예제 #1
   * Sets the currently active {@link #editor}. This triggers any necessary updates to the UI
   * asynchronously.
   * <p><b>Note:</b> This method should only be called when the active editor changes, e.g., via the
   * {@link IPartListener2} implementation in this class.
   * @param activeEditor The new editor, or null to unset it. This is assumed to be a new value.
  private void setActiveEditor(ICEFormEditor activeEditor) {

    // If necessary, clear the contents of the view.
    if (editor != null) {
      // Clear the ResourceComponent and related UI pieces.
      // Unset the reference to the ICEResourcePage.
      resourcePage = null;
      // Unset the reference to the active editor.
      editor = null;

    // If the new active editor is valid, update the contents of the view.
    if (activeEditor != null) {

      // ---- Determine the ResourceComponent from the editor ---- //
      // Create a visitor to used to find a ResourceComponent.
      final AtomicReference<ResourceComponent> componentRef;
      componentRef = new AtomicReference<ResourceComponent>();
      IComponentVisitor visitor =
          new SelectiveComponentVisitor() {
            public void visit(ResourceComponent component) {

      // Loop over the Form Components to find a ResourceComponent.
      Form activeForm = ((ICEFormInput) activeEditor.getEditorInput()).getForm();
      for (Component i : activeForm.getComponents()) {
        // Exit the loop when the first ResourceComponent is found.
        if (componentRef.get() != null) {
      // --------------------------------------------------------- //

      // If a ResourceComponent was found, update the known
      // ResourceComponent.
      if (componentRef.get() != null) {

      // Set the reference to the new active editor and its resource page.
      editor = activeEditor;
      resourcePage = editor.getResourcePage();

예제 #2
  /** Tests the IPSReader */
  public void checkIPSReader() {

    // Set up where to look
    IProject project = projectSpace;
    String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    String filePath =
            + separator
            + "ICETests"
            + separator
            + "caebatTesterWorkspace"
            + separator
            + "Caebat_Model"
            + separator
            + "example_ini.conf";
    IPath fileIPath = new Path(filePath);
    IFile inputFile = project.getFile("Caebat_Model" + separator + "example_ini.conf");

    // Create an IPSReader to test
    IPSReader reader = new IPSReader();
    assertEquals(reader.getReaderType(), "IPSReader");

    // Try to read in invalid INI file
    IFile fakeFile = null;
    Form form = null;
    form = reader.read(fakeFile);
    assertTrue(form == null);

    // Load the INI file and parse the contents into Components
    form = reader.read(inputFile);

    // Make sure we found some components
    ArrayList<Component> components = form.getComponents();
    assertEquals(4, components.size());
    DataComponent timeLoopData = (DataComponent) components.get(0);
    TableComponent globalConfig = (TableComponent) components.get(1);
    TableComponent portsTable = (TableComponent) components.get(2);
    MasterDetailsComponent portsMaster = (MasterDetailsComponent) components.get(3);

    /* --- Check the GLOBAL CONFIGURATION component --- */
    String configName = "Global Configuration";
    assertEquals(configName, globalConfig.getName());
    assertEquals(20, globalConfig.numberOfRows());
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

    /* --- Check the PORTS TABLE component --- */
    String portsName = "Ports Table";
    assertEquals(portsName, portsTable.getName());
    assertEquals(5, portsTable.numberOfRows());
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

    /* --- Check the Ports Master component --- */
    String masterName = "Ports Master";
    assertEquals(masterName, portsMaster.getName());
    assertEquals(5, portsMaster.numberOfMasters());
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

    /* --- Check the TIME LOOP component --- */
    String timeLoopName = "Time Loop Data";
    assertEquals(timeLoopName, timeLoopData.getName());
    assertEquals(5, timeLoopData.retrieveAllEntries().size());
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

    /* --- Test the findAll method --- */
    String regex = "SIM_ROOT = .*";
    String fakex = "Sassafras my mass";
    ArrayList<Entry> matches = reader.findAll(inputFile, regex);
    ArrayList<Entry> fakes = reader.findAll(inputFile, fakex);
    assertEquals(fakes.size(), 0);
    assertEquals(matches.size(), 1);
        matches.get(0).getValue(), "SIM_ROOT = $CAEBAT_ROOT/vibe/trunk/examples/${SIM_NAME}");

    // Okay good job