   * Check whether the schema is just used to import another schema.
   * http://ws-i.org/profiles/BasicProfile-1.2-WGD.html#WSDL_and_Schema_Import - R2105 All
   * xsd:schema elements contained in a wsdl:types element of a DESCRIPTION MUST have a
   * targetNamespace attribute with a valid and non-null value, UNLESS the xsd:schema element has
   * xsd:import and/or xsd:annotation as its only child element(s).
   * @return empty list if schema is not WS-I R2105, otherwise schema's imports are returned.
  public static List<XSDImport> getWsiImports(final XSDSchema schema) {
    final List<XSDImport> importedSchemas = new ArrayList<XSDImport>();
    if (schema == null
        || schema.getTargetNamespace() != null
            && !"".equals(schema.getTargetNamespace())) { // $NON-NLS-1$
      return importedSchemas;

    for (final XSDSchemaContent schemaContent : schema.getContents()) {
      if (!(schemaContent instanceof XSDAnnotation) && !(schemaContent instanceof XSDImport)) {
        // not WS-I R2105 complaint schema
        return importedSchemas;

      if (schemaContent instanceof XSDImport) {
        importedSchemas.add((XSDImport) schemaContent);
    return importedSchemas;
   * Adds a new EMF {@link XSDSchema} in {@link Definition} with the specified namespace
   * @param definition - wsdl where new schema is to be added
   * @param namespace - namespace of the new schema
   * @return - added schema object
  public static XSDSchema addXSDSchema(final Definition definition, final String namespace) {
    Types types = definition.getETypes();
    if (null == types) {
      types = EmfWsdlUtils.getWSDLFactory().createTypes();

    final XSDSchema xsdSchema = EmfXsdUtils.getXSDFactory().createXSDSchema();
    xsdSchema.setSchemaForSchemaQNamePrefix(EmfXsdUtils.XSD_PREFIX); // $NON-NLS-1$
    final Map<String, String> qNamePrefixToNamespaceMap = xsdSchema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
        xsdSchema.getSchemaForSchemaQNamePrefix(), EmfXsdUtils.getSchemaForSchemaNS());

    final XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement schemaExtensibilityEntity =


    final String wsdlLocation = definition.getLocation();

    if (null != namespace && !"".equals(namespace.trim())) // $NON-NLS-1$

    return xsdSchema;
  protected void addSchemaElements(List list, XSDSchema schema) {

    boolean builtInTypesSchema =

    if (builtInTypesSchema && (fFilter & INCLUDE_PRIMITIVES) > 0) {

    if ((fFilter & INCLUDE_ELEMENT_DECLARATIONS) > 0) {

    if ((fFilter & INCLUDE_TYPES) == 0) {

    List types = schema.getTypeDefinitions();
    Iterator i = types.iterator();
    boolean bAdd = false;

    while (i.hasNext()) {

      XSDTypeDefinition defn = (XSDTypeDefinition) i.next();

      bAdd =
          (((fFilter & INCLUDE_COMPLEX_TYPES) > 0) && (defn instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
              || ((fFilter & INCLUDE_SIMPLE_TYPES) > 0)
                  && (defn instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition));

      if (bAdd) {
  IXSDModelRoot getXSDModelRoot(XSDSchema xsdSchema, IAdaptable adaptable) {
    if (adaptable != null) {
      ISchema schema = (ISchema) adaptable.getAdapter(ISchema.class);
      xsdSchema = schema == null ? xsdSchema : schema.getComponent();

    Resource schemaResource = xsdSchema.eResource();
    final ModelRootObjectKey key = new ModelRootObjectKey(schemaResource, xsdSchema, adaptable);
    WeakReference<IXSDModelRoot> weakXSDModelRoot = xsdModelRootPool.get(key);
    IXSDModelRoot xsdModelRoot = weakXSDModelRoot == null ? null : weakXSDModelRoot.get();
    if (xsdModelRoot == null) {
      xsdModelRoot = new XSDModelRoot(xsdSchema, adaptable);
      xsdModelRootPool.put(key, new WeakReference<IXSDModelRoot>(xsdModelRoot));
    return xsdModelRoot;
 private void parseElementsFrom(XSDSchema schema) {
   for (Iterator it = schema.getElementDeclarations().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     XSDElementDeclaration elementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration) it.next();
     if (this.documentStructureDeclaration.getPublicId() == null
         || elementDeclaration
             .startsWith(this.documentStructureDeclaration.getPublicId())) {
       if (!elementDeclaration.isAbstract()) {
             new XSDTagTypeDefinition(
                 elementDeclaration, this.documentStructureDeclaration.getNamespace(), this.tags));
예제 #23
   * Retrieves all the root Data types defined in the schema including complex types, user-defined
   * simple types and anonymous complex types. If there's an anonymous complex type definition (from
   * a root element declaration) then we return the element declaration's anonymous type.
   * @param schema
   * @return list of type definitions.
  public static List<XSDTypeDefinition> getAllDataTypes(XSDSchema schema) {
    if (schema == null) {
      return Collections.emptyList();

    List<XSDTypeDefinition> bos = new ArrayList<XSDTypeDefinition>();

    for (Object item : schema.getContents()) {
      if (item instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {
        bos.add((XSDTypeDefinition) item);
      } else if (item instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
        XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration) item;
        if (element.getAnonymousTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {
    return bos;
  public String getXSDSchemaAsString() throws Exception {

    if (xsdSchema == null) {
      return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

    Document document = xsdSchema.getDocument();
    String schema = Util.nodeToString(document);

    // FIXES a bug in the XSD library that puts nillable attributes in
    // elements which are ref
    // That is illegal according to W3C §3.3.3 / 2.2 (and Xerces)
    Pattern p =
            "(<([a-z]+:)?element.*?)nillable=['|\"].*?['|\"](.*?ref=.*?>)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    schema = p.matcher(schema).replaceAll("$1 $3"); // $NON-NLS-1$

    return schema;
예제 #25
   * @param location the XSDSchema object to add this type to.
   * @param typeName the name to give the newly created type.
   * @param baseType (optional) if not null, use this type as the base type of the new type.
   * @return
  public static XSDSimpleTypeDefinition createAtomicSimpleTypeDefinintion(
      XSDSchema location, String typeName, XSDSimpleTypeDefinition baseType) {
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition std =
    // defect 18444 - make sure things are wrapped in transactions
    try {
      ModelerCore.getModelEditor().addValue(location, std, location.getContents());

      if (baseType != null) {
        ModelerCore.getDatatypeManager(std).setBasetypeDefinition(std, baseType);
      } else {
        XSDSimpleTypeDefinition defaultBaseType = getDefaultBaseType();
        ModelerCore.getDatatypeManager(std).setBasetypeDefinition(std, defaultBaseType);
      } // endif
    } catch (ModelerCoreException ex) {
    } // endtry

    return std;
예제 #26
   * Analyze the schema at the given URI, traverse its imports and includes.
   * The schema information is not stored in XMLObjectInfos because it's
   * either not neccessary (schema inlined in a wsdl) or it has already
   * been stored.
  private void analyzeXSD(URI uri, XSDSchema schema) {

    if (schema == null) return;

    // look at the imports and includes

    for (Iterator it = schema.getContents().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

      Object content = it.next();

      if (!(content instanceof XSDSchemaDirective)) continue;

      XSDSchemaDirective xsdSchemaDirective = (XSDSchemaDirective) content;
      String xsdSchemaDirectiveLocation = xsdSchemaDirective.getSchemaLocation();

      // analyze any relative imports and includes we find
      if (xsdSchemaDirectiveLocation != null && isRelative(xsdSchemaDirectiveLocation))
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // ignore any xsd's we cannot resolve
예제 #27
 public static XSDSimpleTypeDefinition resolvePrimitiveTypeDefinition(
     XSDSchema schema, String typeName) {
   return schema.getSchemaForSchema().resolveSimpleTypeDefinition(typeName);
  protected Resource findResourceByImport(
      final XSDSchemaDirective theImport, final List eResources) {
    Resource result = null;
    if (theImport != null && eResources != null) {

      // An XSDSchemaDirective referencing an XSDResource instance will have
      // the relative path to that resource in its location
      final String schemaLocation = theImport.getSchemaLocation();
      if (!CoreStringUtil.isEmpty(schemaLocation) && theImport.eResource() != null) {

        // Check if the path represents a logic URI that can be found
        final URI uri = URI.createURI(schemaLocation);
        result = findByURI(uri, true);
        if (result != null && eResources.contains(result)) {
          return result;
        result = null;

        XSDResourceImpl eResource = (XSDResourceImpl) theImport.eResource();
        URI baseLocationURI = eResource.getURI();
        // If the base resource URI was created as a file URI then it's path is encoded so before we
        // resolve the referenced resource we need to encode it's relative path
        URI schemaLocationURI = UriHelper.makeAbsoluteUri(baseLocationURI, schemaLocation);
        // URI schemaLocationURI = (baseLocationURI.isFile() ? URI.createURI(schemaLocation, false):
        // URI.createURI(schemaLocation));
        // if (baseLocationURI.isHierarchical() && !baseLocationURI.isRelative() &&
        // schemaLocationURI.isRelative()) {
        // schemaLocationURI = schemaLocationURI.resolve(baseLocationURI);
        // }
        result = findByURI(schemaLocationURI, true);
        if (result != null && eResources.contains(result)) {
          return result;
        result = null;

        // Check if the resource name matches any resource in the list
        final String name = URI.createURI(schemaLocation).lastSegment();
        final Collection results = findResourcesByName(name, true, eResources);
        if (results.size() == 1) {
          result = (Resource) results.iterator().next();

        } else if (results.size() > 1) {
          // Ensure that all referenced schemas are resolved
          getExternallyReferencedResources(eResource, true, false);

          // Match the input XSDSchemaDirective to one in the resource
          for (final Iterator i = eResource.getSchema().eContents().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            EObject eObj = (EObject) i.next();
            if (eObj instanceof XSDSchemaDirective && theImport == eObj) {
              XSDSchema resolvedSchema = ((XSDSchemaDirective) eObj).getResolvedSchema();
              if (resolvedSchema != null) {
                Resource refResource = resolvedSchema.eResource();
                if (eResources.contains(refResource)) {
                  return refResource;
    return result;
예제 #29
 protected void afterDoAction() {
   if (!omitTrack) {
예제 #30
 protected void beforeDoAction() {
   schema = ((ISchemaContentProvider) page.getTreeViewer().getContentProvider()).getXsdSchema();
   if (!omitTrack) {