public void testNegativeSystemLibrarySourceLocation() throws Exception { IClasspathEntry[] cpes = get14Project().getRawClasspath(); IClasspathEntry lib = null; for (int i = 0; i < cpes.length; i++) { if (cpes[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER) { if (cpes[i].getPath().equals(new Path(JRE_CONTAINER_1_4_CPE_NAME))) { lib = cpes[i]; break; } } } assertNotNull("Could not find JRE_CONTAINER entry", lib); IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = get14Project().findPackageFragmentRoots(lib); Object source = null; for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { IPackageFragmentRoot root = roots[i]; IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(root); source = location.findSourceElement(""); if (source != null) { break; } } assertNull("Should not find source", source); }
public void testProjectLocationMemento() throws Exception { IJavaSourceLocation location = new JavaProjectSourceLocation(get14Project()); String memento = location.getMemento(); IJavaSourceLocation restored = new JavaProjectSourceLocation(); restored.initializeFrom(memento); assertEquals("project locations should be equal", location, restored); }
public void testEmptyPackageFragmentRootLocationMemento() throws Exception { IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(); String memento = location.getMemento(); IJavaSourceLocation restored = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(); restored.initializeFrom(memento); assertEquals("root locations should be equal", location, restored); }
public void testDirectoryLocationMemento() throws Exception { File dir = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toFile(); IJavaSourceLocation location = new DirectorySourceLocation(dir); String memento = location.getMemento(); IJavaSourceLocation restored = new DirectorySourceLocation(); restored.initializeFrom(memento); assertEquals("directory locations should be equal", location, restored); }
public void testPackageFragmentRootLocationMemento() throws Exception { IResource res = get14Project().getProject().getFolder("src"); IPackageFragmentRoot root = get14Project().getPackageFragmentRoot(res); IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(root); String memento = location.getMemento(); IJavaSourceLocation restored = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(); restored.initializeFrom(memento); assertEquals("root locations should be equal", location, restored); }
public void testArchiveLocationMemento() throws Exception { IVMInstall vm = JavaRuntime.getDefaultVMInstall(); IJavaSourceLocation location = new ArchiveSourceLocation( JavaRuntime.getLibraryLocations(vm)[0].getSystemLibraryPath().toOSString(), null); String memento = location.getMemento(); IJavaSourceLocation restored = new ArchiveSourceLocation(); restored.initializeFrom(memento); assertEquals("archive locations should be equal", location, restored); }
public void testNegativeSourceFolderSourceLocation() throws Exception { IResource res = get14Project().getProject().getFolder("src"); IPackageFragmentRoot root = get14Project().getPackageFragmentRoot(res); IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(root); Object source = location.findSourceElement("DoesNotExist"); assertNull("Should not have found source", source); source = location.findSourceElement("org.eclipse.DoesNotExist"); assertNull("Should not have found source", source); }
public void testPositiveSourceFolderSourceLocation() throws Exception { IResource res = get14Project().getProject().getFolder("src"); IPackageFragmentRoot root = get14Project().getPackageFragmentRoot(res); IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(root); Object source = location.findSourceElement("Breakpoints"); assertTrue("Did not find source for 'Breakpoints'", source instanceof ICompilationUnit); ICompilationUnit cu = (ICompilationUnit) source; assertEquals("Did not find source for 'Breakpoints'", cu.getElementName(), ""); source = location.findSourceElement("org.eclipse.debug.tests.targets.InfiniteLoop"); assertTrue("Did not find source for 'InfiniteLoop'", source instanceof ICompilationUnit); cu = (ICompilationUnit) source; assertEquals("Did not find source for 'Breakpoints'", cu.getElementName(), ""); }
public void testPositiveSystemLibrarySourceLocation() throws Exception { IClasspathEntry[] cpes = get14Project().getRawClasspath(); IClasspathEntry lib = null; for (int i = 0; i < cpes.length; i++) { if (cpes[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER) { if (cpes[i].getPath().equals(new Path(JRE_CONTAINER_1_4_CPE_NAME))) { lib = cpes[i]; break; } } } assertNotNull("Could not find JRE_CONTAINER entry", lib); IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = get14Project().findPackageFragmentRoots(lib); Object source = null; for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { IPackageFragmentRoot root = roots[i]; IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(root); source = location.findSourceElement("java.lang.Object"); if (source != null) { break; } } assertTrue("Did not find source for 'Object'", source instanceof IClassFile); IClassFile cf = (IClassFile) source; assertEquals("Did not find source for 'Object'", "Object.class", cf.getElementName()); for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { IPackageFragmentRoot root = roots[i]; IJavaSourceLocation location = new PackageFragmentRootSourceLocation(root); source = location.findSourceElement("java.util.Vector$1"); if (source != null) { break; } } assertTrue("Did not find source for 'Vector$1'", source instanceof IClassFile); cf = (IClassFile) source; assertEquals("Did not find source for 'Vector$1'", "Vector$1.class", cf.getElementName()); }