public static void removeProxy(EObject root, Resource res) { Iterator iter = root.eAllContents(); while (iter.hasNext()) { doRemoveProxy((InternalEObject), res); } doRemoveProxy((InternalEObject) root, res); }
public void enrich(EObject model, Element e) { String defaultNamespace = e.getAttribute("base"); sigNodeMap = createMapping(theoryXPath, e, "name"); viewNodeMap = createMapping(viewXPath, e, "name"); sigObjMap = new HashMap<String, EObject>(); viewObjMap = new HashMap<String, EObject>(); TreeIterator<EObject> iter = model.eAllContents(); while (iter.hasNext()) { EObject obj =; if (obj instanceof signatureDeclaration) { signatureDeclaration sig = (signatureDeclaration) obj; if (sigNodeMap.containsKey(sig.getSigName())) { sigObjMap.put(sig.getSigName(), obj); Element elem = sigNodeMap.get(sig.getSigName()); String bs = defaultNamespace; if (elem.hasAttribute("base")) bs = elem.getAttribute("base"); sig.setFullURI(bs + "?" + sig.getSigName()); syncConstructs(sig.getDefs().getConstucts(), elem); } } if (obj instanceof viewDeclaration) { viewDeclaration view = (viewDeclaration) obj; if (viewNodeMap.containsKey(view.getViewID())) { Element elem = sigNodeMap.get(view.getViewID()); viewObjMap.put(view.getViewID(), obj); String bs = defaultNamespace; if (elem.hasAttribute("base")) bs = elem.getAttribute("base"); view.setFullURI(bs + "?" + view.getViewID()); syncConstructs(view.getViewDefs().getConstucts(), elem); } } } }
protected static EObject load(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri) { // ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // UMLResourcesUtil.init(resourceSet); // MDT/UML2 4.0.0 (Juno) Resource resource = new XMIResourceImpl(uri); EPackage.Registry packageRegistry = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE; try { System.out.println(resource); resource.load(null); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } System.out.println(resource.getContents().size()); Iterator<EObject> it = resource.getAllContents(); while (it.hasNext()) { EObject o =; if (o instanceof Activity) { System.out.println(o); Iterator<EObject> it2 = o.eAllContents(); while (it2.hasNext()) { EObject o2 =; System.out.println("\t" + o2); } } } return resource.getContents().get(0); }
/** * Retrieves all children, direct and indirect, and returns them as a set. The <code>amountOfWork * </code> for the progress monitor is also computed in this method. * * @param root the root EObject of the hierarchy * @return all direct and indirect contents of <code>root</code> */ protected static Set<EObject> getAllChildren(EObject root) { TreeIterator<EObject> allContents = root.eAllContents(); Set<EObject> result = new LinkedHashSet<EObject>(); while (allContents.hasNext()) { result.add(; // count every element three times: once for deletion, // once for setting attributes, once for setting references amountOfWork += 3; } return result; }
/** * Adds the given object and all its children to the interpretation stack such that they are * interpret in top down order. */ public void addObjectTreeToInterpreteTopDown(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject root) { java.util.List<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> objects = new java.util.ArrayList<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject>(); objects.add(root); java.util.Iterator<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> it = root.eAllContents(); while (it.hasNext()) { org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject = (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject); objects.add(eObject); } addObjectsToInterpreteInReverseOrder(objects); }
/** * Allows to construct a scope based on a single {@link EObject}. The constructed scope will * include the provided {@link EObject}, its direct and indirect contents ({@link * EObject#eAllContents()}) as well as its resource ({@link EObject#eResource}) in case one is * specified. * * @param eObject the {@link EObject} used to construct the scope. */ public GenericMatchScope(EObject eObject) { eObjectsInScope.add(eObject); final Iterator<EObject> iterator = eObject.eAllContents(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final EObject next =; eObjectsInScope.add(next); if (next.eResource() != null && !resourcesInScope.contains(next.eResource())) { resolveAll(next.eResource().getResourceSet()); resourcesInScope.add(next.eResource()); } } }
/** * Returns the {@link EPackage} with the given name, contained by the given root. * * @param name the name of the searched EPackage * @param root the root in which search the EPackage * @return the {@link EPackage} with the given name, contained by the given root, or null if no * EPackage has been found */ protected EObject findPackageNamed(final String name, final EObject root) { final TreeIterator<EObject> iter = root.eAllContents(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final EObject current =; if (current instanceof EPackage && ((EPackage) current).getName() != null && ((EPackage) current).getName().equals(name)) { return current; } } return null; }
/** * Check the '.emtl' file and report in the '.mtl' file some syntax errors when we use the * non-standard library. * * @param iFile is the '.mtl' file * @param oURI is the URI of the '.emtl' file */ private void checkFullOMGCompliance(File iFile, URI oURI) { try { AcceleoSourceBuffer buffer = new AcceleoSourceBuffer(iFile); ResourceSet oResourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); EObject oRoot = ModelUtils.load(oURI, oResourceSet); TreeIterator<EObject> oAllContents = oRoot.eAllContents(); while (oAllContents.hasNext()) { EObject oNext =; if (oNext instanceof OperationCallExp) { OperationCallExp oOperationCallExp = (OperationCallExp) oNext; if (oOperationCallExp.getReferredOperation() != null && oOperationCallExp.getReferredOperation().getEAnnotation("MTL non-standard") != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$ IFile workspaceFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .getRoot() .getFileForLocation(new Path(iFile.getAbsolutePath())); if (workspaceFile != null && workspaceFile.isAccessible() && oOperationCallExp.getStartPosition() > -1) { int line = buffer.getLineOfOffset(oOperationCallExp.getStartPosition()); AcceleoMarkerUtils.createMarkerOnFile( AcceleoMarkerUtils.PROBLEM_MARKER_ID, workspaceFile, line, oOperationCallExp.getStartPosition(), oOperationCallExp.getEndPosition(), AcceleoUIMessages.getString( "AcceleoCompileOperation.NotFullyCompliant", oOperationCallExp //$NON-NLS-1$ .getReferredOperation() .getName())); } } } } } catch (IOException e) { Status status = new Status(IStatus.WARNING, AcceleoUIActivator.PLUGIN_ID, e.getMessage(), e); AcceleoUIActivator.getDefault().getLog().log(status); } catch (CoreException e) { AcceleoUIActivator.getDefault().getLog().log(e.getStatus()); } }
/** * This standard implementation searches the tree for objects of the correct type with a name * attribute matching the identifier. */ protected void resolve( String identifier, ContainerType container, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference reference, int position, boolean resolveFuzzy, ssl.resource.ssl.ISslReferenceResolveResult<ReferenceType> result) { try { org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass type = reference.getEReferenceType(); org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject root = ssl.resource.ssl.util.SslEObjectUtil.findRootContainer(container); // first check whether the root element matches boolean continueSearch = checkElement(root, type, identifier, resolveFuzzy, true, result); if (!continueSearch) { return; } // then check the contents for (java.util.Iterator<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> iterator = root.eAllContents(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject element =; continueSearch = checkElement(element, type, identifier, resolveFuzzy, true, result); if (!continueSearch) { return; } } org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource = container.eResource(); if (resource != null) { org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri = getURI(identifier, resource.getURI()); if (uri != null) { org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject element = loadResource(container.eResource().getResourceSet(), uri); if (element == null) { return; } checkElement(element, type, identifier, resolveFuzzy, false, result); } } } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException rte) { // catch exception here to prevent EMF proxy resolution from swallowing it rte.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Returns all direct and indirect contents of <code>rootObject</code> as a map. All EObjects that * appear in these contents are mapped to their corresponding EClass. * * @param rootObject the EObject to get contents for * @return all contents as a map from EClass to lists of EObjects */ public static Map<EClass, List<EObject>> getAllClassesAndObjects(EObject rootObject) { // initialize the computation process Map<EClass, List<EObject>> result = new LinkedHashMap<EClass, List<EObject>>(); TreeIterator<EObject> allContents = rootObject.eAllContents(); List<EObject> newList = new LinkedList<EObject>(); newList.add(rootObject); result.put(rootObject.eClass(), newList); // iterate over all direct and indirect contents while (allContents.hasNext()) { EObject eObject =; // did this EObject's EClass appear before? if (result.containsKey(eObject.eClass())) { result.get(eObject.eClass()).add(eObject); } else { newList = new LinkedList<EObject>(); newList.add(eObject); result.put(eObject.eClass(), newList); } } return result; }
public Collection<EObject> getParticipants(EObject root, Object[] participantsTypes) { List<Object> participantsTypesList = Arrays.asList(participantsTypes); List<EObject> results = new ArrayList<EObject>(); // Evaluate root... if (participantsTypesList.contains(root.eClass())) { results.add(root); } // ... and all its content TreeIterator<EObject> it = root.eAllContents(); while (it.hasNext()) { EObject modelElement = (EObject); // Check that metaclass of this element is a supported metaclass if (participantsTypesList.contains(modelElement.eClass())) { results.add(modelElement); } } return results; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected ICommand getBeforeDuplicateCommand(DuplicateElementsRequest request) { Object additional = request.getParameter(IPapyrusDuplicateCommandConstants.ADDITIONAL_DUPLICATED_ELEMENTS); // additional element should be a set of elements that will be duplicated. If this is null, the // request will be ignored. if (!(additional instanceof Set<?>)) { return super.getBeforeDuplicateCommand(request); } Set<Object> duplicatedObjects = ((Set<Object>) additional); EObject object = getDuplicatedEObject(request); if (object == null || object.eResource() == null) { return super.getBeforeDuplicateCommand(request); } // retrieve the Tables linked to the object List<Table> tablesToDuplicate = new ArrayList<Table>(); ResourceSet resourceSet = object.eResource().getResourceSet(); ECrossReferenceAdapter adapter = ECrossReferenceAdapter.getCrossReferenceAdapter(resourceSet); if (adapter == null) { adapter = new ECrossReferenceAdapter(); resourceSet.eAdapters().add(adapter); } // do not proceed for graphical elements, which will have evident relationships to Diagrams // (owner, etc.) // not required for Table // if(object instanceof View) { // return super.getBeforeDuplicateCommand(request); // } // check for the element itself Collection<Setting> settings = adapter.getInverseReferences(object, false); for (Setting setting : settings) { EObject value = setting.getEObject(); if (value instanceof Table) { tablesToDuplicate.add((Table) value); } } // check for sub-elements for (Iterator<EObject> it = object.eAllContents(); it.hasNext(); ) { EObject child =; settings = adapter.getInverseReferences(child, false); for (Setting setting : settings) { EObject value = setting.getEObject(); if (value instanceof Table) { tablesToDuplicate.add((Table) value); } } } if (!tablesToDuplicate.isEmpty()) { CompositeCommand command = null; // create the command for all the Tables that have no command ready for (Table TableToDuplicate : tablesToDuplicate) { if (!duplicatedObjects.contains(TableToDuplicate)) { if (command == null) { command = new CompositeCommand( "", Arrays.asList( new DuplicateTableCommand( request.getEditingDomain(), "Duplicate Table", TableToDuplicate, request.getAllDuplicatedElementsMap()))); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { command.add( new DuplicateTableCommand( request.getEditingDomain(), "Duplicate Table", TableToDuplicate, request.getAllDuplicatedElementsMap())); // $NON-NLS-1$ } duplicatedObjects.add(TableToDuplicate); } } if (command != null) { if (super.getBeforeDuplicateCommand(request) != null) { command.add(super.getBeforeDuplicateCommand(request)); return command.reduce(); } else { return command.reduce(); } } } return super.getBeforeDuplicateCommand(request); }
public void update(@NonNull Resource asResource, @NonNull Collection<EObject> ecoreContents) { newCreateMap = new HashMap<@NonNull EObject, @NonNull Element>(); referencers = new HashSet<@NonNull EObject>(); genericTypes = new ArrayList<@NonNull EGenericType>(); PivotUtilInternal.refreshList( asResource.getContents(), Collections.singletonList(ClassUtil.nonNull(pivotModel))); List<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package> newPackages = new ArrayList<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package>(); for (EObject eObject : ecoreContents) { EClass eClass = eObject.eClass(); if (eClass.getEPackage() != EcorePackage.eINSTANCE) { error("Non Ecore " + eClass.getName() + " for Ecore2AS.update"); } else { Object pivotElement = declarationPass.doInPackageSwitch(eObject); if (pivotElement instanceof org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package) { newPackages.add((org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package) pivotElement); } else { error("Bad ecore content"); } } } PivotUtilInternal.refreshList(pivotModel.getOwnedPackages(), newPackages); Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Type> resolvedSpecializations = new HashMap<@NonNull String, @NonNull Type>(); for (@NonNull EGenericType eGenericType : genericTypes) { Type pivotType = resolveType(resolvedSpecializations, eGenericType); if (pivotType != null) { newCreateMap.put(eGenericType, pivotType); } } for (EObject eObject : referencers) { referencePass.doInPackageSwitch(eObject); } for (EObject eObject : referencers) { if (eObject instanceof EReference) { Property pivotElement = getCreated(Property.class, eObject); if (pivotElement != null) { Property oppositeProperty = pivotElement.getOpposite(); if ((oppositeProperty == null) && (eObject.eContainer() instanceof EClass)) { // Skip annotation references metamodelManager.installPropertyDeclaration(pivotElement); } } } } referencers = null; genericTypes = null; oldIdMap = new HashMap<@NonNull String, @NonNull Element>(); for (EObject ecoreContent : ecoreContents) { Resource resource = ecoreContent.eResource(); if (resource instanceof XMLResource) { XMLResource xmlResource = (XMLResource) resource; String id = xmlResource.getID(ecoreContent); if (id != null) { Element element = newCreateMap.get(ecoreContent); if (element != null) { oldIdMap.put(id, element); } } for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = ecoreContent.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) { EObject eObject =; id = xmlResource.getID(eObject); if (id != null) { Element element = newCreateMap.get(eObject); if (element != null) { oldIdMap.put(id, element); } } } } } }