/** @generated */
 private Collection<IAdaptable> createConnections(
     Collection<TaiPanLinkDescriptor> linkDescriptors, Domain2Notation domain2NotationMap) {
   LinkedList<IAdaptable> adapters = new LinkedList<IAdaptable>();
   for (TaiPanLinkDescriptor nextLinkDescriptor : linkDescriptors) {
     EditPart sourceEditPart = getSourceEditPart(nextLinkDescriptor, domain2NotationMap);
     EditPart targetEditPart = getTargetEditPart(nextLinkDescriptor, domain2NotationMap);
     if (sourceEditPart == null || targetEditPart == null) {
     CreateConnectionViewRequest.ConnectionViewDescriptor descriptor =
         new CreateConnectionViewRequest.ConnectionViewDescriptor(
             ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getDiagramPreferencesHint());
     CreateConnectionViewRequest ccr = new CreateConnectionViewRequest(descriptor);
     Command cmd = targetEditPart.getCommand(ccr);
     if (cmd != null && cmd.canExecute()) {
       IAdaptable viewAdapter = (IAdaptable) ccr.getNewObject();
       if (viewAdapter != null) {
   return adapters;
예제 #2
   * Sets the selection to the given selection and fires selection changed. The ISelection should be
   * an {@link IStructuredSelection}or it will be ignored.
   * @see ISelectionProvider#setSelection(ISelection)
  public void setSelection(ISelection newSelection, boolean dispatch) {
    if (!(newSelection instanceof IStructuredSelection)) return;

    List editparts = ((IStructuredSelection) newSelection).toList();
    List selection = primGetSelectedEditParts();

    for (int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++)
      ((EditPart) selection.get(i)).setSelected(EditPart.SELECTED_NONE);

    editparts = flitterEditpart(editparts);
    // for create handle

    for (int i = 0; i < editparts.size(); i++) {
      EditPart part = (EditPart) editparts.get(i);
      if (i == editparts.size() - 1) part.setSelected(EditPart.SELECTED_PRIMARY);
      else part.setSelected(EditPart.SELECTED);

    if (dispatch) {
   * Returns a composite command with the given initial command and the RegionContainer specific
   * auto-size commands to propagate the auto-size to the regions.
   * @param request the initial request
   * @param autoSizeCommand the initial command
   * @return a composite command with the initial command and the region container specific
   *     additional commands.
  protected Command getRegionContainerAutoSizeCommand(Request request, Command autoSizeCommand) {
    IDiagramElementEditPart host = (IDiagramElementEditPart) getHost();
    TransactionalEditingDomain domain = host.getEditingDomain();
    CompositeTransactionalCommand ctc =
        new CompositeTransactionalCommand(
    ctc.add(new CommandProxy(autoSizeCommand));
    Command regionContainerAutoSizeCommand = new ICommandProxy(ctc);

    // Propagate the auto-size request to the regions.
    Request req = new Request();
    req.getExtendedData().put(REGION_AUTO_SIZE_PROPAGATOR, host);

    Object object = request.getExtendedData().get(REGION_AUTO_SIZE_PROPAGATOR);
    for (EditPart regionPart : getRegionParts()) {
      if (object != regionPart) {
        ctc.add(new CommandProxy(regionPart.getCommand(req)));

            domain, new RegionContainerUpdateLayoutOperation((Node) host.getModel())));
    return regionContainerAutoSizeCommand;
  boolean navigateNextAnchor(int direction) {
    EditPart focus = getCurrentViewer().getFocusEditPart();
    AccessibleAnchorProvider provider;
    provider = (AccessibleAnchorProvider) focus.getAdapter(AccessibleAnchorProvider.class);
    if (provider == null) return false;

    List list;
    if (isInState(STATE_ACCESSIBLE_DRAG_IN_PROGRESS)) list = provider.getTargetAnchorLocations();
    else list = provider.getSourceAnchorLocations();

    Point start = getLocation();
    int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    Point next = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      Point p = (Point) list.get(i);
      if (p.equals(start) || (direction != 0 && (start.getPosition(p) != direction))) continue;
      int d = p.getDistanceOrthogonal(start);
      if (d < distance) {
        distance = d;
        next = p;

    if (next != null) {
      return true;
    return false;
 /** Handle resize InteractionOperand {@inheritDoc} */
 protected Command getResizeCommand(ChangeBoundsRequest request) {
   if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.EAST_WEST) != 0) {
     EditPart parent = getHost().getParent().getParent();
     return parent.getCommand(request);
   } else {
     if (this.getHost() instanceof InteractionOperandEditPart
         && this.getHost().getParent()
             instanceof CombinedFragmentCombinedFragmentCompartmentEditPart) {
       InteractionOperandEditPart currentIOEP = (InteractionOperandEditPart) this.getHost();
       CombinedFragmentCombinedFragmentCompartmentEditPart compartEP =
           (CombinedFragmentCombinedFragmentCompartmentEditPart) this.getHost().getParent();
       // if first interaction operand and resize direction is NORTH
       if (this.getHost() == OperandBoundsComputeHelper.findFirstIOEP(compartEP)
           && (request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.NORTH) != 0) {
         return getHost().getParent().getParent().getCommand(request);
       } else {
         int heightDelta = request.getSizeDelta().height();
         if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.NORTH) != 0) {
           return OperandBoundsComputeHelper.createIOEPResizeCommand(
               currentIOEP, heightDelta, compartEP, PositionConstants.NORTH);
         } else if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.SOUTH) != 0) {
           return OperandBoundsComputeHelper.createIOEPResizeCommand(
               currentIOEP, heightDelta, compartEP, PositionConstants.SOUTH);
     return null;
예제 #6
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.core.util.mediator.request.IRequestConvert#convertSelectionToModelLisr(java.util.List)
    public List convertSelectionToModelLisr(List list) {
      List retValue = new ArrayList();
      int size = list.size();
      boolean isDummy = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        Object object = list.get(i);
        if (!(object instanceof EditPart)) {
        EditPart part = (EditPart) object;
        if (part instanceof DummyEditpart) {
          isDummy = true;
        } else if (isDummy) {
        } else if (part.getModel() instanceof ListBandProxy) {
          retValue.add(((ListBandProxy) part.getModel()).getSlotHandle());
        } else {
          Object model = part.getModel();
          if (model instanceof IAdaptable) {
            Object temp = ((IAdaptable) model).getAdapter(DesignElementHandle.class);
            model = temp == null ? model : temp;
          if (model instanceof ReportItemHandle) {
            ReportItemHandle handle = (ReportItemHandle) model;
            if (handle.getCurrentView() != null) {
              model = handle.getCurrentView();

      return retValue;
 private GraphElement getTargetElement() {
   if (selectedPart instanceof EventTreeEditPart) {
     return (GraphElement) selectedPart.getParent().getModel();
   } else {
     return (GraphElement) selectedPart.getModel();
   * This is to avoid RJS0007E Semantic refresh failed issue appears in compartments, which has only
   * one node. This should be replaced with the better approach
  public static void relocateStartNodes() {
    for (Iterator<EditPart> it = startNodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

      try {
        EditPart next = it.next();

        GraphicalEditPart gEditpart = (GraphicalEditPart) next;
        Rectangle rect = gEditpart.getFigure().getBounds().getCopy();
        SetBoundsCommand sbc =
            new SetBoundsCommand(
                "change location",
                new EObjectAdapter((View) next.getModel()),

        gEditpart.getDiagramEditDomain().getDiagramCommandStack().execute(new ICommandProxy(sbc));

      } catch (Exception e) {
    startNodes = new ArrayList<EditPart>();
   * Create a decoration based on a figure
   * @param decoratorTarget the decorator target
   * @param figure the figure
   * @param position the position
   * @param percentageFromSource the percentage from source
   * @param margin the margin
   * @param isVolatile the is volatile
   * @return the decoration
  public final IDecoration createDecorationFigure(
      IDecoratorTarget decoratorTarget,
      IFigure figure,
      int percentageFromSource,
      int margin,
      boolean isVolatile) {

    final View view = (View) decoratorTarget.getAdapter(View.class);
    org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.services.decorator.IDecoration decoration = null;
    if (view == null || view.eResource() == null || figure == null) {
      return decoration;
    EditPart editPart = (EditPart) decoratorTarget.getAdapter(EditPart.class);
    if (editPart == null || editPart.getViewer() == null) {
      return decoration;
    if (editPart instanceof GraphicalEditPart) {
      if (view instanceof Edge) {
        decoration =
            decoratorTarget.addConnectionDecoration(figure, percentageFromSource, isVolatile);
      } else {
        IFigure parentFig = ((GraphicalEditPart) editPart).getFigure();
        margin = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(parentFig).DPtoLP(margin);

        // Locator locator = new MultiIconTopRightLocator(parentFig, margin);

        // decoration = decoratorTarget.addDecoration(figure, locator, isVolatile);
        decoration =
                figure, IDecoratorTarget.Direction.NORTH_EAST, margin, isVolatile);
    return decoration;
    public Command getCreateLinkCommand(View source, View target, GenCommonBase linkType) {
      IElementType metamodelType = getElementType(linkType);
      CreateRelationshipRequest relationShipReq = new CreateRelationshipRequest(metamodelType);

      ConnectionViewAndElementDescriptor desc =
          new ConnectionViewAndElementDescriptor(
              new CreateElementRequestAdapter(relationShipReq),
              metamodelType instanceof IHintedType
                  ? ((IHintedType) metamodelType).getSemanticHint()
                  : "",

      CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest req = new CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest(desc);

      EditPart sourceEditPart = findEditPart(source);
      // Note: initializes the sourceCommand in the request
      Command sourceCmd = sourceEditPart.getCommand(req);
      if (sourceCmd == null || !sourceCmd.canExecute()) {
        return null;

      EditPart targetEditPart = target != null ? findEditPart(target) : null;
      if (targetEditPart != null) {
        req.setLocation(new Point(0, 0));
        Command targetCmd = targetEditPart.getCommand(req);
        return targetCmd;
      return null;
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * org.eclipse.gef.EditPartFactory#createEditPart(org.eclipse.gef.EditPart,
   * java.lang.Object)
  public EditPart createEditPart(EditPart context, Object model) {
    EditPart ret = null;
    if (model instanceof Diagram) {
      ret = new DiagramTreeEditPart(id, (Diagram) model);
    } else if (context instanceof AbstractGraphicsTreeEditPart) {
      EditPart root = context;
      while (root.getParent() != null) root = root.getParent();
      DiagramTreeEditPart dep = (DiagramTreeEditPart) root.getChildren().get(0);

      if (model instanceof RootElement) {
        ret = new RootElementTreeEditPart(dep, (RootElement) model);
      } else if (model instanceof FlowElement) {
        ret = new FlowElementTreeEditPart(dep, (FlowElement) model);
      } else if (model instanceof BaseElement) {
        ret = new BaseElementTreeEditPart(dep, (BaseElement) model);
      } else if (model instanceof BPMNDiagram) {
        ret = new Bpmn2DiagramTreeEditPart(dep, (BPMNDiagram) model);
      } else if (model instanceof BPMNShape) {
        ret = new Bpmn2ShapeTreeEditPart(dep, (BPMNShape) model);
      } else if (model instanceof BPMNEdge) {
        ret = new Bpmn2EdgeTreeEditPart(dep, (BPMNEdge) model);
    return ret;
 protected Command getCommand() {
   final EditPart targetEditPart = getTargetEditPart();
   final CompositeCommand compositeCommand =
       new CompositeCommand(
   EditPart timeline;
   if (targetEditPart instanceof FullStateInvariantEditPartCN) {
     final FullStateInvariantEditPartCN fullStateInvariantEditPartCN =
         (FullStateInvariantEditPartCN) targetEditPart;
     timeline =
             targetEditPart, FullLifelineTimelineCompartmentEditPartCN.VISUAL_ID);
         new CutAndInsertOccurrenceSpecificationCommand(
             fullStateInvariantEditPartCN, getLocation(), false));
   } else if (targetEditPart instanceof CompactStateInvariantEditPartCN) {
     final CompactStateInvariantEditPartCN compactStateInvariantEditPartCN =
         (CompactStateInvariantEditPartCN) targetEditPart;
     timeline =
             targetEditPart, CompactLifelineCompartmentEditPartCN.VISUAL_ID);
         new AddOccurrenceSpecificationInCompactLifelineCommand(
             compactStateInvariantEditPartCN, getLocation()));
   } else {
     return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;
   final Command updateLayoutCommand =
   compositeCommand.add(new CommandProxy(updateLayoutCommand));
   return new ICommandProxy(compositeCommand);
 public EditPart createEditPart(EditPart context, Object model) {
   EditPart part = null;
   if (model instanceof PigMapData) {
     part = new PigMapDataEditPart();
   } else if (model instanceof InputTable) {
     part = new PigMapInputTablePart();
   } else if (model instanceof OutputTable) {
     part = new PigMapOutputTablePart();
   } else if (model instanceof VarTable) {
     part = new PigMapVarTablePart();
   } else if (model instanceof TableNode) {
     part = new PigMapTableNodePart();
   } else if (model instanceof VarNode) {
     part = new PigMapVarNodeEditPart();
   } else if (model instanceof Connection) {
     part = new ConnectionEditPart();
   } else if (model instanceof LookupConnection) {
     part = new PigMapLookupConnectionPart();
   } else if (model instanceof FilterConnection) {
     part = new PigMapFilterConnectionPart();
   if (part != null) {
   return part;
   * Test if the selected item is a node.
   * @return true / false
  private boolean canPerformAction() {
    if (getSelectedObjects().isEmpty()) {
      return false;
    List parts = getSelectedObjects();
    if (parts.size() == 1) {
      Object o = parts.get(0);
      if (!(o instanceof NodePart)) {
        return false;
      NodePart part = (NodePart) o;
      if (!(part.getModel() instanceof INode)) {
        return false;
      node = (Node) part.getModel();

      EditPart parentPart = part.getParent();
      while (!(parentPart instanceof ProcessPart)) {
        parentPart = parentPart.getParent();
      if (!(parentPart instanceof ProcessPart)) {
        return false;
      process = (IProcess) ((ProcessPart) parentPart).getModel();
      setText(Messages.getString("PropertiesContextAction.Properties")); // $NON-NLS-1$
    return true;
   * This method is invoked when the user presses the space bar. It toggles the selection of the
   * EditPart that currently has focus.
  protected void processSelect(KeyEvent event) {
    EditPart part = getViewer().getFocusEditPart();
    if ((event.stateMask & SWT.CONTROL) != 0 && part.getSelected() != EditPart.SELECTED_NONE)
    else getViewer().appendSelection(part);

  * Method showSourceFeedback. Show the source drag feedback for the drag occurring within the
  * viewer.
 private void showSourceFeedback() {
   List editParts = getOperationSet();
   for (int i = 0; i < editParts.size(); i++) {
     EditPart editPart = (EditPart) editParts.get(i);
  * Compares semantically the two given edit parts
  * @param one The first edit part to be compared
  * @param other The second edit part to be compared
  * @return True if the two edit parts refer to the same model element, false otherwise
 private boolean semanticCompareEditParts(EditPart one, EditPart other) {
   if (one.getModel() instanceof View && other.getModel() instanceof View) {
     View view1 = (View) one.getModel();
     View view2 = (View) other.getModel();
     return view1 != null && view2 != null && view1.getElement() == view2.getElement();
   return false;
 private void checkStyleBeforeCustom(SWTBotGefEditPart botGefEditPart) {
   EditPart editPart = botGefEditPart.part();
   Node model = (Node) editPart.getModel();
   ShapeStyle shapeStyle = (ShapeStyle) model.getStyles().get(0);
   assertEquals("Wrong expected fill color.", EXPECTED_FILL_COLOR, shapeStyle.getFillColor());
   assertEquals("Wrong expected font height", EXPECTED_FONT_HEIGHT, shapeStyle.getFontHeight());
   assertEquals("Wrong expected font color", EXPECTED_FONT_COLOR, shapeStyle.getFontColor());
   assertEquals("Wrong expected line color", EXPECTED_LINE_COLOR, shapeStyle.getLineColor());
예제 #19
 public Command createOpacityCommand(final String opacity) {
   final Request opacityReq = new Request("opacity"); // $NON-NLS-1$
   final HashMap<String, String> reqData = new HashMap<String, String>();
   reqData.put("newOpacity", opacity); // $NON-NLS-1$
   final EditPart object = (EditPart) getSelectedObjects().get(0);
   final Command cmd = object.getCommand(opacityReq);
   return cmd;
  * Steps up the parent EditPart hierarchy until the parent is type of an {@link IPrimaryEditPart}.
  * If the given EditPart is already a {@link IPrimaryEditPart} it is directly returned.
  * @param editPart - EditPart to start from
  * @return The EditPart directly or one of the parent EditParts or {@code NULL} if none of the
  *     parents match IPrimaryEditPart
 protected IPrimaryEditPart getPrimaryEditPart(EditPart editPart) {
   IPrimaryEditPart ret = null;
   if (editPart instanceof IPrimaryEditPart) {
     return (IPrimaryEditPart) editPart;
   } else if (editPart.getParent() != null) {
     ret = getPrimaryEditPart(editPart.getParent());
   return ret;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void refreshChildren() {

    for (Object child : this.getChildren()) {
      EditPart part = (EditPart) child;
예제 #22
 public EditPart getMyRoot() {
   EditPart root = getRoot();
   Iterator iter = root.getChildren().iterator();
   EditPart part = null;
   while (iter.hasNext() && !(part instanceof SQLRootEditPart)) {
     part = (EditPart) iter.next();
   } // end of while ()
   return part;
  * Gets a command from each child in the group.
  * @param request
  * @return the compound command
 private Command getCommandFromChildren(Request request) {
   CompoundCommand cc = new CompoundCommand();
   for (Iterator iter = getHost().getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
     EditPart childEP = (EditPart) iter.next();
   return cc;
  * This method returns the target RegionEditPart if any, or returns null.
  * @return the target RegionEditPart
 public RegionEditPart getTargetRegionEditPart() {
   EditPart ep = getTargetEditPart();
   if ((ep != null)
       && (ep instanceof RegionCompartmentEditPart)
       && ep.getParent().getParent().equals(regionEP.getParent())) {
     return (RegionEditPart) ep.getParent();
   return null;
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.layout.LayouttoolInterface#getSource(org.eclipse.gef.EditPart)
 public EditPart getSource(EditPart element) {
   if (element.getModel() instanceof Edge) {
     Edge edge = (Edge) element.getModel();
     AbstractConnectionEditPart acep = (AbstractConnectionEditPart) element;
     return acep.getSource();
   return null;
예제 #26
 public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
   EditPart root = getContents();
   List v = root.getChildren();
   if (v != null) {
     int max = v.size();
     for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
       setCategoryEnabled((EditPart) v.get(i), enabled);
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.layout.LayouttoolInterface#isNode(org.eclipse.gef.EditPart)
 public boolean isNode(EditPart element) {
   if (element.getModel() instanceof Node) {
     if (GMFLayoutAreaCreator.getArea() != null
         && element.equals(GMFLayoutAreaCreator.getArea())) {
       return false;
     return true;
   return false;
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.layout.LayouttoolInterface#getBounds(org.eclipse.gef.EditPart)
 public Rectangle getBounds(EditPart element) {
   if (element.getModel() instanceof Node) {
     Node node = (Node) element.getModel();
     if (node.getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Bounds) {
       Bounds bounds = (Bounds) node.getLayoutConstraint();
       return new Rectangle(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
   return null;
   * Method eraseSourceFeedback. Show the source drag feedback for the drag occurring within the
   * viewer.
  private void eraseSourceFeedback() {
    if (!isShowingFeedback()) return;
    List editParts = getOperationSet();

    for (int i = 0; i < editParts.size(); i++) {
      EditPart editPart = (EditPart) editParts.get(i);
  void retrieveParameters(Request request) {
    EditPart editPart = getTargetEditPart(request);
    contract = (Contract) ((View) editPart.getModel()).getElement();
    mEditingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) editPart).getEditingDomain();

    IEditorPart activeEditor =
    diagramFile = ((IFileEditorInput) activeEditor.getEditorInput()).getFile();
    project = ((IResource) diagramFile).getProject();