/** PUBLIC: Add a type indicator conversion to this mapping. */
  public void addClassIndicator(Class implementer, Object typeIndicator) {
    if (typeIndicator == null) {
      typeIndicator = Helper.getNullWrapper();

    getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(implementer, typeIndicator);
    getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(typeIndicator, implementer);
  /** INTERNAL: Return the type for a specified implementor */
  protected Object getTypeForImplementor(Class implementor) {
    Object type = getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(implementor);
    if (type == Helper.getNullWrapper()) {
      type = null;

    return type;
  /** INTERNAL: Return the implementor for a specified type */
  protected Object getImplementorForType(Object type, AbstractSession session) {
    if (type == null) {
      return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(Helper.getNullWrapper());

    // Must ensure the type is the same, i.e. Integer != BigDecimal.
    try {
      type = session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(type, getTypeField().getType());
    } catch (ConversionException e) {
      throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e);

    return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(type);
  /** INTERNAL: Set the type field classification through searching the indicators hashtable. */
  public void preInitialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
    if (getTypeIndicatorTranslation().isEmpty()) {
    Class type = null;
    for (Iterator typeValuesEnum = getTypeIndicatorTranslation().values().iterator();
        typeValuesEnum.hasNext() && (type == null); ) {
      Object value = typeValuesEnum.next();
      if ((value != Helper.getNullWrapper()) && (!(value instanceof Class))) {
        type = value.getClass();

  * INTERNAL: Add indicators by classname. For use by the Mapping Workbench to avoid classpath
  * dependencies
 public void addClassNameIndicator(String className, Object typeIndicator) {
   if (typeIndicator == null) {
     typeIndicator = Helper.getNullWrapper();
   getTypeIndicatorNameTranslation().put(className, typeIndicator);