  public Menu getMenu(Control parent) {
    if (fMenu == null) {
      fMenu = new Menu(parent);
      OpenNewPHPInterfaceWizardAction interfaceAction = new OpenNewPHPInterfaceWizardAction();

      ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(interfaceAction);
      item.fill(fMenu, -1);
      item = new ActionContributionItem(this);
      item.fill(fMenu, -1);
    return fMenu;
  protected void populateSubMenus(
      Menu subMenu, final Object node, ITreeContentProvider provider, final boolean isRunTo) {
    if (provider.hasChildren(node)) {
       * this is a submenu mark
      MenuItem header = new MenuItem(subMenu, SWT.CASCADE);
      Menu newSubMenu = new Menu(header);
      for (Object child : provider.getChildren(node))
        populateSubMenus(newSubMenu, child, provider, isRunTo);
    } else {
      /** lone item, this is a runner. */
      ITimeBasedAction action = new TimeBasedAction(this, node, isRunTo);

          String.format("%s %s", isRunTo ? "Skip to " : "Run for ", _labelProvider.getText(node)));


      ActionContributionItem aci = new ActionContributionItem(action);
      aci.fill(subMenu, -1);
 public Menu getMenu(Control parent) {
   Menu menu = new Menu(parent);
   for (ActionContributionItem action : getActions()) {
     action.fill(menu, -1);
   return menu;
 private void addActions(Menu menu) { // add repository action
   Presentation selectedPresentation = view.getContentProvider().getPresentation();
   for (final Presentation presentation : Presentation.values()) {
     Action action =
         new Action() {
           public void run() {
     action.setChecked(presentation == selectedPresentation);
     ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(action);
     item.fill(menu, -1);
   * The menu to show in the workbench menu
   * @param menu the menu to fill entries into it
  protected void fillMenu(Menu menu) {

    IWorkbenchPart activePart = JavaPlugin.getActivePage().getActivePart();
    if (!(activePart instanceof CompilationUnitEditor)) {
      ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(NONE_APPLICABLE_ACTION);
      item.fill(menu, -1);

    CompilationUnitEditor editor = (CompilationUnitEditor) activePart;
    if (editor.isBreadcrumbActive()) {
      ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(NONE_APPLICABLE_ACTION);
      item.fill(menu, -1);

    IAction[] actions = getTemplateActions(editor);

    boolean addSurroundWith = !isInJavadoc(editor);
    if (addSurroundWith) {
      SurroundWithTryCatchAction surroundAction = createSurroundWithTryCatchAction(editor);
      ActionContributionItem surroundItem = new ActionContributionItem(surroundAction);
      surroundItem.fill(menu, -1);

    boolean hasTemplateActions = actions != null && actions.length > 0;
    if (!hasTemplateActions && !addSurroundWith) {
      ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(NONE_APPLICABLE_ACTION);
      item.fill(menu, -1);
    } else if (hasTemplateActions) {
      if (addSurroundWith) {
        Separator templateGroup = new Separator(TEMPLATE_GROUP);
        templateGroup.fill(menu, -1);

      for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
        ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(actions[i]);
        item.fill(menu, -1);

    Separator configGroup = new Separator(CONFIG_GROUP);
    configGroup.fill(menu, -1);

    ActionContributionItem configAction =
        new ActionContributionItem(new ConfigureTemplatesAction());
    configAction.fill(menu, -1);
 protected void addActionToMenu(Menu parent, Action action) {
   ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(action);
   item.fill(parent, -1);
 protected Control createContents(Composite parent) {
   getShell().setText("Action/Contribution Example");
   parent.setSize(290, 150);
   return parent;
   * Fills the menu with build configurations which are common for all selected projects
   * @param menu The menu to fill
  protected void fillMenu(Menu menu) {
    // This should not happen
    if (menu == null) return;

    MenuItem[] items = menu.getItems();
    for (MenuItem item2 : items) item2.dispose();

    SortedSet<String> configNames = new TreeSet<String>();
    String sCurrentConfig = null;
    boolean bCurrentConfig = true;
    for (IProject prj : fProjects) {
      ICConfigurationDescription[] cfgDescs = getCfgs(prj);

      String sActiveConfig = null;
      // Store names and detect active configuration
      for (ICConfigurationDescription cfgDesc : cfgDescs) {
        String s = cfgDesc.getName();
        if (!configNames.contains(s)) configNames.add(s);
        if (cfgDesc.isActive()) sActiveConfig = s;

      // Check whether all projects have the same active configuration
      if (bCurrentConfig) {
        if (sCurrentConfig == null) sCurrentConfig = sActiveConfig;
        else {
          if (!sCurrentConfig.equals(sActiveConfig)) bCurrentConfig = false;

    int accel = 0;
    for (String sName : configNames) {
      String sDesc = null;
      boolean commonName = true;
      boolean commonDesc = true;
      boolean firstProj = true;
      for (IProject prj : fProjects) {
        ICConfigurationDescription[] cfgDescs = getCfgs(prj);
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < cfgDescs.length; i++) {
          if (cfgDescs[i].getName().equals(sName)) {
            String sNewDesc = cfgDescs[i].getDescription();
            if (sNewDesc != null && sNewDesc.length() == 0) {
              sNewDesc = null;
            if (commonDesc) {
              if (firstProj) {
                sDesc = sNewDesc;
                firstProj = false;
              } else if (sNewDesc == null && sDesc != null
                  || sNewDesc != null && !sNewDesc.equals(sDesc)) {
                commonDesc = false;
        if (i == cfgDescs.length) {
          commonName = false;
      if (commonName) {
        StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer(sName);
        if (commonDesc) {
          if (sDesc != null) {
            builder.append(" ("); // $NON-NLS-1$
            builder.append(")"); // $NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
          builder.append(" (...)"); // $NON-NLS-1$

        IAction action = makeAction(sName, builder, accel);
        if (bCurrentConfig && sCurrentConfig != null && sCurrentConfig.equals(sName)) {
        ActionContributionItem item = new ActionContributionItem(action);
        item.fill(menu, -1);