/** Export the selected values from the table to a csv file */ private void export() { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(shell, SWT.SAVE); String[] filterNames = new String[] {"CSV Files", "All Files (*)"}; String[] filterExtensions = new String[] {"*.csv;", "*"}; String filterPath = "/"; String platform = SWT.getPlatform(); if (platform.equals("win32") || platform.equals("wpf")) { filterNames = new String[] {"CSV Files", "All Files (*.*)"}; filterExtensions = new String[] {"*.csv", "*.*"}; filterPath = "c:\\"; } dialog.setFilterNames(filterNames); dialog.setFilterExtensions(filterExtensions); dialog.setFilterPath(filterPath); try { dialog.setFileName(this.getCurrentKey() + ".csv"); } catch (Exception e) { dialog.setFileName("export.csv"); } String fileName = dialog.open(); FileOutputStream fos; OutputStreamWriter out; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(shell, SWT.OK | SWT.ICON_ERROR); messageBox.setMessage("Error creating export file " + fileName + " : " + e.getMessage()); messageBox.open(); return; } Vector<TableItem> sel = new Vector<TableItem>(this.dataTable.getSelection().length); sel.addAll(Arrays.asList(this.dataTable.getSelection())); Collections.reverse(sel); for (TableItem item : sel) { String date = item.getText(0); String value = item.getText(1); try { out.write(date + ";" + value + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { continue; } } try { out.close(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(shell, SWT.OK | SWT.ICON_ERROR); messageBox.setMessage("Error writing export file " + fileName + " : " + e.getMessage()); messageBox.open(); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void selectOutputFile() { FileDialog dlg = new FileDialog(getParentShell(), SWT.SAVE); ArrayList<String> extensionList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (chosenOutputFormat != null && chosenOutputFormat.getFileSuffix() != null) { extensionList.add("*." + chosenOutputFormat.getFileSuffix()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } extensionList.add("*.*"); // $NON-NLS-1$ dlg.setFilterExtensions(extensionList.toArray(new String[extensionList.size()])); dlg.setFileName(getDefaultOutputFilename()); dlg.setOverwrite(true); String path; if (isFilePath()) { path = getOldFolderPath(); } else { path = defaultFolder; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("File dialog path set to: " + path); // $NON-NLS-1$ } dlg.setFilterPath(path); String fn = dlg.open(); if (fn != null) { textFile.setText(fn); getButton(IDialogConstants.OK_ID).setEnabled(true); } }
public OutputStream getOutputStream(Shell shell) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(shell, SWT.SAVE); String filterPath; String relativeFileName; int lastIndexOfFileSeparator = defaultFileName.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (lastIndexOfFileSeparator >= 0) { filterPath = defaultFileName.substring(0, lastIndexOfFileSeparator); relativeFileName = defaultFileName.substring(lastIndexOfFileSeparator + 1); } else { filterPath = "/"; // $NON-NLS-1$ relativeFileName = defaultFileName; } dialog.setFilterPath(filterPath); dialog.setOverwrite(true); dialog.setFileName(relativeFileName); dialog.setFilterNames(defaultFilterNames); dialog.setFilterExtensions(defaultFilterExtensions); String fileName = dialog.open(); if (fileName == null) { return null; } try { return new PrintStream(fileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
private static String saveAs(Shell parent) { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(parent, SWT.SAVE); fd.setText(Messages.Screenshots_SaveAsDialog); String[] filterExt = {"*" + EXTENSION}; // $NON-NLS-1$ fd.setFilterExtensions(filterExt); fd.setFileName(getDefaultFilename()); return fd.open(); }
private String browseForSourceFile(String[] extensions) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.OPEN); String wkspRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString(); dialog.setFileName(wkspRoot); dialog.setFilterExtensions(extensions); String result = dialog.open(); return result; }
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.OPEN); dialog.setFileName(fileText.getText()); String text = dialog.open(); if (text != null) { fileText.setText(text); } }
public String askUserForOutputFilename() { Shell shell = UiPlugin.getDefault().getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(); FileDialog dlg = new FileDialog(shell, SWT.SAVE); dlg.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.txt", "*.*"}); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ dlg.setText(UiConstants.Util.getString(EXPORT_SQL_DIALOG_TITLE)); dlg.setFileName(UiConstants.Util.getString(EXPORT_DEFAULT_FILENAME)); return dlg.open(); }
private void browse() { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(base.getShell(), SWT.SAVE); String file = getFile(); if (file != null) { dialog.setFileName(file); } String selection = dialog.open(); if (selection != null) { setFile(selection); } }
private void selectFile() { FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.OPEN); fileDialog.setText("Select JSHint library file"); File file = new File(preferences.getCustomLibPath()); fileDialog.setFileName(file.getName()); fileDialog.setFilterPath(file.getParent()); fileDialog.setFilterNames(new String[] {"JavaScript files"}); fileDialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.js", ""}); String selectedPath = fileDialog.open(); if (selectedPath != null) { customLibPathText.setText(selectedPath); } }
/** Open a resource chooser to select a PDA program */ protected void browseLispExeFiles() { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(getShell()); fd.setFileName(fProgramText.getText()); if (exename != null && exename != "") { fd.setFilterNames(new String[] {exename}); } else if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows")) { fd.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.exe"}); } String fileName = fd.open(); if (fileName != null) { fProgramText.setText(fileName); } }
/** Override this to plugin custom OutputStream. */ protected OutputStream getOutputStream(ExportToExcelCommand command) throws IOException { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(command.getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setFilterPath("/"); dialog.setOverwrite(true); dialog.setFileName("table_export.xls"); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"Microsoft Office Excel Workbook(.xls)"}); String fileName = dialog.open(); if (fileName == null) { return null; } return new PrintStream(fileName); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override void commandButtonExecute(MigrationEditorOperation editor) { LOGGER.info(MessageUtil.INF_ACTION_SAVE_CSV); TreeViewer treeViewer = editor.getTreeViewer(); List<JbmEditorMigrationRow> list = createEditorViewData(treeViewer); try { String temporaryCsvFilePath = PluginUtil.getPluginDir() + ApplicationPropertyUtil.OUTPUT_TEMPORARY_CSV; outputTemporaryCsv(list, temporaryCsvFilePath); FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(treeViewer.getControl().getShell(), SWT.SAVE); String[] extensions = {ApplicationPropertyUtil.EXTENSION_CSV}; dialog.setFilterExtensions(extensions); dialog.setFileName(ApplicationPropertyUtil.DEFAULT_CSV_FILENAME); outputFilePath = temporaryCsvFilePath.replaceFirst(StringUtil.SLASH, StringUtil.EMPTY); final String formPath = outputFilePath; final String toPath = dialog.open(); if (toPath != null) { Job job = new Job(MessageUtil.INF_SAVE_CSV_START) { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.beginTask(MessageUtil.INF_SAVE_CSV_START, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); // Cancellation process if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } // CSV output CmnFileUtil.copyFile(formPath, toPath); monitor.done(); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; job.setUser(true); job.schedule(); } } catch (JbmException e) { PluginUtil.viewErrorDialog(ResourceUtil.OUTPUT_CSV, MessageUtil.ERR_OUTPUT_CSV, e); } catch (IOException e) { PluginUtil.viewErrorDialog(ResourceUtil.OUTPUT_CSV, MessageUtil.ERR_OUTPUT_CSV, e); } }
private String browse(final String path) { final FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setFilterExtensions(m_filenameExtensions); dialog.setFilterNames(m_fileTypes); if (path != "") // $NON-NLS-1$ dialog.setFileName(path); final String fileName = dialog.open(); if (fileName == null) return ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ final String[] filterExtensions = dialog.getFilterExtensions(); boolean regularExtension = false; for (final String filterExtension : filterExtensions) if (fileName.endsWith(filterExtension.substring(1))) { regularExtension = true; break; } if (!regularExtension && filterExtensions.length == 1) return fileName + filterExtensions[0].substring(1); return fileName; }
private void saveImportOrder(List elements) { IDialogSettings dialogSettings = JavaScriptPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings(); FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setText(PreferencesMessages.ImportOrganizeConfigurationBlock_saveDialog_title); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.importorder", "*.*"}); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ dialog.setFileName("example.importorder"); // $NON-NLS-1$ String lastPath = dialogSettings.get(DIALOGSETTING_LASTSAVEPATH); if (lastPath != null) { dialog.setFilterPath(lastPath); } String fileName = dialog.open(); if (fileName != null) { dialogSettings.put(DIALOGSETTING_LASTSAVEPATH, dialog.getFilterPath()); Properties properties = new Properties(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { ImportOrderEntry entry = (ImportOrderEntry) elements.get(i); properties.setProperty(String.valueOf(i), entry.serialize()); } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); properties.store(fos, "Organize Import Order"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IOException e) { JavaScriptPlugin.log(e); String title = PreferencesMessages.ImportOrganizeConfigurationBlock_saveDialog_error_title; String message = PreferencesMessages.ImportOrganizeConfigurationBlock_saveDialog_error_message; MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), title, message); } finally { if (fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } }
protected void handleDestinationBrowseButtonPressed() { String idealSuffix; FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getContainer().getShell(), SWT.SAVE); if (isAddMavenScript()) { idealSuffix = OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX; } else { idealSuffix = getOutputSuffix(); } dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {'*' + idealSuffix, "*.*"}); // $NON-NLS-1$ File destination = new File(getDestinationValue()); dialog.setFileName(destination.getName()); dialog.setFilterPath(destination.getParent()); String selectedFileName = dialog.open(); if (selectedFileName == null) { return; } if (!selectedFileName.endsWith(idealSuffix)) { selectedFileName += idealSuffix; } checkDestination(selectedFileName); destinationValue = selectedFileName; }
private void init() throws IOException { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(GUI.getShell(), SWT.SAVE); fd.setText("Ausgabedatei wählen."); String path = settings.getString("lastdir", System.getProperty("user.home")); if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { fd.setFilterPath(path); } fd.setFileName( new Dateiname( "kontoauszug", "", Einstellungen.getEinstellung().getDateinamenmuster(), "PDF") .get()); fd.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.PDF"}); String s = fd.open(); if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return; } if (!s.endsWith(".PDF")) { s = s + ".PDF"; } file = new File(s); settings.setAttribute("lastdir", file.getParent()); }
private String getFilePathByFileDialog(String modelElementName) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setFilterNames(FILTER_NAMES); dialog.setFilterExtensions(FILTER_EXTS); String initialPath = PreferenceHelper.getPreference(EXPORT_MODEL_PATH, System.getProperty("user.home")); dialog.setFilterPath(initialPath); dialog.setOverwrite(true); try { // String initialFileName = projectSpace.getProjectName() + "@" // + projectSpace.getBaseVersion().getIdentifier() + ".ucp"; String initialFileName = "ModelElement_" + modelElementName + "." + FILE_EXTENSION; dialog.setFileName(initialFileName); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // do nothing } String filePath = dialog.open(); return filePath; }
private File getFile(Object exportItem) { File file = null; if (exportItem instanceof Class) { DirectoryDialog directoryDialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell()); directoryDialog.setMessage(Messages.ExportWizardSelectDirectory); String dir = directoryDialog.open(); if (dir != null) file = new File(dir); } else { String name = null; if (exportItem instanceof Account) name = ((Account) exportItem).getName(); else if (exportItem instanceof Portfolio) name = ((Portfolio) exportItem).getName(); else if (exportItem instanceof Security) name = ((Security) exportItem).getIsin(); else if (exportItem instanceof String) name = (String) exportItem; FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.SAVE); if (name != null) dialog.setFileName(name + ".csv"); // $NON-NLS-1$ String fileName = dialog.open(); if (fileName != null) file = new File(fileName); } return file; }
public void open(TreeItem items[], String defaultFilename) { try { String html = getHtml(items); final FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell().getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.html"}); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (defaultFilename != null && !defaultFilename.equals("")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ dialog.setFileName(defaultFilename); } String filename = dialog.open(); if (filename == null || filename.equals("")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ return; } try { XViewerLib.writeStringToFile(html, new File(filename)); } catch (IOException ex) { XViewerLog.log(Activator.class, Level.SEVERE, ex); return; } Program.launch(filename); } catch (Exception ex) { XViewerLog.logAndPopup(Activator.class, Level.SEVERE, ex); } }
public Gfui_dlg_file Init_file_(String v) { under.setFileName(v); return this; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.jface.action.Action#run() */ protected void doRun() { RepositoryNode node = (RepositoryNode) ((IStructuredSelection) getSelection()).getFirstElement(); final Item item = node.getObject().getProperty().getItem(); if (item == null) { return; } String initialFileName = null; String initialExtension = null; if (item instanceof DocumentationItem) { DocumentationItem documentationItem = (DocumentationItem) item; initialFileName = documentationItem.getName(); if (documentationItem.getExtension() != null) { initialExtension = documentationItem.getExtension(); } } else if (item instanceof LinkDocumentationItem) { // link documenation LinkDocumentationItem linkDocItem = (LinkDocumentationItem) item; if (!LinkUtils.validateLink(linkDocItem.getLink())) { MessageDialog.openError( Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), Messages.getString("ExtractDocumentationAction.fileErrorTitle"), // $NON-NLS-1$ Messages.getString("ExtractDocumentationAction.fileErrorMessages")); // $NON-NLS-1$ return; } initialFileName = linkDocItem.getName(); if (linkDocItem.getExtension() != null) { initialExtension = linkDocItem.getExtension(); } } if (initialFileName != null) { FileDialog fileDlg = new FileDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), SWT.SAVE); if (initialExtension != null) { initialFileName = initialFileName + LinkUtils.DOT + initialExtension; // $NON-NLS-1$ fileDlg.setFilterExtensions( new String[] {"*." + initialExtension, "*.*"}); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } fileDlg.setFileName(initialFileName); String filename = fileDlg.open(); if (filename != null) { final File file = new File(filename); ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell()) { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { try { if (item instanceof DocumentationItem) { DocumentationItem documentationItem = (DocumentationItem) item; documentationItem.getContent().setInnerContentToFile(file); } else if (item instanceof LinkDocumentationItem) { // link documenation LinkDocumentationItem linkDocItem = (LinkDocumentationItem) item; ByteArray byteArray = LinkDocumentationHelper.getLinkItemContent(linkDocItem); if (byteArray != null) { byteArray.setInnerContentToFile(file); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { MessageBoxExceptionHandler.process(ioe); } } }; try { progressDialog.executeProcess(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { ExceptionHandler.process(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Nothing to do } } } }
@Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { BarcodeViewGuiData guiData = null; try { guiData = new BarcodeViewGuiData(); // save dialog for pdf file. FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(shell, SWT.SAVE); fileDialog.setFilterPath( perferenceStore.getString(PreferenceConstants.PDF_DIRECTORY_PATH)); fileDialog.setOverwrite(true); fileDialog.setFileName("default.pdf"); // $NON-NLS-1$ String pdfFilePath = fileDialog.open(); if (pdfFilePath == null) return; List<String> patientNumbers = SessionManager.getAppService().executeGetSourceSpecimenUniqueInventoryIds(32); SaveOperation saveOperation = new SaveOperation(guiData, patientNumbers, pdfFilePath); try { new ProgressMonitorDialog(shell).run(true, true, saveOperation); } catch (InvocationTargetException e1) { saveOperation.saveFailed(); saveOperation.setError( Messages.PatientLabelEntryForm_saveop_error_title, "InvocationTargetException: " //$NON-NLS-1$ + e1.getCause().getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { BgcPlugin.openAsyncError(Messages.PatientLabelEntryForm_save_error_title, e2); } if (saveOperation.isSuccessful()) { String parentDir = new File(pdfFilePath).getParentFile().getPath(); if (parentDir != null) perferenceStore.setValue(PreferenceConstants.PDF_DIRECTORY_PATH, parentDir); updateSavePreferences(); clearFieldsConfirm(); return; } if (saveOperation.errorExists()) { BgcPlugin.openAsyncError(saveOperation.getError()[0], saveOperation.getError()[1]); } } catch (CBSRGuiVerificationException e1) { BgcPlugin.openAsyncError(e1.title, e1.messsage); return; } catch (BiobankServerException e2) { BgcPlugin.openAsyncError( Messages.PatientLabelEntryForm_specId_error_title, e2.getMessage()); } catch (ApplicationException e3) { BgcPlugin.openAsyncError( Messages.PatientLabelEntryForm_server_error_title, e3.getMessage()); } }
public Result export(String speratorChar, String fileExtension) { if (!popupConfirm || popupConfirm && MessageDialog.openConfirm( Displays.getActiveShell(), "Export Table", "Export Table to CSV?")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(title + "\n"); String htmlStr = AHTML.htmlToText(html); Matcher m = Pattern.compile( "<table.*?</table>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE) .matcher(htmlStr); if (m.find()) { String csv = m.group(); Matcher rowM = Pattern.compile( "<tr.*?>(.*?)</tr>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE) .matcher(csv); while (rowM.find()) { String row = rowM.group(1); row = row.replaceAll("[\n\r]*", ""); // Handle all the headers for (String tag : elementTags) { Matcher thM = Pattern.compile( "<" + tag + ".*?>(.*?)</" + tag + ">", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE) .matcher(row); String csvRow = ""; while (thM.find()) { String cellStr = removeLeadTrailSpaces(thM.group(1)); String excelTextPrefix = (excelTextFields && !cellStr.contains(",")) ? "=" : ""; csvRow += excelTextPrefix + "\"" + cellStr + "\"" + speratorChar; } if (!csvRow.equals("")) { csvRow = csvRow.replaceFirst(speratorChar + "$", "\n"); sb.append(csvRow); } } } String path = ""; if (popupConfirm) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(Displays.getActiveShell(), SWT.SAVE | SWT.SINGLE); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*." + fileExtension}); dialog.setFilterPath(System.getProperty("user.home")); dialog.setFileName("table.csv"); path = dialog.open(); } else { path = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "table." + fileExtension; } if (path != null) { try { File file = new File(path); Lib.writeStringToFile(sb.toString(), file); if (openInSystem) { Program.launch(file.getAbsolutePath()); } return Result.TrueResult; } catch (IOException ex) { OseeLog.log(Activator.class, OseeLevel.SEVERE_POPUP, ex); } } } else { AWorkbench.popup("ERROR", "Can't find table in results.\n\nNothing to export"); } } return Result.FalseResult; }
@Override protected String browse(final SapphireRenderingContext context) { final Property property = property(); final List<Path> roots = getBasePaths(); String selectedAbsolutePath = null; final List<String> extensions; if (this.fileExtensionService == null) { extensions = this.staticFileExtensionsList; } else { extensions = this.fileExtensionService.extensions(); } if (enclosed()) { final List<IContainer> baseContainers = new ArrayList<IContainer>(); for (Path path : roots) { final IContainer baseContainer = getWorkspaceContainer(path.toFile()); if (baseContainer != null) { baseContainers.add(baseContainer); } else { break; } } final ITreeContentProvider contentProvider; final ILabelProvider labelProvider; final ViewerComparator viewerComparator; final Object input; if (roots.size() == baseContainers.size()) { // All paths are in the Eclipse Workspace. Use the available content and label // providers. contentProvider = new WorkspaceContentProvider(baseContainers); labelProvider = new WorkbenchLabelProvider(); viewerComparator = new ResourceComparator(); input = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); } else { // At least one of the roots is not in the Eclipse Workspace. Use custom file // system content and label providers. contentProvider = new FileSystemContentProvider(roots); labelProvider = new FileSystemLabelProvider(context); viewerComparator = new FileSystemNodeComparator(); input = new Object(); } final ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementTreeSelectionDialog(context.getShell(), labelProvider, contentProvider); dialog.setTitle(property.definition().getLabel(false, CapitalizationType.TITLE_STYLE, false)); dialog.setMessage( createBrowseDialogMessage( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false))); dialog.setAllowMultiple(false); dialog.setHelpAvailable(false); dialog.setInput(input); dialog.setComparator(viewerComparator); final Path currentPathAbsolute = convertToAbsolute((Path) ((Value<?>) property).content()); if (currentPathAbsolute != null) { Object initialSelection = null; if (contentProvider instanceof WorkspaceContentProvider) { final URI uri = currentPathAbsolute.toFile().toURI(); final IWorkspaceRoot wsroot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); final IFile[] files = wsroot.findFilesForLocationURI(uri); if (files.length > 0) { final IFile file = files[0]; if (file.exists()) { initialSelection = file; } } if (initialSelection == null) { final IContainer[] containers = wsroot.findContainersForLocationURI(uri); if (containers.length > 0) { final IContainer container = containers[0]; if (container.exists()) { initialSelection = container; } } } } else { initialSelection = ((FileSystemContentProvider) contentProvider).find(currentPathAbsolute); } if (initialSelection != null) { dialog.setInitialSelection(initialSelection); } } if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FILE) { dialog.setValidator(new FileSelectionStatusValidator()); } else if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER) { dialog.addFilter(new ContainersOnlyViewerFilter()); } if (!extensions.isEmpty()) { dialog.addFilter(new ExtensionBasedViewerFilter(extensions)); } if (dialog.open() == Window.OK) { final Object firstResult = dialog.getFirstResult(); if (firstResult instanceof IResource) { selectedAbsolutePath = ((IResource) firstResult).getLocation().toString(); } else { selectedAbsolutePath = ((FileSystemNode) firstResult).getFile().getPath(); } } } else if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER) { final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(context.getShell()); dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false)); dialog.setMessage( createBrowseDialogMessage( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false))); final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property; final Path path = (Path) value.content(); if (path != null) { dialog.setFilterPath(path.toOSString()); } else if (roots.size() > 0) { dialog.setFilterPath(roots.get(0).toOSString()); } selectedAbsolutePath = dialog.open(); } else { final FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(context.getShell()); dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false)); final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property; final Path path = (Path) value.content(); if (path != null && path.segmentCount() > 1) { dialog.setFilterPath(path.removeLastSegments(1).toOSString()); dialog.setFileName(path.lastSegment()); } else if (roots.size() > 0) { dialog.setFilterPath(roots.get(0).toOSString()); } if (!extensions.isEmpty()) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String extension : extensions) { if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append(';'); } buf.append("*."); buf.append(extension); } dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {buf.toString()}); } selectedAbsolutePath = dialog.open(); } if (selectedAbsolutePath != null) { final Path relativePath = convertToRelative(new Path(selectedAbsolutePath)); if (relativePath != null) { String result = relativePath.toPortableString(); if (this.includeLeadingSlash) { result = "/" + result; } return result; } } return null; }
/** * Handle the create button selection event. * * @param event org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent */ void createButtonSelected(SelectionEvent event) { /* Compute the appropriate dialog style */ int style = getDefaultStyle(); if (okButton.getEnabled() && okButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.OK; if (cancelButton.getEnabled() && cancelButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.CANCEL; if (yesButton.getEnabled() && yesButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.YES; if (noButton.getEnabled() && noButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.NO; if (retryButton.getEnabled() && retryButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.RETRY; if (abortButton.getEnabled() && abortButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ABORT; if (ignoreButton.getEnabled() && ignoreButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.IGNORE; if (iconErrorButton.getEnabled() && iconErrorButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_ERROR; if (iconInformationButton.getEnabled() && iconInformationButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_INFORMATION; if (iconQuestionButton.getEnabled() && iconQuestionButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_QUESTION; if (iconWarningButton.getEnabled() && iconWarningButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_WARNING; if (iconWorkingButton.getEnabled() && iconWorkingButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_WORKING; if (primaryModalButton.getEnabled() && primaryModalButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL; if (applicationModalButton.getEnabled() && applicationModalButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL; if (systemModalButton.getEnabled() && systemModalButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.SYSTEM_MODAL; if (saveButton.getEnabled() && saveButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.SAVE; if (openButton.getEnabled() && openButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.OPEN; if (multiButton.getEnabled() && multiButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.MULTI; /* Open the appropriate dialog type */ String name = dialogCombo.getText(); if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("ColorDialog"))) { ColorDialog dialog = new ColorDialog(shell, style); dialog.setRGB(new RGB(100, 100, 100)); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); RGB result = dialog.open(); textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("ColorDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getRGB() = " + dialog.getRGB() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("DirectoryDialog"))) { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(shell, style); dialog.setMessage(ControlExample.getResourceString("Example_string")); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); String result = dialog.open(); textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("DirectoryDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("FileDialog"))) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(shell, style); dialog.setFileName(ControlExample.getResourceString("readme_txt")); dialog.setFilterNames(FilterNames); dialog.setFilterExtensions(FilterExtensions); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); String result = dialog.open(); textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("FileDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getFileNames() =" + Text.DELIMITER); if ((dialog.getStyle() & SWT.MULTI) != 0) { String[] files = dialog.getFileNames(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { textWidget.append("\t" + files[i] + Text.DELIMITER); } } textWidget.append( "getFilterIndex() = " + dialog.getFilterIndex() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("FontDialog"))) { FontDialog dialog = new FontDialog(shell, style); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); FontData result = dialog.open(); textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("FontDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getFontList() =" + Text.DELIMITER); FontData[] fonts = dialog.getFontList(); if (fonts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { textWidget.append("\t" + fonts[i] + Text.DELIMITER); } } textWidget.append("getRGB() = " + dialog.getRGB() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("PrintDialog"))) { PrintDialog dialog = new PrintDialog(shell, style); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); PrinterData result = dialog.open(); textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("PrintDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getScope() = " + dialog.getScope() + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getStartPage() = " + dialog.getStartPage() + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getEndPage() = " + dialog.getEndPage() + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( "getPrintToFile() = " + dialog.getPrintToFile() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("MessageBox"))) { MessageBox dialog = new MessageBox(shell, style); dialog.setMessage(ControlExample.getResourceString("Example_string")); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); int result = dialog.open(); textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("MessageBox") + Text.DELIMITER); /* * The resulting integer depends on the original * dialog style. Decode the result and display it. */ switch (result) { case SWT.OK: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.OK"})); break; case SWT.YES: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.YES"})); break; case SWT.NO: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.NO"})); break; case SWT.CANCEL: textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.CANCEL"})); break; case SWT.ABORT: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.ABORT"})); break; case SWT.RETRY: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.RETRY"})); break; case SWT.IGNORE: textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.IGNORE"})); break; default: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result})); break; } textWidget.append(Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); } }
/** * Show a dialog that lets the user select a file. This method allows to set the title of the * dialog. * * @param title The title the dialog should show. * @since 2.1 */ protected String handleBrowseButtonSelected(String title) { FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.NONE); fileDialog.setText(title); fileDialog.setFileName(fProgText.getText()); return fileDialog.open(); }
/** @see de.willuhn.jameica.gui.Action#handleAction(java.lang.Object) */ public void handleAction(Object context) { try { DBIterator it = Einstellungen.getDBService().createList(Mitglied.class); if (it.size() > 0) { SimpleDialog dialog = new SimpleDialog(SimpleDialog.POSITION_CENTER); dialog.setTitle("Fehler"); dialog.setText("Datenbank ist nicht leer!"); dialog.open(); return; } // Vom System eingefügte Sätze löschen. Ansonsten gibt es duplicate keys it = Einstellungen.getDBService().createList(Adresstyp.class); while (it.hasNext()) { Adresstyp a = (Adresstyp) it.next(); a.delete(); } } catch (Exception e1) { Logger.error("Fehler: ", e1); } FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(GUI.getShell(), SWT.OPEN); fd.setFileName("jverein-" + new JVDateFormatJJJJMMTT().format(new Date()) + ".xml"); fd.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.xml"}); fd.setText(JVereinPlugin.getI18n().tr("Bitte wählen Sie die Backup-Datei aus")); String f = fd.open(); if (f == null || f.length() == 0) { return; } final File file = new File(f); if (!file.exists()) { return; } Application.getController() .start( new BackgroundTask() { private boolean cancel = false; /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.system.BackgroundTask#run(de.willuhn.util.ProgressMonitor) */ public void run(ProgressMonitor monitor) throws ApplicationException { monitor.setStatusText(JVereinPlugin.getI18n().tr("Importiere Backup")); Logger.info("importing backup " + file.getAbsolutePath()); final ClassLoader loader = Application.getPluginLoader() .getPlugin(JVereinPlugin.class) .getResources() .getClassLoader(); try { EigenschaftGruppe eg = (EigenschaftGruppe) Einstellungen.getDBService().createObject(EigenschaftGruppe.class, "1"); eg.delete(); } catch (RemoteException e1) { Logger.error("EigenschaftGruppe mit id=1 kann nicht gelöscht werden", e1); } Reader reader = null; try { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); reader = new XmlReader( is, new ObjectFactory() { public GenericObject create(String type, String id, Map values) throws Exception { AbstractDBObject object = (AbstractDBObject) Einstellungen.getDBService() .createObject(loader.loadClass(type), null); object.setID(id); Iterator<?> i = values.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String name = (String) i.next(); object.setAttribute(name, values.get(name)); } return object; } }); long count = 1; GenericObject o = null; while ((o = reader.read()) != null) { try { ((AbstractDBObject) o).insert(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( "unable to import " + o.getClass().getName() + ":" + o.getID() + ", skipping", e); monitor.log( JVereinPlugin.getI18n() .tr( " {0} fehlerhaft: {1}, überspringe ", new String[] {BeanUtil.toString(o), e.getMessage()})); } if (count++ % 100 == 0) { monitor.addPercentComplete(1); } } monitor.setStatus(ProgressMonitor.STATUS_DONE); monitor.setStatusText(JVereinPlugin.getI18n().tr("Backup importiert")); monitor.setPercentComplete(100); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("error while importing data", e); throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); Logger.info("backup imported"); } catch (Exception e) { /* useless */ } } } } /** @see de.willuhn.jameica.system.BackgroundTask#isInterrupted() */ public boolean isInterrupted() { return this.cancel; } /** @see de.willuhn.jameica.system.BackgroundTask#interrupt() */ public void interrupt() { this.cancel = true; } }); }