static void refreshGrid() {
    if (styleGrid != null) {

    styleGrid = new Group(shell, SWT.NONE);
    styleGrid.setText(xAxis.getName() + " vs. " + yAxis.getName());
    styleGrid.setLayout(new GridLayout(xAxis.getCount() + 1, false));
    styleGrid.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.TOP, true, true, 1, 1));

    // put blank label in top left corner
    Label label = new Label(styleGrid, SWT.NONE);

    // add x-axis labels
    for (int x = 0; x < xAxis.getCount(); x++) {
      label = new Label(styleGrid, SWT.NONE);
      label.setText(xAxis.getName() + " =\n" + xAxis.getAt(x).getName());

    // iterate over the y-axis style settings
    for (int y = 1; y < yAxis.getCount() + 1; y++) {

      // add y-axis label for this row
      label = new Label(styleGrid, SWT.NONE);
      label.setText(yAxis.getName() + " =\n" + yAxis.getAt(y - 1).getName());

      // iterate over the x-axis style settings
      for (int x = 1; x < xAxis.getCount() + 1; x++) {

        // create a sample shape instance
        Shape shape;
        if (sampleShape == Polyline.class) {
          Polyline poly = new Polyline();
          poly.addPoint(new Point(20, 20));
          poly.addPoint(new Point(50, 80));
          poly.addPoint(new Point(10, 50));
          shape = poly;
        } else {
          try {
            shape = (Shape) sampleShape.getConstructor(null).newInstance(null);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Could not find a no args constructor for " + sampleShape.getName());
          shape.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 75));

        // apply default style

        // apply styles imposed by each axis
        xAxis.applyTo(shape, x - 1);
        yAxis.applyTo(shape, y - 1);

        FigureCanvas figureBox = new FigureCanvas(styleGrid);
 public void applyTo(Shape shape, int i) {
   shape.setAntialias((int) elements[i].getValue());