public void resetPropertyValue() { if (parent == null) // root does not have a default value return; // Use our parent's values to reset our values. boolean change = false; Object[] objects = parent.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { IPropertySource source = getPropertySource(objects[i]); if (source.isPropertySet(descriptor.getId())) { source.resetPropertyValue(descriptor.getId()); change = true; } } if (change) refreshValues(); }
/** * Return the unsorted intersection of all the <code>IPropertyDescriptor</code>s for the objects. * * @return List */ private List computeMergedPropertyDescriptors() { if (values.length == 0) { return new ArrayList(0); } IPropertySource firstSource = getPropertySource(values[0]); if (firstSource == null) { return new ArrayList(0); } if (values.length == 1) { return Arrays.asList(firstSource.getPropertyDescriptors()); } // get all descriptors from each object Map[] propertyDescriptorMaps = new Map[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Object object = values[i]; IPropertySource source = getPropertySource(object); if (source == null) { // if one of the selected items is not a property source // then we show no properties return new ArrayList(0); } // get the property descriptors keyed by id propertyDescriptorMaps[i] = computePropertyDescriptorsFor(source); } // intersect Map intersection = propertyDescriptorMaps[0]; for (int i = 1; i < propertyDescriptorMaps.length; i++) { // get the current ids Object[] ids = intersection.keySet().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { Object object = propertyDescriptorMaps[i].get(ids[j]); if (object == null || // see if the descriptors (which have the same id) are // compatible !((IPropertyDescriptor) intersection.get(ids[j])) .isCompatibleWith((IPropertyDescriptor) object)) { intersection.remove(ids[j]); } } } // sorting is handled in the PropertySheetViewer, return unsorted (in // the original order) ArrayList result = new ArrayList(intersection.size()); IPropertyDescriptor[] firstDescs = firstSource.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < firstDescs.length; i++) { IPropertyDescriptor desc = firstDescs[i]; if (intersection.containsKey(desc.getId())) { result.add(desc); } } return result; }
/** * Update our value objects. We ask our parent for the property values based on our descriptor. */ private void refreshValues() { // get our parent's value objects Object[] sources = parent.getValues(); // loop through the objects getting our property value from each Object[] newValues = new Object[sources.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { IPropertySource source = parent.getPropertySource(sources[i]); newValues[i] = source.getPropertyValue(descriptor.getId()); } // set our new values setValues(newValues); } /* (non-Javadoc)
public void createControls(Composite parent, TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage) { super.createControls(parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage); parent.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); IPropertyDescriptor pd = getPropertyDesriptor(JRDesignGenericElement.PROPERTY_EVALUATION_TIME); IPropertyDescriptor gpd = getPropertyDesriptor(JRDesignGenericElement.PROPERTY_EVALUATION_GROUP_NAME); getWidgetFactory().createCLabel(parent, pd.getDisplayName()); widgets.put(pd.getId(), new SPEvaluationTime(parent, this, pd, gpd)); createWidget4Property(parent, MGenericElement.PROPERTY_NAME); createWidget4Property(parent, MGenericElement.PROPERTY_NAMESPACE); }
/** * Update our child entries. This implementation tries to reuse child entries if possible (if the * id of the new descriptor matches the descriptor id of the old entry). */ private void refreshChildEntries() { if (childEntries == null) // no children to refresh return; // get the current descriptors List descriptors = computeMergedPropertyDescriptors(); // cache old entries by their descriptor id Map entryCache = new HashMap(childEntries.length * 2 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < childEntries.length; i++) { entryCache.put(childEntries[i].getDescriptor().getId(), childEntries[i]); } // create a list of entries to dispose List entriesToDispose = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(childEntries)); // rebuild child entries using old when possible childEntries = new PropertySheetEntry[descriptors.size()]; boolean entriesChanged = descriptors.size() != entryCache.size(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.size(); i++) { IPropertyDescriptor d = (IPropertyDescriptor) descriptors.get(i); // see if we have an entry matching this descriptor PropertySheetEntry entry = (PropertySheetEntry) entryCache.get(d.getId()); if (entry != null) { // reuse old entry entry.setDescriptor(d); entriesToDispose.remove(entry); } else { // create new entry entry = new PropertySheetEntry(); entry.setDescriptor(d); entry.setParent(this); entry.setPropertySourceProvider(propertySourceProvider); entriesChanged = true; } entry.refreshValues(); childEntries[i] = entry; } if (entriesChanged) fireChildEntriesChanged(); // Dispose of entries which are no longer needed for (int i = 0; i < entriesToDispose.size(); i++) { ((IPropertySheetEntry) entriesToDispose.get(i)).dispose(); } }
@Override public Object getId() { return mDelegate.getId(); }
public PropertyDescriptorWrapper(IPropertyDescriptor delegate) { super(delegate.getId(), delegate.getDisplayName()); mDelegate = delegate; }
/** * Return the sorted intersection of all the <code>IPropertyDescriptor</code>s for the objects. */ private List computeMergedPropertyDescriptors() { if (values.length == 0) return new ArrayList(0); // get all descriptors from each object Map[] propertyDescriptorMaps = new Map[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Object object = values[i]; IPropertySource source = getPropertySource(object); if (source == null) { // if one of the selected items is not a property source // then we show no properties return new ArrayList(0); } // get the property descriptors keyed by id propertyDescriptorMaps[i] = computePropertyDescriptorsFor(source); } // intersect Map intersection = propertyDescriptorMaps[0]; for (int i = 1; i < propertyDescriptorMaps.length; i++) { // get the current ids Object[] ids = intersection.keySet().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { Object object = propertyDescriptorMaps[i].get(ids[j]); if (object == null || // see if the descriptors (which have the same id) are compatible !((IPropertyDescriptor) intersection.get(ids[j])) .isCompatibleWith((IPropertyDescriptor) object)) intersection.remove(ids[j]); } } // Sort the descriptors List descriptors = new ArrayList(intersection.values()); Collections.sort( descriptors, new Comparator() { Collator coll = Collator.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); public int compare(Object a, Object b) { IPropertyDescriptor d1, d2; String dname1, dname2; d1 = (IPropertyDescriptor) a; dname1 = d1.getDisplayName(); d2 = (IPropertyDescriptor) b; dname2 = d2.getDisplayName(); return, dname2); } }); IPropertyDescriptor idDescriptor = null; for (Iterator iter = descriptors.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { IPropertyDescriptor element = (IPropertyDescriptor); String id = (String) element.getId(); if ("id".equals(id)) { idDescriptor = element; break; } if ("name".equals(id)) { idDescriptor = element; break; } if ("property".equals(id)) { idDescriptor = element; break; } } if (idDescriptor != null) { descriptors.remove(idDescriptor); descriptors.add(0, idDescriptor); } return descriptors; }
public ReadonlyPropertyController(IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { super(propertyDescriptor, propertyDescriptor.getId()); }
@Override protected void createColumns() { int bounds = 100; int column = 0; clearColumns(); List list = propertySources; if (list.isEmpty() && exemplar != null) { list = new ArrayList(); list.add(exemplar); } boolean usePropertySourceProviderIfItHasNicerRenderers = false; if (usePropertySourceProviderIfItHasNicerRenderers) { SortedMap<String, TableViewerColumn> headers = new TreeMap<String, TableViewerColumn>(); for (Object object : list) { final IPropertySource propertySource = PropertySources.asPropertySource(object); IPropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = propertySource.getPropertyDescriptors(); if (descriptors != null) { for (final IPropertyDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { final Object id = descriptor.getId(); String header = PropertyDescriptors.getReadablePropertyName(descriptor); TableViewerColumn col = headers.get(header); if (col == null) { col = createTableViewerColumn(header, bounds, column++); headers.put(header, col); IPropertySourceProvider propertySourceProvider = new IPropertySourceProvider() { @Override public IPropertySource getPropertySource(Object object) { return PropertySources.asPropertySource(object); } }; col.setLabelProvider(new PropertyColumnLabelProvider(propertySourceProvider, id)); } } } } } else { SortedMap<String, Function1> headers = new TreeMap<String, Function1>(); for (Object object : list) { final IPropertySource propertySource = PropertySources.asPropertySource(object); IPropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = propertySource.getPropertyDescriptors(); if (descriptors != null) { for (final IPropertyDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { final Object id = descriptor.getId(); String name = PropertyDescriptors.getReadablePropertyName(descriptor); Function1 function = new Function1WithReturnType() { @Override public Object apply(Object object) { IPropertySource property = PropertySources.asPropertySource(object); if (property != null) { return property.getPropertyValue(id); } return null; } @Override public Class<?> getReturnType() { return PropertyDescriptors.getPropertyType(descriptor); } }; headers.put(name, function); } } } int idx = 0; boolean pickedSortColumn = false; Set<Entry<String, Function1>> entrySet = headers.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Function1> entry : entrySet) { String header = entry.getKey(); if (!pickedSortColumn && isDefaultSortColumn(header)) { setDefaultSortColumnIndex(idx); pickedSortColumn = true; } Function1 function = entry.getValue(); addFunction(function); TableViewerColumn col = createTableViewerColumn(header, bounds, column++); col.setLabelProvider(createColumnLabelProvider(header, function)); idx++; } } }
private void createDecoratedTextField( final IPropertyDescriptor descriptor, FormToolkit toolkit, Composite parent, final IMessageManager mmng) { final Object id = descriptor.getId(); String labelText = descriptor.getDisplayName(); String tooltip = Tooltips.tooltip(id.toString()); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); boolean isDescription = NODE_DESCRIPTION.equals(id); Control widget; boolean isComplexProperty = descriptor instanceof ComplexPropertyDescriptor; boolean isUnionProperty = descriptor instanceof ComplexUnionPropertyDescriptor; if (isComplexProperty) { widget = bindNestedComplexProperties( toolkit, parent, mmng, (ComplexPropertyDescriptor) descriptor, id, labelText, tooltip); } else { Label label = toolkit.createLabel(parent, labelText); label.setToolTipText(tooltip); if (isDescription) { label.setLayoutData(gd); } if (isUnionProperty) { widget = bindNestedComplexUnionProperties( toolkit, parent, mmng, id, labelText, tooltip, (ComplexUnionPropertyDescriptor) descriptor); } else if (descriptor instanceof ExpressionPropertyDescriptor) { // lets create a composite and add a text are and a combo box // ExpandableComposite composite = // toolkit.createExpandableComposite(parent, SWT.HORIZONTAL); Composite composite = toolkit.createComposite(parent); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false); zeroMargins(layout); composite.setLayout(layout); widget = composite; Text text = toolkit.createText(composite, "", SWT.BORDER); text.setToolTipText(tooltip); gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); // gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING; // gd.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; // gd.verticalIndent = 0; // gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL; text.setLayoutData(gd); ISWTObservableValue textValue = Forms.observe(text); // NOTE this code only works if the LanguageExpressionBean is // not // replaced under our feet! final LanguageExpressionBean expression = LanguageExpressionBean.bindToNodeProperty(node, id); final String expressionPropertyName = "expression"; Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, expression, expressionPropertyName, isMandatory(expression, expressionPropertyName), expressionPropertyName, textValue, text); String languageLabel = EditorMessages.propertiesLanguageTitle; toolkit.createLabel(composite, languageLabel); // toolkit.createSeparator(composite, SWT.SEPARATOR); Combo combo = new Combo(composite, SWT.NONE | SWT.BORDER); combo.setItems(new Languages().languageArray()); toolkit.adapt(combo, true, true); ISWTObservableValue comboValue = WidgetProperties.selection().observe(combo); Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, expression, "language", isMandatory(expression, "language"), languageLabel, comboValue, combo); String language = expression.getLanguage(); if (language == null) { language = CamelModelHelper.getDefaultLanguageName(); expression.setLanguage(language); } // now lets forward property events to the node expression.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java * .beans .PropertyChangeEvent) */ @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { node.firePropertyChange(id.toString(), null, expression); } }); } else { String propertyName = getPropertyName(id); Class refType = isBeanRef(node, propertyName); if (refType != null) { Combo combo = new Combo(parent, SWT.NONE | SWT.BORDER); String[] beanRefs = getBeanRefs(refType); combo.setItems(beanRefs); toolkit.adapt(combo, true, true); widget = combo; ISWTObservableValue comboValue = WidgetProperties.selection().observe(combo); Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, node, propertyName, isMandatory(node, propertyName), labelText, comboValue, combo); } else if (isEndpointUri(node, propertyName)) { Combo combo = new Combo(parent, SWT.NONE | SWT.BORDER); combo.setItems(getEndpointUris()); toolkit.adapt(combo, true, true); widget = combo; ISWTObservableValue comboValue = WidgetProperties.selection().observe(combo); Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, node, propertyName, isMandatory(node, propertyName), labelText, comboValue, combo); } else if (descriptor instanceof BooleanPropertyDescriptor) { Button checkbox = new Button(parent, SWT.CHECK); widget = checkbox; ISWTObservableValue textValue = Forms.observe(checkbox); Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, node, propertyName, isMandatory(node, propertyName), labelText, textValue, checkbox); } else if (descriptor instanceof ListPropertyDescriptor) { if (CamelModelHelper.isPropertyListOFSetHeaders(id)) { Control control = bindSetHeaderTable(toolkit, parent, id); widget = control; } else { Control control = bindListOfValues(toolkit, parent, id); widget = control; } } else if (descriptor instanceof EnumPropertyDescriptor) { EnumPropertyDescriptor enumProperty = (EnumPropertyDescriptor) descriptor; ComboViewer combo = new ComboViewer(parent, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.BORDER); combo.setContentProvider(ArrayContentProvider.getInstance()); combo.setInput(getEnumValues(enumProperty.getEnumType())); IViewerObservableValue comboValue = ViewersObservables.observeSingleSelection(combo); Control control = combo.getControl(); Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, node, propertyName, isMandatory(node, propertyName), labelText, comboValue, control); toolkit.adapt(control, true, true); widget = control; } else { Text text; if (isDescription) { text = toolkit.createText( parent, "", SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL); } else { text = toolkit.createText(parent, "", SWT.BORDER); } text.setToolTipText(tooltip); widget = text; ISWTObservableValue textValue = Forms.observe(text); Forms.bindBeanProperty( bindingContext, mmng, node, propertyName, isMandatory(node, propertyName), labelText, textValue, text); } } } boolean isComplexOrUnion = isComplexProperty || isUnionProperty; if (isDescription || isComplexOrUnion) { gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gd.heightHint = 90; gd.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true; gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; if (isComplexOrUnion) { gd.heightHint = -1; } if (isComplexProperty) { gd.horizontalSpan = 2; } } else { gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); } gd.widthHint = 250; widget.setLayoutData(gd); }
@Override protected synchronized void onNodeChanged(AbstractNode node) { if (form != null && !form.isDisposed()) { try { form.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore any expose exceptions } } form = null; if (parent.isDisposed()) return; parent.setLayout(new GridLayout()); // parent.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false)); parent.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); form = toolkit.createForm(parent); form.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); form.setText(EditorMessages.propertiesDetailsTitle); toolkit.decorateFormHeading(form); form.getBody().setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); Composite sbody = form.getBody(); if (node != null) { final IMessageManager mmng = form.getMessageManager(); form.setText(node.getPatternName()); IPropertyDescriptor idDescriptor = null; IPropertyDescriptor descriptionDescriptor = null; IPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = node.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (IPropertyDescriptor descriptor : propertyDescriptors) { final Object id = descriptor.getId(); if ("AbstractNode.Id".equals(id)) { idDescriptor = descriptor; } else if (NODE_DESCRIPTION.equals(id)) { descriptionDescriptor = descriptor; } else { String propertyName = getPropertyName(id); boolean mandatory = descriptor instanceof ExpressionPropertyDescriptor || isMandatory(node, propertyName); if ((mandatory && i == 0) || (!mandatory && i == 1)) { createDecoratedTextField(descriptor, toolkit, sbody, mmng); } } } } if (idDescriptor != null || descriptionDescriptor != null) { if (idDescriptor != null) { createDecoratedTextField(idDescriptor, toolkit, sbody, mmng); } if (descriptionDescriptor != null) { createDecoratedTextField(descriptionDescriptor, toolkit, sbody, mmng); } } // ref ECLIPSE-1012: unsaved nodes may be disposed // mmng.update(); } else { form.setText(EditorMessages.propertiesDetailsTitle); } layoutForm(); }