public void manageSyntheticAccessIfNecessary(BlockScope currentScope, FlowInfo flowInfo) { if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD) == 0) { // need assertion flag: $assertionsDisabled on outer most source clas // (in case of static member of interface, will use the outermost static member - bug 22334) SourceTypeBinding outerMostClass = currentScope.enclosingSourceType(); while (outerMostClass.isLocalType()) { ReferenceBinding enclosing = outerMostClass.enclosingType(); if (enclosing == null || enclosing.isInterface()) break; outerMostClass = (SourceTypeBinding) enclosing; } this.assertionSyntheticFieldBinding = outerMostClass.addSyntheticFieldForAssert(currentScope); // find <clinit> and enable assertion support TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = outerMostClass.scope.referenceType(); AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = typeDeclaration.methods; for (int i = 0, max = methods.length; i < max; i++) { AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[i]; if (method.isClinit()) { ((Clinit) method) .setAssertionSupport( this.assertionSyntheticFieldBinding, currentScope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5); break; } } } }
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this is a local type, or if this type is nested inside of any * local type. */ private static boolean isLocalType(ClassFile classFile) { SourceTypeBinding b = classFile.referenceBinding; while (!b.isStatic()) { if (b instanceof LocalTypeBinding) { return true; } b = ((NestedTypeBinding) b).enclosingType; } return false; }
public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) { // {ObjectTeams: role class literal? if (this.roleClassLiteralAccess != null) return this.roleClassLiteralAccess.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo); // SH} // if reachable, request the addition of a synthetic field for caching the class descriptor SourceTypeBinding sourceType = currentScope.outerMostClassScope().enclosingSourceType(); // see if (!sourceType.isInterface() && !this.targetType.isBaseType() && currentScope.compilerOptions().targetJDK < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { this.syntheticField = sourceType.addSyntheticFieldForClassLiteral(this.targetType, currentScope); } return flowInfo; }
/* * No need to emulate access to protected fields since not implicitly accessed */ public void manageSyntheticAccessIfNecessary( BlockScope currentScope, FlowInfo flowInfo, boolean isReadAccess) { if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD) != 0) return; // if field from parameterized type got found, use the original field at codegen time FieldBinding codegenBinding = this.binding.original(); if (this.binding.isPrivate()) { if ((currentScope.enclosingSourceType() != codegenBinding.declaringClass) && this.binding.constant() == Constant.NotAConstant) { if (this.syntheticAccessors == null) this.syntheticAccessors = new MethodBinding[2]; this.syntheticAccessors[isReadAccess ? FieldReference.READ : FieldReference.WRITE] = ((SourceTypeBinding) codegenBinding.declaringClass) .addSyntheticMethod( codegenBinding, isReadAccess, false /* not super ref in remote type*/); currentScope.problemReporter().needToEmulateFieldAccess(codegenBinding, this, isReadAccess); return; } } else if (this.receiver instanceof QualifiedSuperReference) { // qualified super // qualified super need emulation always SourceTypeBinding destinationType = (SourceTypeBinding) (((QualifiedSuperReference) this.receiver).currentCompatibleType); if (this.syntheticAccessors == null) this.syntheticAccessors = new MethodBinding[2]; this.syntheticAccessors[isReadAccess ? FieldReference.READ : FieldReference.WRITE] = destinationType.addSyntheticMethod(codegenBinding, isReadAccess, isSuperAccess()); currentScope.problemReporter().needToEmulateFieldAccess(codegenBinding, this, isReadAccess); return; } else if (this.binding.isProtected()) { SourceTypeBinding enclosingSourceType; if (((this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) != 0) && this.binding.declaringClass.getPackage() != (enclosingSourceType = currentScope.enclosingSourceType()).getPackage()) { SourceTypeBinding currentCompatibleType = (SourceTypeBinding) enclosingSourceType.enclosingTypeAt( (this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) >> ASTNode.DepthSHIFT); if (this.syntheticAccessors == null) this.syntheticAccessors = new MethodBinding[2]; this.syntheticAccessors[isReadAccess ? FieldReference.READ : FieldReference.WRITE] = currentCompatibleType.addSyntheticMethod(codegenBinding, isReadAccess, isSuperAccess()); currentScope.problemReporter().needToEmulateFieldAccess(codegenBinding, this, isReadAccess); return; } } }
public void manageSyntheticAccessIfNecessary(BlockScope currentScope, FlowInfo flowInfo) { if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD) != 0) return; // if method from parameterized type got found, use the original method at codegen time MethodBinding codegenBinding = this.binding.original(); if (this.binding.isPrivate()) { // depth is set for both implicit and explicit access (see MethodBinding#canBeSeenBy) if (currentScope.enclosingSourceType() != codegenBinding.declaringClass) { this.syntheticAccessor = ((SourceTypeBinding) codegenBinding.declaringClass) .addSyntheticMethod(codegenBinding, false /* not super access there */); currentScope.problemReporter().needToEmulateMethodAccess(codegenBinding, this); return; } } else if (this.receiver instanceof QualifiedSuperReference) { // qualified super // qualified super need emulation always SourceTypeBinding destinationType = (SourceTypeBinding) (((QualifiedSuperReference) this.receiver).currentCompatibleType); this.syntheticAccessor = destinationType.addSyntheticMethod(codegenBinding, isSuperAccess()); currentScope.problemReporter().needToEmulateMethodAccess(codegenBinding, this); return; } else if (this.binding.isProtected()) { SourceTypeBinding enclosingSourceType; if (((this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) != 0) && codegenBinding.declaringClass.getPackage() != (enclosingSourceType = currentScope.enclosingSourceType()).getPackage()) { SourceTypeBinding currentCompatibleType = (SourceTypeBinding) enclosingSourceType.enclosingTypeAt( (this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) >> ASTNode.DepthSHIFT); this.syntheticAccessor = currentCompatibleType.addSyntheticMethod(codegenBinding, isSuperAccess()); currentScope.problemReporter().needToEmulateMethodAccess(codegenBinding, this); return; } } }
public void resolve(MethodScope var1) { if ((this.field_446 & 16) == 0) { if (this.binding != null && this.binding.isValidBinding()) { this.field_446 |= 16; ClassScope var2 = var1.method_582(); if (var2 != null) { label338: { SourceTypeBinding var3 = var2.enclosingSourceType(); if (var3.superclass != null) { FieldBinding var4 = var2.findField(var3.superclass,, this, false); if (var4 != null && var4.isValidBinding()) { label334: { if (var4 instanceof FieldBinding) { FieldBinding var5 = (FieldBinding) var4; if (var5.original() == this.binding || !var5.canBeSeenBy(var3, this, var1)) { break label334; } } var1.problemReporter().fieldHiding(this, var4); break label338; } } } Scope var13 = var2.parent; if (var13.kind != 4) { Binding var15 = var13.getBinding(, 3, this, false); if (var15 != null && var15.isValidBinding() && var15 != this.binding) { label323: { if (var15 instanceof FieldBinding) { FieldBinding var6 = (FieldBinding) var15; if (var6.original() == this.binding || !var6.method_431() && var3.method_226()) { break label323; } } var1.problemReporter().fieldHiding(this, var15); } } } } } if (this.type != null) { this.type.resolvedType = this.binding.type; } FieldBinding var12 = var1.initializedField; int var14 = var1.field_407; try { var1.initializedField = this.binding; var1.field_407 = this.binding.field_304; method_761(var1, this.annotations, this.binding); if ((this.binding.getAnnotationTagBits() & 70368744177664L) == 0L && (this.binding.field_300 & 1048576) != 0 && var1.compilerOptions().field_1928 >= 3211264L) { var1.problemReporter().method_1675(this); } if (this.initialization == null) { this.binding.setConstant(Constant.NotAConstant); } else { this.binding.setConstant(Constant.NotAConstant); TypeBinding var17 = this.binding.type; this.initialization.setExpectedType(var17); TypeBinding var18; if (this.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer) { if ((var18 = this.initialization.resolveTypeExpecting(var1, var17)) != null) { ((ArrayInitializer) this.initialization).binding = (ArrayBinding) var18; this.initialization.computeConversion(var1, var17, var18); } } else if ((var18 = this.initialization.resolveType(var1)) != null) { if (var17 != var18) { var1.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(var17, var18); } if (!this.initialization.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType(var18, var17) && (!var17.method_148() || !BaseTypeBinding.method_185(, && !var18.isCompatibleWith(var17)) { if (!var1.isBoxingCompatibleWith(var18, var17) && (!var18.method_148() || var1.compilerOptions().field_1928 < 3211264L || var17.method_148() || !this.initialization.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType( var18, var1.environment().method_486(var17)))) { if ((var17.tagBits & 128L) == 0L) { var1.problemReporter() .typeMismatchError(var18, var17, this.initialization, (ASTNode) null); } } else { this.initialization.computeConversion(var1, var17, var18); if (this.initialization instanceof CastExpression && (this.initialization.field_446 & 16384) == 0) { CastExpression.checkNeedForAssignedCast( var1, var17, (CastExpression) this.initialization); } } } else { this.initialization.computeConversion(var1, var17, var18); if (var18.method_174(var17)) { var1.problemReporter().method_1806(this.initialization, var18, var17); } if (this.initialization instanceof CastExpression && (this.initialization.field_446 & 16384) == 0) { CastExpression.checkNeedForAssignedCast( var1, var17, (CastExpression) this.initialization); } } if (this.binding.method_409()) { this.binding.setConstant( this.initialization.constant.castTo( ( << 4) + this.initialization.constant.typeID())); } } else { this.binding.setConstant(Constant.NotAConstant); } if (this.binding == Assignment.method_944(this.initialization)) { var1.problemReporter().assignmentHasNoEffect(this,; } } if (this.binding != null && this.binding.declaringClass != null && !this.binding.declaringClass.method_158()) { int var16 = this.binding.field_300 & 7; ProblemReporter var19 = var1.problemReporter(); int var7 = var19.computeSeverity(-1610612250); if (var7 != -1) { if (var2 != null) { var16 = Util.computeOuterMostVisibility(var2.referenceType(), var16); } int var8 = this.binding.field_300 & -8 | var16; } } } finally { var1.initializedField = var12; var1.field_407 = var14; if (this.binding.constant() == null) { this.binding.setConstant(Constant.NotAConstant); } } } } }
private void searchVisibleVariablesAndMethods( Scope scope, ObjectVector localsFound, ObjectVector fieldsFound, ObjectVector methodsFound, boolean notInJavadoc) { InvocationSite invocationSite = CompletionEngine.FakeInvocationSite; boolean staticsOnly = false; // need to know if we're in a static context (or inside a constructor) Scope currentScope = scope; done1: while (true) { // done when a COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE is found switch (currentScope.kind) { case Scope.METHOD_SCOPE: // handle the error case inside an explicit constructor call (see MethodScope>>findField) MethodScope methodScope = (MethodScope) currentScope; staticsOnly |= methodScope.isStatic | methodScope.isConstructorCall; // $FALL-THROUGH$ case Scope.BLOCK_SCOPE: BlockScope blockScope = (BlockScope) currentScope; next: for (int i = 0, length = blockScope.locals.length; i < length; i++) { LocalVariableBinding local = blockScope.locals[i]; if (local == null) break next; if (local.isSecret()) continue next; // If the local variable declaration's initialization statement itself has the // completion, // then don't propose the local variable if (local.declaration.initialization != null) { /*(use this if-else block if it is found that local.declaration.initialization != null is not sufficient to guarantee that proposal is being asked inside a local variable declaration's initializer) if(local.declaration.initialization.sourceEnd > 0) { if (this.assistNode.sourceEnd <= local.declaration.initialization.sourceEnd && this.assistNode.sourceStart >= local.declaration.initialization.sourceStart) { continue next; } } else { CompletionNodeDetector detector = new CompletionNodeDetector( this.assistNode, local.declaration.initialization); if (detector.containsCompletionNode()) { continue next; } }*/ continue next; } for (int f = 0; f < localsFound.size; f++) { LocalVariableBinding otherLocal = (LocalVariableBinding) localsFound.elementAt(f); if (CharOperation.equals(,, true)) continue next; } localsFound.add(local); } break; case Scope.COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE: break done1; } currentScope = currentScope.parent; } staticsOnly = false; currentScope = scope; done2: while (true) { // done when a COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE is found switch (currentScope.kind) { case Scope.METHOD_SCOPE: // handle the error case inside an explicit constructor call (see MethodScope>>findField) MethodScope methodScope = (MethodScope) currentScope; staticsOnly |= methodScope.isStatic | methodScope.isConstructorCall; break; case Scope.CLASS_SCOPE: ClassScope classScope = (ClassScope) currentScope; SourceTypeBinding enclosingType = classScope.referenceContext.binding; searchVisibleFields( enclosingType, classScope, invocationSite, scope, staticsOnly, notInJavadoc, localsFound, fieldsFound); searchVisibleMethods( enclosingType, classScope, invocationSite, scope, staticsOnly, notInJavadoc, methodsFound); staticsOnly |= enclosingType.isStatic(); break; case Scope.COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE: break done2; } currentScope = currentScope.parent; } // search in static import ImportBinding[] importBindings = scope.compilationUnitScope().imports; for (int i = 0; i < importBindings.length; i++) { ImportBinding importBinding = importBindings[i]; if (importBinding.isValidBinding() && importBinding.isStatic()) { Binding binding = importBinding.resolvedImport; if (binding != null && binding.isValidBinding()) { if (importBinding.onDemand) { if ((binding.kind() & Binding.TYPE) != 0) { searchVisibleFields( (ReferenceBinding) binding, scope, invocationSite, scope, staticsOnly, notInJavadoc, localsFound, fieldsFound); searchVisibleMethods( (ReferenceBinding) binding, scope, invocationSite, scope, staticsOnly, notInJavadoc, methodsFound); } } else { if ((binding.kind() & Binding.FIELD) != 0) { searchVisibleFields( new FieldBinding[] {(FieldBinding) binding}, ((FieldBinding) binding).declaringClass, scope, invocationSite, scope, staticsOnly, localsFound, fieldsFound); } else if ((binding.kind() & Binding.METHOD) != 0) { MethodBinding methodBinding = (MethodBinding) binding; searchVisibleLocalMethods( methodBinding.declaringClass.getMethods(methodBinding.selector), methodBinding.declaringClass, scope, invocationSite, scope, true, methodsFound); } } } } } }
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant; if ((this.targetType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/)) == null) return null; /* JLS3 15.8.2 forbids the type named in the class literal expression from being a parameterized type. And the grammar in 18.1 disallows (where X and Y are some concrete types) constructs of the form Outer<X>.class, Outer<X>.Inner.class, Outer.Inner<X>.class, Outer<X>.Inner<Y>.class etc. Corollary wise, we should resolve the type of the class literal expression to be a raw type as class literals exist only for the raw underlying type. */ LookupEnvironment environment = scope.environment(); this.targetType = environment.convertToRawType( this.targetType, true /* force conversion of enclosing types*/); if (this.targetType.isArrayType()) { ArrayBinding arrayBinding = (ArrayBinding) this.targetType; TypeBinding leafComponentType = arrayBinding.leafComponentType; if (leafComponentType == TypeBinding.VOID) { scope.problemReporter().cannotAllocateVoidArray(this); return null; } else if (leafComponentType.isTypeVariable()) { scope .problemReporter() .illegalClassLiteralForTypeVariable((TypeVariableBinding) leafComponentType, this); } } else if (this.targetType.isTypeVariable()) { scope .problemReporter() .illegalClassLiteralForTypeVariable((TypeVariableBinding) this.targetType, this); } // {ObjectTeams: do we need a RoleClassLiteralAccess? if (this.targetType instanceof ReferenceBinding) { ReferenceBinding targetRef = (ReferenceBinding) this.targetType; if (targetRef.isRole()) { if (this.verbatim) { this.targetType = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(scope, this.targetType, this); } else { SourceTypeBinding site = scope.enclosingSourceType(); if (scope.methodScope().isStatic // role class literal needs team instance && !site.isRole() // static role method are OK. && !RoleTypeBinding.isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(this.targetType)) // t.R.class? { scope.problemReporter().roleClassLiteralLacksTeamInstance(this, targetRef); return null; } ReferenceBinding teamBinding; if (RoleTypeBinding.isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(targetRef)) teamBinding = targetRef.enclosingType(); else teamBinding = TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, targetRef); if (teamBinding == null) scope.problemReporter().externalizedRoleClassLiteral(this, targetRef); else { TypeBinding methodType = RoleClassLiteralAccess.ensureGetClassMethod( teamBinding.getTeamModel(), targetRef.roleModel); // not affected by visibility check (for resilience) this.roleClassLiteralAccess = new RoleClassLiteralAccess(this, methodType); this.resolvedType = this.roleClassLiteralAccess.resolveType(scope); } return this.resolvedType; } } } // SH} ReferenceBinding classType = scope.getJavaLangClass(); // if (scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { // Integer.class --> Class<Integer>, perform boxing of base types (int.class --> // Class<Integer>) TypeBinding boxedType = null; if ( == T_void) { boxedType = environment.getResolvedType(JAVA_LANG_VOID, scope); } else { boxedType = scope.boxing(this.targetType); } if (environment.usesNullTypeAnnotations()) boxedType = environment.createAnnotatedType( boxedType, new AnnotationBinding[] {environment.getNonNullAnnotation()}); this.resolvedType = environment.createParameterizedType( classType, new TypeBinding[] {boxedType}, null /*not a member*/); } else { this.resolvedType = classType; } return this.resolvedType; }
private boolean recordTypedefs(TypeDeclaration declaration) { SourceTypeBinding binding = declaration.binding; if (binding == null) { return false; } Annotation[] annotations = declaration.annotations; if (annotations != null) { if (declaration.binding.isAnnotationType()) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { String typeName = Extractor.getFqn(annotation); if (typeName == null) { continue; } if (Extractor.isNestedAnnotation(typeName)) { String fqn = new String(binding.readableName()); List<Annotation> list = mMap.get(fqn); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Annotation>(2); mMap.put(fqn, list); } list.add(annotation); if (mRequireHide) { Javadoc javadoc = declaration.javadoc; if (javadoc != null) { StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(200); javadoc.print(0, stringBuffer); String documentation = stringBuffer.toString(); if (!documentation.contains("@hide")) { Extractor.warning( getFileName() + ": The typedef annotation " + fqn + " should specify @hide in a doc comment"); } } } if (mRequireSourceRetention && !Extractor.hasSourceRetention(annotations)) { Extractor.warning( getFileName() + ": The typedef annotation " + fqn + " should have @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)"); } if (declaration.binding != null && (declaration.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) == 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); for (char c : declaration.binding.qualifiedPackageName()) { if (c == '.') { sb.append('/'); } else { sb.append(c); } } sb.append(File.separatorChar); for (char c : declaration.binding.qualifiedSourceName()) { if (c == '.') { sb.append('$'); } else { sb.append(c); } } mTypedefClasses.add(sb.toString()); } } } } } return true; }