  * Tests that removing a tag from a method updates the workspace baseline
  * <p>This test removes a @noextend tag to the method foo() in TestClass1
 public void testWPUpdateSourceMethodRemoveTag() throws Exception {
   IJavaProject project = getTestingProject();
   assertNotNull("The testing project must exist", project);
   IPackageFragmentRoot root =
           new Path(project.getElementName()).append(ProjectUtils.SRC_FOLDER).makeAbsolute());
   assertNotNull("the 'src' package fragment root must exist", root);
   assertTestSource(root, TESTING_PACKAGE, "TestClass1");
   ICompilationUnit element =
       (ICompilationUnit) project.findElement(new Path("a/b/c/TestClass1.java"));
   assertNotNull("TestClass1 must exist in the test project", element);
   updateTagInSource(element, "foo", "()V", "@nooverride", true);
   IApiDescription desc = getTestProjectApiDescription();
   assertNotNull("the testing project api description must exist", desc);
   IApiAnnotations annot =
       desc.resolveAnnotations(Factory.methodDescriptor("a.b.c.TestClass1", "foo", "()V"));
   assertNotNull("the annotations for foo() cannot be null", annot);
   assertTrue("there must be no restrictions for foo()", annot.getRestrictions() == 0);