예제 #1
  protected void update(Model model) {

    // Check
    if (toolbar == null) return;

    // For each item
    for (final ToolItem item : toolbar.getItems()) {

      // Check group
      if (!(item.getData() instanceof MainMenuGroup)) {
        MainMenuItem mItem = (MainMenuItem) item.getData();
        item.setEnabled(mItem == null || mItem.isEnabled(model));
        public void handleEvent(Event event) {
          if (psTB.isDisposed()) {

          MUIElement changedElement = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);

          if (psME == null || !(changedElement instanceof MPerspective)) return;

          String attName = (String) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ATTNAME);
          Object newValue = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE);

          MWindow perspWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(changedElement);
          MWindow switcherWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(psME);
          if (perspWin != switcherWin) return;

          MPerspective perspective = (MPerspective) changedElement;
          if (!perspective.isToBeRendered()) return;

          for (ToolItem ti : psTB.getItems()) {
            if (ti.getData() == perspective) {
              updateToolItem(ti, attName, newValue);

          // update the size
  protected ToolItem getItemFor(MPerspective persp) {
    if (psTB == null) return null;

    for (ToolItem ti : psTB.getItems()) {
      if (ti.getData() == persp) return ti;

    return null;
 private void selectPerspective(String id) {
   for (ToolItem item : bar.getItems()) item.setSelection(((String) item.getData()).equals(id));
   try {
         .showPerspective(id, PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow());
   } catch (WorkbenchException e) {
     if (Log.error(this)) Log.error(this, "Unable to change perspective", e);
 private void disposeToolItems() {
   for (int i = 0; i < toolItemList.size(); i++) {
     ToolItem item = (ToolItem) toolItemList.get(i);
     if (!item.isDisposed()) {
       Object data = item.getData();
       if (data != null && data instanceof Menu) {
         Menu menu = (Menu) data;
         if (!menu.isDisposed()) {
  private void track(MouseEvent e) {
    // Create and track the feedback overlay
    if (dragShell == null) createFeedback();

    // Move the drag shell
    Rectangle b = dragItem.getBounds();
    Point p = new Point(e.x, e.y);
    p = dragShell.getDisplay().map(dragItem.getParent(), null, p);
    dragShell.setLocation(p.x - (b.width / 2), p.y - (b.height / 2));

    // Set the cursor feedback
    ToolBar bar = (ToolBar) e.widget;
    ToolItem curItem = bar.getItem(new Point(e.x, e.y));
    if (curItem != null && curItem.getData() instanceof MPerspective) {
    } else {
        public void handleEvent(Event event) {
          if (psTB.isDisposed()) {

          MUIElement changedElement = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);

          if (psME == null || !(changedElement instanceof MPerspectiveStack)) return;

          MWindow perspWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(changedElement);
          MWindow switcherWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(psME);
          if (perspWin != switcherWin) return;

          MPerspectiveStack perspStack = (MPerspectiveStack) changedElement;
          if (!perspStack.isToBeRendered()) return;

          MPerspective selElement = perspStack.getSelectedElement();
          for (ToolItem ti : psTB.getItems()) {
            ti.setSelection(ti.getData() == selElement);
예제 #8
  * @see com.aptana.ide.core.ui.widgets.ToolTip#shouldCreateToolTip(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event)
 protected boolean shouldCreateToolTip(Event event) {
   boolean shouldCreateToolTip = super.shouldCreateToolTip(event);
   if (shouldCreateToolTip) {
     ToolItem item = tb.getItem(new Point(event.x, event.y));
     if (item == null) {
       return false;
     Object data2 = item.getData();
     ContributionItem citem = (ContributionItem) data2;
     if (citem instanceof ActionContributionItem) {
       ActionContributionItem cm = (ActionContributionItem) citem;
       IAction action = cm.getAction();
       String id = action.getId();
       if (id != null) {
         if (id.equals(this.id)) {
           return true;
   return false;
 public static String getSelectedPerspective() {
   if (bar == null || bar.isDisposed()) return null;
   for (ToolItem item : bar.getItems()) if (item.getSelection()) return (String) item.getData();
   return null;
   * Attempts to update the existing toolbar actions, if the action list is similar to the current
   * list. Returns false if this cannot be done and the contents must be replaced.
  private boolean updateActions(@NonNull List<RuleAction> actions) {
    List<RuleAction> before = mPrevActions;
    List<RuleAction> after = actions;

    if (before == null) {
      return false;

    if (!before.equals(after) || after.size() > mLayoutToolBar.getItemCount()) {
      return false;

    int actionIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0, max = mLayoutToolBar.getItemCount(); i < max; i++) {
      ToolItem item = mLayoutToolBar.getItem(i);
      int style = item.getStyle();
      Object data = item.getData();
      if (data != null) {
        // One action can result in multiple toolbar items (e.g. a choice action
        // can result in multiple radio buttons), so we've have to replace all of
        // them with the corresponding new action
        RuleAction prevAction = before.get(actionIndex);
        while (prevAction != data) {
          if (actionIndex == before.size()) {
            return false;
          prevAction = before.get(actionIndex);
          if (prevAction == data) {
          } else if (!(prevAction instanceof RuleAction.Separator)) {
            return false;
        RuleAction newAction = after.get(actionIndex);
        assert newAction.equals(prevAction); // Maybe I can do this lazily instead?

        // Update action binding to the new action

        // Sync button states: the checked state is not considered part of
        // RuleAction equality
        if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0) {
          assert newAction instanceof Toggle;
          Toggle toggle = (Toggle) newAction;
        } else if ((style & SWT.RADIO) != 0) {
          assert newAction instanceof Choices;
          Choices choices = (Choices) newAction;
          String current = choices.getCurrent();
          String id = (String) item.getData(ATTR_ID);
          boolean selected = Strings.nullToEmpty(current).equals(id);
      } else {
        // Must be a separator, or a label (which we insert for nested widgets)
        assert (style & SWT.SEPARATOR) != 0 || !item.getText().isEmpty() : item;

    return true;