private void makeActions() { executeAction = new ExecuteQueryAction(); IWorkbenchWindow window = getEditorSite().getWorkbenchWindow(); IWorkbenchAction globalAction = ActionFactory.COPY.create(window); copyQueryStringAction = new Action() { @Override public void run() { queryString.copy(); } }; copyQueryStringAction.setAccelerator(globalAction.getAccelerator()); contentAssistAction = new Action() { @Override public void run() { queryViewer.doOperation(ISourceViewer.CONTENTASSIST_PROPOSALS); } }; // Install the standard text actions. addAction( ActionFactory.CUT, ITextOperationTarget.CUT, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.cut"); // $NON-NLS-1$ addAction( ActionFactory.COPY, ITextOperationTarget.COPY, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.copy"); // $NON-NLS-1$ addAction( ActionFactory.PASTE, ITextOperationTarget.PASTE, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.paste"); //$NON-NLS-1$ addAction( ActionFactory.DELETE, ITextOperationTarget.DELETE, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.delete"); //$NON-NLS-1$ addAction( ActionFactory.SELECT_ALL, ITextOperationTarget.SELECT_ALL, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.selectAll"); //$NON-NLS-1$ undo = addAction( ActionFactory.UNDO, ITextOperationTarget.UNDO, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.undo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ redo = addAction( ActionFactory.REDO, ITextOperationTarget.REDO, "org.eclipse.ui.edit.redo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
protected void makeActions(final IWorkbenchWindow window) { // Creates the actions and registers them. // Registering is needed to ensure that key bindings work. // The corresponding commands keybindings are defined in the plugin.xml // file. // Registering also provides automatic disposal of the actions when // the window is closed. this.window = window; exitAction = ActionFactory.QUIT.create(window); register(exitAction); { closeAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE.create(window); register(closeAction); } { closeAllAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE_ALL.create(window); register(closeAllAction); } { saveAction = ActionFactory.SAVE.create(window); register(saveAction); } { saveAsAction = ActionFactory.SAVE_AS.create(window); register(saveAsAction); } { saveAllAction = ActionFactory.SAVE_ALL.create(window); register(saveAllAction); } sizeAction1 = new Action("176x208") { public void run() { Settings.setScreenSize(176, 208); } }; sizeAction2 = new Action("240x320") { public void run() { Settings.setScreenSize(240, 320); } }; sizeAction3 = new Action("320x240") { public void run() { Settings.setScreenSize(320, 240); } }; sizeAction4 = new Action("480x320") { public void run() { Settings.setScreenSize(480, 320); } }; sizeAction5 = new Action("640x360") { public void run() { Settings.setScreenSize(640, 360); } }; sizeAction6 = new Action("960x640") { public void run() { Settings.setScreenSize(960, 640); } }; undoAction = new Action("&Undo") { public void run() { this.firePropertyChange("chosen", this, this); } }; undoAction.setEnabled(false); undoAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor( WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/undo_edit(1).gif")); undoAction.setDisabledImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor( WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/undo_edit.gif")); undoAction.setAccelerator(SWT.CTRL | 'z'); redoAction = new Action("&Redo") { public void run() { this.firePropertyChange("chosen", this, this); } }; redoAction.setEnabled(false); redoAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor( WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/redo_edit(1).gif")); redoAction.setDisabledImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor( WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/redo_edit.gif")); redoAction.setAccelerator(SWT.CTRL | 'y'); { newWizardDropDownAction = ActionFactory.NEW_WIZARD_DROP_DOWN.create(window); register(newWizardDropDownAction); } chooseImageEditorAction = new Action("工具设置...") { public void run() { onChooseImageEditor(); } }; viewDirectoryAction = new Action("Resource Explorer") { public void run() { try { window.getActivePage().showView(DirectoryView.ID); } catch (Exception e) { } } }; viewDirectoryAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor(WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/items.gif")); viewTileLibraryAction = new Action("Tile Library") { public void run() { try { window.getActivePage().showView(TileLibView.ID); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; viewTileLibraryAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor(WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/tilelib.gif")); viewTileViewAction = new Action("Tile Viewer") { public void run() { try { window.getActivePage().showView(TileView.ID); // window.getActivePage().showView("org.eclipse.swt.sleak.views.SleakView"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; viewTileViewAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor(WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/tiles.gif")); optimizeColorsAction = new Action("Optimize PNG Colors...") { public void run() { new PNGColorOptimizer().run(window.getShell()); } }; openLogDirAction = new Action("打开日志目录") { public void run() { String dir = Settings.logDir; String cmd = "explorer.exe \"" + dir + "\""; try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (Exception e) { } } }; projectViewAction = new Action("ProjectView") { public void run() { try { window.getActivePage().showView(ProjectView.ID); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; projectViewAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor(WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/project.gif")); frameDelayAction5 = new Action("20毫秒") { public void run() { Settings.animateFrameDelay = 20; } }; frameDelayAction6 = new Action("10毫秒") { public void run() { Settings.animateFrameDelay = 10; } }; frameDelayAction1 = new Action("40毫秒") { public void run() { Settings.animateFrameDelay = 40; } }; frameDelayAction2 = new Action("60毫秒") { public void run() { Settings.animateFrameDelay = 60; } }; frameDelayAction3 = new Action("80毫秒") { public void run() { Settings.animateFrameDelay = 80; } }; frameDelayAction4 = new Action("100毫秒") { public void run() { Settings.animateFrameDelay = 100; } }; limitPIPAction = new Action("限制PIP图片大小", IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { public void run() { PipImage.limitSize = !PipImage.limitSize; } }; limitPIPAction.setChecked(PipImage.limitSize); allowMultiCompAction = new Action("允许一个PIP包含多个压缩纹理", IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { public void run() { PipImage.allowMultiCompressTexturesInOneFile = !PipImage.allowMultiCompressTexturesInOneFile; } }; allowMultiCompAction.setChecked(PipImage.allowMultiCompressTexturesInOneFile); actionFontTool = new Action("字体工具...") { public void run() { FontViewDialog dlg = new FontViewDialog(window.getShell());; } }; openglAction = new Action("OpenGL模式", IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { public void run() { GLUtils.glEnabled = !GLUtils.glEnabled; } }; openglAction.setImageDescriptor( ResourceManager.getPluginImageDescriptor(WorkshopPlugin.getDefault(), "icons/gl.gif")); openglAction.setToolTipText("开启/关闭OpenGL模式"); openglAction.setChecked(GLUtils.glEnabled); optimizeImageAction = new Action("图片优化工具...") { public void run() { try { IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(new Path(".")); FileStoreEditorInput input = new FileStoreEditorInput(fileStore); window.getActivePage().openEditor(input, ImageOptimizeEditor.ID); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; comparePipAction = new Action("比较PIP图片...") { public void run() { try { IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(new Path(".")); FileStoreEditorInput input = new FileStoreEditorInput(fileStore); window.getActivePage().openEditor(input, ImageCompareEditor.ID); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; batchConvertAction = new Action("批量格式转换...") { public void run() { DirectoryDialog dlg = new DirectoryDialog(window.getShell()); dlg.setMessage("请选择源目录:"); String dir =; if (dir == null) { return; } dlg.setMessage("请选择目标目录:"); String targetDir =; if (targetDir == null) { return; } BatchConvertDialog dlg2 = new BatchConvertDialog(window.getShell()); try { dlg2.setDirectory(dir, targetDir);; } catch (Exception e1) { SWTUtils.showError(window.getShell(), "错误", e1); } } }; testAction = new Action("test") { public void run() { // new TestPathDialog(null).open(); } }; }