/** Adds or update local palette */ public static void addLocalPalette( String paletteID, String paletteName, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles) { // retrieves memento XMLMemento rootMemento = getExistingLocalPalettes(); // search existing customization IMemento paletteMemento = searchPaletteMemento(rootMemento, paletteID); if (paletteMemento == null) { paletteMemento = createMemento(rootMemento, paletteID); } // update values in the memento paletteMemento.putString(NAME, paletteName); paletteMemento.putString(PRIORITY, priority.getName()); paletteMemento.putString(EDITOR_ID, editorID); paletteMemento.putString(PATH, getPalettePathFromID(paletteID)); // add properties if required IMemento propertiesMemento = paletteMemento.createChild(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTIES); propertiesMemento.putString( IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PROFILE_LIST, PaletteUtil.getSerializedProfileListFromSet(requiredProfiles)); // saves the root memento saveLocalPalettes(rootMemento); }
/** * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method * handles all events and enablements for controls on this page. Subclasses may extend. */ public void handleEvent(Event event) { Widget widget = event.widget; if (widget.equals(nameText)) { name = nameText.getText(); } else if (widget.equals(idText)) { paletteID = idText.getText(); } else if (widget.equals(editorText)) { editorID = editorText.getText(); } else if (widget.equals(priorityCombo)) { priority = ProviderPriority.parse(priorityCombo.getText()); } setPageComplete(validatePage()); }
/** Returns the provider priority for the palette provider with the given ID */ public static ProviderPriority getPalettePriority(String paletteID) { // retrieves memento XMLMemento rootMemento = getExistingLocalPalettes(); // search existing customization IMemento paletteMemento = searchPaletteMemento(rootMemento, paletteID); if (paletteMemento == null) { paletteMemento = createMemento(rootMemento, paletteID); } // update values in the memento String palettePriority = paletteMemento.getString(PRIORITY); return ProviderPriority.parse(palettePriority); }
/** intialize the field using current value of the palette id */ protected void initialPopulatePriorityField() { priorityCombo.select(Arrays.asList(priorityList).indexOf(priority.getName())); }