private int QueryContinueDrag(int fEscapePressed, int grfKeyState) { if (topControl != null && topControl.isDisposed()) return COM.DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL; if (fEscapePressed != 0) { if (hwndDrag != 0) OS.ImageList_DragLeave(hwndDrag); return COM.DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL; } /* * Bug in Windows. On some machines that do not have XBUTTONs, * the MK_XBUTTON1 and OS.MK_XBUTTON2 bits are sometimes set, * causing mouse capture to become stuck. The fix is to test * for the extra buttons only when they exist. */ int mask = OS.MK_LBUTTON | OS.MK_MBUTTON | OS.MK_RBUTTON; // if (display.xMouse) mask |= OS.MK_XBUTTON1 | OS.MK_XBUTTON2; if ((grfKeyState & mask) == 0) { if (hwndDrag != 0) OS.ImageList_DragLeave(hwndDrag); return COM.DRAGDROP_S_DROP; } if (hwndDrag != 0) { POINT pt = new POINT(); OS.GetCursorPos(pt); RECT rect = new RECT(); OS.GetWindowRect(hwndDrag, rect); OS.ImageList_DragMove(pt.x - rect.left, pt.y -; } return COM.S_OK; }
void update() { if (parent != null) { if (parent.isDisposed()) return; parent.getShell().update(); } else { display.update(); } }
/** * Displays the Tracker rectangles for manipulation by the user. Returns when the user has either * finished manipulating the rectangles or has cancelled the Tracker. * * @return <code>true</code> if the user did not cancel the Tracker, <code>false</code> otherwise * @exception SWTException * <ul> * <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver * </ul> */ public boolean open() { checkWidget(); int xDisplay = display.xDisplay; window = OS.XDefaultRootWindow(xDisplay); if (parent != null) { window = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); if (window == 0) return false; } cancelled = false; tracking = true; update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); int[] oldX = new int[1], oldY = new int[1]; int[] unused = new int[1], mask = new int[1]; OS.XQueryPointer(xDisplay, window, unused, unused, oldX, oldY, unused, unused, mask); /* * If exactly one of UP/DOWN is specified as a style then set the cursor * orientation accordingly (the same is done for LEFT/RIGHT styles below). */ int vStyle = style & (SWT.UP | SWT.DOWN); if (vStyle == SWT.UP || vStyle == SWT.DOWN) { cursorOrientation |= vStyle; } int hStyle = style & (SWT.LEFT | SWT.RIGHT); if (hStyle == SWT.LEFT || hStyle == SWT.RIGHT) { cursorOrientation |= hStyle; } int mouseMasks = OS.Button1Mask | OS.Button2Mask | OS.Button3Mask; boolean mouseDown = (mask[0] & mouseMasks) != 0; if (!mouseDown) { Point cursorPos = null; if ((style & SWT.RESIZE) != 0) { cursorPos = adjustResizeCursor(); } else { cursorPos = adjustMoveCursor(); } if (cursorPos != null) { oldX[0] = cursorPos.x; oldY[0] = cursorPos.y; } } this.oldX = oldX[0]; this.oldY = oldY[0]; int ptrGrabResult = OS.XGrabPointer( xDisplay, window, 0, OS.ButtonPressMask | OS.ButtonReleaseMask | OS.PointerMotionMask, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.None, OS.None, OS.CurrentTime); int kbdGrabResult = OS.XGrabKeyboard(xDisplay, window, 0, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.CurrentTime); /* Tracker behaves like a Dialog with its own OS event loop. */ XAnyEvent anyEvent = new XAnyEvent(); int xEvent = OS.XtMalloc(XEvent.sizeof); int dispatch = OS.XtMalloc(4); int xtContext = OS.XtDisplayToApplicationContext(xDisplay); while (tracking) { if (parent != null && parent.isDisposed()) break; OS.XtAppNextEvent(xtContext, xEvent); OS.memmove(anyEvent, xEvent, XAnyEvent.sizeof); int widget = OS.XtWindowToWidget(anyEvent.display, anyEvent.window); switch (anyEvent.type) { case OS.MotionNotify: XPointerMotion(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.ButtonRelease: XButtonRelease(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.KeyPress: XKeyPress(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.KeyRelease: XKeyRelease(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.ButtonPress: case OS.EnterNotify: case OS.LeaveNotify: /* Do not dispatch these */ break; case OS.Expose: update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); OS.XtDispatchEvent(xEvent); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); break; default: OS.XtDispatchEvent(xEvent); } } if (xEvent != 0) OS.XtFree(xEvent); if (dispatch != 0) OS.XtFree(dispatch); if (!isDisposed()) { update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); } if (ptrGrabResult == OS.GrabSuccess) OS.XUngrabPointer(xDisplay, OS.CurrentTime); if (kbdGrabResult == OS.GrabSuccess) OS.XUngrabKeyboard(xDisplay, OS.CurrentTime); window = 0; return !cancelled; }