public String getTableName(ENamedElement element) { String name = null; String typePrefix = null; if (element instanceof EClass) { typePrefix = TYPE_PREFIX_CLASS; name = DBAnnotation.TABLE_NAME.getValue(element); if (name == null) { name = isQualifiedNames() ? EMFUtil.getQualifiedName((EClass) element, NAME_SEPARATOR) : element.getName(); } } else if (element instanceof EPackage) { typePrefix = TYPE_PREFIX_PACKAGE; name = DBAnnotation.TABLE_NAME.getValue(element); if (name == null) { name = isQualifiedNames() ? EMFUtil.getQualifiedName((EPackage) element, NAME_SEPARATOR) : element.getName(); } } else { throw new ImplementationError("Unknown element: " + element); // $NON-NLS-1$ } String prefix = getTableNamePrefix(); if (prefix.length() != 0 && !prefix.endsWith(NAME_SEPARATOR)) { prefix += NAME_SEPARATOR; } return getName(prefix + name, typePrefix + getUniqueID(element), getMaxTableNameLength()); }
public void testCreatedErrors_06() { maxCallCount = 1; ImmutableList<ENamedElement> elements = ImmutableList.of(createEPackage(), createEDataType(), createEPackage()); for (ENamedElement classifier : elements) { classifier.setName("Same"); } helper.checkUniqueNames(Scopes.scopedElementsFor(elements), this, this); assertEquals(1, callCount); }
public void testCreatedErrors_04() { maxCallCount = 0; ImmutableList<ENamedElement> elements = ImmutableList.of(createEClass(), createEDataType(), createEPackage(), createEPackage()); for (ENamedElement classifier : elements) { classifier.setName("Same"); } expected.addAll(elements); helper.checkUniqueNames(Scopes.scopedElementsFor(elements), this, this); assertEquals(elements.size(), callCount); assertTrue(expected.isEmpty()); }
@Override public String eURIFragmentSegment(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature, EObject eObject) { if (eObject instanceof ENamedElement) { ENamedElement eNamedElement = (ENamedElement) eObject; String name = eNamedElement.getName(); if (name != null) { int count = 0; for (Object otherEObject : eContents()) { if (otherEObject == eObject) { break; } if (otherEObject instanceof ENamedElement) { ENamedElement otherENamedElement = (ENamedElement) otherEObject; if (name.equals(otherENamedElement.getName())) { ++count; } } } name = eEncodeValue(name); return count > 0 ? name + "." + count : name; } } else if (eObject instanceof EAnnotation) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = (EAnnotation) eObject; String source = eAnnotation.getSource(); if (source != null) { int count = 0; for (Object otherEObject : eContents()) { if (otherEObject == eObject) { break; } if (otherEObject instanceof EAnnotation) { EAnnotation otherEAnnotation = (EAnnotation) otherEObject; if (source.equals(otherEAnnotation.getSource())) { ++count; } } } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(source.length() + 5); result.append('%'); result.append(URI.encodeSegment(source, false)); result.append('%'); if (count > 0) { result.append('.'); result.append(count); } return result.toString(); } } return super.eURIFragmentSegment(eStructuralFeature, eObject); }
public void testCreatedErrors_07() { maxCallCount = 0; ImmutableList<ENamedElement> elements = ImmutableList.of( createEPackage(), createEDataType(), EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEEnumLiteral()); for (ENamedElement classifier : elements) { classifier.setName("Same"); } expected.add(elements.get(0)); expected.add(elements.get(2)); helper.checkUniqueNames(Scopes.scopedElementsFor(elements), this, this); assertEquals(elements.size(), callCount); assertTrue(expected.isEmpty()); }
private static StringBuffer qualifiedName(ENamedElement namedElement, StringBuffer buf) { if (buf == null) { buf = new StringBuffer(); } EObject container = namedElement.eContainer(); if (container instanceof ENamedElement) { ENamedElement owner = (ENamedElement) container; qualifiedName(owner, buf); buf.append("::"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } buf.append(namedElement.getName()); return buf; }
public String getLocalName(ENamedElement object) { String name = object != null ? object.getName() : null; return name != null ? name : "<???>"; }
/** * This method creates a {@link ReportingRecord} object with values from commodity , service * entity and attribute provided to it every hour. * * @param reportingExtension Extension object * @param vObj ServiceEntity object * @param attribute attribute reported on * @param commodityName Commodity named element * @param commodity {@link Commodity} object to get provider uuid * @param isNumProduces whether reporting on numProduces attribute * @return {@link ReportingRecord} object */ private ReportingRecord createReportingRecord( ReportingExtension reportingExtension, VMTRootObject vObj, EStructuralFeature attribute, ENamedElement commodityName, Commodity commodity, boolean isNumProduces, long snapshotTime) { ReportingRecord record = ReportingFactory.eINSTANCE.createReportingRecord(); try { // long snapshotTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - (1000*60*60)); if (reportingExtension.eClass() == ReportingExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getCommodityReportingExt()) { CommodityReportingExt crExt = (CommodityReportingExt) reportingExtension; if (crExt.getMinUtilization() == -1d || crExt.getMaxUtilization() == -1d) { return null; } record.setTimeStamp(snapshotTime); record.setSeUuId(vObj.getUuid()); record.setPropertyType(commodityName.getName()); record.setPropertySubType(attribute.getName()); record.setMinUtilization(crExt.getMinUtilization()); record.setMaxUtilization(crExt.getMaxUtilization()); record.setAvgUtilization(crExt.getAvgUtilization()); record.setCapacity(crExt.getCapacity()); record.setRelation(crExt.getRelation()); if (crExt.getCommodityKey() != null) { String commodityKey = truncateString(crExt.getCommodityKey(), 80); record.setCommodityKey(commodityKey); } if (!commodity.getConsumes().isEmpty() && commodity.getConsumes().get(0).getSoldBy() != null) { record.setProviderUuId(commodity.getConsumes().get(0).getSoldBy().getUuid()); } // record.setStdDev(0); } else if (reportingExtension.eClass() == ReportingExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getServiceEntityReportingExt()) { ServiceEntityReportingExt seExt = (ServiceEntityReportingExt) reportingExtension; if (isNumProduces) { if (seExt.getMinNumProduces() == -1 || seExt.getMaxNumProduces() == -1) { return null; } record.setTimeStamp(snapshotTime); record.setSeUuId(vObj.getUuid()); record.setPropertyType(attribute.getName()); record.setPropertySubType(attribute.getName()); record.setMinUtilization(seExt.getMinNumProduces()); record.setMaxUtilization(seExt.getMaxNumProduces()); record.setAvgUtilization(seExt.getAvgProduces()); record.setRelation(-1); record.setCommodityKey(null); // record.setStdDev(0); } else { if (seExt.getMinPropValue() == -1d || seExt.getMaxPropValue() == -1d) { return null; } if (attribute == AnalysisPackage.eINSTANCE.getServiceEntity_PriceIndex()) { if ((seExt.getMinPropValue() < 0) || (seExt.getMaxPropValue() < 0) || (seExt.getAvgPropValue() < 0)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.error( "SE : " + vObj.toVMTString() + " has max, min and avg PriceIndex values of " + seExt.getMaxPropValue() + ", " + seExt.getMinPropValue() + " and " + seExt.getAvgPropValue() + " respectively"); } return null; } } record.setTimeStamp(snapshotTime); record.setSeUuId(vObj.getUuid()); record.setPropertyType(attribute.getName()); record.setPropertySubType(attribute.getName()); record.setRelation(-1); record.setCommodityKey(null); record.setMinUtilization(seExt.getMinPropValue()); record.setMaxUtilization(seExt.getMaxPropValue()); record.setAvgUtilization(seExt.getAvgPropValue()); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in creating record ", e); } return record; }
public boolean isEnabled(EClass c, ENamedElement element) { return prefs.getBoolean(c.getName() + "." + element.getName(), true); }
/** @generated */ private static String getImageRegistryKey(ENamedElement element) { return element.getName(); }
@Override public EObject eObjectForURIFragmentSegment(String uriFragmentSegment) { int length = uriFragmentSegment.length(); if (length > 0) { // Is the first character a special character, i.e., something other than '@'? // char firstCharacter = uriFragmentSegment.charAt(0); if (firstCharacter != '@') { // Is it the start of a source URI of an annotation? // if (firstCharacter == '%') { // Find the closing '%' // int index = uriFragmentSegment.lastIndexOf("%"); boolean hasCount = false; if (index == length - 1 || (hasCount = uriFragmentSegment.charAt(index + 1) == '.')) { // Decode all encoded characters. // String source = URI.decode(uriFragmentSegment.substring(1, index)); // Check for a count, i.e., a '.' followed by a number. // int count = 0; if (hasCount) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(uriFragmentSegment.substring(index + 2)); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { throw new WrappedException(exception); } } // Look for the annotation with the matching source. // for (Object object : eContents()) { if (object instanceof EAnnotation) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = (EAnnotation) object; if (source.equals(eAnnotation.getSource()) && count-- == 0) { return eAnnotation; } } } return null; } } // Look for trailing count. // int index = uriFragmentSegment.lastIndexOf("."); String name = index == -1 ? uriFragmentSegment : uriFragmentSegment.substring(0, index); int count = 0; if (index != -1) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(uriFragmentSegment.substring(index + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { // Interpret it as part of the name. // name = uriFragmentSegment; } } name = URI.decode(name); // Look for a matching named element. // for (Object object : eContents()) { if (object instanceof ENamedElement) { ENamedElement eNamedElement = (ENamedElement) object; if (name.equals(eNamedElement.getName()) && count-- == 0) { return eNamedElement; } } } return null; } } return super.eObjectForURIFragmentSegment(uriFragmentSegment); }