public ArrayList<String> getChildNames() { ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SimpleXmlElement e : getChildren()) { a.add(e.getName()); } return a; }
public void removeChildren(String tagName) { for (Iterator<SimpleXmlElement> it = m_children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SimpleXmlElement e =; if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { it.remove(); } } }
public SimpleXmlElement getChild(String name) { for (SimpleXmlElement c : m_children) { if (c.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return c; } } return null; }
/** Returns an ArrayList with all children whose name matches the given regular expression. */ public ArrayList<SimpleXmlElement> getChildrenRegEx(String childNameAsRegEx) { ArrayList<SimpleXmlElement> selectedChildren = new ArrayList<SimpleXmlElement>(); for (SimpleXmlElement child : m_children) { if (child.getName().matches(childNameAsRegEx)) { selectedChildren.add(child); } } return selectedChildren; }
public ArrayList<SimpleXmlElement> getChildren(String childrenName) { ArrayList<SimpleXmlElement> a = new ArrayList<SimpleXmlElement>(); for (SimpleXmlElement c : m_children) { if (c.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(childrenName)) { a.add(c); } } return a; }
public boolean isAncestorOf(SimpleXmlElement child) { SimpleXmlElement e = child; while (e != null) { if (e == this) { return true; } e = e.getParent(); } return false; }
public void replaceChild(SimpleXmlElement oldChild, SimpleXmlElement newChild) { if (newChild == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("newChild must not be null"); } int index = m_children.indexOf(oldChild); if (index < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("oldChild " + oldChild + " does not exist"); } m_children.set(index, newChild); newChild.m_parent = this; oldChild.m_parent = null; }
/** * Returns the first child that matches the given regular expression or null if there's no match. */ public SimpleXmlElement getChildRegEx(String childNameAsRegEx) { Iterator<SimpleXmlElement> iterator = m_children.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SimpleXmlElement child =; if (child.getName().matches(childNameAsRegEx)) { return child; } } return null; }
public SimpleXmlElement getRoot() { if (m_parent == null) { return this; } else { return m_parent.getRoot(); } }
public void addChild(SimpleXmlElement child) { if (child.m_parent != null) { child.m_parent.removeChild(child); } m_children.add(child); child.m_parent = this; }
protected void write(Writer writer, String prefix) throws IOException { if (m_name == null) { this.writeEncoded(writer, m_contents); return; } writer.write(prefix + '<'); writer.write(m_name); if (!m_attributeMap.isEmpty()) { for (String key : m_attributeNames) { String value = getAttributeInternal(key); if (value != null) { writer.write(' '); writer.write(key); writer.write('='); writer.write('"'); this.writeEncoded(writer, value); writer.write('"'); } } } if (!m_children.isEmpty()) { writer.write('>'); writer.write("\n"); Iterator<?> en = this.getChildren().iterator(); while (en.hasNext()) { SimpleXmlElement child = (SimpleXmlElement); child.write(writer, prefix + " "); } writer.write(prefix + '<'); writer.write('/'); writer.write(m_name); writer.write('>'); writer.write("\n"); } else if ((m_contents != null) && (m_contents.length() > 0)) { writer.write('>'); this.writeEncoded(writer, m_contents); writer.write('<'); writer.write('/'); writer.write(m_name); writer.write('>'); writer.write("\n"); } else { // this.children.isEmpty() writer.write('/'); writer.write('>'); writer.write("\n"); } }
public void removeChild(SimpleXmlElement child) { m_children.remove(child); child.m_parent = null; }
public void addChild(SimpleXmlElement child, int pos) { m_children.add(pos, child); child.m_parent = this; }
protected void scanElement(SimpleXmlElement elt) throws IOException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); this.scanIdentifier(buf); String eltName = buf.toString(); elt.setName(eltName); char ch = this.scanWhitespace(); while ((ch != '>') && (ch != '/')) { buf.setLength(0); this.unreadChar(ch); this.scanIdentifier(buf); String key = buf.toString(); ch = this.scanWhitespace(); if (ch != '=') { throw this.expectedInput("="); } this.unreadChar(this.scanWhitespace()); buf.setLength(0); this.scanString(buf); elt.setAttribute(key, buf); ch = this.scanWhitespace(); } if (ch == '/') { ch = this.readChar(); if (ch != '>') { throw this.expectedInput(">"); } return; } buf.setLength(0); ch = this.scanWhitespace(buf); if (ch != '<') { this.unreadChar(ch); this.scanPCData(buf); } else { for (; ; ) { ch = this.readChar(); if (ch == '!') { if (this.checkCDATA(buf)) { this.scanPCData(buf); break; } else { ch = this.scanWhitespace(buf); if (ch != '<') { this.unreadChar(ch); this.scanPCData(buf); break; } } } else { if ((ch != '/') || m_ignoreWhitespace) { buf.setLength(0); } if (ch == '/') { this.unreadChar(ch); } break; } } } if (buf.length() == 0) { while (ch != '/') { if (ch == '!') { ch = this.readChar(); if (ch != '-') { throw this.expectedInput("Comment or Element"); } ch = this.readChar(); if (ch != '-') { throw this.expectedInput("Comment or Element"); } this.skipComment(); } else { this.unreadChar(ch); SimpleXmlElement child = this.createAnotherElement(); this.scanElement(child); elt.addChild(child); } ch = this.scanWhitespace(); if (ch != '<') { throw this.expectedInput("<"); } ch = this.readChar(); } this.unreadChar(ch); } else { if (m_ignoreWhitespace) { elt.setContent(buf.toString().trim()); } else { elt.setContent(buf.toString()); } } ch = this.readChar(); if (ch != '/') { throw this.expectedInput("/"); } this.unreadChar(this.scanWhitespace()); if (!this.checkLiteral(eltName)) { throw this.expectedInput(eltName); } if (this.scanWhitespace() != '>') { throw this.expectedInput(">"); } }